CRT and Whiteness for Elementary Students.

We were getting along increasingly well until the Colleges starting pumping out that stream of race baiting "minority studies" students. Corporations are THICK with them stuffed off in HR Depts. Good for the accounting on minority hires.

Except it ISNT good for those students or the corporations. Because REAL EQUITY would look like 2/3rds of those grads in STEM degrees working in the science/engineering/planning depts and NOT cranking out memoes on the next mandatory corporate "diversity/inclusion" classes...

No we weren't. Whites like you love to lie to yourselves about this nations problems with race. Everything you say here is wrong but thats par for the course for you. America has always had this problafm and it stays this way because whites like you refuse to listen.
No we weren't. Whites like you love to lie to yourselves about this nations problems with race. Everything you say here is wrong but thats par for the course for you. America has always had this problafm and it stays this way because whites like you refuse to listen.
What would you do without your seething hatred of white people? You might have to take some responsibility for your actions.
To listen to the dishonest woke Stalinists, one would think that schools have always taught that slavery was a GOOD thing. I am 66, so that makes me older than many in this thread, and elementary schools were certainly not whitewashing slavery when I was a kid. It was taught as HISTORY as children should be learning about HISTORY, and was taught as an abomination that an an unforgiveable abrogation of human rights -- as it should be.

Woke isn't about eliminating the racism behind slavery, however. It is about sustaining racism. All it does is reverse the target of the racism and has become such an industry that even mentioning this obvious reversal of targets results in one being called a racist, thus creating a closed loop self-fulfilling prophesy.

We should not be teaching children to be racist PERIOD. We should be teaching them history rather than making an entire industry out of race issues. If we want to eliminate racism, we need to embrace commonality rather than distinctiveness, ideals rather than identity, and strive for a color blind society instead of one that is all ABOUT color. CRT does the exact opposite of that.

I grew up in Virginia. Slavery was presented factually. That is, as a morally repugnant exploitation of other human beings.

The entire woke CRT agenda is deeply racist. It demonizes one race (whites) with a broad highly generalized brush (the literal definition of racism). It does not attempt to be factual. It is an emotional argument designed to divide and silence those of differing opinions. It does nothing to bring us together. It is evil.
School decisions should be local politics, not national politics, but again…everything seems nationalized.

How SHOULD the issue of race and racism both historically and currently be taught?

Everyone is so busy ginning up outrage, attacking teachers and school board members (who themselves are locals and parents with kids in those schools) that they avoid coming with solutions.

For those with short term memory problems…remember when Texas was going to adopt a textbook that referred to slaves as immigrant workers, left out most of Jim Crowe and it’s legacy, and barely a nod to the civil rights era? Or when educators tried to teach that not all slaves were unhappy and there were positive aspects to being a slave?

So, how should we teach these things?
We should teach the truth. Most whites aren't going to hate being white for learning the truth. The teaching of race and history as it stands has us where we are now. This is what the white right wing doesn't get. I went to school from K-12 being taught CWST. When I got to college, I found a place in the university library where I found information on the history and axcomplishments of non white people. I missed so much knowledge because of what was not taught to me and it made me angry.

Once people of color are shown what has been cancelled to learn CWST they get angry. And the continued teacing of CWST by force is just going to make things worse.

Think about the impact on a young black child to learn that Onesimus a black man, saved Boston from a smallpox epidemic along side hearing the story of Paul Revere? Why can't we be taught about Colonel Tye and George Washington? How about teaching about the First Kansas Infantry Unit along with stories of other civil war heroes? That should not make white kids hate themselves and it shows black kids that blacks have accomplished much more than being slaves who were freed because white men died to save us.
I grew up in Virginia. Slavery was presented factually. That is, as a morally repugnant exploitation of other human beings.

The entire woke CRT agenda is deeply racist. It demonizes one race (whites) with a broad highly generalized brush (the literal definition of racism). It does not attempt to be factual. It is an emotional argument designed to divide and silence those of differing opinions. It does nothing to bring us together. It is evil.
You don't even know what CRT is.
Explain Critical Race Theory Welfare Queen.
As far as what I had in mind, I would say there is often quite the difference between a position people support when discussed as an abstraction and that which they support when an involving an actual application, so my suggestion involved bringing these two concepts into alignment.
Can you give a for-instance? I am not clear at all what you have been saying here. It seems to me many anti-woke-racist people are objecting forcefully to the malign Left nonsense. An example of what you view as a problem?
Think about the impact on a young black child to learn that Onesimus a black man, saved Boston from a smallpox epidemic along side hearing the story of Paul Revere? Why can't we be taught about Colonel Tye and George Washington? How about teaching about the First Kansas Infantry Unit along with stories of other civil war heroes? That should not make white kids hate themselves and it shows black kids that blacks have accomplished much more than being slaves who were freed because white men died to save us.
They haven't accomplished much, is the problem. They didn't then, and haven't now. And there's such a huge crime and prostitution and drug and homelessness and and and ---- problem. Do good things, like the Asians do, then we'll see. You cannot be equal if you are inferior: fact.

