Cuba Forgives Obama For America's Past Agression

But there is no economic incentive for conservatives to support it....
That's true, they liked opening relations with China because they allowed western access to the largest untapped cheap labor pool in the world, there is no sign Cuba will allow themselves to be harshly used by the multi-national corporations like that.
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....
If he is saying "fuck you" it's just to the cold warrior nostalgics like you who can no longer justify treating them like an enemy. The world is moving on past the leftover bullshit of the twentieth century, we have new problems to address and the old easily solvable problems are but a distraction.
The reason why we give communist countries the cold shoulder is because they enslave their people under their brutal dictatorial ule. I can see why the Kenyan likes Cuba, his daddy and jackal momma were communists too.
China is much worse in that regard than Cuba, nothing that justifies our Cuba policy is worth a hill of beans when we look at our China policy. It's also important to note that many other trading partners are brutal and exploitative towards their people yet are not Communists.

Coming from a Democrat that rings sort of hollow ...
Iraq Before Obama

What was Iraq like at the end of the Bush administration. David French of NRO was there, in the roughest parts. Here’s what he says:

I remember what Iraq was like in late 2008, when I left. My unit. . .had largely cleared out one of the last areas of al-Qaeda dominion in Iraq. At high cost we had taken thousands of square kilometers back from enemy control, broken the back of enemy resistance, and given the local population the chance to live something approaching a normal life. Want a measure of our success?

When we arrived in November 2007, in Diyala Province (labeled the Islamic Caliphate of Iraq by the al-Qaeda forces in control) every time any convoy rolled out of the gate, it had a greater than 25 percent chance of enemy contact — IEDs, ambushes, or sniper fire. When we left in late September 2008, that chance was down to approximately 1 percent.

Good men died making that progress. Friends and brothers, all of them.

But that’s not to say that al-Qaeda was completely defeated. Even as we prepared to hand over the battle space to an incoming unit, al Qaeda struck one last blow – killing a very dear friend of mine when our troopers cornered a senior leader.

The bottom line was that Iraq was under control, but still in a state of low-intensity war. Iraqi forces, with the help of small groups of American advisers and — in extreme circumstances — American air power, were more than capable of handling large-scale threats from jihadists but weren’t yet capable of stopping all violence (and, indeed, may never have been). The situation was stable, and — here’s the key — sustainable.

Yes, to sustain it would have required the continued presence of American troops, and those troops may have sustained occasional additional casualties, but that’s the price we pay to secure hard-won victories.
Iraq before Obama Power Line
Bullshit, we never should have been there to begin with and we would have had to stay forever to keep whatever it was we thought was worth fighting over, conservatives and their bayonet diplomacy fail every time.

In other words, just let Muslim terrorists groups get stronger and stronger so that we have more bombings and mass killings here in the USA and the rest of the Western Countries.
The state of Iraq and most region is directly attributable to American internationalism. Occupying another nation state does nothing to fight terrorists, it just makes more terrorists and provides American targets for them on their home turf.

It's because they want to have their caliphate and have been wanting it and going to war over it ever since Mohammad died.
They have been fighting each other forever, why should we get between them as long as it remains a local problem? Playing a big real world game of RISK with the middle-east has cost us dearly and gotten us little.

It is not a local problem. It's a world wide problem.
Have you forgotten the twin towers? The Boston bombing?
Americans need to get it through their heads that Muslim Terrorists hate the Western World and want to make all Nations into Muslim Sharia Law countries.
Cuba gets everything out of this deal.
What is America getting?
Obama is not doing any deal to get the cop killer back from Cuba.
Just like he is not doing any deals to get the Military American back from Iran.
America is getting one less "enemy" and eventually one more friend. Not having enemies is a good thing, right?

You are delusional if you think that Cuba would ever be our friend.
I bet you think that Russia is our friend too since they are no longer the USSR.
The more money these two countries get the more they put into their military.
Do you know that Cuba is very good friends with North Korea?
Nothing like getting Russia, Cuba and North Korea together right at our back door eh?
Alarmist clap-trap.

