Crowd Cheers When Valedictorian Quotes Trump

Then reveals it was Obama -

CALL: 202-224-3121 on Twitter

>> "This is the part of my speech where I share some inspirational quotes I found on Google," Bowling said in his speech. "'Don't just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.' — Donald J. Trump."

The crowd burst into applause.

"Just kidding," Bowling said. "That was Barack Obama."

The 18-year-old valedictorian said the crowd quickly went silent. << --- USA Today story

THAT is eloquent.

Excellent find Brother Marc. Says so much.

Unfortunately I fear it will be an "airplane story" --- it will sail over a lot of heads.

But those heads will be in, I have no doubt, thanks to your excellent thread title. :clap2:
The kid's failed attempt at humor didn't sail over anybody's head. If the audience doesn't laugh, your joke bombed. He misattributed a quote from Obama's teleprompter to Trump, and thought it would be funny.

A predicted, there sails another airplane over yet another turbine. Ga-WHOOSH....

The joke is not the deliberate misattribution of the quote.

The speaker doesn't execute the joke --- the AUDIENCE does. All he did was set them up. They took the bait and demonstrated the underlying hypocrisy, that being --- can't believe we have to actually explain this --- that the applause was for the falsely attributed name, and not the quote itself. They couldn't help themselves; it's not a "joke" so much as a social comment. And they provided the evidence of its veracity. It was here and gone before they knew what happened.

If you translated it to raw form it would go something like -- the speaker says "you people are robots" and the audience responds "yes..... we.... are.... beep".

Yanno what, if you look straight overhead right now you may catch a glimpse of a contrail. :aug08_031:

The good news is that he got good grades and they can't take away his diploma for a failed attempt at humor.

Actually he just earned a new one for a successful execution thereof. Not sure I've ever head of a planet where you get a diploma taken away for "humor". That place must suck.

The kid's a medical student. He's obviously got creativity to bring to that, and yes that is good news :thup:

The even better news is that you jackass party of slavery supporters are this desperate.

Actually the still-good news is that I still don't have a "party". Don't believe in that shit, and if I did I wouldn't be joining a 'party of slavery" if such a thing even existed. But what in the blue fuck that's got to do with a valedictorian laying out a clever social comment, however, does elude me.
Then reveals it was Obama -

CALL: 202-224-3121 on Twitter

>> "This is the part of my speech where I share some inspirational quotes I found on Google," Bowling said in his speech. "'Don't just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.' — Donald J. Trump."

The crowd burst into applause.

"Just kidding," Bowling said. "That was Barack Obama."

The 18-year-old valedictorian said the crowd quickly went silent. << --- USA Today story

THAT is eloquent.

Excellent find Brother Marc. Says so much.

Unfortunately I fear it will be an "airplane story" --- it will sail over a lot of heads.

But those heads will be in, I have no doubt, thanks to your excellent thread title. :clap2:
The kid's failed attempt at humor didn't sail over anybody's head. If the audience doesn't laugh, your joke bombed. He misattributed a quote from Obama's teleprompter to Trump, and thought it would be funny.

A predicted, there sails another airplane over yet another turbine. Ga-WHOOSH....

The joke is not the deliberate misattribution of the quote.

The speaker doesn't execute the joke --- the AUDIENCE does. All he did was set them up. They took the bait and demonstrated the underlying hypocrisy, that being --- can't believe we have to actually explain this --- that the applause was for the falsely attributed name, and not the quote itself. They couldn't help themselves; it's not a "joke" so much as a social comment. And they provided the evidence of its veracity. It was here and gone before they knew what happened.

If you translated it to raw form it would go something like -- the speaker says "you people are robots" and the audience responds "yes..... we.... are.... beep".

Yanno what, if you look straight overhead right now you may catch a glimpse of a contrail. :aug08_031:
Nobody laughed at his attempt at being humorous. The article said that there was silence with some collective groans after they applauded his quote. That means his joke bombed. And presuming that everybody in attendance at the ceremony (all of the other students, their parents, school staff, etc....) are like some mindless robots because they applauded him is simply ridiculous.

