Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

I remember when a lot of stores stopped letting you pay for lotto tickets with a credit card. Maybe that was the store, not the credit card company, though.

If you've ever run a business, you would know exactly why they wouldn't want you using a credit card to buy lotto tickets.
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.
They must be against slaughtered children. Shame the right isn’t. We are the only country in the world with a school shooting problem..
We're also the only country in the world that exploits dead children for political gain.
Heather Mclellan, a company spokesperson, told Monday “our policy is not new, nor has it changed” when questioned why the credit service reportedly refunded customers for sales made at gun-related stores, leaving business owners unpaid.

“Our company does NOT prohibit ANY of these regulated industries — including the firearms industry — from using QuickBooks for payment processing,” she said. “In fact, many do so today. However, for these transactions our bank partner requires them to be done face-to-face. To meet this requirement, our policy today requires the customer to be present to swipe their credit card.”

Ken Campbell, owner of Gunsite Academy in Paulden, Arizona, told the newspaper Intuit took issue with one of his gun sales, despite his assurance the firearm would be transferred via a federally licensed gun dealer near the customer’s home.

“When transactions are ‘keyed in’ by the vendor – including online and over the phone – Intuit cannot verify that the customer was present,” Mclellan said, noting the issue conflicts with Intuit’s “long standing financial safety policies in the electronics payment industry.”

“All of our customers agree to these terms when they sign on to use our services,” she said. “When a customer of ours is unable or unwilling to meet this commitment, we reach out to them directly to explore a solution to the problem or to transition them off of our service.”

Campbell told the newspaper he would have never chosen Intuit as a payment processor had he known about the policy. “It’s fine, it’s capitalism, and if you don’t want to do business with us, we don’t want to do business with you,” he said.

Intuit: We didn’t stop processing all gun sales

so some toothless fuck can't play by the rules and it's intuit's fault?

didn't you clowns used to bray about personal responsibility?

Seems like free market at work, why do snowflake conservatives despise the free market so much?
Heather Mclellan, a company spokesperson, told Monday “our policy is not new, nor has it changed” when questioned why the credit service reportedly refunded customers for sales made at gun-related stores, leaving business owners unpaid.

“Our company does NOT prohibit ANY of these regulated industries — including the firearms industry — from using QuickBooks for payment processing,” she said. “In fact, many do so today. However, for these transactions our bank partner requires them to be done face-to-face. To meet this requirement, our policy today requires the customer to be present to swipe their credit card.”

Ken Campbell, owner of Gunsite Academy in Paulden, Arizona, told the newspaper Intuit took issue with one of his gun sales, despite his assurance the firearm would be transferred via a federally licensed gun dealer near the customer’s home.

“When transactions are ‘keyed in’ by the vendor – including online and over the phone – Intuit cannot verify that the customer was present,” Mclellan said, noting the issue conflicts with Intuit’s “long standing financial safety policies in the electronics payment industry.”

“All of our customers agree to these terms when they sign on to use our services,” she said. “When a customer of ours is unable or unwilling to meet this commitment, we reach out to them directly to explore a solution to the problem or to transition them off of our service.”

Campbell told the newspaper he would have never chosen Intuit as a payment processor had he known about the policy. “It’s fine, it’s capitalism, and if you don’t want to do business with us, we don’t want to do business with you,” he said.

Intuit: We didn’t stop processing all gun sales

so some toothless fuck can't play by the rules and it's intuit's fault?

didn't you clowns used to bray about personal responsibility?


LoL, nothing like watching snowflakes melt like little bitches when they think someone is preventing them from buying guns with money they don't have.
They must be against slaughtered children. Shame the right isn’t. We are the only country in the world with a school shooting problem..

Let me support Planned parenthood and all that....but accuse the Right of slaughtering children???

hypocrisy much?
I’ve seen the grieving families and friends of children shot. Where are the grieving families and friends from abortions?
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.

Thanks for letting me know. Amazing opportunity to short this company and make ton of money.

Shorting leftist infiltrated companies is a duty and an honor. Not to mention profitable.

