Cuba Forgives Obama For America's Past Agression

Well there you go, why drop more in there just to have it fall into their hands when the people we are trying help have no will to fight or a central command capable of coordination and logistics?

The kurds have a great will and they are doing fairly with outdated weapons.
Good, but at the time you spoke of everyone else in the country just buckled or defected to ISIS, I fail to see why throwing more weapons in that mix would have been prudent, also, why are we not talking about Cuba? It is the topic after all.

I did not speak of the country buckling or defecting to ISIS and you are the one who brought up Iraq.
Actually it was mudwhistle who brought up Iraq. It is one of the few things I will allow myself to be diverted on since it is the most expensive American mistake in my lifetime. Got anything to say about Cuba?

And Obama has just pissed all of that blood and treasure away.....
No, the dickheads who started the Iraq war did all the pissing away, Obama just stopped the hemorrhaging.
But there is no economic incentive for conservatives to support it....
That's true, they liked opening relations with China because they allowed western access to the largest untapped cheap labor pool in the world, there is no sign Cuba will allow themselves to be harshly used by the multi-national corporations like that.
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....

Your hatred of Obama has no bounds.......Of course, you're free to wallow in your own bile, but the rest of sane Americans welcome better relations through diplomacy while you idiots walk around with with a stick up your arses.
Fuck you asshole!!!

If you don't have anything to add to the discussion get lost!!!

WHAT DISCUSSION, moron??? You're accusing Obama of saying something he NEVER stated.....WHY??? Because you're a scumbag, that's why.... may have some other idiots "agreeing" with you because they're just as hateful AND powerless, except for your spewing on these boards.

Obama has repeatedly stated the same exact apology. "America sometimes doesn't measure up to her ideals.!"
The kurds have a great will and they are doing fairly with outdated weapons.
Good, but at the time you spoke of everyone else in the country just buckled or defected to ISIS, I fail to see why throwing more weapons in that mix would have been prudent, also, why are we not talking about Cuba? It is the topic after all.

I did not speak of the country buckling or defecting to ISIS and you are the one who brought up Iraq.
Actually it was mudwhistle who brought up Iraq. It is one of the few things I will allow myself to be diverted on since it is the most expensive American mistake in my lifetime. Got anything to say about Cuba?

And Obama has just pissed all of that blood and treasure away.....
No, the dickheads who started the Iraq war did all the pissing away, Obama just stopped the hemorrhaging.

That must be why we left Germany and Japan only a few years after the end the war, and they both disintegrated into years of genocide and civil war.

Oh, that's right. Only today's fucked up Democrats do shit like that.....the cowards that they are...
GWB squandered $3 TRILLION and 4,000 plus lives and spawned hatred toward us from virtually the entire world......and right wing idiots blast Obama for talking to Cubans who have done nothing against us except for being pissed that we tried to invade them...Go figure !!!
GWB squandered $3 TRILLION and 4,000 plus lives and spawned hatred toward us from virtually the entire world......and right wing idiots blast Obama for talking to Cubans who have done nothing against us except for being pissed that we tried to invade them...Go figure !!!

Compared to WWII Iraq was nothing.

Oh, BTW, the Castro's wanted the Soviets to launch a preemptive strike against the United States and Kruzchev would have none of it.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
That's true, they liked opening relations with China because they allowed western access to the largest untapped cheap labor pool in the world, there is no sign Cuba will allow themselves to be harshly used by the multi-national corporations like that.
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....

Your hatred of Obama has no bounds.......Of course, you're free to wallow in your own bile, but the rest of sane Americans welcome better relations through diplomacy while you idiots walk around with with a stick up your arses.
Fuck you asshole!!!

If you don't have anything to add to the discussion get lost!!!

WHAT DISCUSSION, moron??? You're accusing Obama of saying something he NEVER stated.....WHY??? Because you're a scumbag, that's why.... may have some other idiots "agreeing" with you because they're just as hateful AND powerless, except for your spewing on these boards.

Obama has repeatedly stated the same exact apology. "America sometimes doesn't measure up to her ideals.!"