It is truth.
Lets just forget about Cuba and Russia who threated us, after all that was way in the past and it will never happen again eh?
All the while Russia is advancing it's strength and doing cyber attacks on us.
Yeah, we are doing the same thing to them in return and winning, they get a miserable little piece of territory but it cost them dearly.

You folks on the left hate America...... that's why you voted for this piece of shit.....
Phony? It has been high time to thaw relations with Cuba for years and he is doing it. It's far more genuine than conservative rationalizations for continuing to treat them like we have been.
But there is no economic incentive for conservatives to support it....
That's true, they liked opening relations with China because they allowed western access to the largest untapped cheap labor pool in the world, there is no sign Cuba will allow themselves to be harshly used by the multi-national corporations like that.
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....
If he is saying "fuck you" it's just to the cold warrior nostalgics like you who can no longer justify treating them like an enemy. The world is moving on past the leftover bullshit of the twentieth century, we have new problems to address and the old easily solvable problems are but a distraction.

The problem with you is you don't know anything about symbolic gestures. Obama continues to bow down to our enemies, knowing full well he doesn't have the okay from Americans to grovel at the feet of our hated enemies.

Essentially, he's sucking their Dicks and giving them everything they've wanted. We are powerless to stop him. They know it and we know it.

It's an insult to this country..... Obama, our enemies, and our allies know it.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.
Bullshit, we never should have been there to begin with and we would have had to stay forever to keep whatever it was we thought was worth fighting over, conservatives and their bayonet diplomacy fail every time.

In other words, just let Muslim terrorists groups get stronger and stronger so that we have more bombings and mass killings here in the USA and the rest of the Western Countries.
The state of Iraq and most region is directly attributable to American internationalism. Occupying another nation state does nothing to fight terrorists, it just makes more terrorists and provides American targets for them on their home turf.

It's because they want to have their caliphate and have been wanting it and going to war over it ever since Mohammad died.
They have been fighting each other forever, why should we get between them as long as it remains a local problem? Playing a big real world game of RISK with the middle-east has cost us dearly and gotten us little.

It is not a local problem. It's a world wide problem.
Have you forgotten the twin towers? The Boston bombing?
Americans need to get it through their heads that Muslim Terrorists hate the Western World and want to make all Nations into Muslim Sharia Law countries.
Terrorists did not come out of nowhere, we made them and then spent a trillion dollars and counting to fight them, it's been a pretty sweet deal for the MIC.
But there is no economic incentive for conservatives to support it....
That's true, they liked opening relations with China because they allowed western access to the largest untapped cheap labor pool in the world, there is no sign Cuba will allow themselves to be harshly used by the multi-national corporations like that.
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....
If he is saying "fuck you" it's just to the cold warrior nostalgics like you who can no longer justify treating them like an enemy. The world is moving on past the leftover bullshit of the twentieth century, we have new problems to address and the old easily solvable problems are but a distraction.

The problem with you is you don't know anything about symbolic gestures. Obama continues to bow down to our enemies, knowing full well he doesn't have the okay from Americans to grovel at the feet of our hated enemies.

Essentially, he's sucking their Dicks and giving them everything they've wanted. We are powerless to stop him. They know it and we know it.

It's an insult to this country..... Obama, our enemies, and our allies know it.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.

You don't understand them then.

They are weaker because we are stronger, not because we appear weak. They aren't a threat as long as they are afraid of us. Once they lose that fear they'll be out to fuck us over. We have plenty of enemies willing to help them make it happen.
In other words, just let Muslim terrorists groups get stronger and stronger so that we have more bombings and mass killings here in the USA and the rest of the Western Countries.
The state of Iraq and most region is directly attributable to American internationalism. Occupying another nation state does nothing to fight terrorists, it just makes more terrorists and provides American targets for them on their home turf.

It's because they want to have their caliphate and have been wanting it and going to war over it ever since Mohammad died.
They have been fighting each other forever, why should we get between them as long as it remains a local problem? Playing a big real world game of RISK with the middle-east has cost us dearly and gotten us little.

