'Critical Race Theory' the latest Fake Outrage

Wait a minute, I heard former President Obama himself say during a CNN interview this month, I paraphrase, something to the effect "the Republicans think the biggest issue facing America is Critical Race Theory? Really?".

He used the term CRT and openly acknowledged support for it. So why are we to believe that this ideology of promoting this division and hatred for each other among your young isn't real? Why would there be ANY "education" in school dealing with racial or sexuality issues? How is this the domain of schools?

I've seen the videos of parents outraged at school boards and voicing it, apparently some were arrested simply for being against it. Furthermore, I've heard of the passing and then withdrawal of a policy in one district to rename Thanksgiving and another holiday as simply "a day off". Further promoting the division and erasing of a nations heritage.

You notice a trend here? The deconstruction of society which will benefit foreign nations and harm America. This isn't tinfoil hat stuff, there are radicals who have far more power and economic influence than in the past.

Big Tech and foreign money and influence are certainly behind a great deal of this deconstruction.
You really have to appreciate the scholarship around CRT. Here is a good example. Hard to believe anyone buys any of these books.

"Ijeoma Oluo spends a lot of time complaining about her single white mother who took care of her when her black father returned to Nigeria and never came back.

Like Obama and Kamala, Ijeoma built a marketable identity by identifying with a father who abandoned her. But the author of such racist texts as So You Want to Talk About Race and Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America takes it even further by identifying as Nigerian-American. The Nigerian part is very hypothetical as she was born and raised in America, and her Nigerian father left when she was a year old and broke his promise to return.

White people are absolutely terrible, Ijeoma, who is half-white, insists.

"I have never been able to escape the fact that I am a black woman in a white supremacist country," Oluo declaimed at the beginning of So You Want to Talk About Race. The ugly racialist book never broke through the way that Robin DiAngelo or Ibram X. Kendi did, but it was a modest success and is regularly featured at corporate critical race indoctrination sessions."
Just plain embarrassing how both political party's USE race to promote there agenda. While neither party gets close to looking at the reality of what needs to be done.

Why are conservatives throwing a tantrum about anti-racism? The George Floyd protests.

A ginned-up moral panic is an excuse to not do anything about racial injustice​

CRT is NOT antiracist. It is racism in it's purest sense. It can be applied to any race at the whim of those in power.
The "1619 Project" and CRT are not history they are ideology.

Their bogus history was refuted in "The President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.

A 40-page report was released January 21, 2021. Read it and learn the truth:

The 1619 Project was published in NYT Magazine August 2019. It was an essay written by Nikole Hannah-Jones without any citations or references. It is simply incorrect, as documented and refuted by real historians. It is simply an amateurish attempt to "reframe history" and "decenter whiteness" according to the author. It is ideology pretending to be history.

Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

The 1619 Project is nothing but a poorly written collection of racist lies.
There was no research, there are no citations, its total bullshit.

Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It - Geller Report News

How To Disrupt Critical Race Theory Training | The American Conservative

Critical Race Theory in Education: How to Fight It | National Review
CRT is real.
CRT is a law school course. That's it. It's not, and has never been, taught anywhere else.

Fake Poutrage.
What is going on is that they found a simple banner to fly (three letters) to rally the angry morons. Why? Because they are not satisfied with the already whitewashed history taught in our schools. They want to whitewash it further.
CRT is real.
CRT is a law school course. That's it. It's not, and has never been, taught anywhere else.

Fake Poutrage.
What is going on is that they found a simple banner to fly (three letters) to rally the angry morons. Why? Because they are not satisfied with the already whitewashed history taught in our schools. They want to whitewash it further.

If you think all this shit is gonna end well for black America you're insane

You're turning whites into race essentialists. As the majority they had the "privilege" of not giving a fuck about race. They will be by far the largest ethnic group in this country fo rthe foreseeable future. And when tehy are not the majority they are going to have the moral right to act as an ethnic unit.

Changing their minds to do it earlier will not end well for the rest of us you fucking idiots.

Don't wonder why your ancestors were slaves. They probably did similarly stupid things to get your kin in africa to put you in shackles and sell you.

What could this whining possibly serve?

It's not good for men. Men don't thrive being the fucking victim. You should be telling your kids it doesn't fucking matter because that's the only rational thing to tell them if you want them to do well. Not worry about how they've instilled the realities of American history that will not serve them in their life, at all. Teaching your kids they should be uppity about their place is absurd.

Especially if they're a little black boy in America. All they should be getting is belts and books

You are socially incompetent. Melanin contrary to popular belief doens't make you a better person. In fact it generally means the opposite if we're being honest about teh world population and the meaning of melanin.
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I tend to agree with the idea that CRT should not be taught in grade school. It is too mature a topic for children. Hell, it's too mature a topic for a lot of adults, as we can see all over this board and all over the country.

