Cruz (R/teaparty) throws U.S. ally under the bus

Any way you slice it....Ted Cruz is not a "real" American

What is a "real" American?

Real Americans have real American Parents, not Cubans. They are actually born in the US. They play Little League and join the Boy Scouts. They live in small towns and attend Christian Churches. They believe marriage is between one man and one woman. They own guns.

Maybe I can get Sarah Palin to explain it to you
Any way you slice it....Ted Cruz is not a "real" American

What is a "real" American?

Real Americans have real American Parents, not Cubans. They are actually born in the US. They play Little League and join the Boy Scouts. They live in small towns and attend Christian Churches. They believe marriage is between one man and one woman. They own guns.

Maybe I can get Sarah Palin to explain it to you

that's why you Democrats voted for Obama/Biden, they played little league and was in the boy scouts...

I rather have Palin explain it than you with your dripping hate replies..
Until Orly Taitz accepts Ted Cruz as a real American he is not a real American

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Once he figures out which flag he wants to be under, I'm sure he'll respect it.

I just love how awkward Rafael has made it for the birther freaks. Of course, they haven't stopped being raging hypocrites on other issues, no reason to think this will be any different.

Conservative logic:

American Mom + Born in America + Black = Ineligible for President.
American Mom + Born in Canada + White = Eligible for President.

Gotta love it.
Well, I'm a conservative, and I don't like that it took him 30 years to own up to being born in a foreign country, although I respect Canada very much.

As a conservative, I'm not fond of taking on welfare responsibilities for 20,000,000 illegal immigrants overnight, because I feel it puts too much on a country that is already running a $17 trillion deficit.

I'm also not fond of American workers having to compete with foreign-made products that are programmed to disintegrate after the warrantee has expired, falls apart after 5 years in the case of landfill wannabes like computers, televisions, plastic and metal appliances, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, etc. Recycled metals in foreign countries wind up undercooked and you can actually see screw heads and other objects if they wind up at the edge of metal parts that are supposed to be smooth and made hopefully into improved and stronger stainless steel. I have seen this in poorly-made foreign metal products in the last 30 years. It is shocking to see what it's put into, also.

America used to pride itself on good workmanship. Now that manufacturing has gone abroad, how easy it would be to send back stuff that could cause serious health problems against a country the manufacturer's people were taught were horrible people.

We need to get back to being able to take care of ourselves and quit depending on other countries to do the dirty work we don't want to do.

We need to bring jobs back over here and quit tolerating people doing nothing at all to contribute back into the country that feeds them and takes care of their medical needs.

We need to work together and stop the vulgar language. It's deplorable.

Then you should be happy with Obama. He's been bringing Jobs home. Chevy's been making a real live Camaro and Ford is been making a real live Mustang.

Any way you slice it....Ted Cruz is not a "real" American

What is a "real" American?

Real Americans have real American Parents, not Cubans. They are actually born in the US. They play Little League and join the Boy Scouts. They live in small towns and attend Christian Churches. They believe marriage is between one man and one woman. They own guns.

Maybe I can get Sarah Palin to explain it to you

So Obama isn't a real American and neither are any of your homosexual friends or you gun grabbing friends. According to you.
You assume every Republican is a birther. And you would be wrong.'ve been wrong so many times before I guess this would just add to the list.

No, not all Republicans think the President was born outside the US despite his being born in Hawaii, but there is certainly a significant number.

Forty-five percent of registered Republicans think Obama was born outside the U.S., 33 percent believe he was born in the U.S. and 22 percent don't know, per the results of a CBS News/New York Times survey.

Poll: 45 percent of Republicans think Obama born out of US

This poll was taken before Obama released his birth certificate. Most folks had no way of knowing for sure just where Obama was born so many were assuming or simply guessing.

Besides a poll of 543 Republicans does not nearly reflect the entire party.

Nice try but once again .......... you fail!

And after the certificate release there were still some 30% that didn't believe he was born in the U.S. You can see how prevalent it is by simply reading ant fucking thread here.
Conservative logic:

American Mom + Born in America + Black = Ineligible for President.
American Mom + Born in Canada + White = Eligible for President.

Gotta love it.
Well, I'm a conservative, and I don't like that it took him 30 years to own up to being born in a foreign country, although I respect Canada very much.

As a conservative, I'm not fond of taking on welfare responsibilities for 20,000,000 illegal immigrants overnight, because I feel it puts too much on a country that is already running a $17 trillion deficit.