......And even if he had said so....SO WHAT???? As if that wasn't true?

Ask Native Americans
Ask Vietnamese (you know, the BS about a domino effect)
Ask Iraqis (you know, let's not wait for mushroom clouds)
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....

Your hatred of Obama has no bounds.......Of course, you're free to wallow in your own bile, but the rest of sane Americans welcome better relations through diplomacy while you idiots walk around with with a stick up your arses.
Fuck you asshole!!!

If you don't have anything to add to the discussion get lost!!!

WHAT DISCUSSION, moron??? You're accusing Obama of saying something he NEVER stated.....WHY??? Because you're a scumbag, that's why.... may have some other idiots "agreeing" with you because they're just as hateful AND powerless, except for your spewing on these boards.

Obama has repeatedly stated the same exact apology. "America sometimes doesn't measure up to her ideals.!"

......And even if he had said so....SO WHAT???? As if that wasn't true?

Ask Native Americans
Ask Vietnamese (you know, the BS about a domino effect)
Ask Iraqis (you know, let's not wait for mushroom clouds)

Look Dumbass.....who you say it to matters.

If your enemies are out to get you....don't expose yor weakness to them.

All Obama is doing is standing on the outside pointing fingers at you and me, and doing it along with the Castro's. He takes no responsibility for the US. He doesn't really consider himself to be an American. He's more willing to condemn the US than anyone.

This isn't going to make them like us. It's going to make them hate us even more.
GWB squandered $3 TRILLION and 4,000 plus lives and spawned hatred toward us from virtually the entire world......and right wing idiots blast Obama for talking to Cubans who have done nothing against us except for being pissed that we tried to invade them...Go figure !!!

Compared to WWII Iraq was nothing.

Oh, BTW, the Castro's wanted the Soviets to launch a preemptive strike against the United States and Kruzchev would have none of it.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Not quite right, dingbat who learns history from Dell Comics....The Soviets wanted OUR missiles out of Turkey and Cuba wanted the Soviets to ward off another Bay of Pigs.....

Both those things the crisis ended in a draw.....

Learn, read, think and don't be such an asshole.
Your hatred of Obama has no bounds.......Of course, you're free to wallow in your own bile, but the rest of sane Americans welcome better relations through diplomacy while you idiots walk around with with a stick up your arses.
Fuck you asshole!!!

If you don't have anything to add to the discussion get lost!!!

WHAT DISCUSSION, moron??? You're accusing Obama of saying something he NEVER stated.....WHY??? Because you're a scumbag, that's why.... may have some other idiots "agreeing" with you because they're just as hateful AND powerless, except for your spewing on these boards.

Obama has repeatedly stated the same exact apology. "America sometimes doesn't measure up to her ideals.!"

......And even if he had said so....SO WHAT???? As if that wasn't true?

Ask Native Americans
Ask Vietnamese (you know, the BS about a domino effect)
Ask Iraqis (you know, let's not wait for mushroom clouds)

Look Dumbass.....who you say it to matters.

If your enemies are out to get you....don't expose yor weakness to them.

All Obama is doing is standing on the outside pointing fingers at you and me, and doing it along with the Castro's. He takes no responsibility for the US. He doesn't really consider himself to be an American. He's more willing to condemn the US than anyone.

This isn't going to make them like us. It's going to make them hate us even more.
The US should be condemned for what they did to Cuba. Anyone who disagrees has no idea about the actual history between these two nations.
Fuck you asshole!!!

If you don't have anything to add to the discussion get lost!!!

WHAT DISCUSSION, moron??? You're accusing Obama of saying something he NEVER stated.....WHY??? Because you're a scumbag, that's why.... may have some other idiots "agreeing" with you because they're just as hateful AND powerless, except for your spewing on these boards.

Obama has repeatedly stated the same exact apology. "America sometimes doesn't measure up to her ideals.!"

......And even if he had said so....SO WHAT???? As if that wasn't true?

