Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

My people? I'm not Palestinian, so "my people" haven't killed any innocent Israelis. Nor am I Jewish, for that matter. Are you Palestinian? That would explain a lot.
The side you are supporting, my good friend.

BTW, for the record, I am a white, Irish Catholic with no dog in in this hunt. I am the most objective voice regarding this conflict.
I've already condemned the Hamas attacks you fucking dolt! You're trying to wipe them out, not the other way around.
And did you spend anywhere near as much angst and condemnation on the Palestinian aggression as you are on the Israel defense? Rhetorical question, I know.
That's right I did. They have a right to defend themselves and they have committed war crimes and should be held accountable. Just like the Israeli's.
So you are admitting that they were NOT defending themselves when they made the sneak attack last week. Thanks. Good that you cleaned that tiny spot in your stomach window.
However, Israel cannot take it out on civilian infrastructure. They must turn the power back on and stop targeting civilian infrastructure.
When you have termites or roaches, you tent the house and exterminate the pests. Israel has given warning to the citizens to flee. Israel will then rid Gaza of the pests and start all over.

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