Cuba Forgives Obama For America's Past Agression

America is getting one less "enemy" and eventually one more friend. Not having enemies is a good thing, right?

You are delusional if you think that Cuba would ever be our friend.
I bet you think that Russia is our friend too since they are no longer the USSR.
The more money these two countries get the more they put into their military.
Do you know that Cuba is very good friends with North Korea?
Nothing like getting Russia, Cuba and North Korea together right at our back door eh?
Alarmist clap-trap.

It is truth.
Lets just forget about Cuba and Russia who threated us, after all that was way in the past and it will never happen again eh?
All the while Russia is advancing it's strength and doing cyber attacks on us.
Yeah, we are doing the same thing to them in return and winning, they get a miserable little piece of territory but it cost them dearly.

You folks on the left hate America...... that's why you voted for this piece of shit.....
I hate America, for what they did to countless countries like Cuba and Iraq.
Cuba gets everything out of this deal.
What is America getting?
Obama is not doing any deal to get the cop killer back from Cuba.
Just like he is not doing any deals to get the Military American back from Iran.
when is the US going to send terrorist airplane bomber Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela to stand trial for blowing up a Cuban Civilian airliner in a mid air acts of terror on October 6, 1976

Lets just send him there to be tortured by the Venezuelan authorities.
Terrible idea.
There has never been any proof that he was involved with that bombing.
Obama apologizes.

Cuba forgives.

In diplomatic terms is that called a "round pound" or a "circle jerk"?
There is no reason to continue to treat Cuba like a pariah that is not negated by our overly close relationship with China. Keeping this last bit of the cold war simply for nostalgia's sake is stupid.
I guess Cuba hates us no more than your average Harvard grad.
But not as much as conservatives despise normal diplomacy.
Normal diplomacy?

I don't think Obama knows what that is.

Obama is clearly trying to build some phony legacy, not do what is best for both countries....
Are you implying that the blockade , the travel restrictions, the terrorism caused by the US is good for both countries??
I don't think that what's good for a mortal enemy should be our concern frankly.
You are delusional if you think that Cuba would ever be our friend.
I bet you think that Russia is our friend too since they are no longer the USSR.
The more money these two countries get the more they put into their military.
Do you know that Cuba is very good friends with North Korea?
Nothing like getting Russia, Cuba and North Korea together right at our back door eh?
Alarmist clap-trap.

It is truth.
Lets just forget about Cuba and Russia who threated us, after all that was way in the past and it will never happen again eh?
All the while Russia is advancing it's strength and doing cyber attacks on us.
Yeah, we are doing the same thing to them in return and winning, they get a miserable little piece of territory but it cost them dearly.

You folks on the left hate America...... that's why you voted for this piece of shit.....
I hate America, for what they did to countless countries like Cuba and Iraq.

It's Castro who did the harm to Cuba.
GWB squandered $3 TRILLION and 4,000 plus lives and spawned hatred toward us from virtually the entire world......and right wing idiots blast Obama for talking to Cubans who have done nothing against us except for being pissed that we tried to invade them...Go figure !!!

Compared to WWII Iraq was nothing.

Oh, BTW, the Castro's wanted the Soviets to launch a preemptive strike against the United States and Kruzchev would have none of it.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The letter is right here. I see none of that. Wilson Center Digital Archive
Alarmist clap-trap.

It is truth.
Lets just forget about Cuba and Russia who threated us, after all that was way in the past and it will never happen again eh?
All the while Russia is advancing it's strength and doing cyber attacks on us.
Yeah, we are doing the same thing to them in return and winning, they get a miserable little piece of territory but it cost them dearly.

You folks on the left hate America...... that's why you voted for this piece of shit.....
I hate America, for what they did to countless countries like Cuba and Iraq.

It's Castro who did the harm to Cuba.
Seriously, wake up and go through the declassified documents. The thousands of terrorists attacks on Cuba. Operation Mongoose and Operation Northwoods. The bombing of a Cuban airliner killing all 73 people on board. The US admitting to falsifying events and propagating lies against Cuba.
GWB squandered $3 TRILLION and 4,000 plus lives and spawned hatred toward us from virtually the entire world......and right wing idiots blast Obama for talking to Cubans who have done nothing against us except for being pissed that we tried to invade them...Go figure !!!

