Cruz to make major announcement

Cruz's strategy seems to be what's the fastest way to destroy my campaign?

I know!


Picture games, maybe you are cryin donald supporter ...
Why aren't you off praising Hillary you RINO?
Ted Cruz did the math. His 15 percent plus Carly's 1 percent is greater than Trump's 50 percent.
I'm struggling with this whole thing. You're mathematically eliminated and you announce a VP. Why exactly does a failed campaign pick a VP when they have ZERO chance of securing the nomination?

He's mathematically eliminated? Um .. no he's not.

Why shouldn't Cruz take the only shot he has? I still don't get that. Maybe Cryin Donald should focus on closing the deal by winning instead of whining
Yes he is. There's not enough delegates left for him to win to get to 1,237.
This today reminds me of the times when little Marco had another bad showing coming in third
and below 20% not getting any delegates and he would talk shit like he was going to get the nomination.
Hey I'm half listening to this as I start dinner.

Go ahead Cruz and Carly....
Knock yourselves out.
Well, Cruz has made another big mistake. The voters didn't like Fiorina the first time around, what makes him think she's going to garner votes as his VP?

Cruz is not only a loser, he's a sleaze.
I see that some are speculating that Cruz did this to steal the news cycle....
Picking Carly does what for Cruz exactly....
Once you get past the fact that he picked a woman then what??
Does she work well for Cruz in the south,the west....
Does she get the black and Hispanic vote?

I'm not getting what the big deal is here...

I don't see how Cruz has a chance at the nomination so all this
is just so Cruz can go out and talk about basketball rings?

Changes the news cycle
Shows he is a serious candidate
It gets him Carlie's California organization.

Changes the news cycle.................................. Until the Donald changes it back.Probably tomorrow or the day after.
Shows he is a serious candidate.................... He wasn't serious about it until now?
It gets him Carlie's California organization... Wow...And how exactly did that work for Carly?

You know California is her home State, right?
You seem to think that that makes us in love with her. We are not....we know what she did to HP....and she's a Senate run loser.
He's making the Sarah Palin insult/mistake. He's patronizing women voters thinking that if he recruits a skirt, they'll vote skirt...cuz you know how silly girls are always picking their gender no matter what the qualifications! It backfired with Palin and we'll see if it backfires with Carly.
I'm struggling with this whole thing. You're mathematically eliminated and you announce a VP. Why exactly does a failed campaign pick a VP when they have ZERO chance of securing the nomination?

He's mathematically eliminated? Um .. no he's not.

Why shouldn't Cruz take the only shot he has? I still don't get that. Maybe Cryin Donald should focus on closing the deal by winning instead of whining
Yes he is. There's not enough delegates left for him to win to get to 1,237.

I think the Cruz people are banking on getting in on the second or third ballot....
Let's see how that goes over with the voters if Trump gets millions more votes
and comes up 30 delegates short and the GOP gives the nomination to Cruz....

As for Ted winning 1237...If Trump might just come up a bit short....
How in the world does Cruz get to that number without some behind the scenes back door hand jobs.
I'm struggling with this whole thing. You're mathematically eliminated and you announce a VP. Why exactly does a failed campaign pick a VP when they have ZERO chance of securing the nomination?

He's mathematically eliminated? Um .. no he's not.

Why shouldn't Cruz take the only shot he has? I still don't get that. Maybe Cryin Donald should focus on closing the deal by winning instead of whining
Yes he is. There's not enough delegates left for him to win to get to 1,237.

There aren't? Then way is anyone discussing him? Why is this even a question? BTW, I think you're wrong, Trump can definitely get too 1,237
i thought this was a joke about naming a running mate while trailing in the candidate race. clearly i still haven't digested how retarded the gop clown car occupants are.
I see that some are speculating that Cruz did this to steal the news cycle....
Picking Carly does what for Cruz exactly....
Once you get past the fact that he picked a woman then what??
Does she work well for Cruz in the south,the west....
Does she get the black and Hispanic vote?

I'm not getting what the big deal is here...

I don't see how Cruz has a chance at the nomination so all this
is just so Cruz can go out and talk about basketball rings?

Changes the news cycle
Shows he is a serious candidate
It gets him Carlie's California organization.

Changes the news cycle.................................. Until the Donald changes it back.Probably tomorrow or the day after.
Shows he is a serious candidate.................... He wasn't serious about it until now?
It gets him Carlie's California organization... Wow...And how exactly did that work for Carly?

You know California is her home State, right?
You seem to think that that makes us in love with her. We are not....we know what she did to HP....and she's a Senate run loser.

The endless idiotic references to HP. HP was in a world of hurt when she took it over. The idea she ran it into the ground is just ignorant. The PC market was contracting. She tried a play with Compaq. I've seen zero evidence that she screwed anything up, and I know a world more than you do about it. But go ahead, let's pretend I don't already know the answer, what is your evidence she screwed up at HP.

And you speak for zero California Republicans just like you speak for zero Republicans anywhere else
I think this will cost him votes. fiorina isnt particualrly liked by anyone. I was concerned it was going to be a BIG announcemnet with rubio endorsing cruz.

Fiorina is popular in California, seriously, you don't get the strategy of it? And he's a great VP choice and a great match for Cruz. There's no downside to him

Actually she is not very popular in California. Which is why she has never been elected to office.
I doubt any Trump supporter will suddenly switch from Trump to Cruz based upon this.

I think it is not a bad choice- just 3 months too late to do him any good.

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