CSPAN callers unhappy with Trump indictment

Yes nobody on the left can say what the charges are nor can anybody on the right. That’s the point. You can’t call them BS if you don’t know what they are. You’re a mindless hack if you do so
I know that every other court has dismissed it. I also know that any money paid to that professional whore Daniels was not from any campaign money unlike Waters, Clinton, Omar, Cortez, Presley and more.
Seventy percent of Americans say this is political and they do not like it. You're in the minority.
Including most every senior legal mind. The former AG and throngs of others, including most of Bragg's own DA office. It's a total BS case. Poor Dems wetting themselves are going to be disappointed when this pile of crap is tossed from the courtroom and their hero DA is reprimanded.
CNN, Mueller, NPR and more...admitted there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION. Only idiot low info dem supporters still hang onto the lie.
I know that every other court has dismissed it. I also know that any money paid to that professional whore Daniels was not from any campaign money unlike Waters, Clinton, Omar, Cortez, Presley and more.
No, you don’t know that because you don’t know what IT is.
I cannot believe how some portion of Democrats have sank so low and how they’re so ugly…. that they think what’s happening to Donald Trump is OK.
Do you think all those things that happened in autocratic/communist countries are fake news in MSM to scare us? It unfolds right in front of our eyes right now.
Do you think all those things that happened in autocratic/communist countries are fake news in MSM to scare us? It unfolds right in front of our eyes right now.
Donald Trump has done nothing wrong. So allegedly he gave money to a woman a porn star to keep quiet. And that’s a crime?

And this 2020 election nonsense it’s not a crime at all this is America …people have a right to believe the election was fixed , all I can say is look at the 2000 election Democrats including Al Gore felt that they were cheated.

And if you look at January 6 Donald Trump came out and said he told his protesters to go home. That’s it man there’s nothing on Trump . Plus look at how bad economy is right now…. was much better under Trump.

There’s nothing good about this political division can you imagine the first time in history and ex-president is charged with a crime and it’s done by a pro BLM black Districk attorney it is brutal. Could you imagine if a white conservative district attorney just decided to charge Obama with a crime.

With all of the wokeness and cancel culture going on, the feminization of man, more single young men our country is in a really bad way right now and we have a lot of work to do.
I’m not. Never said I was. Only asked why y’all are so convinced it’s BS when you haven’t even seen what it is.
Some of us are aware of the past charges where they were dismissed. This is political and you know it. This is more evidence of a party willing to destroy the whole country in order to maintain power and control. Democrats have embarrassed in front of the world.
Some of us are aware of the past charges where they were dismissed. This is political and you know it. This is more evidence of a party willing to destroy the whole country in order to maintain power and control. Democrats have embarrassed in front of the world.
You don’t know what these charges are so why are you pretending like they are the same as some past charges that were dismissed ?! Why are you calling it political when you don’t even know what it is?!

Because you are blindly supporting trump and repeating the talking points you hear. Sad.
There’s a Black Lives Matter attorney who is behind this whole thing those are the least trustworthy people in the world.

Would you trust a white racist conservative attorney who charged Obama with a crime.
So what?? A grand a jury indicted…. Not an attorney. They indicted based on evidence of crimes. Not personality
You don’t know what these charges are so why are you pretending like they are the same as some past charges that were dismissed ?! Why are you calling it political when you don’t even know what it is?!

Because you are blindly supporting trump and repeating the talking points you hear. Sad.
and i can say the same for you. WHy is it that you hate this man so when you have no basis other than what the propaganda arm of the democrat party (aks Media) tells you.

Are YOU totally unaware of the wanton killing of the unborn, the destruction of our children in schools as they are being propagandized by crazies telling them they are not what they are? The corruption of the bidens? The man showered with his daughter..>SHE SAID SO.
All the Independents that called in were ticked about the indictment and that's what really matters. Not what Rs or Ds think but how this comes off to people in the middle.

I thought with all the outrage that Bragg would back off and just forget about it. But when it comes to politics, Democrats think like checkers players and Republicans think like chess players planning several moves ahead.

While we on the right have been telling people how the Communists are politicizing their agencies, the Independents probably thought that's just American politics. Now they finally see the light with this bogus indictment and realize we were telling the truth all along. Nazism, abuse of power and authoritarianism is the way of Big Brother.

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