Cruz and Kasich join forces to stop Trump

Trump will either win the nomination ir he will blow the whole Cleveland show sky high. There will be blood....
Cleveland is going to be fabulous. This cast of characters is great. Must see TV.

This is the first time in my life I've looked forward to a political event, dead serious.

If they give Palin some air time, I'm gonna fuckin' wet myself.

LOL at Palin!

Maybe she and the family will do a repeat of one of their drunken parties. And of course her daughter turns up pregnant, again, afterwards! YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP! :rofl:
What if she turned up pregnant with Bill Clintons baby.

After the open heart surgery, I doubt old Bill can keep it up that long....:banana:
Viagra really does cause 4 hour erections.....................
Lilliputians, banding together to pull down Gulliver?

Even if they manage to tie him down, he'll only get back up again.

The Democrats would be having one of these, as well, if they had started with a deep enough bench or bullpen, but, they had a shallow baseline, to begin with.
This helps The Donald since now it is confirmed that Lyin' Ted and Kasich are worse than any democrat.

Yeah, two Republicans uniting to stop a rino. Democrats have never done anything so bad.


Rebel to keep slavery legal
Oppose civil rights and then pretend they were always for them.
Obama care
Concentration camps
Butchered peace efforts after ww1
Unethical medical testing on black people.

I could go on but clearly this is worse. How dare they!
Trump will either win the nomination ir he will blow the whole Cleveland show sky high. There will be blood....
Cleveland is going to be fabulous. This cast of characters is great. Must see TV.

This is the first time in my life I've looked forward to a political event, dead serious.

If they give Palin some air time, I'm gonna fuckin' wet myself.

LOL at Palin!

Maybe she and the family will do a repeat of one of their drunken parties. And of course her daughter turns up pregnant, again, afterwards! YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP! :rofl:
What if she turned up pregnant with Bill Clintons baby.

After the open heart surgery, I doubt old Bill can keep it up that long....:banana:
Viagra really does cause 4 hour erections.....................

Don't know...never had to use it...
This helps The Donald since now it is confirmed that Lyin' Ted and Kasich are worse than any democrat.

Yeah, two Republicans uniting to stop a rino. Democrats have never done anything so bad.


Rebel to keep slavery legal
Oppose civil rights and then pretend they were always for them.
Obama care
Concentration camps
Butchered peace efforts after ww1
Unethical medical testing on black people.

I could go on but clearly this is worse. How dare they!

What a mess your Political Party is! DON'T YOU JUST LOVE IT!
Should help Cruz. Surprising to hear that kasich went along with it.

Probably too late to help.

If you are a severe Christian Wingnut living in Oregon, you aren't going to vote for Kasich, and if you are a Moderate Country Club Republican in Indiana, you aren't going to vote for Cruz.

The real problem you guys are going to have is that any nomination that isn't given to the guy who gets the most votes will be seen as illegitimate.

You guys made Trump. You've played on white fear for decades. Enjoy him. Then work on fixing what is truly fucked up about your party.
It's an odd deal. Indiana is the only one of those states that is important. Kasich not being in it makes a Cruz victory more likely.

Cruz is currently projected to win Oregon and new Mexico. They are also proportional States. So Cruz probably keeps the same amount of delegates regardless and wines Indiana as well.

It's very odd indeed. It's almost as if kasich is simply quitting without officially stopping anything
It's an odd deal. Indiana is the only one of those states that is important. Kasich not being in it makes a Cruz victory more likely.

Cruz is currently projected to win Oregon and new Mexico. They are also proportional States. So Cruz probably keeps the same amount of delegates regardless and wines Indiana as well.

It's very odd indeed. It's almost as if kasich is simply quitting without officially stopping anything

Guy, after Trump wins all of contests tomorrow, Cruz is going to be over.
It's an odd deal. Indiana is the only one of those states that is important. Kasich not being in it makes a Cruz victory more likely.

Cruz is currently projected to win Oregon and new Mexico. They are also proportional States. So Cruz probably keeps the same amount of delegates regardless and wines Indiana as well.

It's very odd indeed. It's almost as if kasich is simply quitting without officially stopping anything

Guy, after Trump wins all of contests tomorrow, Cruz is going to be over.

Hardly. He can't get to 1237. It won't be over until the convention. And that's factoring in Trump running the table tomorrow. If he underperformance anywhere tomorrow it's guaranteed he loses
Rubio tried this and they left him in the dust. His career is over.
These pathetic dumbfucks do not care about the will of their republican base. If the people want trump, that means they DONT WANT YOU.
This is nothing but a sign that they don't care about YOU
Just like the establishment hasn't in 30+ years!
Trump will either win the nomination ir he will blow the whole Cleveland show sky high. There will be blood....
Cleveland is going to be fabulous. This cast of characters is great. Must see TV.

This is the first time in my life I've looked forward to a political event, dead serious.

If they give Palin some air time, I'm gonna fuckin' wet myself.

I thought I would watch only if she showed some boob, but then thought better of it. Gravity can be a tough thing.
Sanders vs Trump still speaks of being the most entertaining scenario.
Maybe, but Trump v Cankles would be good too.

I am betting Mrs. BJ cries multiple times, when The Donald exposes her infinitely corrupt history.

Don't know. Trump gets tripped up and pissed off to easy. Hillery is a master at sticking her chin out there then crying when she takes a shot. Trump is exactly who she wants as he is the perfect sucker for this tactic.
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In the Clinton vs Trump debates, she will make him look like a Huge Bully, which he is.

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