I'm also not fond of American workers having to compete with foreign-made products that are programmed to disintegrate after the warrantee has expired, falls apart after 5 years in the case of landfill wannabes like computers, televisions, plastic and metal appliances, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, etc. Recycled metals in foreign countries wind up undercooked and you can actually see screw heads and other objects if they wind up at the edge of metal parts that are supposed to be smooth and made hopefully into improved and stronger stainless steel. I have seen this in poorly-made foreign metal products in the last 30 years. It is shocking to see what it's put into, also.

America used to pride itself on good workmanship. Now that manufacturing has gone abroad, how easy it would be to send back stuff that could cause serious health problems against a country the manufacturer's people were taught were horrible people.

We need to get back to being able to take care of ourselves and quit depending on other countries to do the dirty work we don't want to do.

We need to bring jobs back over here and quit tolerating people doing nothing at all to contribute back into the country that feeds them and takes care of their medical needs.

We need to work together and stop the vulgar language. It's deplorable.

Then you should be happy with Obama. He's been bringing Jobs home. Chevy's been making a real live Camaro and Ford is been making a real live Mustang.


Actually Texas has been bringing the jobs in spite of Obama and his policies.
What is a "real" American?

Real Americans have real American Parents, not Cubans. They are actually born in the US. They play Little League and join the Boy Scouts. They live in small towns and attend Christian Churches. They believe marriage is between one man and one woman. They own guns.

Maybe I can get Sarah Palin to explain it to you

So Obama isn't a real American and neither are any of your homosexual friends or you gun grabbing friends. According to you.

Of course....everyone knows Barry Soetoro is not a real American
And can a fag ever be a real American? They can't even marry

As to guns..........unless you have enough arms and ammunition to shoot up a small school, you can't be considered a real American
No, not all Republicans think the President was born outside the US despite his being born in Hawaii, but there is certainly a significant number.

Forty-five percent of registered Republicans think Obama was born outside the U.S., 33 percent believe he was born in the U.S. and 22 percent don't know, per the results of a CBS News/New York Times survey.

Poll: 45 percent of Republicans think Obama born out of US

This poll was taken before Obama released his birth certificate. Most folks had no way of knowing for sure just where Obama was born so many were assuming or simply guessing.

Besides a poll of 543 Republicans does not nearly reflect the entire party.

Nice try but once again .......... you fail!

And after the certificate release there were still some 30% that didn't believe he was born in the U.S. You can see how prevalent it is by simply reading ant fucking thread here.

so what, some people still believe Bush was AWOL from the military

you people think Obama is something special, his own damn publisher had him BORN out of country until they changed it (and said, oops it was a mistake)when he was go figure some people would wonder?
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No, not all Republicans think the President was born outside the US despite his being born in Hawaii, but there is certainly a significant number.

Forty-five percent of registered Republicans think Obama was born outside the U.S., 33 percent believe he was born in the U.S. and 22 percent don't know, per the results of a CBS News/New York Times survey.

Poll: 45 percent of Republicans think Obama born out of US

This poll was taken before Obama released his birth certificate. Most folks had no way of knowing for sure just where Obama was born so many were assuming or simply guessing.

Besides a poll of 543 Republicans does not nearly reflect the entire party.

Nice try but once again .......... you fail!

And after the certificate release there were still some 30% that didn't believe he was born in the U.S. You can see how prevalent it is by simply reading ant fucking thread here.

Hell even Obama thinks Hawaii is another country/continent, why would it be so crazy to think that others may also think that way?

Everyone knows polls can be and are manipulated and of course a thousand people taking a poll in a country of 300+ million is hardly a consensus.

Another fail on your part.
Real Americans have real American Parents, not Cubans. They are actually born in the US. They play Little League and join the Boy Scouts. They live in small towns and attend Christian Churches. They believe marriage is between one man and one woman. They own guns.

Maybe I can get Sarah Palin to explain it to you

So Obama isn't a real American and neither are any of your homosexual friends or you gun grabbing friends. According to you.

Of course....everyone knows Barry Soetoro is not a real American
And can a fag ever be a real American? They can't even marry

As to guns..........unless you have enough arms and ammunition to shoot up a small school, you can't be considered a real American

I see.

Off your meds again huh?
Well, I'm a conservative, and I don't like that it took him 30 years to own up to being born in a foreign country, although I respect Canada very much.

As a conservative, I'm not fond of taking on welfare responsibilities for 20,000,000 illegal immigrants overnight, because I feel it puts too much on a country that is already running a $17 trillion deficit.

