Cruz Correct About Gun Control Laws


He said none of the mass shootings could have been stopped by stricter gun laws. The WaPo says he's correct! Full assessment @ Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws

Ok, so they're conceding that we have no defense against mass shootings. And yet, in case the case of ISIS type mass shootings, these people want a perpetual war against Islam.

They are effectively guaranteeing Americans a perpetuity of San B type massacres if their policies rule.

He said none of the mass shootings could have been stopped by stricter gun laws. The WaPo says he's correct! Full assessment @ Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws

Ok, so they're conceding that we have no defense against mass shootings. And yet, in case the case of ISIS type mass shootings, these people want a perpetual war against Islam.

They are effectively guaranteeing Americans a perpetuity of San B type massacres if their policies rule.

Rebuild Hussein's dismantled Immigration System and secure the border. Any Politician propsosing that, has my full support. There's no need to dismantle our Constitution too.
From wikipedia:

Under the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 the definition of "semiautomatic assault weapon" included specific semi-automatic firearm models by name, and other semi-automatic firearms that possessed two or more from a set certain features:[11]

Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and two or more of the following:
So all you had to do was remove the following features and its' not an assault weapon anymore, it's legal, and it can do the EXACT SAME THING it could do before you removed the scary parts.
you know you took from two sources here how to make it simi-automatic ...but you didn't take the whole thing from the actual law... the law said that no manufacture is allowed to make them for the public... nice try, but try again ...why do you on the right have to lie so much ... you took two articles then twisted them to justify your post

CERTAIN semi-automatics. What happened was the gunmakers removed the scary parts and BOOM the guns were legal again with the exact same functionality as before.
sooooooooo my statement wasn't blatantly false statement about that the AWB "banned.. are you say the made the simi-automatic or did the have to make it simi-automatic by the person buying it??? or are you just blowing smoke up our asses again

This post proves you don't know what you are talking about.
ok got it ...
other gun totting idiot with out a clue


He said none of the mass shootings could have been stopped by stricter gun laws. The WaPo says he's correct! Full assessment @ Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws

Ok, so they're conceding that we have no defense against mass shootings. And yet, in case the case of ISIS type mass shootings, these people want a perpetual war against Islam.

They are effectively guaranteeing Americans a perpetuity of San B type massacres if their policies rule.

Rebuild Hussein's dismantled Immigration System and secure the border. Any Politician propsosing that, has my full support. There's no need to dismantle our Constitution too.

Criminals will get across the border just like criminals will get guns.

He said none of the mass shootings could have been stopped by stricter gun laws. The WaPo says he's correct! Full assessment @ Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws

Ok, so they're conceding that we have no defense against mass shootings. And yet, in case the case of ISIS type mass shootings, these people want a perpetual war against Islam.

They are effectively guaranteeing Americans a perpetuity of San B type massacres if their policies rule.

Rebuild Hussein's dismantled Immigration System and secure the border. Any Politician propsosing that, has my full support. There's no need to dismantle our Constitution too.

Criminals will get across the border just like criminals will get guns.

Like i said, Hussein dismantled our Immigration System. It will have to be rebuilt. It's completely unnecessary to dismantle our Constitution too.
I'm not even sure what Hussein's criteria is for placing someone on a 'No-Fly List' or 'Terror Watch List.' I just don't trust the man. He's been using the IRS to attack Conservatives/Republicans for years.

So i'm very skeptical of who and why they're on Hussein's lists. If the names were released to the Public, i'm willing to bet there's a whole lotta folks on there for merely being critical of him. There's probably a few journalists on them. That's my feeling anyway.
actually hussein doesn't make the criteria ... home land does ... as for people not liking him, you can get on a plane can't ya??? case closed .... it amazes me how infantile you republicans can be to justify your hate for Obama

