Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

Roosevelt was eager to take us to war on behalf of "Uncle Joe." The Japanese attack us and he immediately prioritized saving the Gaylords of Europe over protecting the U.S. from the country that attacked us.

You mean he prioritized the threat. Japan wasn't much of a threat after Midway tanked their carrier fleet.

Germany was closing in on key strategic targets.

If the had time and money to build all that metropolitan area, they had time to build factories. They had time to develop a tourist industry, teach their children to be customer service reps and technical support, ask their oil rich fellow Muslims to endow medical schools, engineering schools, develop farmland from the desert as the Jews did.

Instead, they nurse their grudges and conduct cowardly sneak attacks. They teach their children to hate so that the cycle may never be broken. Israelis respond to Hamas attacks and when they do, Palestinians suffer. Yet Palestinians still dance in the streets when Hamas attacks Israel.

The Jews would have loved for the Palestinians to be trading partners, and military allies, instead of terrorists.

Oh, Bullshit.

Netanyahoo deliberately enabled Hamas so he wouldn't have to negotiate in good faith with the Palestinian Authority.

Netanyahu did not invent the policy of separation between Gaza and the West Bank, nor the use of Hamas as a tool to weaken the Palestine Liberation Organization and its national ambitions to establish a Palestinian state. Then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s 2005 “disengagement” plan from Gaza was built on this logic. “This whole package called the Palestinian state has fallen off the agenda for an indefinite period of time,” said Dov Weissglas, Sharon’s advisor, explaining the political goal of disengagement at the time. “The plan provides the amount of formaldehyde required so that there will be no political process with the Palestinians.”

Netanyahu not only adopted this way of thinking, he also added to it the preservation of Hamas rule in Gaza as a tool for strengthening the separation between the strip and the West Bank. In 2018, for example, he agreed that Qatar would transfer millions of dollars a year to finance the Hamas government in Gaza, embodying the comments made in 2015 by Bezalel Smotrich (then a marginal Knesset member, and today the finance minister and de facto West Bank overlord) that “the Palestinian Authority is a burden and Hamas is an asset.”

“Netanyahu wants Hamas on its feet and is ready to pay an almost unimaginable price for it: half the country paralyzed, children and parents traumatized, houses bombed, people killed,” Israel’s current information minister, Galit Distel Atbaryan, wrote in May 2019, when she was yet to enter politics but was known as a prominent Netanyahu supporter. “And Netanyahu, in a kind of outrageous, almost unimaginable restraint, does not do the easiest thing: getting the IDF to overthrow the organization.

“The question is, why?” Distel Atbaryan continued, before explaining: “If Hamas collapses, Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] may control the strip. If he controls it, there will be voices from the left that will encourage negotiations and a political solution and a Palestinian state, also in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] … This is the real reason why Netanyahu does not eliminate the Hamas leader, everything else is bullshit.”
What is the magic number of years after taking a disputed territory in which the losing side should no longer attack the winning side, was the question.
No such number - see e.g. Korea, as long as there is no treaty aka peace treaty. Which doesn't exist between Palestinians and Israeli either.
I suppose you've never heard of the Mexican-American war, in which Mexico attacked U.S. forces claiming they had no right to annex Texas, which they claimed was still Mexican land. Therefore, my example is spot on. Your alter ego won't answer the question, so I assume you will not either.
Obviously you never read about it;
February 2, 1848, signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. According to the treaty, which was subsequently ratified by both national congresses, Mexico ceded to the United States nearly all the territory now included in the states of New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado for $15 million and U.S. assumption of its citizens’ claims against Mexico.

This is Gaza City:

View attachment 844192
Nice photo - this is what the Gaza Strip, looks like overall

Gaza 2.jpg

You obviously have never been there.
It would be addressed by getting rid of that Hitler-like fellow. Well, maybe not with Biden in office . . .
Nothing to to with Biden - but the general US foreign policy since 1899.
Roosevelt was eager to take us to war on behalf of "Uncle Joe." The Japanese attack us and he immediately prioritized saving the Gaylords of Europe over protecting the U.S. from the country that attacked us.
Bullshit - the immediate fighting and involvement of the US military - was defending the Philippines, then attacking at e.g. Midway, Battle of the Coral Sea. Guadalcanal and the Australian region - Port Moresby.

After eliminating the Japanese naval threat - the USA could and took their time.