So i figured i would look around and see where it is being implemented in grade school curricula. I found zero real examples. Some schools may touch on the idea of past, official racism causing generational effects, but the teaching of CRT is more shallow than even the teaching of quantum mechanics. Kids may hear about it, but there is no actual teaching of it.

I would like to say i was surprised that this is a nothingburger, but i wasn't. So it became obvious what is happening. The republican think tanks in the background that hand down the talking points to the GOP morons (and let's face it...guys like Cruz and Gaetz and Desantis are true morons who couldn't describe CRT if their lives depended on it and did not know what it was a month ago) are trying to perpetuate outrage. They don't have an actual platform, outside of getting angry white people to the polls on election day. This is all just part of that effort.

The fact that they have to choose so many racist stances to do this is not a reflection of the republicans being led by racist officials. They are being led around by the nose by their racist voting base.
Their bogus history was refuted in "The President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.
Maybe wrong answers are funny to the low-IQ folks, but seeing stupidity is never funny to me. Try again.
Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it
I tend to agree with the idea that CRT should not be taught in grade school. It is too mature a topic for children. Hell, it's too mature a topic for a lot of adults, as we can see all over this board and all over the country.

So i figured i would look around and see where it is being implemented in grade school curricula. I found zero real examples. Some schools may touch on the idea of past, official racism causing generational effects, but the teaching of CRT is more shallow than even the teaching of quantum mechanics. Kids may hear about it, but there is no actual teaching of it.

I would like to say i was surprised that this is a nothingburger, but i wasn't. So it became obvious what is happening. The republican think tanks in the background that hand down the talking points to the GOP morons (and let's face it...guys like Cruz and Gaetz and Desantis are true morons who couldn't describe CRT if their lives depended on it and did not know what it was a month ago) are trying to perpetuate outrage. They don't have an actual platform, outside of getting angry white people to the polls on election day. This is all just part of that effort.

The fact that they have to choose so many racist stances to do this is not a reflection of the republicans being led by racist officials. They are being led around by the nose by their racist voting base.
If you couldn't find examples of it you were not looking

It's all over NY private schools as an obvious example with national headlines written about it.

No doubt other places. Those places just don't have journalists I read and would care to write the story

"i did a google search and found nothing"

....more stupidity

Stop embarrassing the rest of us.
Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
The 1619 Project does not contend the country was "founded" in 1619. But you don't know that because you haven't read it. You've only read bits and pieces of Trump's laughable attempt to rebut it.

1619 is not a year that most Americans know as a notable date in our country’s history. Those who do are at most a tiny fraction of those who can tell you that 1776 is the year of our nation’s birth. What if, however, we were to tell you that the moment that the country’s defining contradictions first came into the world was in late August of 1619? That was when a ship arrived at Point Comfort in the British colony of Virginia, bearing a cargo of 20 to 30 enslaved Africans. Their arrival inaugurated a barbaric system of chattel slavery that would last for the next 250 years. This is sometimes referred to as the country’s original sin, but it is more than that: It is the country’s very origin.

Out of slavery — and the anti-black racism it required — grew nearly everything that has truly made America exceptional: its economic might, its industrial power, its electoral system, its diet and popular music, the inequities of its public health and education, its astonishing penchant for violence, its income inequality, the example it sets for the world as a land of freedom and equality, its slang, its legal system and the endemic racial fears and hatreds that continue to plague it to this day. The seeds of all that were planted long before our official birth date, in 1776, when the men known as our founders formally declared independence from Britain.

Their bogus history was refuted in "The President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.
Maybe wrong answers are funny to the low-IQ folks, but seeing stupidity is never funny to me. Try again.
Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it
Historians have railed against the 1776 Commission following the Monday release of its report of what it called “a definitive chronicle of the American founding.”
The report, commissioned by the Donald Trump administration, urged America to return to an era of “patriotic education” amid what it called “reckless ‘re-education’ attempts that seek to reframe American history around the idea that the United States is not an exceptional country but an evil one”.

But historians saw it differently.

“The 1776 report is a puerile, politically reactionary document,” stated David Blight, author of the biography Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom. He tweeted: “It doesn’t really use evidence except to employ founding documents and too many quotations out of context.”

Blight wrote that the report’s use of the abolitionist’s historic quote from a 4 July speech on the complications of its celebration for Black people was “so mis-used [he couldn’t] stop laughing.

“Trumpians will eat it up as may Fox News,” he wrote to the Guardian. “No legitimately trained historian or teacher will even be able to read through it all without nausea.”

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