Cult of Trump

Trump has higher job approval numbers than Obama at this stage of his presidency........Cult???? "extremism in defense of your nation is no vice"...
It may take a cult type figure to undo all of the damage done by progressive Obama about a cult...haven't you all seen the dream like stares the media look at Obama with....its the media that are in a trance.....not Trump voters....and the dems are marching along right beside the media zombies.....all the way to hell.....
Seen a brown don the con member?
Lowest ever hispanic unemployment rate. Maybe you think they're stupid because they're not white.
No, know why job creation was less in 2017 than 2016?
Unemployment rates are spewed out, nothing to do with actual jobs
Give an example of how he marginalized the Majority?
His entire Presidency has been a trolling of moderate and left leaning Americans.

So give an example, or are you just talking out your ass?
What percentage of Americans like Trump insulting our allies and buddying up to dictators? Hint: not the majority.

So what? He didn’t disparage Americans like Hillary did
Of course he has. He even one ups her by often insulting Americans on a personal level. He even caused a teenager to receive mass death and rape threats because he had to be so petty as to attack her on twitter.

Oh brother
FUnny. Marginalizing a large group of Americans (the majority) is everything Trump ran on.

Give an example of how he marginalized the Majority?
His entire Presidency has been a trolling of moderate and left leaning Americans.

So give an example, or are you just talking out your ass?
What percentage of Americans like Trump insulting our allies and buddying up to dictators? Hint: not the majority.

So what? He didn’t disparage Americans like Hillary did
Got an actual fact?
See how she helped 911 family members?
Too blinded?
And what have you done genius?
Give an example of how he marginalized the Majority?
His entire Presidency has been a trolling of moderate and left leaning Americans.

So give an example, or are you just talking out your ass?
What percentage of Americans like Trump insulting our allies and buddying up to dictators? Hint: not the majority.

So what? He didn’t disparage Americans like Hillary did
Got an actual fact?
See how she helped 911 family members?
Too blinded?
And what have you done genius?

Deplorables is a fact, Einstein. This isn’t about me. I never ran for president
Trump has higher job approval numbers than Obama at this stage of his presidency........Cult???? "extremism in defense of your nation is no vice"...
It may take a cult type figure to undo all of the damage done by progressive Obama about a cult...haven't you all seen the dream like stares the media look at Obama with....its the media that are in a trance.....not Trump voters....and the dems are marching along right beside the media zombies.....all the way to hell.....
Seen a brown don the con member?
Lowest ever hispanic unemployment rate. Maybe you think they're stupid because they're not white.
No, know why job creation was less in 2017 than 2016?
Unemployment rates are spewed out, nothing to do with actual jobs
i would love to hear you elaborate on that. How do you think unemployment rates are calculated?
Before our amazing Pres. Trump was elected.

Democrats labeled me a "Deplorable".

After Trump won the election and started MAGA

Now they accuse me of being in a cult for supporting the President.

Why do tolerant Liberals hate other Americans soo much? .... :dunno:

Liberals’ ‘tolerence’ is a lie.

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