Cruz (R/teaparty) throws U.S. ally under the bus

My question is: If he threw Canada under the bus that fast, whats stopping him from throwing Britain or France under the bus as well just to further his political ambitions?

He's through/finished, just like that amnesty-loving bureaucrat :up: Rubio (R/teaparty)

Just how stupid can one liberal be? :cuckoo:

Cruz has dual citizenship. He didn't throw anyone under any bus. He is American and renounced his Canadian citizenship.

I was born near Liverpool England of American parents serving abroad. My folks received the paperwork when I was 15 to either accept dual citizenship or not. I renounced dual citizenship. I'm no more English than Cruz is Canadian.

Damn, grow up.

Yanno................................Obama's mother was a U.S. Citizen.

Why aren't the birthers screaming about Cruz like they did (and some still do) about Obama?

Being born in a foreign country means that no matter the country, if your mother is American by birth, then you are as well. BTW...............McCain was born in Panama to American parents.

Me personally? I think Cruz is an idiot that needs to be taken out of office at the next available vote.

Even his fellow Republicans think a lot of his ideas are wrong and bad for the country.
^ that. He's the Republican's oxyRush Limbough
Did Ted Cruz really piss on the Canadian flag?

just goes to show that profit comes before allegiance to the teapublicans/teavangelists.
My question is does this thread qualify as one of the dumbest of the week?

now that you posted on it, it might :up:

GTFO of my thread retard if it requires too much critical thinking on your part :eusa_eh:

As to the OP, this is a critical issue- him nonchalantly throwing a close ally under the bus. Makes "thinking" people wonder what else he'll throw under a bus to further his own political ambitions retard
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Just how stupid can one liberal be? :cuckoo:

Cruz has dual citizenship. He didn't throw anyone under any bus. He is American and renounced his Canadian citizenship.

I was born near Liverpool England of American parents serving abroad. My folks received the paperwork when I was 15 to either accept dual citizenship or not. I renounced dual citizenship. I'm no more English than Cruz is Canadian.

Damn, grow up.

Yanno................................Obama's mother was a U.S. Citizen.

Why aren't the birthers screaming about Cruz like they did (and some still do) about Obama?

Being born in a foreign country means that no matter the country, if your mother is American by birth, then you are as well. BTW...............McCain was born in Panama to American parents.

Me personally? I think Cruz is an idiot that needs to be taken out of office at the next available vote.

Even his fellow Republicans think a lot of his ideas are wrong and bad for the country.
^ that. He's the Republican's oxyRush Limbough
Did Ted Cruz really piss on the Canadian flag?

just goes to show that profit comes before allegiance to the teapublicans/teavangelists.

oh boy, dots you need to quit while you're ahead...
being a parrot isn't impressive
My question is: If he threw Canada under the bus that fast, whats stopping him from throwing Britain or France under the bus as well just to further his political ambitions?

He's through/finished, just like that amnesty-loving bureaucrat :up: Rubio (R/teaparty)

Just how stupid can one liberal be? :cuckoo:

Cruz has dual citizenship. He didn't throw anyone under any bus. He is American and renounced his Canadian citizenship.

I was born near Liverpool England of American parents serving abroad. My folks received the paperwork when I was 15 to either accept dual citizenship or not. I renounced dual citizenship. I'm no more English than Cruz is Canadian.

Damn, grow up.

Yanno................................Obama's mother was a U.S. Citizen.

Why aren't the birthers screaming about Cruz like they did (and some still do) about Obama?

Being born in a foreign country means that no matter the country, if your mother is American by birth, then you are as well. BTW...............McCain was born in Panama to American parents.

Me personally? I think Cruz is an idiot that needs to be taken out of office at the next available vote.

Even his fellow Republicans think a lot of his ideas are wrong and bad for the country.

Utterly false.

obama's mother had not reached the age requirement to confer citizenship.

Try to keep up
these threads are the shining EXAMPLES of how INTOLERANT of others liberal-Democrats really are..

not just intolerant, but downright vicious hate..we saw it with Palin a woman Vice President candidate, some of the most DISGUSTING Hate I have ever seen

now Cruz is the new guy for them to HATE

tomorrow who the hell knows
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Just my take on this issue...

Cruz was born in Canada to an American citizen mother and a Cuban citizen father (not a US citizen until 2005).

So that means that Cruz is a Canadian citizen by birth, a US citizen due to his mother and a Cuban citizen due to his father.

Obama was born in Hawaii and his mother was a US citizen. Due to his birth in Hawaii his mother didn't have to "qualify" for anything. He was an automatic US citizen due to place of birth.

John McCain was born on a US military base in Panama to 2 US citizens. Military bases ARE considered US soil for all legal purposes.

George Romney was born in Mexico to 2 US citizens....even though he ran for President the courts had not ruled on it and to many people, he did not qualify.
Just how stupid can one liberal be? :cuckoo:

Cruz has dual citizenship. He didn't throw anyone under any bus. He is American and renounced his Canadian citizenship.

I was born near Liverpool England of American parents serving abroad. My folks received the paperwork when I was 15 to either accept dual citizenship or not. I renounced dual citizenship. I'm no more English than Cruz is Canadian.

Damn, grow up.

Yanno................................Obama's mother was a U.S. Citizen.

Why aren't the birthers screaming about Cruz like they did (and some still do) about Obama?

Being born in a foreign country means that no matter the country, if your mother is American by birth, then you are as well. BTW...............McCain was born in Panama to American parents.

Me personally? I think Cruz is an idiot that needs to be taken out of office at the next available vote.

