Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

...This latest outbreak in hostility, started with an Israeli Missile strike on the al-asqa mosque.

Would you be able to provide a link for this? I've been looking, and can't find it anywhere. I've seen the usual "storm the mosque" rhetoric, nothing about a missile strike. I'm finding it a little difficult to believe that Israel would do that sort of thing right in the middle of the Old City.

And you further make the argument that should Israel end the occupation with Gaza, Hamas and the people of Gaza will no longer feel the need to defend themselves, and there will be peace between Israel land Gaza. Yes?
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.
And, we're right back to why Israel has that land in the first place, which is defensive. Every time they give up land for peace, they never get peace, so they hold onto land seized in defensive actions.

Here's a hint for the Palestinians. Try NOT attacking Israel and NOT teaching your children to hate Jews. You might not have as many problems as you do now.
All their military targets were perfectly legal.
And all of Israel's military targets are as well. This includes anywhere that attacks were launched, military goods were stored, troops were quartered, etc. In fact, they're going above and beyond to alert people to escape before they reduce the places to nothing. The Palestinians didn't do that, did they?
Oh yes they do target children and no, it doesn't justify what Hamas did. I'm just saying, when it comes to targeting civilians, Israel is far worse than Hamas.
That's a crock of shit, Billo! The Israeli armed forces go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties. They drop leaflets warning of an impending attack so that civilians can get out of harms way. Hamas doesn't do that. Hamas fires tens of thousands of rockets into civilian areas without warning. They fire those rockets from people's back yards, from schools, from hospitals...deliberately trying to get Israel to target the launch sites in response so that innocent people will be killed. If you're a Palestinian civilian in a Hamas controlled and your family are nothing more than cannon fodder. They will come to your home...set up and launch a bunch of missiles from your property...and then run away before the Israelis respond with a strike HOPING that you are killed!
Except the Zionists know they are killing innocents when they bomb hospitals and schools.
Because the enemy uses people as human shields. Forces them to be human shields, even.

No comparison to going door to door and murdering children.
That's a crock of shit, Billo! The Israeli armed forces go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties. They drop leaflets warning of an impending attack so that civilians can get out of harms way. Hamas doesn't do that. Hamas fires tens of thousands of rockets into civilian areas without warning. They fire those rockets from people's back yards, from schools, from hospitals...deliberately trying to get Israel to target the launch sites in response so that innocent people will be killed. If you're a Palestinian civilian in a Hamas controlled and your family are nothing more than cannon fodder. They will come to your home...set up and launch a bunch of missiles from your property...and then run away before the Israelis respond with a strike HOPING that you are killed!
He literally doesn't care. He will not deviate from the narrative, no matter what.
Except the Zionists know they are killing innocents when they bomb hospitals and schools. They just don't care. Then they wonder why people come at them with knives.
And you know full well why they bomb such places, you just don't want to acknowledge the enemy uses them as launchpads for attack and for weapon storage. Like I said, you know it, but won't acknowledge it.
Because the enemy uses people as human shields. Forces them to be human shields, even.

No comparison to going door to door and murdering children.
Let's go ahead and stipulate that War is not healthy for children and other living things.


Secondly, I take anything the Zionists say about the "attrocities" with a grain of salt.

This sounds kind of like when the Kuwaitis claimed that Iraqis threw babies to die on the floor and stole their incubators. Then we found out that the woman who testified to it was not only not a nurse, but a minor Kuwaiti royal.

That said, I'd have no problem if the Zionists target the Hamas leadership or even their military assets. They seem intent on terrorizing the Palestinian population, though.
Let's go ahead and stipulate that War is not healthy for children and other living things.

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Secondly, I take anything the Zionists say about the "attrocities" with a grain of salt.

This sounds kind of like when the Kuwaitis claimed that Iraqis threw babies to die on the floor and stole their incubators. Then we found out that the woman who testified to it was not only not a nurse, but a minor Kuwaiti royal.

That said, I'd have no problem if the Zionists target the Hamas leadership or even their military assets. They seem intent on terrorizing the Palestinian population, though.
Go Israel, fuck Hamas and the Palestinian Satan worshipers.
If God gave Palestine to the Jews, then God must hate the Jews. It's the most violent and unholy place on earth.

If God loved the Jews, then why didn't he give them America? God must have known America existed, right? If Moses & God could part the Red Sea, and if Noah could build that arc, then certainly Moses & the Jews could have built ships to take them to America.