It is not a local problem. It's a world wide problem.
Have you forgotten the twin towers? The Boston bombing?
Americans need to get it through their heads that Muslim Terrorists hate the Western World and want to make all Nations into Muslim Sharia Law countries.
Terrorists did not come out of nowhere, we made them and then spent a trillion dollars and counting to fight them, it's been a pretty sweet deal for the MIC.
Terrorism is a product of weakness.
That's true, they liked opening relations with China because they allowed western access to the largest untapped cheap labor pool in the world, there is no sign Cuba will allow themselves to be harshly used by the multi-national corporations like that.
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....
If he is saying "fuck you" it's just to the cold warrior nostalgics like you who can no longer justify treating them like an enemy. The world is moving on past the leftover bullshit of the twentieth century, we have new problems to address and the old easily solvable problems are but a distraction.

The problem with you is you don't know anything about symbolic gestures. Obama continues to bow down to our enemies, knowing full well he doesn't have the okay from Americans to grovel at the feet of our hated enemies.

Essentially, he's sucking their Dicks and giving them everything they've wanted. We are powerless to stop him. They know it and we know it.

It's an insult to this country..... Obama, our enemies, and our allies know it.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.

You don't understand them then.

They are weaker because we are stronger, not because we appear weak. They aren't a threat as long as they are afraid of us. Once they lose that fear they'll be out to fuck us over. We have plenty of enemies willing to help them make it happen.
We have the most ginormous military in the world by a ridiculous margin, we can kill just about anyone, it is not possible for America to appear weak, we need to balance that with the hope that it is possible to get off of our shitlist.
In other words, just let Muslim terrorists groups get stronger and stronger so that we have more bombings and mass killings here in the USA and the rest of the Western Countries.
The state of Iraq and most region is directly attributable to American internationalism. Occupying another nation state does nothing to fight terrorists, it just makes more terrorists and provides American targets for them on their home turf.

It's because they want to have their caliphate and have been wanting it and going to war over it ever since Mohammad died.
They have been fighting each other forever, why should we get between them as long as it remains a local problem? Playing a big real world game of RISK with the middle-east has cost us dearly and gotten us little.

It is not a local problem. It's a world wide problem.
Have you forgotten the twin towers? The Boston bombing?
Americans need to get it through their heads that Muslim Terrorists hate the Western World and want to make all Nations into Muslim Sharia Law countries.
Terrorists did not come out of nowhere, we made them and then spent a trillion dollars and counting to fight them, it's been a pretty sweet deal for the MIC.

We did not make them, Mohammad did.
They are doing their end time prophesy.
They are also attacking neutral countries that had nothing to do with the middle east.
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....
If he is saying "fuck you" it's just to the cold warrior nostalgics like you who can no longer justify treating them like an enemy. The world is moving on past the leftover bullshit of the twentieth century, we have new problems to address and the old easily solvable problems are but a distraction.

The problem with you is you don't know anything about symbolic gestures. Obama continues to bow down to our enemies, knowing full well he doesn't have the okay from Americans to grovel at the feet of our hated enemies.

Essentially, he's sucking their Dicks and giving them everything they've wanted. We are powerless to stop him. They know it and we know it.

It's an insult to this country..... Obama, our enemies, and our allies know it.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.

You don't understand them then.

They are weaker because we are stronger, not because we appear weak. They aren't a threat as long as they are afraid of us. Once they lose that fear they'll be out to fuck us over. We have plenty of enemies willing to help them make it happen.
We have the most ginormous military in the world by a ridiculous margin, we can kill just about anyone, it is not possible for America to appear weak, we need to balance that with the hope that it is possible to get off of our shitlist.

Obama is gutting our military faster than it took Bush to rebuild it. China has the biggest military. I've been listening to commanders and they said 3 years ago we were near a mission fail state back then. We're worse now ...much worse, than we were then.
The state of Iraq and most region is directly attributable to American internationalism. Occupying another nation state does nothing to fight terrorists, it just makes more terrorists and provides American targets for them on their home turf.