Even his fellow Republicans think a lot of his ideas are wrong and bad for the country.

Utterly false.

obama's mother had not reached the age requirement to confer citizenship.

Try to keep up

There is an age requirement for citizenship?
Is there an age requirement for pregnancy?
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My question is does this thread qualify as one of the dumbest of the week?

now that you posted on it, it might :up:

GTFO of my thread retard if it requires too much critical thinking on your part :eusa_eh:

As to the OP, this is a critical issue- him nonchalantly throwing a close ally under the bus. Makes "thinking" people wonder what else he'll throw under a bus to further his own political ambitions retard

Hit a nerve I see this thread is nothing more than partisan idiocy trying be passed off as intelligent thinking basically your now a liberal birther.
I miss the days when Republicans ran REAL AMERICANS with REAL AMERICAN names

Names like Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Reagan, Ford


What kind of American name is that?
Libs have become what they labeled others over the dear Leader Obama

BIRTHERS...HOW damn hilarious is that
I miss the days when Republicans ran REAL AMERICANS with REAL AMERICAN names

Names like Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Reagan, Ford


What kind of American name is that?

Barack Obama is an American name?

Your stupidity increases with each post.
Yanno................................Obama's mother was a U.S. Citizen.

Why aren't the birthers screaming about Cruz like they did (and some still do) about Obama?

Being born in a foreign country means that no matter the country, if your mother is American by birth, then you are as well. BTW...............McCain was born in Panama to American parents.

Me personally? I think Cruz is an idiot that needs to be taken out of office at the next available vote.

Even his fellow Republicans think a lot of his ideas are wrong and bad for the country.

Utterly false.

obama's mother had not reached the age requirement to confer citizenship.

Try to keep up

There is an age requirement for citizenship?

Think you're cute, huh?

The following conditions affect children born outside the U.S.

Immigration and Nationality Act § 301(g); 8 USC § 1401(g). For children born prior to the enactment of Public Law 99-653 on November 14, 1986, the citizen parent's U.S. presence requirement is ten years, of which at least five years had to have been after the parent's fourteenth birthday.

Changed to

If one parent is a U.S. citizen and the other parent is not, the child is a citizen if the U.S. citizen parent has been "physically present"[8] in the U.S. before the child's birth for a total period of at least five years, and at least two of those five years were after the U.S. citizen parent's fourteenth birthday.[9]

obama's mother had not reached the age sufficient for her to confer citizenship upon her evil spawn.

obama is not a Kenyan national. Actually, he's a British Subject since Kenya was still a British Colony when he was hatched.
I miss the days when Republicans ran REAL AMERICANS with REAL AMERICAN names

Names like Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Reagan, Ford


What kind of American name is that?

Barack Obama is an American name?

Your stupidity increases with each post.

Thats Barack "Hussein" Obama to you mister

Obviously not a REAL AMERICAN

What real American names their kid Barack and then follows it with Hussein?
Utterly false.

obama's mother had not reached the age requirement to confer citizenship.

Try to keep up

There is an age requirement for citizenship?

Think you're cute, huh?

The following conditions affect children born outside the U.S.

Immigration and Nationality Act § 301(g); 8 USC § 1401(g). For children born prior to the enactment of Public Law 99-653 on November 14, 1986, the citizen parent's U.S. presence requirement is ten years, of which at least five years had to have been after the parent's fourteenth birthday.

Changed to

If one parent is a U.S. citizen and the other parent is not, the child is a citizen if the U.S. citizen parent has been "physically present"[8] in the U.S. before the child's birth for a total period of at least five years, and at least two of those five years were after the U.S. citizen parent's fourteenth birthday.[9]

obama's mother had not reached the age sufficient for her to confer citizenship upon her evil spawn.

obama is not a Kenyan national. Actually, he's a British Subject since Kenya was still a British Colony when he was hatched.

Ever been to Hawaii??

Anyone born in Hawaii to a mother under 19 is not an American?
Because Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship Canada feels that the historical alliance between the US and Canada is broken?

Is that what liberals mean to say?
didn't take him long did it? :eusa_whistle:

political expediency anyone? :dunno:

Cruz will renounce Canadian citizenship
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) announced Monday evening that he will renounce his Canadian citizenship, less than 24 hours after a newspaper pointed out that the Canadian-born senator likely maintains dual citizenship.

Sad that. I thought Texans were pro-active? Why he wait 30- some odd years for a reporter to bring it up?

Because it was never and issue douche bag. His actions speak greater than Democrats words. His desire to stop illegal immigration and unhold the constitution show his great love and respect for this countrry.
Hecklers confront Ted Cruz at town hall meeting

A Dallas town hall meeting designed to rally support for defunding President Obama’s health-care law grew testy Tuesday night when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) was interrupted three separate times by hecklers.

The conservative senator handled each interruption calmly, asking that he be allowed to finish his remarks.

“You have health care, we should too!” chanted a pair of protesters near the end of Cruz’s remarks.

Cruz responded, “Thank you for sharing your views. You know, part of the First Amendment is about respecting others.”

Pro-Cruz attendees then drowned the protesters out with chants of “USA! USA!”

Shouldn't they have been singing........Oh Canada ?????
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My question is: If he threw Canada under the bus that fast, whats stopping him from throwing Britain or France under the bus as well just to further his political ambitions?

He's through/finished, just like that amnesty-loving bureaucrat :up: Rubio (R/teaparty)

He didn't toss anyone under the bus ya mental midget! Nice try though. I guess he really scares ya huh? Neither Cruz nor Rubio are finished no matter how you want them to be!

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