Criminals know the vast majority of New Yorkers are unarmed and helpless

Now all of a sudden liberals are for stop and frisk?? Yeah it works, but that hasn't stopped most liberal where I live from saying its raccccisst. *michael savage sheep voice*

Sure it can be racist or 'racial profiling', my gripe is that I don't think it's Constitutional to randomly stop people and frisk them if they aren't breaking any law. I am willing to bet that many conservatives who support the 'stop and frisk' laws , would be up in arms if someone was stopped and frisked because the officer thought that the "Don't tread on Me" tee shirt the person was wearing was 'suspicious' and when he turned and looked a the police office and glanced away and scratched himself, it was a 'furtive movement'. :)
Homicide and other violent crime in NYC has dropped dramatically in the past ten years. New York is the safest of our big cities. You want gun crime? Go to a red state. The red states are also tops at meth cooking, child prostitution, divorce, obesity,diabetes, racial hate crimes and tearful "Come to Jesus" revival meetings.
Well....that is very authoritarian of you.

I'm thinking you have never been unnecessarily harassed by law enforcement.

I never have. Have you? I grew up with family in the NYPD, and they all support stop and frisk, so call it what you want, but I know it's made NYC a safer place.

I have been.....but not in this country. It isn't pleasant. It is not what this country is about.

My son is a police officer. So....if. I were a selfish loser...I'd support this kind of government sanctioned harassment and invasion of privacy. But...since I am a liberal who values our freedoms....I put that aside and stand against it.

By the way.....when you say all.....are you sure?

I can assure you, all the cops in my family are 100% in support of the law.
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I never have. Have you? I grew up with family in the NYPD, and they all support stop and frisk, so call it what you want, but I know it's made NYC a safer place.

I have been.....but not in this country. It isn't pleasant. It is not what this country is about.

My son is a police officer. So....if. I were a selfish loser...I'd support this kind of government sanctioned harassment and invasion of privacy. But...since I am a liberal who values our freedoms....I put that aside and stand against it.

By the way.....when you say all.....are you sure?

I can assure you, all the cops in my family are 100% in support of the law.

I have been.....but not in this country. It isn't pleasant. It is not what this country is about.

My son is a police officer. So....if. I were a selfish loser...I'd support this kind of government sanctioned harassment and invasion of privacy. But...since I am a liberal who values our freedoms....I put that aside and stand against it.

By the way.....when you say all.....are you sure?

I can assure you, all the cops in my family are 100% in support of the law.


How so?
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

Then what's your excuse for Chicago and Washington D.C.?

Haven't seen the DC numbers but Chicago murders are way down

What is your excuse for New Orleans huge murder rate with some of the laxist gun laws in the country?

100% of the NYC police officers you know are in favor of harassing citizens.

Would you support any policy simply because they support it?

The claim was 100% of the cops that are in my family support the law. Learn how to read.

Oh? Do you know some who don't support it? Maybe I need to restate. How many NYC police officers do you know who do not support the law?
100% of the NYC police officers you know are in favor of harassing citizens.

Would you support any policy simply because they support it?

The claim was 100% of the cops that are in my family support the law. Learn how to read.

Oh? Do you know some who don't support it? Maybe I need to restate. How many NYC police officers do you know who do not support the law?

I can't believe you're this stupid. I'm talking about people in MY FAMILY that are cops, not all cops.
The claim was 100% of the cops that are in my family support the law. Learn how to read.

Oh? Do you know some who don't support it? Maybe I need to restate. How many NYC police officers do you know who do not support the law?

I can't believe you're this stupid. I'm talking about people in MY FAMILY that are cops, not all cops.

Yeah. I get it. I said people you said people in your family. HUGE difference. Certainly something for you to get hung up on.

Do you, in fact, know any NYC police officers who are NOT members of your family?
I doubt a person intent on commiting a crime is really concerned
about gun laws....

Most murders are not from a person in the act of committing a crime. Most murder victims knew their slayer. Domestic violence is still a major contributor to the murder rate

Actually the methodology of the claim that most murdered people knew their murderer has been shown to be false. But you keep repeating it.
New York City Murder Rate In 2013 Reaches Historic Low

New York City had fewer murders in 2013 than any year in its recorded history, according to a statement from the mayor's office.

As of Sunday, December 29, 333 people were murdered in New York City, a 20 percent drop from last year's record low of 417 murders.

The less-than-a-murder-a-day rate is a dramatic change from 2001, when there were 641 murders in New York City, and from 1991, when the murder rate skyrocketed to a record-high 2,245. In 1963, when the NYPD first started recording the number of murders per year, there were 548 homicides in the city.

Twice this year, New York City went for a week or longer without a single murder. During a cold spell in January, the city was murder-less for nine consecutive days. In October, the city went seven straight days without a homicide.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly have previously attributed the steep decline in the city's murder rate to an aggressive stop-and-frisk policy. Statistics show, however, that 2013's historically low murder rate coincided with a 60 percent drop in police stops.

Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Chicago also experienced a big drop in murders this year, The New York Times reports.

Twice this year, New York City went 24 hours without a shooting or stabbing. As The New York Daily News reported in November, an average of 3.6 people are shot per day in New York City.

As of October 29, there were 849 shootings in New York City, a 23 percent drop from the same period in 2012, when there were 1,145 shootings.

Suggest a correction

Your claim that the low murder rate is due to strict firearm laws flies in the face of the fact that at the height of the murders when so many were committed the SAME LAWS WERE IN EFFECT.
NYC on track to be nation’s safest city

Welcome to Mayberry, NYC.

Murder in New York has dropped to levels not seen since the 1950s, and is falling so fast the Big Apple could finish the year with the lowest homicide rate of any big city in the nation.

There have been 279 homicides in the city through Oct. 31, down 23 percent from the 364 logged in the same 10-month period last year. The city is on pace for about 100 fewer slayings this year than the 419 it recorded last year, which was the lowest figure since 1962 when police began keeping reliable records....

NYC on track to be nation?s safest city | New York Post

Strict gun control works

Well except for ALL those years when crime was rampant and murders were as high as 2000 or more a year. Crime across America is down. And it has nothing to do with strict firearm laws. Or perhaps YOU can explain why all those years under the same laws the murder rate was so high?
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

Oh yeah - the multiple instances of people having their heads bashed in with hammers is evidence of how "safe" it is!

Tell me, how do you explain the fact that crime plummets where ever conceal carry laws are implemented and areas with little or no gun restrictions enjoy exponentially lower crime rates than New York? like ya got me thar


How do you explain historically low murder rates in NYC AFTER gun restrictions were passed? The best way to evaluate before and after gun restrictions is in the same location not comparing to some backwater town

New York city has had the same laws for decades. The ONLY new law restricts magazine sizes and only applies to the very few New Yorkers that actually managed to get a permit. There are no new stricter laws in New York city.

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