Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

Like the last zillion presidential midterms? Really big prediction. Scoreboard still says Biden 306 Trump 232. Bwahahahaha.
Again with the deflection, you won't speak to the current realities on the ground.....I guess you are embarrassed but embarrassed or not you own it.....Deserves has everything to do with it.
The Republicans take the majority. Republican Kevin McCarthy becomes speaker. Impeach Biden for violations of Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution. Remove Kumquat for dereliction of duty.

Republican president.
Do the Republicans and other assorted self-professed Conservatives on USMB agree w/this lawlessness?

Why/why not?
Did Cruz just have this epiphany? The trump Nazis in the House have been making this boast for months. Their impeachment of Biden is to be the first order of business after the trump Nazis take control as the congressional majority following this year's Mid-terms.

Cruz has spent too many months with his head crammed up trump's a$$. He's really out of touch with his party's leaders. You know, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and the rest of the up-and-coming trump Nazis taking over the GOP.

The Republicans take the majority. Republican Kevin McCarthy becomes speaker. Impeach Biden for violations of Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution. Remove Kumquat for dereliction of duty.

Republican president.
There have been no such violations.
1. He swore an oath he neglected on the southern border.

2. He is and intends to spend our hard earned money recklessly.

3. He got 13 US service members killed with his reckless pull out in Afghanistan by not utilizing a secure military installation to do it.

4. He is CLEARLY mentally compromised.

You may think that doesn't rise to the level of impeachment and that's fine so long as you didn't support the flimsy bullshit they used to impeach Trump.
What trump did was serious.
I'll just say this, if republicans do what is being suggested here, you right wingers won't be safe anywhere. You bitches labor under this delusion about the left, but you guys pull off a stunt like that and right wing blood will flow.
I'll just say this, if republicans do what is being suggested here, you right wingers won't be safe anywhere. You bitches labor under this delusion about the left, but you guys pull off a stunt like that and right wing blood will flow.

So who started this bullshit in the first place, the Republicans? You people on the left can dish it out but you can't take it.
If Biden tries to rally a coup like Trump did them Id hope they’d impeach his ass and I’d applaud. Guess what? Biden isn’t a criminal enterprise bent on holding power no matter what and supported by feckless cowards. That’s not our story that’s yours.

Our story is that Trump held a rally and had nothing to do with any mob attack. Even the FBI reported on that.

Dementia used the FBI to get warrants and search homes of people to find his daughters diary. WTF does he think he is using the federal government for personal matters? Impeach him.
Cruz and Republicans are blind partisan scum, everyone knows that.

That Republicans would use the impeachment process in bad faith as a partisan weapon comes as no surprise.

And ‘impeachment’ will likely backfire on Republicans to the benefit of Biden.

Last, Republicans will render the impeachment process meaningless and devoid of merit.

Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance, Republicans have nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance.

Two impeachments without one impeachable offense. Looks like impechment was rendered meaningless when the Communists held the first one.
i hope not ... if republicans sink to the level of dems the country will suffer ! only if there is a good reason should a POTUS be impeached ! we dont need perpetual impeachment wars from both sides of congress ! however dont be surprised when your party impeaches the next republican POTUS on frivolous charges again ! and remember this ! the next republican in the WH will suffer even more attacks and hatred from the left and the msm than Trump did .

And you suppose backing off and letting the Communists get away with their shit will change anything?

The only way to teach a bully a lesson is to punch back harder.
What everybody seems to be overlooking here, what happens when the Democrats make even bigger gains in the Senate?

Chew on that one for awhile, and then consider your options a little more carefully.

They will be lucky to keep 40 seats and that's only if they cheat again. The polls reveal the country is sick of Democrat shit and want major change.
We know you will keep attempting to undermine and overthrow our constitutional republic. Thanks for reminding us.

In the end, it is Trumpism that will relegated to the trash heap of history.

Yet it wasn't undermining our constitutional republic when the commies conducted an impeachment with no impeachable offenses, and no time to allow the defendant to hire an attorney. No hearing, no debate, just a head count of who voted to impeach him.

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