Crowds outside of Fulton County jail as Trump is indicted

Because the Democrat assholes control the Justice Department and they are about to jail one of their own.

That is how Banana Republics work. The fix is in. The ruling leaders get to use the government to punish their opponents and they don't ever have to worry about being accountable for their corruption.
Democrats had nothing to do with it. Trump got indicted by a grand jury, ordinary Americans.
Georgia persecutor and court are slow walking this for air time.

Fani already announced the indictment.

They arrange for the surrender and arrest and booking paperwork shit for today.

But they don’t schedule the arraignment for the same day. Therefore, the circus show for the arraignment will be conducted for another newsday.

That’s a lot of air time and ink over a bullshit indictment.

Bookings and arraignments are almost always done on separate days.

In Georgia, the term arraignment refers to a hearing at which the prosecution announces the charges it has filed against the defendant and the defendant responds by pleading guilty or not guilty. Arraignment is also referred to as an “initial hearing” or “initial appearance.” It is the start of the criminal prosecution in your case. Many times it occurs only a couple of days after a person is arrested, but it can be scheduled for several weeks later.

I see you are honing your skills as the poorest posting member ever to attack a keyboard
In the video showing those clowns I noticed that old woman in white, the one standing next to the tard in the sit-down walker.
She looked irritable and disgusted. Why do you think she looks that way?

Most likely because Pedo *Joe sniffed her hair and pinched her nipples when she was young.
What's wrong with dresses on guys? Or kilts? Or pants on women?
Nothing, if they don’t claim to be the sex they’re not, then we get into issues that have not yet come up, like the legal concept of “similarly situated” adults being afforded the right of non discriminatory practice. If you allow a trans woman the right to share a locker room with biological women, because of a similarity they claim they have with biological women, and any male claims to be similar to the trans woman, then you have a complete breakdown of privacy rights for women.

And let’s face it, it is the same argument that was used in Obergfell to allow same sex marriage. Best to keep that horse in the barn and state unequivocally that trans women are not similarly situated to biological women or………

All hell will break loose, and guess who will get blamed?

Not good.
Yeah, right….a group of anti-Trump Democrats.
Trump should not have attempted to steal the election from them.

Black people especially hate that shit.

Even worse, Giuliani and Trump created a "spliced and diced" fake video intended to slander two black election workers.

The dumb fucks really didn't think their coup through.
It took a corrupt Democrat to file those charges.
I hear Fani Willis is a trans groomer who eats live babies for breakfast and tosses puppies into rush hour traffic. Her lesbian vacations with the Washington DC judge are fully funded by George Soros.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

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