What's the criteria? Do you know? Judging by Hussein's past history of IRS abuses, i'm very curious about who and why they're on his lists. And why weren't these latest Terrorists in California on any of his lists? That's a question the MSM still hasn't asked.
obama had nothing to do with the Irs abuses and you can't show us here where he did... you're just ranting about something that you thought he did ... as for the latest list, its obvious you don't know how it works... home land didn't do their due diligence ... from my understanding Home land doesn't look into every person Emails to find out if they are terrorist ... they take the information that they can find on that person ...again hussein had nothing to do with that home land did ... home land goes by the criteria that is given to them by the congress ... when home land was set up it was set up by the bush administration ... so you should show your anger at them not Hussein who had noting to do with how one is allowed to be admitted to this country... why is it always hussein fault when things go wrong with you???
MSM has asked many time how were they allowed into this country... they got a answer... that answer was that home land didn't find anything on them that would have cause for them not to be allowed into the country... but after the fact when they started looking in to their email accounts, they found that they were supporting terrorist ... this wasn't a thing for home land to look up .... they followed all their procedures and found nothing... I suspect that they will now start looking at emails ... all of this was said on msm ... thats where I got it ... so it appears you didn't get that message ... or were you looking for them to say obama let them in without any checks because he's a muslim .... is that what you're looking for??? a lie to justify your hate

Hussein's the President. It's his show. It's all on him. And aren't you even a little bit curious about who and why they're on his 'Terror-Watch' and 'No-Fly' lists? And why weren't these Terrorists in California on any of his lists? Aren't you just a bit curious?
no I'm not one bit curious ... I have a brain ... I know home land allows people to come into the U.S. .... I know obama has no control over that ... the IRS can do what they want, look at whom ever they want, and Obama has no control or say over that... they have guide lines to follow... if they don't follow their guide lines they they can be held accountable ... if they go out of their guide lines they can be held accountable for that ... the president isn't responsible for everything that happens in this country no president is ... but when it does it is up to the president to try and change the laws ... as far as I seen he has tried but failed by the republican controlled congress ... hell he just tried to pass a law putting people who are on the no fly list from being able to buy a gun ... the republicans shot that down so its ok for a terrorist to buy and gun here in the states but he can't fly... go figure
I'm not even sure what Hussein's criteria is for placing someone on a 'No-Fly List' or 'Terror Watch List.' I just don't trust the man. He's been using the IRS to attack Conservatives/Republicans for years.

So i'm very skeptical of who and why they're on Hussein's lists. If the names were released to the Public, i'm willing to bet there's a whole lotta folks on there for merely being critical of him. There's probably a few journalists on them. That's my feeling anyway.
actually hussein doesn't make the criteria ... home land does ... as for people not liking him, you can get on a plane can't ya??? case closed .... it amazes me how infantile you republicans can be to justify your hate for Obama

What's the criteria? Do you know? Judging by Hussein's past history of IRS abuses, i'm very curious about who and why they're on his lists. And why weren't these latest Terrorists in California on any of his lists? That's a question the MSM still hasn't asked.
obama had nothing to do with the Irs abuses and you can't show us here where he did... you're just ranting about something that you thought he did ... as for the latest list, its obvious you don't know how it works... home land didn't do their due diligence ... from my understanding Home land doesn't look into every person Emails to find out if they are terrorist ... they take the information that they can find on that person ...again hussein had nothing to do with that home land did ... home land goes by the criteria that is given to them by the congress ... when home land was set up it was set up by the bush administration ... so you should show your anger at them not Hussein who had noting to do with how one is allowed to be admitted to this country... why is it always hussein fault when things go wrong with you???
MSM has asked many time how were they allowed into this country... they got a answer... that answer was that home land didn't find anything on them that would have cause for them not to be allowed into the country... but after the fact when they started looking in to their email accounts, they found that they were supporting terrorist ... this wasn't a thing for home land to look up .... they followed all their procedures and found nothing... I suspect that they will now start looking at emails ... all of this was said on msm ... thats where I got it ... so it appears you didn't get that message ... or were you looking for them to say obama let them in without any checks because he's a muslim .... is that what you're looking for??? a lie to justify your hate

Hussein's the President. It's his show. It's all on him. And aren't you even a little bit curious about who and why they're on his 'Terror-Watch' and 'No-Fly' lists? And why weren't these Terrorists in California on any of his lists? Aren't you just a bit curious?
no I'm not one bit curious ... I have a brain ... I know home land allows people to come into the U.S. .... I know obama has no control over that ... the IRS can do what they want, look at whom ever they want, and Obama has no control or say over that... they have guide lines to follow... if they don't follow their guide lines they they can be held accountable ... if they go out of their guide lines they can be held accountable for that ... the president isn't responsible for everything that happens in this country no president is ... but when it does it is up to the president to try and change the laws ... as far as I seen he has tried but failed by the republican controlled congress ... hell he just tried to pass a law putting people who are on the no fly list from being able to buy a gun ... the republicans shot that down so its ok for a terrorist to buy and gun here in the states but he can't fly... go figure

He uses the IRS as a weapon against political dissenters. He's a criminal. So i am very skeptical of who he has on his lists. And you still haven't answered my question. Why weren't these Terrorists in California on any of his lists?