Of course people applauded him when he made the quote about fighting to be at the head of the table, because even though his GPA of 4.2 on a 5 point scale wasn't exactly stellar, he still graduated at the head of his class and should be commended for that accomplishment.

And obviously some people felt sorry for the kid when his mental health problem manifested itself in front of everyone. Like yourself (and several other USMB forumers), the poor kid is apparently suffering from Post-Trump Stress Disorder. (aka Trump Derangement Syndrome).

The good news is that he got good grades and they can't take away his diploma for a failed attempt at humor.

Actually he just earned a new one for a successful execution thereof. Not sure I've ever head of a planet where you get a diploma taken away for "humor". That place must suck.

The kid's a medical student. He's obviously got creativity to bring to that, and yes that is good news :thup:

Wrong. He said he hopes to be a medical student. He just graduated high school and hasn't even began his freshman year of college yet, so he's still a long ways from becoming a medical student. Taking pre-med courses and graduating college with a high enough GPA to be accepted into medical school will be significantly more challenging than graduating from a dumb-downed public high school with a 4.2/5.0 GPA.

The even better news is that you jackass party of slavery supporters are this desperate.

Actually the still-good news is that I still don't have a "party". Don't believe in that shit, and if I did I wouldn't be joining a 'party of slavery" if such a thing even existed. But what in the blue fuck that's got to do with a valedictorian laying out a clever social comment, however, does elude me.
The Democratic party is the party of slavery. And you support them practically every day in your posts at USMB.
Let us know ALL of the things obama did for THE BLACKS during his presidency. Stupid ass enslaved OP.
How you figure? aka, what does this statement of yours have to do w/my OP?
The most generic quote ever. It would be like saying "you got to work hard if you want to get ahead in life". Who would disagree? That shit isnt political.
You say that now, years removed from when you and the rest of the Republican sycophants were bashing and poo-pooing any and everything good that Obama done and even said.

He killed Bin Laden, you screamed "NO HE DIDN"T!! OUR MILITARY DID!!!"

Yes, liar, you bitches made EVERYTHING political.

Snap out of it.
Then reveals it was Obama -

CALL: 202-224-3121 on Twitter

>> "This is the part of my speech where I share some inspirational quotes I found on Google," Bowling said in his speech. "'Don't just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.' — Donald J. Trump."

The crowd burst into applause.

"Just kidding," Bowling said. "That was Barack Obama."

The 18-year-old valedictorian said the crowd quickly went silent. << --- USA Today story

THAT is eloquent.

Excellent find Brother Marc. Says so much.

Unfortunately I fear it will be an "airplane story" --- it will sail over a lot of heads.

But those heads will be in, I have no doubt, thanks to your excellent thread title. :clap2:
The kid's failed attempt at humor didn't sail over anybody's head. If the audience doesn't laugh, your joke bombed. He misattributed a quote from Obama's teleprompter to Trump, and thought it would be funny.

A predicted, there sails another airplane over yet another turbine. Ga-WHOOSH....

The joke is not the deliberate misattribution of the quote.

The speaker doesn't execute the joke --- the AUDIENCE does. All he did was set them up. They took the bait and demonstrated the underlying hypocrisy, that being --- can't believe we have to actually explain this --- that the applause was for the falsely attributed name, and not the quote itself. They couldn't help themselves; it's not a "joke" so much as a social comment. And they provided the evidence of its veracity. It was here and gone before they knew what happened.

If you translated it to raw form it would go something like -- the speaker says "you people are robots" and the audience responds "yes..... we.... are.... beep".

Yanno what, if you look straight overhead right now you may catch a glimpse of a contrail. :aug08_031:
Nobody laughed at his attempt at being humorous. The article said that there was silence with some collective groans after they applauded his quote. That means his joke bombed. And presuming that everybody in attendance at the ceremony (all of the other students, their parents, school staff, etc....) are like some mindless robots because they applauded him is simply ridiculous.

Of course people applauded him when he made the quote about fighting to be at the head of the table, because even though his GPA of 4.2 on a 5 point scale wasn't exactly stellar, he still graduated at the head of his class and should be commended for that accomplishment.