It's because they want to have their caliphate and have been wanting it and going to war over it ever since Mohammad died.
They have been fighting each other forever, why should we get between them as long as it remains a local problem? Playing a big real world game of RISK with the middle-east has cost us dearly and gotten us little.

It is not a local problem. It's a world wide problem.
Have you forgotten the twin towers? The Boston bombing?
Americans need to get it through their heads that Muslim Terrorists hate the Western World and want to make all Nations into Muslim Sharia Law countries.
Terrorists did not come out of nowhere, we made them and then spent a trillion dollars and counting to fight them, it's been a pretty sweet deal for the MIC.

We did not make them, Mohammad did.
They are doing their end time prophesy.
They are also attacking neutral countries that had nothing to do with the middle east.
The US invading and meddling in their countries has more to with it than just religion like you seem to think. Terror attacks are primarily politically motivated and in response to something in the real world. Just because there is a religious and cultural component does not mean it is the only thing.
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....
If he is saying "fuck you" it's just to the cold warrior nostalgics like you who can no longer justify treating them like an enemy. The world is moving on past the leftover bullshit of the twentieth century, we have new problems to address and the old easily solvable problems are but a distraction.

The problem with you is you don't know anything about symbolic gestures. Obama continues to bow down to our enemies, knowing full well he doesn't have the okay from Americans to grovel at the feet of our hated enemies.

Essentially, he's sucking their Dicks and giving them everything they've wanted. We are powerless to stop him. They know it and we know it.

It's an insult to this country..... Obama, our enemies, and our allies know it.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.

You don't understand them then.

They are weaker because we are stronger, not because we appear weak. They aren't a threat as long as they are afraid of us. Once they lose that fear they'll be out to fuck us over. We have plenty of enemies willing to help them make it happen.
We have the most ginormous military in the world by a ridiculous margin, we can kill just about anyone, it is not possible for America to appear weak, we need to balance that with the hope that it is possible to get off of our shitlist.

Being stronger has nothing to do with our military. It's about our leadership being strong and this President is weak.
We have 1.4 million in our military.
China has 2.8 million in theirs, so we are not ginormous.
But there is no economic incentive for conservatives to support it....
That's true, they liked opening relations with China because they allowed western access to the largest untapped cheap labor pool in the world, there is no sign Cuba will allow themselves to be harshly used by the multi-national corporations like that.
Cuba has nothing. Only cigars. This is Obama once again saying "fuck you" to America....
If he is saying "fuck you" it's just to the cold warrior nostalgics like you who can no longer justify treating them like an enemy. The world is moving on past the leftover bullshit of the twentieth century, we have new problems to address and the old easily solvable problems are but a distraction.

The problem with you is you don't know anything about symbolic gestures. Obama continues to bow down to our enemies, knowing full well he doesn't have the okay from Americans to grovel at the feet of our hated enemies.

Essentially, he's sucking their Dicks and giving them everything they've wanted. We are powerless to stop him. They know it and we know it.

It's an insult to this country..... Obama, our enemies, and our allies know it.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.


You open by lamenting hyperbole, only to close through the hyperbolic framing of the Cuban issue as 'an act of mercy'.


Every day that passes in the US offers greater validation to Joe McCarthy.
If he is saying "fuck you" it's just to the cold warrior nostalgics like you who can no longer justify treating them like an enemy. The world is moving on past the leftover bullshit of the twentieth century, we have new problems to address and the old easily solvable problems are but a distraction.

The problem with you is you don't know anything about symbolic gestures. Obama continues to bow down to our enemies, knowing full well he doesn't have the okay from Americans to grovel at the feet of our hated enemies.

Essentially, he's sucking their Dicks and giving them everything they've wanted. We are powerless to stop him. They know it and we know it.

It's an insult to this country..... Obama, our enemies, and our allies know it.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.

You don't understand them then.

They are weaker because we are stronger, not because we appear weak. They aren't a threat as long as they are afraid of us. Once they lose that fear they'll be out to fuck us over. We have plenty of enemies willing to help them make it happen.
We have the most ginormous military in the world by a ridiculous margin, we can kill just about anyone, it is not possible for America to appear weak, we need to balance that with the hope that it is possible to get off of our shitlist.