Compared to WWII Iraq was nothing.

Oh, BTW, the Castro's wanted the Soviets to launch a preemptive strike against the United States and Kruzchev would have none of it.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Not quite right, dingbat who learns history from Dell Comics....The Soviets wanted OUR missiles out of Turkey and Cuba wanted the Soviets to ward off another Bay of Pigs.....

Both those things the crisis ended in a draw.....

Learn, read, think and don't be such an asshole.
Well, shitforbrains, we were getting rid of them anyway.... so kruzchev was just playing a game and we called his bluff. The Castro's were really pissed when he backed down. It ruined Soviet/Cuban relations for years.
You really have no clue what you are talking about. Cuban - Soviet relations were very stong for many, many years after the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Well, unlike you....I can read. Maybe you might want to go back and read about it.....once you learn.
I have read in many details. JSTOR An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
Cuba Soviet Union relations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"After the establishment of diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union after the Cuban revolution of 1959, Cuba became increasingly dependent on Soviet markets and military aid becoming an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In 1972 Cuba joined the COMECON, an economic organization of states designed to create cooperation among the socialist planned economies dominated by the large economy of the Soviet Union. Moscow kept in regular contact with Havana, sharing varying close relations until the collapse of the bloc in 1991."

You have done nothing but outrights lies. Here.
It is truth.
Lets just forget about Cuba and Russia who threated us, after all that was way in the past and it will never happen again eh?
All the while Russia is advancing it's strength and doing cyber attacks on us.
Yeah, we are doing the same thing to them in return and winning, they get a miserable little piece of territory but it cost them dearly.

You folks on the left hate America...... that's why you voted for this piece of shit.....
I hate America, for what they did to countless countries like Cuba and Iraq.

It's Castro who did the harm to Cuba.
Seriously, wake up and go through the declassified documents. The thousands of terrorists attacks on Cuba. Operation Mongoose and Operation Northwoods. The bombing of a Cuban airliner killing all 73 people on board. The US admitting to falsifying events and propagating lies against Cuba.

You are forgetting how Castro became the leader of Cuba.
The Guerrilla war against Batista's forces from the Sierra Maestra, then turned the nation into a socialist regime where everyone is equally miserable in their poverty.
Cuba gets everything out of this deal.
What is America getting?
Obama is not doing any deal to get the cop killer back from Cuba.
Just like he is not doing any deals to get the Military American back from Iran.
when is the US going to send terrorist airplane bomber Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela to stand trial for blowing up a Cuban Civilian airliner in a mid air acts of terror on October 6, 1976

Lets just send him there to be tortured by the Venezuelan authorities.
Terrible idea.
There has never been any proof that he was involved with that bombing.
He escaped prison while he was on trial for it and guess who harboured him right after the famous "Those who harbour terrorists are no different than terrorists" speech By Bush. C'mon, guess.
BBC NEWS Americas Cuba plane bomber was CIA agent
The CIA File on Luis Posada Carilles
Luis Posada Carriles The Declassified Record

I am convinced the American right have no interest in achieving the truth.
Yeah, we are doing the same thing to them in return and winning, they get a miserable little piece of territory but it cost them dearly.

You folks on the left hate America...... that's why you voted for this piece of shit.....
I hate America, for what they did to countless countries like Cuba and Iraq.

It's Castro who did the harm to Cuba.
Seriously, wake up and go through the declassified documents. The thousands of terrorists attacks on Cuba. Operation Mongoose and Operation Northwoods. The bombing of a Cuban airliner killing all 73 people on board. The US admitting to falsifying events and propagating lies against Cuba.

You are forgetting how Castro became the leader of Cuba.
The Guerrilla war against Batista's forces from the Sierra Maestra, then turned the nation into a socialist regime where everyone is equally miserable in their poverty.
Their poverty is caused by the US blockade and the Helm-Burton Act. The US public opinion actually supported the Guerilla takeover until Castro decided to nationalize all of Cuba's resources. One of the largest companies was the United Fruit Company then owned by John Dulles whose brother Allen, was the head of the CIA. What these 2 did to Guatemala is nothing short of terrorsm also.
Company holdings in Cuba, which included sugar mills in the Oriente region of the island, were expropriated by the 1959 revolutionary government led by Fidel Castro. By April 1960 Castro was accusing the company of aiding Cuban exiles and supporters of former leader Fulgencio Batista in initiating a seaborn invasion of Cuba directed from the United States.[17] Castro warned the U.S. that "Cuba is not another Guatemala" in one of many combative diplomatic exchanges before the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961.