Ask Native Americans
Ask Vietnamese (you know, the BS about a domino effect)
Ask Iraqis (you know, let's not wait for mushroom clouds)

Look Dumbass.....who you say it to matters.

If your enemies are out to get you....don't expose yor weakness to them.

All Obama is doing is standing on the outside pointing fingers at you and me, and doing it along with the Castro's. He takes no responsibility for the US. He doesn't really consider himself to be an American. He's more willing to condemn the US than anyone.

This isn't going to make them like us. It's going to make them hate us even more.
The US should be condemned for what they did to Cuba. Anyone who disagrees has no idea about the actual history between these two nations.
Yes, these last fifty years is probably the longest we have went without totally fucking them over.
Your hatred of Obama has no bounds.......Of course, you're free to wallow in your own bile, but the rest of sane Americans welcome better relations through diplomacy while you idiots walk around with with a stick up your arses.
Fuck you asshole!!!

If you don't have anything to add to the discussion get lost!!!

WHAT DISCUSSION, moron??? You're accusing Obama of saying something he NEVER stated.....WHY??? Because you're a scumbag, that's why.... may have some other idiots "agreeing" with you because they're just as hateful AND powerless, except for your spewing on these boards.

Obama has repeatedly stated the same exact apology. "America sometimes doesn't measure up to her ideals.!"

......And even if he had said so....SO WHAT???? As if that wasn't true?

Ask Native Americans
Ask Vietnamese (you know, the BS about a domino effect)
Ask Iraqis (you know, let's not wait for mushroom clouds)

Look Dumbass.....who you say it to matters.

If your enemies are out to get you....don't expose yor weakness to them.

All Obama is doing is standing on the outside pointing fingers at you and me, and doing it along with the Castro's. He takes no responsibility for the US. He doesn't really consider himself to be an American. He's more willing to condemn the US than anyone.

This isn't going to make them like us. It's going to make them hate us even more.

Sure, Obama "hates" America....because idiots like you say so, right?

We'd be better off having a president stating "axis of Evil"...attacking the WEAKEST of that axis and failing miserably?? Yeah, THAT showed how powerful we are.

We'd be better off telling other countries that if they don't do what we say, we'll bomb the shit out of them?

We'd be better off showing the rest of the world that among our citizens there are idiots like you who still haven't come to terms that its OK to have a black president?
GWB squandered $3 TRILLION and 4,000 plus lives and spawned hatred toward us from virtually the entire world......and right wing idiots blast Obama for talking to Cubans who have done nothing against us except for being pissed that we tried to invade them...Go figure !!!

Compared to WWII Iraq was nothing.

Oh, BTW, the Castro's wanted the Soviets to launch a preemptive strike against the United States and Kruzchev would have none of it.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Not quite right, dingbat who learns history from Dell Comics....The Soviets wanted OUR missiles out of Turkey and Cuba wanted the Soviets to ward off another Bay of Pigs.....

Both those things the crisis ended in a draw.....

Learn, read, think and don't be such an asshole.
Well, shitforbrains, we were getting rid of them anyway.... so kruzchev was just playing a game and we called his bluff. The Castro's were really pissed when he backed down. It ruined Soviet/Cuban relations for years.
Fuck you asshole!!!

If you don't have anything to add to the discussion get lost!!!

WHAT DISCUSSION, moron??? You're accusing Obama of saying something he NEVER stated.....WHY??? Because you're a scumbag, that's why.... may have some other idiots "agreeing" with you because they're just as hateful AND powerless, except for your spewing on these boards.

Obama has repeatedly stated the same exact apology. "America sometimes doesn't measure up to her ideals.!"

......And even if he had said so....SO WHAT???? As if that wasn't true?

Ask Native Americans
Ask Vietnamese (you know, the BS about a domino effect)
Ask Iraqis (you know, let's not wait for mushroom clouds)

Look Dumbass.....who you say it to matters.

If your enemies are out to get you....don't expose yor weakness to them.

All Obama is doing is standing on the outside pointing fingers at you and me, and doing it along with the Castro's. He takes no responsibility for the US. He doesn't really consider himself to be an American. He's more willing to condemn the US than anyone.