In the meantime, it's not going to actually work for you to pretend whites are the bad ones. We know we make everything that works and you make everything that is broken. You Woke BLM types managed to persuade some silly Portland young white people that it's somehow all their fault, but that won't last.
They haven't accomplished much, is the problem. They didn't then, and haven't now. And there's such a huge crime and prostitution and drug and homelessness and and and ---- problem. Do good things, like the Asians do, then we'll see. You cannot be equal if you are inferior: fact.

In the meantime, it's not going to actually work for you to pretend whites are the bad ones. We know we make everything that works and you make everything that is broken. You Woke BLM types managed to persuade some silly Portland young white people that it's somehow all their fault, but that won't last.
Time after time, Asians come to this country and start thriving - and this despite the disadvantages of not speaking English in many cases.

This fact, alone, blows the phony narrative of CRT right out of the water.
Everyone is so busy ginning up outrage, attacking teachers and school board members (who themselves are locals and parents with kids in those schools) that they avoid coming with solutions.

The folks with the outrage are being provoked by folks that THINK these "theories" are the answer to racism.. When in reality, the best reading of CRT is that RE-Segregation by skin color is the ONLY way to get people to accept crapping EVERY institution we have now for some Marxist "equity" solution..

I'm not "ginning up" anything here. I've read a LOT about the original premises of CRT and the folks "ginning this up".. And the stuff is so packed with logical contradictions and unsupported assertions that any REMEDIES they recommend cannot be ever sold to clear independent thinking adults..

THUS -- they go after our children.. Both black and white and other colors. And you can see how far this toxic crap and sinister marketing has gone by the ENDORSEMENTS in my Opost.
For those with short term memory problems…remember when Texas was going to adopt a textbook that referred to slaves as immigrant workers, left out most of Jim Crowe and it’s legacy, and barely a nod to the civil rights era? Or when educators tried to teach that not all slaves were unhappy and there were positive aspects to being a slave?

I'm doubting there was a direct comparison to "immigrant workers".. But the lives of immigrant workers TODAY are not a lot better than endentured servants are they? EVEN WORSE when they come now and owe a DEBT to the Mexican cartels.

We have brilliant docents in our area leading tours of plantations and other Civil War sites.. I've had great black docents tell stories about the thoroughbred farms where the black staff became renown experts in training racing and working horses and won HONORS as slaves.. And after Emancipation went on to work by themselves with all that portfolio of knowledge. Wasn't rare that the owners would leave black care-takers in charge of the plantations and have them raise the owner's kids. At Andrew Jackson's Hermitage here the "House Staff" is buried right next to the Jackson family..

NOT -- that this is an adequate picture of slavery.. But it all IS part of the story.. And when the woke are going after the Emancipation Statue in Boston which was commissioned and PAID FOR by ex-Black slaves -- ALL of this history needs to be preseved and taught.

What we'all should be doing is what that ONE GUY in NBA is doing when ALL the team ownershio and all the other players WONT do.. And focus on slavery TODAY in the world and vow to end it.. When China brags about using the Uigars to pick the cotton that the NBA wears in their Nike tennis shoes and only ONE brave black man is there to call it out -- MOST PEOPLE HAVE LEARNED NOTHING FROM our history of slaving... So let's not lie about it or tear it down or ban it. Let's ACTUALLY learn something from it..

Instead of writing contorted and illogical children books on the evils of whiteness and CRT -- ought to be MORE attention on CURRENT slavery and the REAL kinds of human trafficking in the world and vows to END IT...
Woke isn't about eliminating the racism behind slavery, however. It is about sustaining racism. All it does is reverse the target of the racism and has become such an industry that even mentioning this obvious reversal of targets results in one being called a racist, thus creating a closed loop self-fulfilling prophesy.

Say this guy's name.. Enes Kanter. Had to look it up but he's the ONLY player with balls enough to stand up to China and their influences on his profession by dissing them about modern day slavery..

We need THOUSANDS of him and less writers of racist/ counter racist propaganda for children that uses the SAME reasoning and assertions that white supremacists use to justify THEIR racism.. Get this shit out of our schools and DO SOMETHING good about ending modern day racism that hides behind Woking Dead Nike and China and all the things we're NOT addressing about inequities and horrors in the world
The folks with the outrage are being provoked by folks that THINK these "theories" are the answer to racism.. When in reality, the best reading of CRT is that RE-Segregation by skin color is the ONLY way to get people to accept crapping EVERY institution we have now for some Marxist "equity" solution..

I'm not "ginning up" anything here. I've read a LOT about the original premises of CRT and the folks "ginning this up".. And the stuff is so packed with logical contradictions and unsupported assertions that any REMEDIES they recommend cannot be ever sold to clear independent thinking adults..

THUS -- they go after our children.. Both black and white and other colors. And you can see how far this toxic crap and sinister marketing has gone by the ENDORSEMENTS in my Opost.