US ground-forces didn't enter the ETO before November 1942 "Oran" and started attacking the Wehrmacht at Tunis in December 1942
One YEAR after Hitler had declared war !!!
And the USA had not started to prioritize the ETO from 1943 onward, due to wanting to save Jews and Slavic people = but eliminate the far greater threat - Nazi-Germany - the A-Bomb wasn't developed nor intended for or due to Japan.
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Let's go ahead and stipulate that War is not healthy for children and other living things.

View attachment 843920

Secondly, I take anything the Zionists say about the "attrocities" with a grain of salt.

This sounds kind of like when the Kuwaitis claimed that Iraqis threw babies to die on the floor and stole their incubators. Then we found out that the woman who testified to it was not only not a nurse, but a minor Kuwaiti royal.

That said, I'd have no problem if the Zionists target the Hamas leadership or even their military assets. They seem intent on terrorizing the Palestinian population, though.
And, as I've pointed out, the Palestinians routinely store munitions in civilian areas as well as launch attacks from them. Israel even gives the enemy time to move things out of harm's way because they send alerts that bad things are incoming.
What in the world is going on in Lebanon?

Lebanon has had a long standing friendly relationship with Israel.
Lebanon holds the LARGEST CHRISTIAN population of any nation in the area.

Now we have Hezbollah terrorists taking pot shots at Israel? Has Lebanon lost its own military against these clowns?

Before you open your mouth and prove yourself an idiot, research. It's a shit hole because of Muslims.

It's a shithole because there have been constant wars and invasions since the beginning of history.

It's a place of mass murder like nowhere else on earth - and that predates the existence of Muslims.

You'd know that if you were not a complete moron.

It is the most unholy, cursed land in the world.

BTW - You didn't answer - Why didn't God give America to the Jews?

Got no answer?
Would you be able to provide a link for this? I've been looking, and can't find it anywhere. I've seen the usual "storm the mosque" rhetoric, nothing about a missile strike. I'm finding it a little difficult to believe that Israel would do that sort of thing right in the middle of the Old City.
I don't think you are looking hard enough?

And you further make the argument that should Israel end the occupation with Gaza, Hamas and the people of Gaza will no longer feel the need to defend themselves, and there will be peace between Israel land Gaza. Yes?
No. Israel must lift the blockade, per international law. Then, if Hamas does anything militarily, whatever Israel does in response, would be considered self defense.

But the blockade must end! It is collective punishment on 2.2 million Palestinians who have committed mo crime. Surely you realize how wrong it is to punish innocent civilians?
And, we're right back to why Israel has that land in the first place, which is defensive. Every time they give up land for peace, they never get peace, so they hold onto land seized in defensive actions.

Here's a hint for the Palestinians. Try NOT attacking Israel and NOT teaching your children to hate Jews. You might not have as many problems as you do now.
Zionists migrated to the area attacking Palestinians. You started the fighting, not them. Before Zionists showed up, there were no major incidents of violence between Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews.
And all of Israel's military targets are as well. This includes anywhere that attacks were launched, military goods were stored, troops were quartered, etc. In fact, they're going above and beyond to alert people to escape before they reduce the places to nothing. The Palestinians didn't do that, did they?
The Israeli's turned off electricity and water to the area. That is a war crime that is NOT of military necessity.
That's a crock of shit, Billo! The Israeli armed forces go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties. They drop leaflets warning of an impending attack so that civilians can get out of harms way. Hamas doesn't do that. Hamas fires tens of thousands of rockets into civilian areas without warning. They fire those rockets from people's back yards, from schools, from hospitals...deliberately trying to get Israel to target the launch sites in response so that innocent people will be killed. If you're a Palestinian civilian in a Hamas controlled and your family are nothing more than cannon fodder. They will come to your home...set up and launch a bunch of missiles from your property...and then run away before the Israelis respond with a strike HOPING that you are killed!
A simple count of the dead proves Israel targets civilians more than Hamas. But you are right about Hamas. They do do everything you have claimed and should be condemned for it. But still, even if Israel drops leaflets, you still cannot target civilian infrastructure.
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A simple count of the dead proves Usrael targets civilians more than Hamas. But you are right about Hamas. They do do everything you have claimed and should be condemned for it. But still, even if Israel drops leaflets, you still cannot target civilian infrastructure.
So how do you respond to an enemy who uses hospitals, schools and people's homes as weapon depots and as rocket launch sites? The Israelis kill civilians because Hamas uses them as human shields.
The Israeli's turned off electricity and water to the area. That is a war crime that is NOT of military necessity.
They want civilians to leave. Cutting off electricity, water and fuel is a non military means of achieving that. Israel IS going to go into Gaza after Hamas! They'd like there to be zero civilians there when they do so because they don't want to kill civilians...they want to kill Hamas terrorists!

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