And obviously some people felt sorry for the kid when his mental health problem manifested itself in front of everyone. Like yourself (and several other USMB forumers), the poor kid is apparently suffering from Post-Trump Stress Disorder. (aka Trump Derangement Syndrome).

The good news is that he got good grades and they can't take away his diploma for a failed attempt at humor.

Actually he just earned a new one for a successful execution thereof. Not sure I've ever head of a planet where you get a diploma taken away for "humor". That place must suck.

The kid's a medical student. He's obviously got creativity to bring to that, and yes that is good news :thup:

Wrong. He said he hopes to be a medical student. He just graduated high school and hasn't even began his freshman year of college yet, so he's still a long ways from becoming a medical student. Taking pre-med courses and graduating college with a high enough GPA to be accepted into medical school will be significantly more challenging than graduating from a dumb-downed public high school with a 4.2/5.0 GPA.

The even better news is that you jackass party of slavery supporters are this desperate.

Actually the still-good news is that I still don't have a "party". Don't believe in that shit, and if I did I wouldn't be joining a 'party of slavery" if such a thing even existed. But what in the blue fuck that's got to do with a valedictorian laying out a clever social comment, however, does elude me.
The Democratic party is the party of slavery. And you support them practically every day in your posts at USMB.

There is no "party of slavery" Dumbass. Slavery has been abolished since before the great-grandparents we never met were fucking born. And it was a social institution anyway, not a fucking political party platform. And once **AGAIN** it's got zero to do with anything in this thread.

Again, the only party I join is the one with food and drink and social interaction celebrating some event. I understand you Fascisti have a control-wish to dictate other people's lives but you're just gonna have to stifle that and grow the fuck up.
LoLing @ "the party of slavery."

What a buffoon!

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One of the benefits of being non-partisan is that with stuff like this it doesn't make a difference who said it. It is only a matter of, do I agree or disagree?

And while we're here, congrats to any of you parents of graduating seniors.
The class president at my granddaughter's graduation today is a Mexican, so what did she do but talk about DACA and used half her speech taking in Spanish to her illegal parents and others in attendance who don't speak English. I wanted to stand up and yell out "ICE!"
Why didn't you?
The class president at my granddaughter's graduation today is a Mexican, so what did she do but talk about DACA and used half her speech taking in Spanish to her illegal parents and others in attendance who don't speak English. I wanted to stand up and yell out "ICE!"
Why didn't you? Or better yet, stand up and yell "La Migra!" Were you too afraid?

There is no "party of slavery" Dumbass. Slavery has been abolished since before the great-grandparents we never met were fucking born.
Your ignorance of US history is fucking astounding. The fascist Democratic party is the party of slavery and the Republican party was formed for the specific purpose of abolishing slavery.

Both of my great-grandfathers were enslaved by a Democrat president. Both of my grandfathers and my step-grandfather were enslaved by a Democrat president. One of my uncles was enslaved by a Democrat president. In fact, I know several guys who were enslaved by president Johnson(D) and emancipated by president Nixon(R).

And our public schools simply refuse to teach kids the sordid truth about the Democratic party of slavery. That kid likely has never learned the truth regarding the Democratic party even though he graduated at the top of his class. And now he seems to be suffering from a serious case Post-Trump Stress Disorder due to being exposed to loads of Democratic party propaganda. That's certainly not going to help him achieve his dream of becoming a doctor.
Hear that? Nixon's emancipating 120-year-old slaves now. Somebody forgot to tell him that was already done 103 years before he got into office. SMH...

So what do you think I am --- 150 years old? A bit ironic you want to bring up "history" after your enormous boner about what constitutes a natural born citizen the other night doncha think? As far as history -- not even then was there a 'party of slavery'. There was a 'party of Abolition' as you noted; that doesn't make all other parties "parties of slavery". But we don't live in those times, DO WE.

Once AGAIN Stupid -- I don't join political parties. I do know what they are --- which is exactly why I don't join them. DUMBASS.

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