I'm doubting there was a direct comparison to "immigrant workers".. But the lives of immigrant workers TODAY are not a lot better than endentured servants are they? EVEN WORSE when they come now and owe a DEBT to the Mexican cartels.

We have brilliant docents in our area leading tours of plantations and other Civil War sites.. I've had great black docents tell stories about the thoroughbred farms where the black staff became renown experts in training racing and working horses and won HONORS as slaves.. And after Emancipation went on to work by themselves with all that portfolio of knowledge. Wasn't rare that the owners would leave black care-takers in charge of the plantations and have them raise the owner's kids. At Andrew Jackson's Hermitage here the "House Staff" is buried right next to the Jackson family..

NOT -- that this is an adequate picture of slavery.. But it all IS part of the story.. And when the woke are going after the Emancipation Statue in Boston which was commissioned and PAID FOR by ex-Black slaves -- ALL of this history needs to be preseved and taught.

What we'all should be doing is what that ONE GUY in NBA is doing when ALL the team ownershio and all the other players WONT do.. And focus on slavery TODAY in the world and vow to end it.. When China brags about using the Uigars to pick the cotton that the NBA wears in their Nike tennis shoes and only ONE brave black man is there to call it out -- MOST PEOPLE HAVE LEARNED NOTHING FROM our history of slaving... So let's not lie about it or tear it down or ban it. Let's ACTUALLY learn something from it..

Instead of writing contorted and illogical children books on the evils of whiteness and CRT -- ought to be MORE attention on CURRENT slavery and the REAL kinds of human trafficking in the world and vows to END IT...
Many of the most ardent apologists for CRT do so by characterizing is as an academic treatise, no doubt mentioning that as an appeal to authority. Now, even if the theory were not full of logical inconsistencies, and easily dismissed because of this, the question I would ask is this : even if the theories WERE somehow sound, if it is an academic theory, then why the hell is it being forced on young children?

You see, there is the racist theory, itself, and the way it is being applied. To have teachers with the barest understanding of nuance interpreting it for young children who see the world in absolutes is the stuff of indoctrination. AT BEST, this racist quackery should only be restricted to upper level High school AP classes (which are now being called racist) or left for college. Young children simply do not have the mental capacity necessary to either understand that it is an academic theory or be able to differentiate shades of grey. All they know is that an authoritary figure is telling them to be ashamed of themselves and that they were born with original sin.

This IS a religion to these racists, too, and they want to infect as many impressionable young minds wirh it as possible.
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Say this guy's name.. Enes Kanter. Had to look it up but he's the ONLY player with balls enough to stand up to China and their influences on his profession by dissing them about modern day slavery..

We need THOUSANDS of him and less writers of racist/ counter racist propaganda for children that uses the SAME reasoning and assertions that white supremacists use to justify THEIR racism.. Get this shit out of our schools and DO SOMETHING good about ending modern day racism that hides behind Woking Dead Nike and China and all the things we're NOT addressing about inequities and horrors in the world

What you say is not happening in our schools.
"Woke isn't about eliminating the racism behind slavery, however. It is about sustaining racism. All it does is reverse the target of the racism and has become such an industry that even mentioning this obvious reversal of targets results in one being called a racist, thus creating a closed loop self-fulfilling prophesy."

Only dumbasses believe this. Woke does nothing of the sort.
Many of the most ardent apologists for CRT do so by characterizing is as an academic treatise, no doubt mentioning that as an appeal to authority. Now, even if the theory were not full of logical inconsistencies, and easily dismissed because of this, the question I would ask is this : even if the theories WERE somehow sound, if it is an academic theory, then why the hell is it being forced on young children?

You see, there is the racist theory, itself, and the way it is being applied. To have teachers with the barest understanding of nuance interpreting it for young children who see the world in absolutes is the stuff of indoctrination. AT BEST, this racist quackery should only be restricted to upper level High school AP classes (which are now being called racist) or left for college. Young children simply do not have the mental capacity necessary to either understand that it is an academic theory or be able to differentiate shades of grey. All they know is that an authoritary figure is telling them to be ashamed of themselves and that they were born with original sin.

This IS a religion to these racists, too, and they want to infect as many impressionable young minds wirh it as possible.
You don't know what CRT is.
Time after time, Asians come to this country and start thriving - and this despite the disadvantages of not speaking English in many cases.

This fact, alone, blows the phony narrative of CRT right out of the water.
Time after time Asians are entering on the H1B Visa program.
They haven't accomplished much, is the problem. They didn't then, and haven't now. And there's such a huge crime and prostitution and drug and homelessness and and and ---- problem. Do good things, like the Asians do, then we'll see. You cannot be equal if you are inferior: fact.

In the meantime, it's not going to actually work for you to pretend whites are the bad ones. We know we make everything that works and you make everything that is broken. You Woke BLM types managed to persuade some silly Portland young white people that it's somehow all their fault, but that won't last.
Incorrect. That's the problem. You are an example of how we are taught CWST.

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