He said none of the mass shootings could have been stopped by stricter gun laws. The WaPo says he's correct! Full assessment @ Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws

Ok, so they're conceding that we have no defense against mass shootings. And yet, in case the case of ISIS type mass shootings, these people want a perpetual war against Islam.

They are effectively guaranteeing Americans a perpetuity of San B type massacres if their policies rule.

Rebuild Hussein's dismantled Immigration System and secure the border. Any Politician propsosing that, has my full support. There's no need to dismantle our Constitution too.

Criminals will get across the border just like criminals will get guns.

Like i said, Hussein dismantled our Immigration System. It will have to be rebuilt. It's completely unnecessary to dismantle our Constitution too.
how did the hussein dismantle the immigration system??? we still have immigration system ... from my understand this president has deported more illegals then any president .... I know people whose parents came here illegal, whose children were born here, he has made it so their parents can stay and not be deported ... unless they are criminals they go ... he has done that ... but to say he dismantled the immigrations system is a bit much on your part ... where do you get this shit from,???

He said none of the mass shootings could have been stopped by stricter gun laws. The WaPo says he's correct! Full assessment @ Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws

Ok, so they're conceding that we have no defense against mass shootings. And yet, in case the case of ISIS type mass shootings, these people want a perpetual war against Islam.

They are effectively guaranteeing Americans a perpetuity of San B type massacres if their policies rule.

Rebuild Hussein's dismantled Immigration System and secure the border. Any Politician propsosing that, has my full support. There's no need to dismantle our Constitution too.

Criminals will get across the border just like criminals will get guns.

Like i said, Hussein dismantled our Immigration System. It will have to be rebuilt. It's completely unnecessary to dismantle our Constitution too.
how did the hussein dismantle the immigration system??? we still have immigration system ... from my understand this president has deported more illegals then any president .... I know people whose parents came here illegal, whose children were born here, he has made it so their parents can stay and not be deported ... unless they are criminals they go ... he has done that ... but to say he dismantled the immigrations system is a bit much on your part ... where do you get this shit from,???

Have you read the legal requirements for immigrating to the US legally? None of these illegals qualify, by law they should all be deported yet Obama ignores the law and makes up is own damn immigration rules bypassing congress, the law, and the courts.
actually hussein doesn't make the criteria ... home land does ... as for people not liking him, you can get on a plane can't ya??? case closed .... it amazes me how infantile you republicans can be to justify your hate for Obama

What's the criteria? Do you know? Judging by Hussein's past history of IRS abuses, i'm very curious about who and why they're on his lists. And why weren't these latest Terrorists in California on any of his lists? That's a question the MSM still hasn't asked.
obama had nothing to do with the Irs abuses and you can't show us here where he did... you're just ranting about something that you thought he did ... as for the latest list, its obvious you don't know how it works... home land didn't do their due diligence ... from my understanding Home land doesn't look into every person Emails to find out if they are terrorist ... they take the information that they can find on that person ...again hussein had nothing to do with that home land did ... home land goes by the criteria that is given to them by the congress ... when home land was set up it was set up by the bush administration ... so you should show your anger at them not Hussein who had noting to do with how one is allowed to be admitted to this country... why is it always hussein fault when things go wrong with you???
MSM has asked many time how were they allowed into this country... they got a answer... that answer was that home land didn't find anything on them that would have cause for them not to be allowed into the country... but after the fact when they started looking in to their email accounts, they found that they were supporting terrorist ... this wasn't a thing for home land to look up .... they followed all their procedures and found nothing... I suspect that they will now start looking at emails ... all of this was said on msm ... thats where I got it ... so it appears you didn't get that message ... or were you looking for them to say obama let them in without any checks because he's a muslim .... is that what you're looking for??? a lie to justify your hate

