Criminals know the vast majority of New Yorkers are unarmed and helpless

Crime rates in LA and Chicago are down too

They're WAY down in counties where citizens are encouraged to carry.

Then why do countries with much stricter gun controls than us have one third of our murder rate?

How many people were murdered by their own governments, after their own governments passed restrictive gun control and confiscation laws, so that those people can't defend themselves against being murdered by their own government?
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NYC on track to be nation’s safest city

Welcome to Mayberry, NYC.

Murder in New York has dropped to levels not seen since the 1950s, and is falling so fast the Big Apple could finish the year with the lowest homicide rate of any big city in the nation.

There have been 279 homicides in the city through Oct. 31, down 23 percent from the 364 logged in the same 10-month period last year. The city is on pace for about 100 fewer slayings this year than the 419 it recorded last year, which was the lowest figure since 1962 when police began keeping reliable records....

NYC on track to be nation?s safest city | New York Post

If gun control worked, it would be down more than this. There is only 25% less. Might just be a slow year. I don't think the gun control is the reason. Chicago has had strict gun control for a while, yet the crime rates continued to be alarming.

Defending yourself against attackers is not a bad thing. Considering that the left deems it a crime to shoot intruders, it is possible that there have been less people defending themselves in the last year?
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

Oh yeah - the multiple instances of people having their heads bashed in with hammers is evidence of how "safe" it is!

Tell me, how do you explain the fact that crime plummets where ever conceal carry laws are implemented and areas with little or no gun restrictions enjoy exponentially lower crime rates than New York?
Much like they did Detroit, the cancer known as liberalism is destroying New York...

New York City is the epitome of PC liberal insanity. Due to decades of revulsion in response to the fact individuals are responsible for their own self defense and an illogical fear of firearms, thousands of people have suffered and many have died at the hands of psychopaths and violent criminals.

Criminals know they have nothing to fear. They know the vast majority of New Yorkers are unarmed and helpless. The police long ago admitted it is not their responsibility to protect the public. Police exist in New York and other large cities primarily to generate revenue for the state.

The latest incident demonstrating you have to be insane to live in New York occurred the other day in the Rockaway Avenue and Fulton Street A and C train station in Bedford-Stuyvesant. An emigre from Guyana was hit in the head with a hammer as he bought a transit card. He is lucky to be alive. The hammer-wielding attacker stole $140 from the commuter.

If NYC Allowed the 2nd Amendment, this Criminal Would be Dead as a Hammer

First of all -- when oh when are we going to start registering hammers? I'm especially opposed to assault hammers like the one used in the subway. I believe it had a black handle. I'm also totally opposed to law-abiding citizens having hammers of their own. I believe that anyone caught with a conceal-carry hammer should be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law.

Secondly, I believe that we should put all of our trust in the NY Police Department to protect it's citizens. Common sense says that when seconds matter there's a cop just minutes away. Just talk to your assailant until a cop gets around to arriving. Don't worry about the heavy traffic. He'll get there sooner or later. Just put pressure on your gaping wound and sing a lullaby to the assailant until the cop arrives. You'll be fine. WHATEVER you do -- don't be a vigilante and attempt to protect yourself. You must remember that you're in the liberal bastion of New York City where self protection is frowned upon.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
I doubt a person intent on commiting a crime is really concerned
about gun laws....

Most murders are not from a person in the act of committing a crime. Most murder victims knew their slayer. Domestic violence is still a major contributor to the murder rate

Liberalism means never having to have facts or knowledge before speaking out...

"Most murder victims" wouldn't be murder victims had they been armed you mental midget....:eusa_doh:
They're WAY down in counties where citizens are encouraged to carry.

Then why do countries with much stricter gun controls than us have one third of our murder rate?

How many people were murdered by their own governments, after their own governments passed restrictive gun control and confiscation laws, so that those people can't defend themselves against being murdered by their own government?

So what does that have to do with you having guns?
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

Typical liberal "logic" - it's ok that this man had his head bashed in with a hammer, is having trouble even eating because of the injuries he sustained, and had a $140 stolen from him because he didn't die... :eusa_doh:
Much like they did Detroit, the cancer known as liberalism is destroying New York...

New York City is the epitome of PC liberal insanity. Due to decades of revulsion in response to the fact individuals are responsible for their own self defense and an illogical fear of firearms, thousands of people have suffered and many have died at the hands of psychopaths and violent criminals.

Criminals know they have nothing to fear. They know the vast majority of New Yorkers are unarmed and helpless. The police long ago admitted it is not their responsibility to protect the public. Police exist in New York and other large cities primarily to generate revenue for the state.