Obama is gutting our military faster than it took Bush to rebuild it. China has the biggest military. I've been listening to commanders and they said 3 years ago we were near a mission fail state back then. We're worse now ...much worse, than we were then.
Bullshit, our capability to project our power FAR outstrips anyone else, as to "gutting" the military it seems it's the only part of government conservatives have no problem with waste, if spending does not go up every year in spite of the threats we face you guys have a fucking cow.
If he is saying "fuck you" it's just to the cold warrior nostalgics like you who can no longer justify treating them like an enemy. The world is moving on past the leftover bullshit of the twentieth century, we have new problems to address and the old easily solvable problems are but a distraction.

The problem with you is you don't know anything about symbolic gestures. Obama continues to bow down to our enemies, knowing full well he doesn't have the okay from Americans to grovel at the feet of our hated enemies.

Essentially, he's sucking their Dicks and giving them everything they've wanted. We are powerless to stop him. They know it and we know it.

It's an insult to this country..... Obama, our enemies, and our allies know it.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.

You don't understand them then.

They are weaker because we are stronger, not because we appear weak. They aren't a threat as long as they are afraid of us. Once they lose that fear they'll be out to fuck us over. We have plenty of enemies willing to help them make it happen.
We have the most ginormous military in the world by a ridiculous margin, we can kill just about anyone, it is not possible for America to appear weak, we need to balance that with the hope that it is possible to get off of our shitlist.

Being stronger has nothing to do with our military. It's about our leadership being strong and this President is weak.
We have 1.4 million in our military.
China has 2.8 million in theirs, so we are not ginormous.
China does not have the means to project that power anywhere on earth on short notice. The number of personnel does not mean shit.
It's because they want to have their caliphate and have been wanting it and going to war over it ever since Mohammad died.
They have been fighting each other forever, why should we get between them as long as it remains a local problem? Playing a big real world game of RISK with the middle-east has cost us dearly and gotten us little.

It is not a local problem. It's a world wide problem.
Have you forgotten the twin towers? The Boston bombing?
Americans need to get it through their heads that Muslim Terrorists hate the Western World and want to make all Nations into Muslim Sharia Law countries.
Terrorists did not come out of nowhere, we made them and then spent a trillion dollars and counting to fight them, it's been a pretty sweet deal for the MIC.

We did not make them, Mohammad did.
They are doing their end time prophesy.
They are also attacking neutral countries that had nothing to do with the middle east.
The US invading and meddling in their countries has more to with it than just religion like you seem to think. Terror attacks are primarily politically motivated and in response to something in the real world. Just because there is a religious and cultural component does not mean it is the only thing.

Jihadist Terrorists are all about politics and religion having Sharia Law in the whole world. It is exactly why they are killing Christians and destroying their Churches. The Christians in the middle east have done nothing to them.
They have been fighting each other forever, why should we get between them as long as it remains a local problem? Playing a big real world game of RISK with the middle-east has cost us dearly and gotten us little.

It is not a local problem. It's a world wide problem.
Have you forgotten the twin towers? The Boston bombing?
Americans need to get it through their heads that Muslim Terrorists hate the Western World and want to make all Nations into Muslim Sharia Law countries.
Terrorists did not come out of nowhere, we made them and then spent a trillion dollars and counting to fight them, it's been a pretty sweet deal for the MIC.

We did not make them, Mohammad did.
They are doing their end time prophesy.
They are also attacking neutral countries that had nothing to do with the middle east.
The US invading and meddling in their countries has more to with it than just religion like you seem to think. Terror attacks are primarily politically motivated and in response to something in the real world. Just because there is a religious and cultural component does not mean it is the only thing.

Jihadist Terrorists are all about politics and religion having Sharia Law in the whole world. It is exactly why they are killing Christians and destroying their Churches. The Christians in the middle east have done nothing to them.
Of that I have no doubt, but again, they did not just happen. They are a by-product of western intervention and hunger for resources. It is far too late to fix things so we will just keep killing them and perpetuating the process.
The problem with you is you don't know anything about symbolic gestures. Obama continues to bow down to our enemies, knowing full well he doesn't have the okay from Americans to grovel at the feet of our hated enemies.