Hussein's the President. It's his show. It's all on him. And aren't you even a little bit curious about who and why they're on his 'Terror-Watch' and 'No-Fly' lists? And why weren't these Terrorists in California on any of his lists? Aren't you just a bit curious?
no I'm not one bit curious ... I have a brain ... I know home land allows people to come into the U.S. .... I know obama has no control over that ... the IRS can do what they want, look at whom ever they want, and Obama has no control or say over that... they have guide lines to follow... if they don't follow their guide lines they they can be held accountable ... if they go out of their guide lines they can be held accountable for that ... the president isn't responsible for everything that happens in this country no president is ... but when it does it is up to the president to try and change the laws ... as far as I seen he has tried but failed by the republican controlled congress ... hell he just tried to pass a law putting people who are on the no fly list from being able to buy a gun ... the republicans shot that down so its ok for a terrorist to buy and gun here in the states but he can't fly... go figure

He uses the IRS as a weapon against political dissenters. He's a criminal. So i am very skeptical of who he has on his lists. And you still haven't answered my question. Why weren't these Terrorists in California on any of his lists?
it was brought to the attention of the employees by the person in charge of the IRS not hussein... the IRS had them looking into 501c's see if they were Dems run 501c in or republicans running it, it didn't matter ... they wanted to see if they were following IRS laws... in that year there were 10 republicans 501 c's to ever 1 dem 501c you seem to be a nut case
Ok, so they're conceding that we have no defense against mass shootings. And yet, in case the case of ISIS type mass shootings, these people want a perpetual war against Islam.

They are effectively guaranteeing Americans a perpetuity of San B type massacres if their policies rule.

Rebuild Hussein's dismantled Immigration System and secure the border. Any Politician propsosing that, has my full support. There's no need to dismantle our Constitution too.

Criminals will get across the border just like criminals will get guns.

Like i said, Hussein dismantled our Immigration System. It will have to be rebuilt. It's completely unnecessary to dismantle our Constitution too.
how did the hussein dismantle the immigration system??? we still have immigration system ... from my understand this president has deported more illegals then any president .... I know people whose parents came here illegal, whose children were born here, he has made it so their parents can stay and not be deported ... unless they are criminals they go ... he has done that ... but to say he dismantled the immigrations system is a bit much on your part ... where do you get this shit from,???

Have you read the legal requirements for immigrating to the US legally? None of these illegals qualify, by law they should all be deported yet Obama ignores the law and makes up is own damn immigration rules bypassing congress, the law, and the courts.
your nuts
Rebuild Hussein's dismantled Immigration System and secure the border. Any Politician propsosing that, has my full support. There's no need to dismantle our Constitution too.

Criminals will get across the border just like criminals will get guns.

Like i said, Hussein dismantled our Immigration System. It will have to be rebuilt. It's completely unnecessary to dismantle our Constitution too.
how did the hussein dismantle the immigration system??? we still have immigration system ... from my understand this president has deported more illegals then any president .... I know people whose parents came here illegal, whose children were born here, he has made it so their parents can stay and not be deported ... unless they are criminals they go ... he has done that ... but to say he dismantled the immigrations system is a bit much on your part ... where do you get this shit from,???

Have you read the legal requirements for immigrating to the US legally? None of these illegals qualify, by law they should all be deported yet Obama ignores the law and makes up is own damn immigration rules bypassing congress, the law, and the courts.
your nuts
it hasn't changed in the last 13 years or so
Rebuild Hussein's dismantled Immigration System and secure the border. Any Politician propsosing that, has my full support. There's no need to dismantle our Constitution too.

Criminals will get across the border just like criminals will get guns.

Like i said, Hussein dismantled our Immigration System. It will have to be rebuilt. It's completely unnecessary to dismantle our Constitution too.
how did the hussein dismantle the immigration system??? we still have immigration system ... from my understand this president has deported more illegals then any president .... I know people whose parents came here illegal, whose children were born here, he has made it so their parents can stay and not be deported ... unless they are criminals they go ... he has done that ... but to say he dismantled the immigrations system is a bit much on your part ... where do you get this shit from,???