United Fruit Company - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Compared to WWII Iraq was nothing.

Oh, BTW, the Castro's wanted the Soviets to launch a preemptive strike against the United States and Kruzchev would have none of it.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Not quite right, dingbat who learns history from Dell Comics....The Soviets wanted OUR missiles out of Turkey and Cuba wanted the Soviets to ward off another Bay of Pigs.....

Both those things the crisis ended in a draw.....

Learn, read, think and don't be such an asshole.
Well, shitforbrains, we were getting rid of them anyway.... so kruzchev was just playing a game and we called his bluff. The Castro's were really pissed when he backed down. It ruined Soviet/Cuban relations for years.
You really have no clue what you are talking about. Cuban - Soviet relations were very stong for many, many years after the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Well, unlike you....I can read. Maybe you might want to go back and read about it.....once you learn.
I have read in many details. JSTOR An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
Cuba Soviet Union relations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"After the establishment of diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union after the Cuban revolution of 1959, Cuba became increasingly dependent on Soviet markets and military aid becoming an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In 1972 Cuba joined the COMECON, an economic organization of states designed to create cooperation among the socialist planned economies dominated by the large economy of the Soviet Union. Moscow kept in regular contact with Havana, sharing varying close relations until the collapse of the bloc in 1991."

You have done nothing but outrights lies. Here.
Blow me.....
Not quite right, dingbat who learns history from Dell Comics....The Soviets wanted OUR missiles out of Turkey and Cuba wanted the Soviets to ward off another Bay of Pigs.....

Both those things the crisis ended in a draw.....

Learn, read, think and don't be such an asshole.
Well, shitforbrains, we were getting rid of them anyway.... so kruzchev was just playing a game and we called his bluff. The Castro's were really pissed when he backed down. It ruined Soviet/Cuban relations for years.
You really have no clue what you are talking about. Cuban - Soviet relations were very stong for many, many years after the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Well, unlike you....I can read. Maybe you might want to go back and read about it.....once you learn.
I have read in many details. JSTOR An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
Cuba Soviet Union relations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"After the establishment of diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union after the Cuban revolution of 1959, Cuba became increasingly dependent on Soviet markets and military aid becoming an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In 1972 Cuba joined the COMECON, an economic organization of states designed to create cooperation among the socialist planned economies dominated by the large economy of the Soviet Union. Moscow kept in regular contact with Havana, sharing varying close relations until the collapse of the bloc in 1991."

You have done nothing but outrights lies. Here.
Blow me.....

Blow me.....

Ahhhha....the paragon of right wingers' prose.......
As they go down (pardon the pun) whimpering, the above is all the have to say.
Well, shitforbrains, we were getting rid of them anyway.... so kruzchev was just playing a game and we called his bluff. The Castro's were really pissed when he backed down. It ruined Soviet/Cuban relations for years.
You really have no clue what you are talking about. Cuban - Soviet relations were very stong for many, many years after the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Well, unlike you....I can read. Maybe you might want to go back and read about it.....once you learn.
I have read in many details. JSTOR An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
Cuba Soviet Union relations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"After the establishment of diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union after the Cuban revolution of 1959, Cuba became increasingly dependent on Soviet markets and military aid becoming an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In 1972 Cuba joined the COMECON, an economic organization of states designed to create cooperation among the socialist planned economies dominated by the large economy of the Soviet Union. Moscow kept in regular contact with Havana, sharing varying close relations until the collapse of the bloc in 1991."

You have done nothing but outrights lies. Here.
Blow me.....

Blow me.....

Ahhhha....the paragon of right wingers' prose.......
As they go down (pardon the pun) whimpering, the above is all the have to say.

Blow me isn't rightwing left-wing or down the middle.

Oh.....and suck my dick ya pillow biting ****.

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