The latest incident demonstrating you have to be insane to live in New York occurred the other day in the Rockaway Avenue and Fulton Street A and C train station in Bedford-Stuyvesant. An emigre from Guyana was hit in the head with a hammer as he bought a transit card. He is lucky to be alive. The hammer-wielding attacker stole $140 from the commuter.

If NYC Allowed the 2nd Amendment, this Criminal Would be Dead as a Hammer

NYC's gun control laws are NOT solely a 'Liberal Problem'.

"Conservative political pundit George Will wrote that at the end of Giuliani's time as mayor he had run the most conservative government in America in the last 50 or 60 years."

"As mayor of New York, Giuliani was a proponent of gun control, but, while running for President, has made statements supporting the right to carry concealed weapons.[75]

During his time in the United States Department of Justice in the early 1980s, Giuliani said that a mandatory waiting period before purchasing a handgun was "sensible and moderate".[76]

As Mayor of New York, Giuliani became a nationally visible figure in favor of national gun control measures, beginning with an appearance on Meet the Press in late 1993.[76] He was in favor of the 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban.[52]

Giuliani and then-president Bill Clinton exchanged correspondence in 1994 regarding Giuliani's support for the assault weapons ban. Clinton wrote to Giuliani in a May 6, 1994 letter: "Thank you very much for your efforts on behalf of H.R. 4296, the assault weapons ban." Clinton continued:

"With your support and encouragement, the U.S. House of Representatives took a critical step toward getting assault weapons off the streets, out of neighborhoods, and out of the hands of criminals."

Clinton further said that he was "grateful" for Giuliani's "dedicated" support of the legislation.

On May 31, 1994 Giuliani replied, "Thank you for your autographed photo and kind note." He added, "Please know that you have my continued support for this crucial legislation." An October 13 letter thanked Clinton for a signing pen and said, "I look forward to continuing to work with you to reduce crime . . . ."[77]

He appeared on the Charlie Rose Show in 1995 and compared the National Rifle Association with "extremists." He said that the anti-gun control positions of many Republicans are "terrible for states and cities. "
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

Oh yeah - the multiple instances of people having their heads bashed in with hammers is evidence of how "safe" it is!

Tell me, how do you explain the fact that crime plummets where ever conceal carry laws are implemented and areas with little or no gun restrictions enjoy exponentially lower crime rates than New York? like ya got me thar


How do you explain historically low murder rates in NYC AFTER gun restrictions were passed? The best way to evaluate before and after gun restrictions is in the same location not comparing to some backwater town
Crime rates in LA and Chicago are down too

They're WAY down in counties where citizens are encouraged to carry.

Then why do countries with much stricter gun controls than us have one third of our murder rate?

Nobody knows how to parrot ignorant liberal misinformation quite like wrongwinger...

“First, let’s just be clear that lots of nations, including “civilized” ones, suffer from higher overall murder and gun murder rates than America. In 2011, the U.S. murder rate was 4.7 per 100,000 people and the gun murder rate was 3.2. Much of Eastern Europe, most of Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, Africa, all but one South American nation, and all of Central America and Mexico suffer from higher murder rates than we do. For example, despite very strict gun control, homicide rates in Russia and Brazil have averaged about four to five times higher than ours over the last decade. As the Washington Post reported:

The dubious distinction of having the most gun violence goes to Honduras, at 68.43 homicides by firearm per 100,000 people, even though it only has 6.2 firearms per 100 people. Other parts of South America and South Africa also rank highly, while the United States is somewhere near the mid-range.”

Excerpt From: Beck, Glenn. “Control.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: Control

Tell me wrongwinger, are you ever humiliated by your ignorance on every topic?
I doubt a person intent on commiting a crime is really concerned
about gun laws....

Stop and frisk was credited with being a huge reason why crime is down.
But the Libs freaked about it and now with an Uber Liberal running the city
that has been modified...

We shall see.

Do you think that people walking down the street should be "stopped and frisked" with no real probable cause? I agree that a person intent on committing a crime doesn't give a damn about gun laws. New York is definitely not a pro-second amendment state.
Can you imagine if the people in China had a second amendment?

Do you think the communist government would still be in power if the people of China were armed?
Then why do countries with much stricter gun controls than us have one third of our murder rate?

How many people were murdered by their own governments, after their own governments passed restrictive gun control and confiscation laws, so that those people can't defend themselves against being murdered by their own government?

So what does that have to do with you having guns?

What does my having guns have to do with you?
Criminals know the vast majority of New Yorkers are unarmed and helpless

This is a post hoc fallacy.

There is no evidence that a given state’s gun laws result in 'more crime,' or that criminals in a given state will feel ‘emboldened’ to commit crime because of that state’s gun laws.

The OP only demonstrates once again that he is an ignorant, tedious partisan hack.

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