I'm also not fond of American workers having to compete with foreign-made products that are programmed to disintegrate after the warrantee has expired, falls apart after 5 years in the case of landfill wannabes like computers, televisions, plastic and metal appliances, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, etc. Recycled metals in foreign countries wind up undercooked and you can actually see screw heads and other objects if they wind up at the edge of metal parts that are supposed to be smooth and made hopefully into improved and stronger stainless steel. I have seen this in poorly-made foreign metal products in the last 30 years. It is shocking to see what it's put into, also.

America used to pride itself on good workmanship. Now that manufacturing has gone abroad, how easy it would be to send back stuff that could cause serious health problems against a country the manufacturer's people were taught were horrible people.

We need to get back to being able to take care of ourselves and quit depending on other countries to do the dirty work we don't want to do.

We need to bring jobs back over here and quit tolerating people doing nothing at all to contribute back into the country that feeds them and takes care of their medical needs.

We need to work together and stop the vulgar language. It's deplorable.

Then you should be happy with Obama. He's been bringing Jobs home. Chevy's been making a real live Camaro and Ford is been making a real live Mustang.


Actually Texas has been bringing the jobs in spite of Obama and his policies.

They are making Camaros and Mustangs in Texas?

And in Spite of what policies?

Oh wait.

Rick Perry Seeks Obamacare Funding For Texans

Guess it's time to boot Perry and secede!

My question is: If he threw Canada under the bus that fast, whats stopping him from throwing Britain or France under the bus as well just to further his political ambitions?

He's through/finished, just like that amnesty-loving bureaucrat :up: Rubio (R/teaparty)

Just how stupid can one liberal be? :cuckoo:

Cruz has dual citizenship. He didn't throw anyone under any bus. He is American and renounced his Canadian citizenship.

I was born near Liverpool England of American parents serving abroad. My folks received the paperwork when I was 15 to either accept dual citizenship or not. I renounced dual citizenship. I'm no more English than Cruz is Canadian.

Damn, grow up.

It's not a question of maturity, it's a matter of stupidity
Then you should be happy with Obama. He's been bringing Jobs home. Chevy's been making a real live Camaro and Ford is been making a real live Mustang.


Actually Texas has been bringing the jobs in spite of Obama and his policies.

They are making Camaros and Mustangs in Texas?

And in Spite of what policies?

Oh wait.

Rick Perry Seeks Obamacare Funding For Texans

Guess it's time to boot Perry and secede!


Did I say that?

Reading comprehension. Learn it!!

What policies?

You can begin with Obama’s signature first-term economic “achievement,” the $800 billion stimulus plan that was supposed to create all those shovel-ready jobs and stop unemployment from rising above 8 percent.

We all know how that turned out, with unemployment hovering between 9 percent and 10 percent until recently and GDP floundering such that even some Obama supporters have attacked the stimulus’ futility. Much of the money went to states to plug their budget deficits and reduce government layoffs; another bunch went for cockamamie green schemes floated by such politically connected companies as Solyndra.

Even as evidence mounted that his stimulus plan wasn’t working, the president basically ignored the nation’s economic woes and spent most of 2009 and 2010 pushing for the least business-friendly mandate to come out of Washington in years — his universal health-insurance plan.

Businesses react rationally when it comes to hiring more workers, and here’s what they’ve had to consider since 2009:

* A president who doesn’t miss a chance to bash “millionaires and billionaires” and who always talks up the “justice” of raising their taxes.

* A financial-reform law that raises costs so much that banks can’t afford to take normal business risks and lend to entrepreneurs.

* An administration that’s so hellbent on serving its union allies that it sues Boeing for opening up a nonunion plant in South Carolina, where unemployment is almost 10 percent.

Renouncing the citizenship of one country while serving in the senate of another is not throwing that country under the bus. If you want to see someone really throwing a country under the bus, look at what obama did to Israel and Syria.
Renouncing the citizenship of one country while serving in the senate of another is not throwing that country under the bus. If you want to see someone really throwing a country under the bus, look at what obama did to Israel and Syria.

No way, Jose.

obama put his foot down on Syria...

[ame=]Obama Warns Syria's Assad Chemical Weapons A 'RED Line' - YouTube[/ame]
Renouncing the citizenship of one country while serving in the senate of another is not throwing that country under the bus. If you want to see someone really throwing a country under the bus, look at what obama did to Israel and Syria.

No way, Jose.

obama put his foot down on Syria...

[ame=]Obama Warns Syria's Assad Chemical Weapons A 'RED Line' - YouTube[/ame]

That wasn't a foot, it was a ballerina slipper.

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