Remember to never let leftists in or this will be the fate of your life's work. They didn't even have any trouble taking a shit on Star Wars... on our childhoods. They spare nothing.
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.
They must be against slaughtered children. Shame the right isn’t. We are the only country in the world with a school shooting problem..
We're also the only country in the world that exploits dead children for political gain.
Saving lives isn’t political gain.
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.
They must be against slaughtered children. Shame the right isn’t. We are the only country in the world with a school shooting problem..
We're also the only country in the world that exploits dead children for political gain.
Saving lives isn’t political gain.
I agree. Perhaps you should pursue a policy that does save lives instead of exploiting dead and traumatized children. Gun restrictions and bans aren't policies that work or accomplish saving lives.
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.
They must be against slaughtered children. Shame the right isn’t. We are the only country in the world with a school shooting problem..
We're also the only country in the world that exploits dead children for political gain.
Saving lives isn’t political gain.
I agree. Perhaps you should pursue a policy that does save lives instead of exploiting dead and traumatized children. Gun restrictions and bans aren't policies that work or accomplish saving lives.

Funny. Countries with strong gun control don’t have these problems.
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.
They must be against slaughtered children. Shame the right isn’t. We are the only country in the world with a school shooting problem..

Terrorist and Criminals ignore gun laws.
Even if the Democrats had their little Nazi dream come true and they banned guns.
They would only be disarming innocent people.
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.
They must be against slaughtered children. Shame the right isn’t. We are the only country in the world with a school shooting problem..

Terrorist and Criminals ignore gun laws.
Even if the Democrats had their little Nazi dream come true and they banned guns.
They would only be disarming innocent people.
Even angry children get guns here. Other countries don’t have these problems because they have much stronger laws. Our homicide rate is 4-5X they of other civilized countries.
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.
They must be against slaughtered children. Shame the right isn’t. We are the only country in the world with a school shooting problem..

Terrorist and Criminals ignore gun laws.
Even if the Democrats had their little Nazi dream come true and they banned guns.
They would only be disarming innocent people.
Even angry children get guns here. Other countries don’t have these problems because they have much stronger laws. Our homicide rate is 4-5X they of other civilized countries.

Explain how you would enforce a gun ban.
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.
Nice spin from Fox Business and Napolitano (if he wasn't quoted out of context......... )

Intuit: We didn’t stop processing all gun sales

It would appear their policy is face to face transactions, on all purchases........
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.

I wonder how they'd feel if their customers quit paying their bills to protest political issues?
Even angry children get guns here. Other countries don’t have these problems because they have much stronger laws. Our homicide rate is 4-5X they of other civilized countries.

The Million Dollar question is......

So why the HELL don't you get off your lazy ass and MOVE to one of those wonderful, "safe" countries and quit your bitchin ????

(btw, have you ever checked to see who's committing all those homicides even if what you said was true? 99% of it is committed by people who vote just like you, have the same political ideology as you and think just like you. Shocker huh?)
Looks like another hard left big business has taken the "Disarm Americans" approach.
Intuit has decided not to allow it's customers to use it's credit services to purchase firearms.

Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

We are as divided a nation now as have ever been.
Continuing on this path can only bring us closer to decisive action that finally settles these differences. Even though ultimately it won't.

It seems to boil down to the fact that only like minded people are capable of coexisting harmoniously together in a society. The rest is forced cooperation that eventually results in a large number of disgruntled people.

The Right Wing desperately needs to create it's own mega Search engines to compete with Google, it's own banks to finance it's own best interests and it's own media and entertainment industries because as it is now, the Left pretty much controls all of the above and then some.

That anyone on the Right still has a voice at all is vivid testimony to a general disdain for Leftist policies.

The US should break up into 2-4 other countries, that way cons can have a red state shithole country all their own, everyone has guns (if you're white that is), slavery is made legal in their Constitution, Robert E Lee won the Civil War in their textbooks and wasn't a traitor, women can't vote and don't have any rights, all minorities are made to wear the Star of David or whatever symbol best describes them. And they can build a wall 50 feet high around their entire cult compound, and their country shall be called Fake JesusLand and Batshittia.

Get to it cons, you know it's your wettest of dreams.

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