Cruz and Kasich join forces to stop Trump

How come no one has ever said anything about the trump Huckabee love affair that was going on when the campaign started ? I mean Huckaboo's daughter has been on Trump's staff for awhile. Wonder what the nature of the deal was and when it was made.
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are they withdrawing from the ballot or just not campaigning in the states?

Kasich is not campaigning in Indiana.

Cruz campaigns statement was that they were focused on indiana.

They are still on the ballot in all places

This is a very late and weak attempt to stop Trump. It will probably backfire. Hopefully the voters will see through the sleaze...
How come no one has ever said anything about the trump Huckabee love affair that was going on when the campaign started ? I mean Huckaboo's daughter has been on Trump's staff for awhile. Wonder what the nature of the deal was and when it was nade.

He was probably promised a cabinet position.
How come no one has ever said anything about the trump Huckabee love affair that was going on when the campaign started ? I mean Huckaboo's daughter has been on Trump's staff for awhile. Wonder what the nature of the deal was and when it was nade.

He was probably promised a cabinet position.

Yeah he was crying about this in a tweet I guess. Wonder why Trump's supporters don't holler about it. That, and saying he won't really build a wall, going PC on the Trannies in bathrooms as saying he isn't really crazy, just playing a part. Honestly I think everyone is just pissed and their vision is clouded. Deeeeeeep breath guys.
In the Clinton vs Trump debates, she will make him look like a Huge Bully, which he is.
A stupid bully too. He will bully her like he did Rosie O. And when put up for a vote he will see that America agrees with Rosie/Hillary, not him. His fan's may think he won but he'll be hosting the next Apprentice in January.
I agree. Trump has hit a winning narrative with the idea of the system being rigged. Publicly announcing you'll team up to stop him isn't exactly countering that narrative.

The funny thing is that Trump is most benefiting from the real rigging in the system. Let's take New York. How many delegates did Trump win in New York? How in the hell does New York of all states have 95 delegates in the GOP primary? That's massively disproportionate. There are only 2.7 million Republicans in the entire state. That's one delegate for every 28700 people. Meanwhile there are more than 14 million Republicans in Texas, and that state has 155 delegates. Or, one delegate for every 91900 people. New York Republicans are getting 3x the input into the nominee.

Turnout and Voter Registration Figures (1970-current)
In the Clinton vs Trump debates, she will make him look like a Huge Bully, which he is.
A stupid bully too. He will bully her like he did Rosie O. And when put up for a vote he will see that America agrees with Rosie/Hillary, not him. His fan's may think he won but he'll be hosting the next Apprentice in January.
At least he has fans. Hillary is like the old cheese left in the frig too long and you have nothing else to eat.

I don't know how anyone, especially men, can listen to that shrill angry housewife tone she uses.
this strategy is going to fail as after tomorrow trump will have 5 more huge wins. might get over 50% in all 5 contests.

I f only caucuses were left it might have a chance where a few GOP insiders can manipulate the results.
Hardly. He can't get to 1237. It won't be over until the convention. And that's factoring in Trump running the table tomorrow. If he underperformance anywhere tomorrow it's guaranteed he loses

Cruz can't get to 1237. Trump can. He only has to win 56% of the remaining delegates.

But here's the bigger problem. How do you tell 45% of your voters, "Screw you, you played by the rules, but we are still going to ignore your wishes". This hasn't been done in the modern era.
Hardly. He can't get to 1237. It won't be over until the convention. And that's factoring in Trump running the table tomorrow. If he underperformance anywhere tomorrow it's guaranteed he loses

Cruz can't get to 1237. Trump can. He only has to win 56% of the remaining delegates.

But here's the bigger problem. How do you tell 45% of your voters, "Screw you, you played by the rules, but we are still going to ignore your wishes". This hasn't been done in the modern era.

Have never seen such a screwed up mess! LOVE IT!

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