Criminalizing transgender parenting


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Per the field of evolutionary psychology, as per scientists such as Pinker, Wright, and others, the myths upon which the transgender fads and cults are predicated on, such as archaic 19th century "black slate" worldviews (which were contrary to the philosophy of the common law even during that area), or outright conspiracy theories, based on silly myths and fables of nonexistent "trans people" having some sacred status in indigenous cultures, or "gender roles" being the product of an anarchist conspiracy theory, rather than a natural result of the inherent and genetic difference between the sexes (for good or ill).

Based on said science, and the sound debunking of the liars and conspiracy theorists associated with informal "transgender" movements and fads, which could go on to inform the future of medicine, psychology, psychiatry, and such as a private practice, I think this might pave sound ground for criminalizing transgender parenting altogether as child abuse, or banning any form of sexual reassignment or hormone therapy for boys and girls who haven't reached the legal age of adulthood, along with the banning of any media associated with transgender or LGBT cult propaganda, predicated on the falsehoods and erroneous notions which I have mentioned.

Those continuing to promote this cult in light of the sciences of evolution and its affiliated psychologies should merely be branded as conspiracy theorists or anti-science, and ignored, if not censored and penalized out right for expressing these fringe and erroneous views under the veil of "freez peach".

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