Criminals know the vast majority of New Yorkers are unarmed and helpless

Criminals know the vast majority of New Yorkers are unarmed and helpless

This is a post hoc fallacy.

There is no evidence that a given state’s gun laws result in 'more crime,' or that criminals in a given state will feel ‘emboldened’ to commit crime because of that state’s gun laws.

The OP only demonstrates once again that he is an ignorant, tedious partisan hack.

Says the far left Obama drone!
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

Oh yeah - the multiple instances of people having their heads bashed in with hammers is evidence of how "safe" it is!

Tell me, how do you explain the fact that crime plummets where ever conceal carry laws are implemented and areas with little or no gun restrictions enjoy exponentially lower crime rates than New York? like ya got me thar


How do you explain historically low murder rates in NYC AFTER gun restrictions were passed? The best way to evaluate before and after gun restrictions is in the same location not comparing to some backwater town

Again, wrongwinger "logic" - it's ok that this man didn't have a gun and that caused him to be bashed in the head with a hammer because he didn't die.

Again I have to ask - how do you explain that areas with little or no gun restrictions enjoy exponentially lower crime rates than New York??? Why can't you answer?
They're WAY down in counties where citizens are encouraged to carry.

Then why do countries with much stricter gun controls than us have one third of our murder rate?

Nobody knows how to parrot ignorant liberal misinformation quite like wrongwinger...

“First, let’s just be clear that lots of nations, including “civilized” ones, suffer from higher overall murder and gun murder rates than America. In 2011, the U.S. murder rate was 4.7 per 100,000 people and the gun murder rate was 3.2. Much of Eastern Europe, most of Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, Africa, all but one South American nation, and all of Central America and Mexico suffer from higher murder rates than we do. For example, despite very strict gun control, homicide rates in Russia and Brazil have averaged about four to five times higher than ours over the last decade. As the Washington Post reported:

The dubious distinction of having the most gun violence goes to Honduras, at 68.43 homicides by firearm per 100,000 people, even though it only has 6.2 firearms per 100 people. Other parts of South America and South Africa also rank highly, while the United States is somewhere near the mid-range.”

Excerpt From: Beck, Glenn. “Control.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: Control

Tell me wrongwinger, are you ever humiliated by your ignorance on every topic?

God damn are you stupid....I mean REALLY stupid

You want our murder rate to compare to Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Mexico, Russia.....Fucking Africa?

How about WESTERN Europe? You know England, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden.......not fucking Albania

How about Canada, Japan, South Korea?

All countries with strict gun controls and a third or less our murder rate
Great thread, dummy.

I wonder how much easier life is when one is incapable of being embarrassed by one's stupidity?

You tell us - because I'm humiliating you ignorant liberal "useful idiots" with facts while all of you parrot the misinformation spoon-fed to you while they laugh.

What facts?

You used one of the safest cities in the country as your example of how dangerous cities are.

Would you like to see the murder rates in some cities located in states where the gun laws are most permissive?

Might that help you pull that hollow object you call your head out of your ass?
Yes it is......

What do you think they are stopping and frisking for?

So it has nothing to do with gun laws, it's all about stop and frisk. We agree.

Now you need to stop and think

Stop someone and frisk and find a gun

What happens? Stop and frisk is gun control enforcement

Stop and frisk is a measure given to police officers where they have the authority to search suspicious characters. It's not, nor has anything to do with gun legislation, which you initially said was the cause of New York having a lower crime rate then years past.
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So it has nothing to do with gun laws, it's all about stop and frisk. We agree.

Now you need to stop and think

Stop someone and frisk and find a gun

What happens? Stop and frisk is gun control enforcement

Stop and frisk is a measure given to police officers where they have the authority to search suspicious characters. It's not, nor has anything to do with gun legislation, which you initially said was the cause of New York being less violent.

No shit Sherlock..

And what happens when cops frisk a suspicious character and finds an illegal gun? More guns off the street and a safer NY

Gun control on steroids. It not only prevents you from buying illegal guns, it stops you, searches you and confiscates illegal guns
Now all of a sudden liberals are for stop and frisk?? Yeah it works, but that hasn't stopped most liberal where I live from saying its raccccisst. *michael savage sheep voice*
Now you need to stop and think

Stop someone and frisk and find a gun

What happens? Stop and frisk is gun control enforcement

Stop and frisk is a measure given to police officers where they have the authority to search suspicious characters. It's not, nor has anything to do with gun legislation, which you initially said was the cause of New York being less violent.

No shit Sherlock..

And what happens when cops frisk a suspicious character and finds an illegal gun? More guns off the street and a safer NY

Gun control on steroids. It not only prevents you from buying illegal guns, it stops you, searches you and confiscates illegal guns

I don't mind programs that take guns away from criminals, neither do most republicans. It's when you start to infringe on normal people's Second Amendment rights, then i have a problem.
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Stop and frisk is a measure given to police officers where they have the authority to search suspicious characters. It's not, nor has anything to do with gun legislation, which you initially said was the cause of New York being less violent.

No shit Sherlock..

And what happens when cops frisk a suspicious character and finds an illegal gun? More guns off the street and a safer NY

Gun control on steroids. It not only prevents you from buying illegal guns, it stops you, searches you and confiscates illegal guns

I don't mind programs that take guns away from criminals, neither do most republicans. It's when you start to infringe on normal people's Second Amendment rights, then i have a problem. can dig a nationwide stop and frisk program?
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

I was just going to educate the puppy OP on that very thing:

This graphic shows the decline in crime, from red areas to yellow, since 1990. Can't find anything else to post about, Rott?


New York City's 20 Years of Declining Crime
Two decades of New York Police Department crime statistics mapped precinct by precinct

It's amazing how many simple-minded people on here read a headline and don't even bother to dig deeper, just post and think later. Or let someone else do the thinking for them.
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It's a typo, dickhead. You know what I meant....but decided not to answer. Why is that?

Just wanted you to correct yourself.

As far as it being a nationwide policy, I would have no problem with it.

Well....that is very authoritarian of you.

I'm thinking you have never been unnecessarily harassed by law enforcement.

I never have. Have you? I grew up with family in the NYPD, and they all support stop and frisk, so call it what you want, but I know it's made NYC a safer place.
Just wanted you to correct yourself.

As far as it being a nationwide policy, I would have no problem with it.

Well....that is very authoritarian of you.

I'm thinking you have never been unnecessarily harassed by law enforcement.

I never have. Have you? I grew up with family in the NYPD, and they all support stop and frisk, so call it what you want, but I know it's made NYC a safer place.

I have been.....but not in this country. It isn't pleasant. It is not what this country is about.

My son is a police officer. So....if. I were a selfish loser...I'd support this kind of government sanctioned harassment and invasion of privacy. But...since I am a liberal who values our freedoms....I put that aside and stand against it.

By the way.....when you say all.....are you sure?

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