Cults And False Religions

ALL are false religions except for Christianity who put Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But let us go in depth on some of the world religions. Lets start on Mormonism.....

Christianity is indeed a false religion, as all religions are equally false.
How miserable you must be believing that lie. I cannot imagine it. I pity you, Clayton. Truly you need Jesus.

What part is the lie? The part where he said Christianity is a lie or when he said, "just like every other religion"?

Do you agree all other religions are a lie? You are an atheist too probably when it comes to all other religions gods. You only believe in one more god than we do.
Think about it. For us to believe your religion we have to believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and lived inside it for 3 days, just like Jesus would rise from the dead in 3 days.

No doubt a fool like you, had you been born in Saudi Arabia, would be on SAMB (instead of USMB) right now saying the exact same thing about Allah.

How could Jonah survive three days in the belly of a whale ChristianAnswers.Net

“Christian liberals” have attempted to avoid this problem by saying that the story of Jonah was only an allegory and was never meant to be understood as actual history. However, whenever the Bible writers used allegories or parables or other symbolic stories, they always either said so or else made it evident in the context. The book of Jonah is certainly written as though it were actual history. Jonah was a real prophet who is mentioned also in II Kings 14:25. None of the ancient Jews or early Christians ever doubted the authenticity and historicity of the book of Jonah and its story.

Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the account as true. He said that the people of Nineveh repented of their sins as a consequence of his preaching (Matthew 12:41). He even said:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

Thus Christ actually compared Jonah’s experience to His own coming death and resurrection, pointing out the miraculous nature of both. One cannot deny the factuality of Jonah’s experience, therefore, without charging the Lord Jesus Christ with either deception or ignorance, either of which is equivalent to denying His deity.

Or possibly he never said it, someone 80 years later said he said it. In other words made it all up.

It was not a "fish"...



Actually that's more probable. I think about how they found a battery in Iraq that was thousands of years old or the pyramids or the lost civilizations of the Incas and how they were very advanced and somehow sometime in history we took a huge step back. Maybe it was a submarine he lived in for 3 days. More likely than the original story.

And remember what that christian site said? This is not an allegory. Even Jesus said it happened. So is Jesus a liar or do you really believe a man lived in a whale for 3 days? And Noah lived 350 years? Mary was a virgin?

Then after you answer tell me how your faith is any more believable than the Muslim or Mormon or Jehova stories.

I do not believe you understand the meaning of the word faith, Sealybobo. Your limitations on God are astounding considering all the evidence He has provided for you to even see with your eyes! Even the heavens declare the glory of God! Gods creation is all about you. Open your eyes.

That's what our primitive ancient uneducated ancestors said.

Which god do you believe in?
No murderer can enter the kingdom of heaven.

Not even the ones who accept Jesus after committing murder? Because every Christian preacher to ever live would likely disagree with you completely on that.

If you repent you are forgiven

So a murderer can enter your imaginary after-death playground?

And thank you for your other reply; this post did indeed get "lost in the shuffle." When I log in, I often have upwards of 60 alerts, and I seem to have missed this one.
No murderer can enter the kingdom of heaven.

Not even the ones who accept Jesus after committing murder? Because every Christian preacher to ever live would likely disagree with you completely on that.

If you repent you are forgiven

So a murderer can enter your imaginary after-death playground?

And thank you for your other reply; this post did indeed get "lost in the shuffle." When I log in, I often have upwards of 60 alerts, and I seem to have missed this one.

Your welcome. I'm sorry the reply got lost in the shuffle - LM. This thread was moving way too fast. Murderers can indeed repent and receive Jesus Christ and enter heaven. I have read testimonies of Satanists -brides of Satan receiving Jesus Christ and becoming very committed Christians that were used mightily of God. I have heard the testimony of one man who sat on the Council of 13 and was one of the 13 most powerful witches in the world - personally trained by Raymond Buckland and after his conversion to Christ he confessed to many things he had done and seen others do - including at least one Senator ( Sen. George McGovern ) who had committed human sacrifice right before John Todd's own eyes - see John Todd testimony on youtube and you can hear about it too - John killed an officer in the military - he shot him to death - and although he was arrested and awaiting a hearing - when they found out he was a member of the Collins family - second most powerful witchcraft family in America - they escorted him to freedom with a Senator - a Congressman by his side and given an honorable discharge - John Todd was a murderer and yet died a born again Christian forgiven and now gone to heaven ( he was murdered )

While I do not believe the other man - Sen. McGovern ever confessed to being a satanist or a murderer and so he would have gone directly o hell - unforgiven. But to be clear - McGovern could have repented too, I believe. It reminds me of the scripture what does it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul?

Satan told Jesus if you will bow down and worship me I will give you the world - Jesus refused but men who desire power, position, wealth have been all to willing to bow down to Lucifer and worship him by committing human sacrifice, murder, rape, killing babies - every evil imaginable - they have committed to gain limited powers from Lucifer and they shall one day pay the ultimate price in hell - they are decieved in ever believing Lucifer will keep his promise of immortality to them or sharing power with them to rule hell - it isn't going to happen - they will learn too late that Satan himself will be cast into that fire of torment at a specific time in the future - when God decides. God is all powerful. Satan's powers are limited by God.

