Criminals know the vast majority of New Yorkers are unarmed and helpless

NYC on track to be nation’s safest city

Welcome to Mayberry, NYC.

Murder in New York has dropped to levels not seen since the 1950s, and is falling so fast the Big Apple could finish the year with the lowest homicide rate of any big city in the nation.

There have been 279 homicides in the city through Oct. 31, down 23 percent from the 364 logged in the same 10-month period last year. The city is on pace for about 100 fewer slayings this year than the 419 it recorded last year, which was the lowest figure since 1962 when police began keeping reliable records....

NYC on track to be nation?s safest city | New York Post

Strict gun control works

Well except for ALL those years when crime was rampant and murders were as high as 2000 or more a year. Crime across America is down. And it has nothing to do with strict firearm laws. Or perhaps YOU can explain why all those years under the same laws the murder rate was so high?

You are one of those instant gratification types aren't you?

You think results change as soon as the law passes? Fact is NY has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, it is also one of the safest
Strict gun control works

Well except for ALL those years when crime was rampant and murders were as high as 2000 or more a year. Crime across America is down. And it has nothing to do with strict firearm laws. Or perhaps YOU can explain why all those years under the same laws the murder rate was so high?

You are one of those instant gratification types aren't you?

You think results change as soon as the law passes? Fact is NY has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, it is also one of the safest

Not because of those laws.They have had those laws for 50 YEARS. And 45 of them had HUGE crime numbers. Huge murder numbers.

Crime has been on the decline since the early 90's. And all across the Country. In fact the higher crime rates are still in those cities with strict firearm laws. Concealed carry and open carry have increased in the same time frame and have not, as some claimed, lead to shoot outs in the street. In fact one could more easily argue that relaxed firearm laws are the reason for the drop in crime rates. As opposed to claiming that after 50 years New York's laws finally worked.

Further you lied, you claimed NEW laws were the cause for the decrease. New firearm laws to be specific. That simply is not true.
Well except for ALL those years when crime was rampant and murders were as high as 2000 or more a year. Crime across America is down. And it has nothing to do with strict firearm laws. Or perhaps YOU can explain why all those years under the same laws the murder rate was so high?

You are one of those instant gratification types aren't you?

You think results change as soon as the law passes? Fact is NY has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, it is also one of the safest

Not because of those laws.They have had those laws for 50 YEARS. And 45 of them had HUGE crime numbers. Huge murder numbers.

Crime has been on the decline since the early 90's. And all across the Country. In fact the higher crime rates are still in those cities with strict firearm laws. Concealed carry and open carry have increased in the same time frame and have not, as some claimed, lead to shoot outs in the street. In fact one could more easily argue that relaxed firearm laws are the reason for the drop in crime rates. As opposed to claiming that after 50 years New York's laws finally worked.

Further you lied, you claimed NEW laws were the cause for the decrease. New firearm laws to be specific. That simply is not true.
Then why do countries with much stricter gun controls than us have one third of our murder rate?

Nobody knows how to parrot ignorant liberal misinformation quite like wrongwinger...

“First, let’s just be clear that lots of nations, including “civilized” ones, suffer from higher overall murder and gun murder rates than America. In 2011, the U.S. murder rate was 4.7 per 100,000 people and the gun murder rate was 3.2. Much of Eastern Europe, most of Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, Africa, all but one South American nation, and all of Central America and Mexico suffer from higher murder rates than we do. For example, despite very strict gun control, homicide rates in Russia and Brazil have averaged about four to five times higher than ours over the last decade. As the Washington Post reported:

The dubious distinction of having the most gun violence goes to Honduras, at 68.43 homicides by firearm per 100,000 people, even though it only has 6.2 firearms per 100 people. Other parts of South America and South Africa also rank highly, while the United States is somewhere near the mid-range.”

Excerpt From: Beck, Glenn. “Control.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: Control

Tell me wrongwinger, are you ever humiliated by your ignorance on every topic?