Essentially, he's sucking their Dicks and giving them everything they've wanted. We are powerless to stop him. They know it and we know it.

It's an insult to this country..... Obama, our enemies, and our allies know it.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.

You don't understand them then.

They are weaker because we are stronger, not because we appear weak. They aren't a threat as long as they are afraid of us. Once they lose that fear they'll be out to fuck us over. We have plenty of enemies willing to help them make it happen.
We have the most ginormous military in the world by a ridiculous margin, we can kill just about anyone, it is not possible for America to appear weak, we need to balance that with the hope that it is possible to get off of our shitlist.

Obama is gutting our military faster than it took Bush to rebuild it. China has the biggest military. I've been listening to commanders and they said 3 years ago we were near a mission fail state back then. We're worse now ...much worse, than we were then.
Bullshit, our capability to project our power FAR outstrips anyone else, as to "gutting" the military it seems it's the only part of government conservatives have no problem with waste, if spending does not go up every year in spite of the threats we face you guys have a fucking cow.

Our Federal Government is all about having military and is number one in our Constitution.
Conservative do have a problem with waste in the Military.
Conservatives want waste, fraud and abuse in all of the Departments to be dealt with.
Have you forgotten the stink Cons made on the over priced spending on our military toilets and tools?
It is not a local problem. It's a world wide problem.
Have you forgotten the twin towers? The Boston bombing?
Americans need to get it through their heads that Muslim Terrorists hate the Western World and want to make all Nations into Muslim Sharia Law countries.
Terrorists did not come out of nowhere, we made them and then spent a trillion dollars and counting to fight them, it's been a pretty sweet deal for the MIC.

We did not make them, Mohammad did.
They are doing their end time prophesy.
They are also attacking neutral countries that had nothing to do with the middle east.
The US invading and meddling in their countries has more to with it than just religion like you seem to think. Terror attacks are primarily politically motivated and in response to something in the real world. Just because there is a religious and cultural component does not mean it is the only thing.

Jihadist Terrorists are all about politics and religion having Sharia Law in the whole world. It is exactly why they are killing Christians and destroying their Churches. The Christians in the middle east have done nothing to them.
Of that I have no doubt, but again, they did not just happen. They are a by-product of western intervention and hunger for resources. It is far too late to fix things so we will just keep killing them and perpetuating the process.

So do nothing and let them take over all of the western countries. Lovely.
Being a little hyperbolic there aren't you? Allowing our much weaker "enemies" a face-saving route to drop hostilities and to exit the battlefield is not bowing down, it's an honorable act of mercy. We can always go back to hating them if they don't act right and that policy will be based on current events and not something that happened before most people were even born.

You don't understand them then.

They are weaker because we are stronger, not because we appear weak. They aren't a threat as long as they are afraid of us. Once they lose that fear they'll be out to fuck us over. We have plenty of enemies willing to help them make it happen.
We have the most ginormous military in the world by a ridiculous margin, we can kill just about anyone, it is not possible for America to appear weak, we need to balance that with the hope that it is possible to get off of our shitlist.

Obama is gutting our military faster than it took Bush to rebuild it. China has the biggest military. I've been listening to commanders and they said 3 years ago we were near a mission fail state back then. We're worse now ...much worse, than we were then.
Bullshit, our capability to project our power FAR outstrips anyone else, as to "gutting" the military it seems it's the only part of government conservatives have no problem with waste, if spending does not go up every year in spite of the threats we face you guys have a fucking cow.

Our Federal Government is all about having military and is number one in our Constitution.
Conservative do have a problem with waste in the Military.
Conservatives want waste, fraud and abuse in all of the Departments to be dealt with.
Have you forgotten the stink Cons made on the over priced spending on our military toilets and tools?
Don't even try, they make a stink about things but it has never resulted in cutting back the cash we funnel to our bloated defense industry.

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