Either God hates the Jews or ....
Before you open your mouth and prove yourself an idiot, research. It's a shit hole because of Muslims.
Okay, what is the magic number of years then? Israel has been in existence 70 years plus. When they hit 100 are you going to be telling Hamas to shut the fuck up because Israel exists?
A "magic number" is one that refers to the direct cause of an "existing issue" - that in this case would be the Palestinian-Arab/Israel issue and the Israel-Arab/Muslim issue.
It started in 1917 (Balfour deceleration) and became a war in 1948 - no one at least not me, gives a shit about what happened in 290 BCE. or in 1722 CE. in that area.

E.g. the "magic number" to the present Ukraine-Russia war, would be 1990 and NATO's Eastward-expansion - what happened in 1920 is irrelevant - so is the Kievan Rus episode of 900 CE.
Back in the day, Mexico had a case to make that the Texas Revolution was just a land theft plot by the United states. But once the situation jelled and Americans settled into what was once a territory of Mexico called Texas and then the state of Texas, a sudden surprise attack by Mexico would have been a fresh Act of war, not a continuation of the previous war.
Off course it was "theft" so was e.g. the "acquisition of Hawaii". However the world has moved on since then and there has never been a forming of a terrorist/freedom fighter organization in Mexico, that would terrorize the USA, the world and demand a return of e.g. Texas.
Therefore your example simply doesn't stick.
The Arab people living in Palestine have been given chance after chance after chance by Israel and the rest of the world to act peacefully and start developing industry instead of insisting on living with an 9th century mentality and attacking the hated Jews with small 20th Century weapons supplied by outsiders.
There has NEVER been a Palestinian-Arab state. Due to known reasons. Therefore where the heck would they supposed to have set up an industry? They set up small businesses in e.g. the West-bank - and those businesses and livelihoods are destroyed on a regular basis by Israel via constantly claiming land. (Settlement policy) Just as if the USA would claim additional Mexican lands - therefore disrespecting the existing borders and Mexico's UN designated territory, and Mexico couldn't do anything about it - since they are a midget in regards to the military capabilities of the USA. Now you got a fitting example.
It is long past time to realize that they have been given enough chances and gone feral each time and that the time for peace is over except for peace that is achieved through total defeat and total occupation.
They haven't been given any chances - they have been herded into economic unsustainable territories/enclaves - and are being robbed even of those territories since 1948. Jordan retracted it's claim towards the West-bank in 1988 - has Israel allowed for the creation of a Palestinian-Arab sovereign state? NO NEVER. Simply because by 1988 Israeli settlers had already occupied West-bank territory. The Palestinians aka the PLO demands the rightful restoration of Palestinian acquitted land as in the UN proposal of 1947. And Israel logically is and will NEVER acquit towards that demand. Therefore NO PEACE.
The United States was able to help Germany join civilized Humanity, but only after we defeated them utterly and made it be known that we weren't leaving their countries until they were no longer even a potential threat. Note that we are still there.
Yes - even until today the USA and especially it's military, reserves "special rights" towards a sovereign Germany. If another Hitler or Hitler like fellow would arise in Germany - you could place a sure bet - that these "special rights" would be addressed. So what's your point?
I assume you are consistent enough to say that the United States was also wrong to occupy Germany and japan. We should have let the werewolves and the holdout worshipers of the emperor continue to attack and should have given those violent people concessions hoping that they would change their nature. Like the Scorpion and the frog, people's Natures do not change.
The US government couldn't and never gave a shit about Germany's racial policy (aka Jews or Slavic Untermenschen) - they even attended the Olympic games in 1936 (a fantastic international boost for the Nazis) and US companies produced military equipment for Nazi-Germany till 1941. The USA also didn't give a shit about Imperial Japans racial policy and it's occupation of Korea and China.
Don't play US Samaritan with me.

The USA went into war because it was attacked by Imperial Japan, and Nazi-Germany as well as Fascist Italy had declared war onto the USA. If Hitler would have had the A-bomb, he would have DEFINITELY used it - especially towards the USA. And the USA was very well aware about this "scenario". As such it was simply about us (USA) ruling the world or them (Nazi-Germany) ruling the world, and nothing else.