Have you read the legal requirements for immigrating to the US legally? None of these illegals qualify, by law they should all be deported yet Obama ignores the law and makes up is own damn immigration rules bypassing congress, the law, and the courts.
your nuts

Your an imbecile.

He said none of the mass shootings could have been stopped by stricter gun laws. The WaPo says he's correct! Full assessment @ Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws

Ok, so they're conceding that we have no defense against mass shootings. And yet, in case the case of ISIS type mass shootings, these people want a perpetual war against Islam.

They are effectively guaranteeing Americans a perpetuity of San B type massacres if their policies rule.

No.....we have pointed out the way to stop mass shootings...get rid of gun free zones.....the places where shooters go to murder people who are unarmed by law......

That and greater intelligence work......and not stygmatizing people who speak out.

And let's see how you do......which gun laws would have stopped any of the mass shooters......?
What's the criteria? Do you know? Judging by Hussein's past history of IRS abuses, i'm very curious about who and why they're on his lists. And why weren't these latest Terrorists in California on any of his lists? That's a question the MSM still hasn't asked.
obama had nothing to do with the Irs abuses and you can't show us here where he did... you're just ranting about something that you thought he did ... as for the latest list, its obvious you don't know how it works... home land didn't do their due diligence ... from my understanding Home land doesn't look into every person Emails to find out if they are terrorist ... they take the information that they can find on that person ...again hussein had nothing to do with that home land did ... home land goes by the criteria that is given to them by the congress ... when home land was set up it was set up by the bush administration ... so you should show your anger at them not Hussein who had noting to do with how one is allowed to be admitted to this country... why is it always hussein fault when things go wrong with you???
MSM has asked many time how were they allowed into this country... they got a answer... that answer was that home land didn't find anything on them that would have cause for them not to be allowed into the country... but after the fact when they started looking in to their email accounts, they found that they were supporting terrorist ... this wasn't a thing for home land to look up .... they followed all their procedures and found nothing... I suspect that they will now start looking at emails ... all of this was said on msm ... thats where I got it ... so it appears you didn't get that message ... or were you looking for them to say obama let them in without any checks because he's a muslim .... is that what you're looking for??? a lie to justify your hate

Hussein's the President. It's his show. It's all on him. And aren't you even a little bit curious about who and why they're on his 'Terror-Watch' and 'No-Fly' lists? And why weren't these Terrorists in California on any of his lists? Aren't you just a bit curious?
no I'm not one bit curious ... I have a brain ... I know home land allows people to come into the U.S. .... I know obama has no control over that ... the IRS can do what they want, look at whom ever they want, and Obama has no control or say over that... they have guide lines to follow... if they don't follow their guide lines they they can be held accountable ... if they go out of their guide lines they can be held accountable for that ... the president isn't responsible for everything that happens in this country no president is ... but when it does it is up to the president to try and change the laws ... as far as I seen he has tried but failed by the republican controlled congress ... hell he just tried to pass a law putting people who are on the no fly list from being able to buy a gun ... the republicans shot that down so its ok for a terrorist to buy and gun here in the states but he can't fly... go figure

He uses the IRS as a weapon against political dissenters. He's a criminal. So i am very skeptical of who he has on his lists. And you still haven't answered my question. Why weren't these Terrorists in California on any of his lists?
it was brought to the attention of the employees by the person in charge of the IRS not hussein... the IRS had them looking into 501c's see if they were Dems run 501c in or republicans running it, it didn't matter ... they wanted to see if they were following IRS laws... in that year there were 10 republicans 501 c's to ever 1 dem 501c you seem to be a nut case

Wrong....conservative groups got special treatment......they had their applications delayed

He said none of the mass shootings could have been stopped by stricter gun laws. The WaPo says he's correct! Full assessment @ Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws

Ok, so they're conceding that we have no defense against mass shootings. And yet, in case the case of ISIS type mass shootings, these people want a perpetual war against Islam.

They are effectively guaranteeing Americans a perpetuity of San B type massacres if their policies rule.

Rebuild Hussein's dismantled Immigration System and secure the border. Any Politician propsosing that, has my full support. There's no need to dismantle our Constitution too.

Criminals will get across the border just like criminals will get guns.

