Crowds outside of Fulton County jail as Trump is indicted

Trump should NOT pay the 200 grand bail!

Let them throw him in jail along with 8 secret service agents. It would throw the entire jail system into chaos. Trump gets to play the victim...and it would be 10 million dollars worth of campaign air time and it wouldn't cost him a cent! :D
"trump gets to play the victim".....SSDD, eh?
you're a friggin clown.

no one sees BLM anywhere anymore and ANTIFA?

They're hiding under your bed
Just like the white supremacists are under yours.
The National Police State Apparatus are arresting people of religion, people who complain at school boards and things like that. They invade the privacy of people's homes with impunity, and they are considered terrorists. Which limits their rights. Right out of the 1968 Police State TV movie...Shadow on the Land.
Threaten someone and go to jail.
I don't like the look of the guy with the can of gas. Hard to tell if he was turned back or arrested?

If Trump makes the call, it will be about an hour before his appearance.

Still hoping for the best but there are signs of trouble in that small crowd, even though Trump's lieutenants won't appear in the crowds early.

Did you ever stop to think the gas can is empty? That it might symbolize Quid Pro *Joes high gas prices?
Your feelings kicked in immediately and ceased all rational thought.
Yep, you’re a leftist.
We are going to make sure ballots are not always cured in favor of Biden, that Republican observers aren’t sent home in the middle of the night so cheaters can dump buckets of ballots that go 99% for Biden, that there aren’t six swing states simultaneously shutting down the count when Trump is ahead, that signatures must match, that multiple ballots aren’t mailed out to the same address, and that ballot counting doesn’t extend a week past Election Day until the Dems can come up with enough of them to erase Trump’s lead.
We have former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez working on it. Your Kraken is no match for a guy who can plan, plot and succeed at overthrowing American elections
Ok boomer

"Mr. Donald Trump is expected to surrender and then be released at the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta on Thursday in connection with his attempts to reverse his 2020 election loss in Georgia. Trump was charged Aug. 14 with 13 counts, including violating the state’s anti-racketeering act, soliciting a public officer to violate their oath, conspiring to impersonate a public officer, conspiring to commit forgery in the first degree and conspiring to file false documents. The sheriff has said Trump’s processing will be like any other — with a mug shot. Trump’s 18 co-defendants, including his former lawyer Rudy Giuliani, have trickled into the jail for their bookings over the past few days." - WAPO

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