Cuban Peers Dispute Ted Cruz’s Father’s Story of Fighting for Castro

And Obama sat and listened to him for 20 years.
How long was Reagan a member of his church? He never went. Not once during his entire presidency. Probably not once during his entire governorship. Certainly not in between when he wasn't even trying to fake it.
How is that even remotely relevant?
Because, dumbass, Obama never went to any of Wright's services. He and Michelle were married by him, and he was a "member" of the congregation, but Obama doesn't go to church. Neither did Reagan. I doubt Poppy Bush showed up more than once a year. Even W. didn't go to services. The only devout POTUS in the past 50 years was Carter.

I seriously doubt you've set foot in a synagogue in years and years.
You're a dolt. But that's proven by your constant stream of lies, ignorance, insults, and stupidity.
Here's Obama himself on the topic:
As young marrieds, Barack and Michelle (who also didn’t go to church regularly as a child) went to church fairly often-two or three times a month. But after their first child, Malia, was born, they found making the effort more difficult. “I don’t know if you’ve had the experience of taking young, squirming children to church, but it’s not easy,” he says. “Trinity was always packed, and so you had to get there early. And if you went to the morning service, you were looking at-it just was difficult. So that would cut back on our involvement.” After he began his run for the U.S. Senate, he says, the family sometimes didn’t go to Trinity for months at a time.

Read more at: Obama's Suddenly Dramatically Changed Church Attendance Claims | National Review Online
So Obama spent plenty of time at Trinity.
Why are we even discussing a Canadian for U.S. President?
After Obama anything goes.
After Hawaii, Canada becomes the 51st state?

you really are a fucking 'tard.
Dont ever call anyone a retard, moron. Your entire existence on this site is one of unrelieved stupidity. Even Rightwinger gets it right occasionally. You? Never.
I cant wait until Pres Cruz orders the IRS to begin investigation Organizing for America and otehr left wing groups and denying them tax status and you leftshits go ballistic.
And Obama sat and listened to him for 20 years.
How long was Reagan a member of his church? He never went. Not once during his entire presidency. Probably not once during his entire governorship. Certainly not in between when he wasn't even trying to fake it.
How is that even remotely relevant?
Because, dumbass, Obama never went to any of Wright's services. He and Michelle were married by him, and he was a "member" of the congregation, but Obama doesn't go to church. Neither did Reagan. I doubt Poppy Bush showed up more than once a year. Even W. didn't go to services. The only devout POTUS in the past 50 years was Carter.

I seriously doubt you've set foot in a synagogue in years and years.
You're a dolt. But that's proven by your constant stream of lies, ignorance, insults, and stupidity.
Here's Obama himself on the topic:
As young marrieds, Barack and Michelle (who also didn’t go to church regularly as a child) went to church fairly often-two or three times a month. But after their first child, Malia, was born, they found making the effort more difficult. “I don’t know if you’ve had the experience of taking young, squirming children to church, but it’s not easy,” he says. “Trinity was always packed, and so you had to get there early. And if you went to the morning service, you were looking at-it just was difficult. So that would cut back on our involvement.” After he began his run for the U.S. Senate, he says, the family sometimes didn’t go to Trinity for months at a time.

Read more at: Obama's Suddenly Dramatically Changed Church Attendance Claims | National Review Online
So Obama spent plenty of time at Trinity.
Thank you for proving that Obama didn't sit in Wright's pews for 20 years. And also proving you were talking out your ass.

And Obama sat and listened to him for 20 years.

And Obama sat and listened to him for 20 years.
How long was Reagan a member of his church? He never went. Not once during his entire presidency. Probably not once during his entire governorship. Certainly not in between when he wasn't even trying to fake it.
How is that even remotely relevant?
Because, dumbass, Obama never went to any of Wright's services. He and Michelle were married by him, and he was a "member" of the congregation, but Obama doesn't go to church. Neither did Reagan. I doubt Poppy Bush showed up more than once a year. Even W. didn't go to services. The only devout POTUS in the past 50 years was Carter.

I seriously doubt you've set foot in a synagogue in years and years.
You're a dolt. But that's proven by your constant stream of lies, ignorance, insults, and stupidity.
Here's Obama himself on the topic:
As young marrieds, Barack and Michelle (who also didn’t go to church regularly as a child) went to church fairly often-two or three times a month. But after their first child, Malia, was born, they found making the effort more difficult. “I don’t know if you’ve had the experience of taking young, squirming children to church, but it’s not easy,” he says. “Trinity was always packed, and so you had to get there early. And if you went to the morning service, you were looking at-it just was difficult. So that would cut back on our involvement.” After he began his run for the U.S. Senate, he says, the family sometimes didn’t go to Trinity for months at a time.

Read more at: Obama's Suddenly Dramatically Changed Church Attendance Claims | National Review Online
So Obama spent plenty of time at Trinity.
Thank you for proving that Obama didn't sit in Wright's pews for 20 years. And also proving you were talking out your ass.

And Obama sat and listened to him for 20 years.

I proved the exact opposite. While he didnt attend frequently in some years he did attend. Over 20 years.
Now go crap in yourhat.
I proved the exact opposite. While he didnt attend frequently in some years he did attend. Over 20 years.
Now go crap in yourhat.

Bullshit. You said:

And Obama sat and listened to him for 20 years.

Then you showed that he hardly ever attended.

What the fuck do you think "sat and listened to him for 20 years" means, anyway?

You pwn yourself, dope.
I proved the exact opposite. While he didnt attend frequently in some years he did attend. Over 20 years.
Now go crap in yourhat.

Bullshit. You said:

And Obama sat and listened to him for 20 years.

Then you showed that he hardly ever attended.

What the fuck do you think "sat and listened to him for 20 years" means, anyway?

You pwn yourself, dope.
Only an idiot like you thinks I meant he sat literally for 20 years in church.
Was Obama a member of that church for over 20 years? Yes. Did he attend church during that time? Yes.
You're saying Ted Cruz didn't listen to his father? His father had no influence on him? Rafael being a liar and fabricator didn't shape Ted's character and beliefs?

Your dishonesty is amusing.

Now that Fake Rabbi's attempt to deflect has hilariously failed, maybe someone can finally address this post?
You're saying Ted Cruz didn't listen to his father? His father had no influence on him? Rafael being a liar and fabricator didn't shape Ted's character and beliefs?

Your dishonesty is amusing.

Now that Fake Rabbi's attempt to deflect has hilariously failed, maybe someone can finally address this post?
Now that you've had your ass handed to you attempting to deflect to Reagan maybe you can answer what difference it makes.
You're saying Ted Cruz didn't listen to his father? His father had no influence on him? Rafael being a liar and fabricator didn't shape Ted's character and beliefs?
Yawn. Troll thread is a fail.
Why do you have 12 posts in a thread, desperately wanting it to fail?
I dont want it to fail. It's already failed. Your continual frantic bumping to get people to respond to your stupidity is proof.
Rafael, Sr. was a character. Ted said recently that his father left the family for awhile until he found religion.
You're saying Ted Cruz didn't listen to his father? His father had no influence on him? Rafael being a liar and fabricator didn't shape Ted's character and beliefs?
Yawn. Troll thread is a fail.
Why do you have 12 posts in a thread, desperately wanting it to fail?
I dont want it to fail. It's already failed. Your continual frantic bumping to get people to respond to your stupidity is proof.
^^^ 13th post trying to convince people that no one should post in this thread.

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