Like i said, Hussein dismantled our Immigration System. It will have to be rebuilt. It's completely unnecessary to dismantle our Constitution too.
how did the hussein dismantle the immigration system??? we still have immigration system ... from my understand this president has deported more illegals then any president .... I know people whose parents came here illegal, whose children were born here, he has made it so their parents can stay and not be deported ... unless they are criminals they go ... he has done that ... but to say he dismantled the immigrations system is a bit much on your part ... where do you get this shit from,???

Nope...he hasn't deported more people he fudged the numbers....I forget how they fudged them but that is a myth, he hasn't deported more people...
I'm not even sure what Hussein's criteria is for placing someone on a 'No-Fly List' or 'Terror Watch List.' I just don't trust the man. He's been using the IRS to attack Conservatives/Republicans for years.

So i'm very skeptical of who and why they're on Hussein's lists. If the names were released to the Public, i'm willing to bet there's a whole lotta folks on there for merely being critical of him. There's probably a few journalists on them. That's my feeling anyway.
actually hussein doesn't make the criteria ... home land does ... as for people not liking him, you can get on a plane can't ya??? case closed .... it amazes me how infantile you republicans can be to justify your hate for Obama

What's the criteria? Do you know? Judging by Hussein's past history of IRS abuses, i'm very curious about who and why they're on his lists. And why weren't these latest Terrorists in California on any of his lists? That's a question the MSM still hasn't asked.
obama had nothing to do with the Irs abuses and you can't show us here where he did... you're just ranting about something that you thought he did ... as for the latest list, its obvious you don't know how it works... home land didn't do their due diligence ... from my understanding Home land doesn't look into every person Emails to find out if they are terrorist ... they take the information that they can find on that person ...again hussein had nothing to do with that home land did ... home land goes by the criteria that is given to them by the congress ... when home land was set up it was set up by the bush administration ... so you should show your anger at them not Hussein who had noting to do with how one is allowed to be admitted to this country... why is it always hussein fault when things go wrong with you???
MSM has asked many time how were they allowed into this country... they got a answer... that answer was that home land didn't find anything on them that would have cause for them not to be allowed into the country... but after the fact when they started looking in to their email accounts, they found that they were supporting terrorist ... this wasn't a thing for home land to look up .... they followed all their procedures and found nothing... I suspect that they will now start looking at emails ... all of this was said on msm ... thats where I got it ... so it appears you didn't get that message ... or were you looking for them to say obama let them in without any checks because he's a muslim .... is that what you're looking for??? a lie to justify your hate

Hussein's the President. It's his show. It's all on him. And aren't you even a little bit curious about who and why they're on his 'Terror-Watch' and 'No-Fly' lists? And why weren't these Terrorists in California on any of his lists? Aren't you just a bit curious?
no I'm not one bit curious ... I have a brain ... I know home land allows people to come into the U.S. .... I know obama has no control over that ... the IRS can do what they want, look at whom ever they want, and Obama has no control or say over that... they have guide lines to follow... if they don't follow their guide lines they they can be held accountable ... if they go out of their guide lines they can be held accountable for that ... the president isn't responsible for everything that happens in this country no president is ... but when it does it is up to the president to try and change the laws ... as far as I seen he has tried but failed by the republican controlled congress ... hell he just tried to pass a law putting people who are on the no fly list from being able to buy a gun ... the republicans shot that down so its ok for a terrorist to buy and gun here in the states but he can't fly... go figure

And who holds them accountable....obama's Department of Justice....

He said none of the mass shootings could have been stopped by stricter gun laws. The WaPo says he's correct! Full assessment @ Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws

Using this logic, no mass shooting could have been stopped by stricter immigration policies .

That is true....since obama won't enforce the border the terrorists are able to walk into the country from Mexico.

And I put the question to you...which gun laws stop mass shooters?
How many more times are we going to accept mass shootings?

We can honestly look at the carnage wrought by mass shootings and say 'people with guns did this' and then some Conservative will inevitably say 'therefore we need more people with guns!'. Are we just supposed to accept this ham handed logic without question?

Pf course the corollary to this twisted logic is: more guns makes us safer.

If this were true, given the fact that we have a population of 350,000,000 in this nation and there are 300,000,000 guns in the hands of civilians, by their logic, shouldn't we be the safest nation on earth?

How many more times are we expected to go along with arguments that have proven disastrously false?

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