God damn are you stupid....I mean REALLY stupid

You want our murder rate to compare to Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Mexico, Russia.....Fucking Africa?

How about WESTERN Europe? You know England, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden.......not fucking Albania

How about Canada, Japan, South Korea?

All countries with strict gun controls and a third or less our murder rate

Hey chief - all of those countries listed have exponentially stricter gun control laws than the U.S. amd suffer from a HIGHER murder rate (you ignorantly proclaimed that countries like that had 1/3 of our murder rate).

You are really having problems following along here, aren't you?
I wonder how much easier life is when one is incapable of being embarrassed by one's stupidity?

You tell us - because I'm humiliating you ignorant liberal "useful idiots" with facts while all of you parrot the misinformation spoon-fed to you while they laugh.

What facts?

You used one of the safest cities in the country as your example of how dangerous cities are.

Would you like to see the murder rates in some cities located in states where the gun laws are most permissive?

Might that help you pull that hollow object you call your head out of your ass?

The fact that you can't post them - and only threaten to - proves that you can't... :lol:
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

I was just going to educate the puppy OP on that very thing:

This graphic shows the decline in crime, from red areas to yellow, since 1990. Can't find anything else to post about, Rott?


New York City's 20 Years of Declining Crime
Two decades of New York Police Department crime statistics mapped precinct by precinct

New York City's 20 Years of Declining Crime - Scientific American

It's amazing how many simple-minded people on here read a headline and don't even bother to dig deeper, just post and think later. Or let someone else do the thinking for them.

It's "declined" so much that people are getting smashed in the head with hammers and then robbed.

Only an idiot liberal could declare that a "success" with regards to crime. Kind of how they also consider Obama's $7 trillion in deficit spending and 8% unemployment a "success" with regards to the economy.

Talk about simple minded....
Rightwing Crackers from flyover county won't last a day in the greatest city in the world, Multicultural and multiracial. Strange what part of the county was attacked on 9-11, it wasn't butt fuk restate bible thumping flyover county

Racist, bigoted douchebag. :fu:
Strict gun control works

Well except for ALL those years when crime was rampant and murders were as high as 2000 or more a year. Crime across America is down. And it has nothing to do with strict firearm laws. Or perhaps YOU can explain why all those years under the same laws the murder rate was so high?

You are one of those instant gratification types aren't you?

You think results change as soon as the law passes? Fact is NY has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, it is also one of the safest

The fact that this jack-ass keeps calling New York "one of the safest" cities shows just what an out of touch tool he is. People are being bashed over the heads with hammers dumb ass - this city isn't even in the top 10,000 "safest cities" in America. Hell, it isn't even one of the safest cities just in the state of New York!

Here you go asshat, a peak at your idea of the "safest city in America"...

Assault Victim Dies

2 Women Stabbed, Injured on Upper West Side: Police | NBC New York

Man Dies After Being Stabbed on Long Island Street: Cops | NBC New York
They're WAY down in counties where citizens are encouraged to carry.

Then why do countries with much stricter gun controls than us have one third of our murder rate?

How many people were murdered by their own governments, after their own governments passed restrictive gun control and confiscation laws, so that those people can't defend themselves against being murdered by their own government?

Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, and Pol Pot come to mind. Hang on to your guns, whatever you do.
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

I was just going to educate the puppy OP on that very thing:

This graphic shows the decline in crime, from red areas to yellow, since 1990. Can't find anything else to post about, Rott?


New York City's 20 Years of Declining Crime
Two decades of New York Police Department crime statistics mapped precinct by precinct

New York City's 20 Years of Declining Crime - Scientific American

It's amazing how many simple-minded people on here read a headline and don't even bother to dig deeper, just post and think later. Or let someone else do the thinking for them.

Looks like something Obama's boys might do -- twist the facts and tweak the books.
Sorry bout that,

1. Those who attack others for no reason should be made subject to the shoot in the head game with a fire arm.
2. Its justice.