USA Nazi.jpg
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A "magic number" is one that refers to the direct cause of an "existing issue" - that in this case would be the Palestinian-Arab/Israel issue and the Israel-Arab/Muslim issue.
It started in 1917 (Balfour deceleration) and became a war in 1948 - no one at least not me, gives a shit about what happened in 290 BCE. or in 1722 CE. in that area.

E.g. the "magic number" to the present Ukraine-Russia war, would be 1990 and NATO's Eastward-expansion - what happened in 1920 is irrelevant - so is the Kievan Rus episode of 900 CE.
What is the magic number of years after taking a disputed territory in which the losing side should no longer attack the winning side, was the question.
Off course it was "theft" so was e.g. the "acquisition of Hawaii". However the world has moved on since then and there has never been a forming of a terrorist/freedom fighter organization in Mexico, that would terrorize the USA, the world and demand a return of e.g. Texas.
Therefore your example simply doesn't stick.
I suppose you've never heard of the Mexican-American war, in which Mexico attacked U.S. forces claiming they had no right to annex Texas, which they claimed was still Mexican land. Therefore, my example is spot on. Your alter ego won't answer the question, so I assume you will not either.
There has NEVER been a Palestinian-Arab state. Due to known reasons. Therefore where the heck would they supposed to have set up an industry? They set up small businesses in e.g. the West-bank - and those businesses and livelihoods are destroyed on a regular basis by Israel via constantly claiming land. (Settlement policy) Just as if the USA would claim additional Mexican lands - therefore disrespecting the existing borders and Mexico's UN designated territory, and Mexico couldn't do anything about it - since they are a midget in regards to the military capabilities of the USA. Now you got a fitting example.

This is Gaza City:


If the had time and money to build all that metropolitan area, they had time to build factories. They had time to develop a tourist industry, teach their children to be customer service reps and technical support, ask their oil rich fellow Muslims to endow medical schools, engineering schools, develop farmland from the desert as the Jews did.

Instead, they nurse their grudges and conduct cowardly sneak attacks. They teach their children to hate so that the cycle may never be broken. Israelis respond to Hamas attacks and when they do, Palestinians suffer. Yet Palestinians still dance in the streets when Hamas attacks Israel.

The Jews would have loved for the Palestinians to be trading partners, and military allies, instead of terrorists.
They haven't been given any chances - they have been herded into economic unsustainable territories/enclaves - and are being robbed even of those territories since 1948. Jordan retracted it's claim towards the West-bank in 1988 - has Israel allowed for the creation of a Palestinian-Arab sovereign state? NO NEVER. Simply because by 1988 Israeli settlers had already occupied West-bank territory. The Palestinians aka the PLO demands the rightful restoration of Palestinian acquitted land as in the UN proposal of 1947. And Israel logically is and will NEVER acquit towards that demand. Therefore NO PEACE.
Have the Palestians so much as recognized Israel's right to exist? Nope. Their children's textbooks have no Israel on the maps.

If they had proven themselves able to be peaceful and to accept the right of Israel to exist, they could be a free, industrious and self-governing people this day. They've made their choice, and it is more their choice than the actions of Santa Anna were the choice of the Mexican people.
Yes - even until today the USA and especially it's military, reserves "special rights" towards a sovereign Germany. If another Hitler or Hitler like fellow would arise in Germany - you could place a sure bet - that these "special rights" would be addressed. So what's your point?
It would be addressed by getting rid of that Hitler-like fellow. Well, maybe not with Biden in office . . .
The US government couldn't and never gave a shit about Germany's racial policy (aka Jews or Slavic Untermenschen) - they even attended the Olympic games in 1936 (a fantastic international boost for the Nazis) and US companies produced military equipment for Nazi-Germany till 1941. The USA also didn't give a shit about Imperial Japans racial policy and it's occupation of Korea and China.
Don't play US Samaritan with me.

The USA went into war because it was attacked by Imperial Japan, and Nazi-Germany as well as Fascist Italy had declared war onto the USA. If Hitler would have had the A-bomb, he would have DEFINITELY used it - especially towards the USA. And the USA was very well aware about this "scenario". As such it was simply about us (USA) ruling the world or them (Nazi-Germany) ruling the world, and nothing else.

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Roosevelt was eager to take us to war on behalf of "Uncle Joe." The Japanese attack us and he immediately prioritized saving the Gaylords of Europe over protecting the U.S. from the country that attacked us.
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