This isn't going to make them like us. It's going to make them hate us even more.

Sure, Obama "hates" America....because idiots like you say so, right?

We'd be better off having a president stating "axis of Evil"...attacking the WEAKEST of that axis and failing miserably?? Yeah, THAT showed how powerful we are.

We'd be better off telling other countries that if they don't do what we say, we'll bomb the shit out of them?

We'd be better off showing the rest of the world that among our citizens there are idiots like you who still haven't come to terms that its OK to have a black president?
Oh....I don't like the lying sphincter because he's black!!

That explains everything.

It wouldn't have anything to do with fact that I work for the government and my paycheck hasn't increased since the day he took office. Used to be we got a cola allowance every year. it doesn't have anything to do with the the way he keeps fucking over active duty and veterans in our PX system, by jacking up prices, or the extra surcharge he added at the commissary. Now I hardly ever shop there anymore. It has nothing to do with having to wait until I'm dead before I get treatment at the VA, or being audited more times since he's been president by the IRS than under all presidents combined before him. Nope, it doesn't have anything to do with "if you like your doctor.... you can keep your doctor.....period..."

Nope, I don't like the prick because the way he always talks about my country, my religion, my race, and my politics, and makes me want punch him in the fucken mouth.
WHAT DISCUSSION, moron??? You're accusing Obama of saying something he NEVER stated.....WHY??? Because you're a scumbag, that's why.... may have some other idiots "agreeing" with you because they're just as hateful AND powerless, except for your spewing on these boards.

Obama has repeatedly stated the same exact apology. "America sometimes doesn't measure up to her ideals.!"

......And even if he had said so....SO WHAT???? As if that wasn't true?

Ask Native Americans
Ask Vietnamese (you know, the BS about a domino effect)
Ask Iraqis (you know, let's not wait for mushroom clouds)

Look Dumbass.....who you say it to matters.

If your enemies are out to get you....don't expose yor weakness to them.

All Obama is doing is standing on the outside pointing fingers at you and me, and doing it along with the Castro's. He takes no responsibility for the US. He doesn't really consider himself to be an American. He's more willing to condemn the US than anyone.

This isn't going to make them like us. It's going to make them hate us even more.

Sure, Obama "hates" America....because idiots like you say so, right?

We'd be better off having a president stating "axis of Evil"...attacking the WEAKEST of that axis and failing miserably?? Yeah, THAT showed how powerful we are.

We'd be better off telling other countries that if they don't do what we say, we'll bomb the shit out of them?

We'd be better off showing the rest of the world that among our citizens there are idiots like you who still haven't come to terms that its OK to have a black president?
Oh....I don't like the lying sphincter because he's black!!

That explains everything. I wouldn't have anything to do with fact that I work for the government and my paycheck hasn't increased since the day he took office. Used to be we got a cola allowance every year. it doesn't have anything to do with the the way he keeps fucking over active duty and veterans in our PX system, by jacking up prices, or the extra surcharge he added at the commissary. Now I hardly ever shop there anymore. It has nothing to do with having to wait until I'm dead before I get treatment at the VA, or being audited more times since he's been president by the IRS than under all presidents combined before him. Nope, it doesn't have anything to do with "if you like your doctor.... you can keep your doctor.....period..."

Nope, I don't like the prick because the way he always talks about my country, my religion, my race, and my politics, and makes me want punch him in the fucken mouth.

So then it's really just your own personal interests at stake here. You need to get off the government tit and fend for yourself.
Oh....I don't like the lying sphincter because he's black!!

That explains everything.

It wouldn't have anything to do with fact that I work for the government and my paycheck hasn't increased since the day he took office. Used to be we got a cola allowance every year. it doesn't have anything to do with the the way he keeps fucking over active duty and veterans in our PX system, by jacking up prices, or the extra surcharge he added at the commissary. Now I hardly ever shop there anymore. It has nothing to do with having to wait until I'm dead before I get treatment at the VA, or being audited more times since he's been president by the IRS than under all presidents combined before him. Nope, it doesn't have anything to do with "if you like your doctor.... you can keep your doctor.....period..."