There is a reason I have filled this thread with facts backed up with citations while the libtards like [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] and [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION] have yet to add even one single citation but instead have added uninformed opinion...

“Crime differs across nations and over time for a vast array of reasons, some of which we may never fully understand. However, for countries that have abruptly changed their rules regarding gun ownership or gun carrying, we can look at what happened right after the changes.

And what do we find? The results might surprise you: In every single place that all guns or handguns were banned, murder rates went up.

Let’s take another look at Great Britain first—a place where guns have never been as freely available as they have been in the United States.

We previously looked at the overall gun control time line, but now let’s zero in on a few key parts. According to Joyce Lee Malcolm, a professor at George Mason University Law School and author of Guns and Violence: The English Experience, “Since 1920, anyone in Britain wanting a handgun had to obtain a certificate from his local police stating he was fit to own a weapon and had good reason to have one. Over the years, the definition of ‘good reason’ gradually narrowed. By 1969, self-defense was never a good reason for a permit.”

In 1987, after a massacre in Hungerford, England, killed sixteen people and wounded fourteen others (since no one else had a gun, including the police, the killer roamed for eight hours), the government cracked down. Semi-automatic rifles were banned and shotguns were regulated like handguns.

Nine years later, the Dunblane massacre in Scotland resulted in the final blow to gun ownership. The Firearms Act of 1997 banned handguns almost entirely—forcing lawful owners to turn them in or face ten years in prison.
What happened next? Professor Malcolm has summarized it well:

The results have not been what proponents of the act wanted. Within a decade of the handgun ban and the confiscation of handguns from registered owners, crime with handguns had doubled according to British government crime reports. Gun crime, not a serious problem in the past, now is. Armed street gangs have some British police carrying guns for the first time. Moreover, another massacre occurred in June 2010. Derrick Bird, a taxi driver in Cumbria, shot his brother and a colleague then drove off through rural villages killing 12 people and injuring 11 more before killing himself.

The homicide rate in Britain rose dramatically for seven years after the ban, from 1.1 homicides per 100,000 people in 1996 to 1.8 in 2003. At that point, fed up with the sudden increase in murder and violent crime, the police force was expanded by 16 percent between 2001 and 2005. Unsurprisingly, more police meant less crime. Still, even with the increased police presence, crime generally remained higher than before the Firearms Act

Excerpt From: Beck, Glenn. “Control.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: Control
Liberal Logic: Take 50% of the Middle Class wealth in taxes, disarm them so that criminals can take the other 50%...

Police Believe One Man Is Behind Series Of Subway Hammer Attacks « CBS New York

I was an unarmed New Yorker for twenty years. I was never attacked or robbed and felt perfectly safe walking the streets all night long.

There are people who have smoked for 20 years as well and never got cancer. So I guess that means, by your "logic", that everyone should suck down carcinogens into their lungs?

You were never attacked or robbed because of something called blind luck. And you felt "perfectly safe" because of something called blind ignorance (my wife used to be that way as well, until I opened her eyes to all of the actual crimes being committed that she had no idea about).
The crime rate is way down in New York. It is one of the safest major cities in the world

Tough gun laws is the reason

Chicago has equally-tough gun laws, and is basically a war zone. In other words: yer full of shit, as usual!

Chicago is a war zone only in NRA propaganda. It does not even rate in the top twenty in murder rate
Liberal Logic: Take 50% of the Middle Class wealth in taxes, disarm them so that criminals can take the other 50%...

Police Believe One Man Is Behind Series Of Subway Hammer Attacks « CBS New York

I was an unarmed New Yorker for twenty years. I was never attacked or robbed and felt perfectly safe walking the streets all night long.

There are people who have smoked for 20 years as well and never got cancer. So I guess that means, by your "logic", that everyone should suck down carcinogens into their lungs?

You were never attacked or robbed because of something called blind luck. And you felt "perfectly safe" because of something called blind ignorance (my wife used to be that way as well, until I opened her eyes to all of the actual crimes being committed that she had no idea about).

Lucky woman.

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