Cruz to make major announcement

BTW I have to say Cruz's move was a total success. You guys can't stop talking about this. He successfully changed the narrative from last night to him.
This move feels like a football team on the last game of the season
playing a team that's going to the playoffs and your team is not and there's
10 seconds left on the clock, your down three scores, deep in your own side of the
field and you take your last timeout....

What's the point....
You wanna show the world you're the head coach that used every possible move.
Um ... why? Trump is by all analysis closing in on a first ballot win. This may not stop him, but how does it possibly help him?
It reeks of desperation from Cruz. Cruz's campaign is fucking amateur hour.

So throwing the election is not amateur hour, trying the only shot he has is amateur hour. Got it. Not a college graduate, are you?
He should go out with some dignity and possibly run again in 4 years.

He will be. For reelection
Cruz would get crushed worse in the general than he is getting beat in the primary.

your opinion
BTW I have to say Cruz's move was a total success. You guys can't stop talking about this. He successfully changed the narrative from last night to him.

And that's pretty much all this is...
An attention grabber...

And an important one in a game that is all about controlling the narrative. Trump's narrative after last night was he is inevitable. If Cruz had done nothing, that's all we would have heard until Indiana. Instead we can't stop talking about Carly which means the narrative has changed from Trump being inevitable to Cruz still being in it.

It's important to control the narrative. It's getting more attention than Trump's foreign policy speech
I see that some are speculating that Cruz did this to steal the news cycle....
Picking Carly does what for Cruz exactly....
Once you get past the fact that he picked a woman then what??
Does she work well for Cruz in the south,the west....
Does she get the black and Hispanic vote?

I'm not getting what the big deal is here...

I don't see how Cruz has a chance at the nomination so all this
is just so Cruz can go out and talk about basketball rings?

Changes the news cycle
Shows he is a serious candidate
It gets him Carlie's California organization.

Changes the news cycle.................................. Until the Donald changes it back.Probably tomorrow or the day after.
Shows he is a serious candidate.................... He wasn't serious about it until now?
It gets him Carlie's California organization... Wow...And how exactly did that work for Carly?
I see that some are speculating that Cruz did this to steal the news cycle....
Picking Carly does what for Cruz exactly....
Once you get past the fact that he picked a woman then what??
Does she work well for Cruz in the south,the west....
Does she get the black and Hispanic vote?

I'm not getting what the big deal is here...

I don't see how Cruz has a chance at the nomination so all this
is just so Cruz can go out and talk about basketball rings?

Changes the news cycle
Shows he is a serious candidate
It gets him Carlie's California organization.

Changes the news cycle.................................. Until the Donald changes it back.Probably tomorrow or the day after.
Shows he is a serious candidate.................... He wasn't serious about it until now?
It gets him Carlie's California organization... Wow...And how exactly did that work for Carly?

Got her the GOP nomination. Considering that's what he is going for...
BTW it also reminds people of trumps weakness with women and most importantly that the race isn't over
I think if Cruz feels he has this nomination won and he's choosing his running mate...
Well why not show some real balls and start leaking his choices for members of his cabinet....
I see that some are speculating that Cruz did this to steal the news cycle....
Picking Carly does what for Cruz exactly....
Once you get past the fact that he picked a woman then what??
Does she work well for Cruz in the south,the west....
Does she get the black and Hispanic vote?

I'm not getting what the big deal is here...

I don't see how Cruz has a chance at the nomination so all this
is just so Cruz can go out and talk about basketball rings?

Changes the news cycle
Shows he is a serious candidate
It gets him Carlie's California organization.

Changes the news cycle.................................. Until the Donald changes it back.Probably tomorrow or the day after.
Shows he is a serious candidate.................... He wasn't serious about it until now?
It gets him Carlie's California organization... Wow...And how exactly did that work for Carly?

You know California is her home State, right?
BTW I have to say Cruz's move was a total success. You guys can't stop talking about this. He successfully changed the narrative from last night to him.

I think winning maybe one of the races last night might have helped him a bit more then this
BTW it also reminds people of trumps weakness with women and most importantly that the race isn't over

With how hysterical the Cryin Donald supporters are, obviously they know it isn't over.

The art of the deal, I whaaannt it, give it to me
BTW I have to say Cruz's move was a total success. You guys can't stop talking about this. He successfully changed the narrative from last night to him.

I think winning maybe one of the races last night might have helped him a bit more then this

Sure winning in Trump's backyard would have been nice but no one expected it. Trump didn't get any closer to 1237 than he was expected to get. Which means Indiana and California become much more important. This move helps with both.
Cruz's strategy seems to be what's the fastest way to destroy my campaign?

I know!

I'm about to change the TV channel to anything else.....

Booooooooor ing!

Can Cruz be any duller....
There's one thing missing though...can't quite put my finger on it..

..Oh..wait..I know! The entire reason for Cruz calling a press conference ISN'T THERE WITH HIM. That's a heck of an endorsement Carly is giving Ted.
I'm struggling with this whole thing. You're mathematically eliminated and you announce a VP. Why exactly does a failed campaign pick a VP when they have ZERO chance of securing the nomination?
I'm struggling with this whole thing. You're mathematically eliminated and you announce a VP. Why exactly does a failed campaign pick a VP when they have ZERO chance of securing the nomination?

He's mathematically eliminated? Um .. no he's not.

Why shouldn't Cruz take the only shot he has? I still don't get that. Maybe Cryin Donald should focus on closing the deal by winning instead of whining

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