Nope, I don't like the prick because the way he always talks about my country, my religion, my race, and my politics, and makes me want punch him in the fucken mouth.

Well, since you spend most of your day on here (at least, I'm retired) and YOU WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT...whatever you are getting paid is WAY TOO MUCH for doing shit but complain that we have TOO MUCH government.

You are an ASSHOLE !!!
GWB squandered $3 TRILLION and 4,000 plus lives and spawned hatred toward us from virtually the entire world......and right wing idiots blast Obama for talking to Cubans who have done nothing against us except for being pissed that we tried to invade them...Go figure !!!

Compared to WWII Iraq was nothing.

Oh, BTW, the Castro's wanted the Soviets to launch a preemptive strike against the United States and Kruzchev would have none of it.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Not quite right, dingbat who learns history from Dell Comics....The Soviets wanted OUR missiles out of Turkey and Cuba wanted the Soviets to ward off another Bay of Pigs.....

Both those things the crisis ended in a draw.....

Learn, read, think and don't be such an asshole.
Well, shitforbrains, we were getting rid of them anyway.... so kruzchev was just playing a game and we called his bluff. The Castro's were really pissed when he backed down. It ruined Soviet/Cuban relations for years.
You really have no clue what you are talking about. Cuban - Soviet relations were very stong for many, many years after the Cuban Missile Crisis.
GWB squandered $3 TRILLION and 4,000 plus lives and spawned hatred toward us from virtually the entire world......and right wing idiots blast Obama for talking to Cubans who have done nothing against us except for being pissed that we tried to invade them...Go figure !!!

Compared to WWII Iraq was nothing.

Oh, BTW, the Castro's wanted the Soviets to launch a preemptive strike against the United States and Kruzchev would have none of it.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Not quite right, dingbat who learns history from Dell Comics....The Soviets wanted OUR missiles out of Turkey and Cuba wanted the Soviets to ward off another Bay of Pigs.....

Both those things the crisis ended in a draw.....

Learn, read, think and don't be such an asshole.
Well, shitforbrains, we were getting rid of them anyway.... so kruzchev was just playing a game and we called his bluff. The Castro's were really pissed when he backed down. It ruined Soviet/Cuban relations for years.
You really have no clue what you are talking about. Cuban - Soviet relations were very stong for many, many years after the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Well, unlike you....I can read. Maybe you might want to go back and read about it.....once you learn.
There is no reason to continue to treat Cuba like a pariah that is not negated by our overly close relationship with China. Keeping this last bit of the cold war simply for nostalgia's sake is stupid.
I guess Cuba hates us no more than your average Harvard grad.
But not as much as conservatives despise normal diplomacy.
Normal diplomacy?

I don't think Obama knows what that is.

Obama is clearly trying to build some phony legacy, not do what is best for both countries....
Are you implying that the blockade , the travel restrictions, the terrorism caused by the US is good for both countries??
Cuba gets everything out of this deal.
What is America getting?
Obama is not doing any deal to get the cop killer back from Cuba.
Just like he is not doing any deals to get the Military American back from Iran.
when is the US going to send terrorist airplane bomber Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela to stand trial for blowing up a Cuban Civilian airliner in a mid air acts of terror on October 6, 1976
I noticed every single right wingers ignores questions like these. If I ignore it, it didn't happen.
Cuba gets everything out of this deal.
What is America getting?
Obama is not doing any deal to get the cop killer back from Cuba.
Just like he is not doing any deals to get the Military American back from Iran.
when is the US going to send terrorist airplane bomber Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela to stand trial for blowing up a Cuban Civilian airliner in a mid air acts of terror on October 6, 1976

We are not doing a deal with Venezuela and we don't have an embargo against that nation.
No, the proper answer is Luis Posada Carriles was working for the CIA when he killed all those people on the Cuban civillian airliner. Luis Posada Carriles The Declassified Record

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