As a side note - no female satanist can achieve the level of high priestess without committing lesbian acts - it is required - which is something Todd also mentions - because there are specific demons that enter the person during these rituals - invocations - pacts with hell.

Let me tell you how a murderer can enter heaven. The murderer hears the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It does not appear to have any effect on him but the seed of the Gospel has been planted as he has heard. Then like Paul who was murdering Christians and believing he was doing this in God's name - they are traveling along one day - even on their way perhaps to persecute Christians and Jesus speaks to their heart............ then it is like Paul...
Look at what happened here:

And Saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest. And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. And as he journeyed he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said, Who art thou, Lord?

And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the LORD said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man. And Saul arose from the earth, and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat or drink.

- Acts 9 : 1 - 9

Do you have any idea how many woman have had abortions? Even Christian women who had abortions? That is murder. Do you know how many women have repented of murderering their own unborn child and have been forgiven of that sin - who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord or rededicated their lives to Christ and some who have already left this earth and are in heaven today? Many.

There is no sin God cannot forgive through Christ except blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and the Lord says you have not done that , LM. He loves you and is not condemning you for anything. That is the truth. He has called you. You know that. It is a blessed gift to be chosen by God. The scriptures declare, He first chose us. Amen.

note about Revelation 21: 8 - that is a warning to all those who refuse the forgiveness of Christ and redemption at the cross and continue in sin - LM - no murderer can enter the kingdom of heaven is speaking of one who has not repented and turned away from that sinful life - no liar can enter the kingdom of heaven either - Christians who make a practice of lies and telling lies will be in hell for it - they must decide to speak the truth or know they cannot enter heaven. The Scriptures declare that we should seek to be at peace with all men and that...............without holiness no one will see the LORD. Sin is sin. .......there is no mortal or venial sin as the Catholics ascribe to .......all sin is the same - rebellion against God.
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Salvation is of Christ.

It is written:

Ye worship ye know not what, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. - John 4:22

Do you know who said that?

Jesus Christ said that. He told the woman at the well that in Chapter 4 of John's Gospel.

salvation is of the jews means what to you? Only Jews can be saved? There is neither Jew or Gentile... Only those who accept Jesus are saved and as far as I know from my 30 years of study, Jews are not saved.

I gave you the scripture which you completely ignored. Jesus said in John chapter 4 to the woman at the well...........Salvation is of the Jews. Are you going to call Jesus Christ a liar? 30 years of Study and you did not know that Christians are inwardly called Jews according to the Word of God? 30 years of study and you do not know why "many" of the Jews are not saved?

I provided you scripture for that also. I find your knowledge of scripture to be used in a most peculiar way - your lack of compassion for the lost is most disturbing, Ninja,your name calling of "fools" to those who are searching - again - disturbing - when I return I plan on doing a thread called Roaring Lions - ( God willing ) and will be covering the different types of personalities of the "roaring lions" that walk among Christians and lost lambs who will come to Christ but to be clear Satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

Your promotion of Joseph Prince - servant of Satan - has not escaped my attention.

To be clear roaring lions do not show up "roaring" or announcing who they are- they are far to clever for that - they come in as "Christians" as ones who are "preachers of righteousness" and oh so knowledgeable of the bible - indeed they will even boast of how many years they have studied the word of God - yet it is a known fact that Satan sends his own workers to bible colleges which his servants have opened in order to deceive if it were possible even the very elect! IF is a big word, Ninja. IF is actually a very IFFY situation when a Born Again believer is walking in the Spirit and seeing what is going on.

Stay tuned for that thread - I will put it up God willing in the coming week. Right now I am reading a book about a girl who was a satanist and had survived a suicide attempt - this demon she had inside her was meant to hold off other demons that would stop her from taking her life and also this particular demon would notify satanists that her suicide would become a sacrifice "Ninja Style."

The definition of a Ninja style suicide is for her to hang upside down, take a sword or dagger and carve out her heart and guts but if she didn't go through with that the satanists would do that for her and those satanists that commit this type of sacrifice of themselves are promised by Satan a higher rank in Hell - which they mistakenly believe is Satan's Kingdom - you see anytime Jesus shows up in hell to show a person something - He shuts it down, the demons hide and even Satan hides himself - When this warfare on earth and in the heavenlies is all over he will be thrown into the lake of fire and suffer eternal torment just as all his servants shall suffer. There are no rewards in hell for serving Satan. That is a lie. Some folks have a lot to think about in the future days ahead I believe.

The truth is anyone who would trust Satan to keep his word has not considered that telling the truth is a virtue, that keeping ones word is a virtue, but Satan has no virtues. It is all a lie to get others to serve him, to entice them by promise of some limited powers on earth and a future power in hell - which they will never ever have and in exchange they serve him here on earth - to deceive the body of Christ and pretend they a lamb while they are wolves ( witches, satanists....) and in the end those who do not walk in the Spirit will not detect it. But those who walk in the Spirit? Will detect it every time.

- Jeremiah
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Jeremiah, as you know- keep in mind the Spirit helps us, but unbelievers are spiritually blind and against God. God calls them fools.

Us? Ha! ha! You are not in my company of believers at all! Don't deceive yourself anymore than you already are, "Ninja 007"!

I call these people the ones Jesus died on a cross for and did not come to condemn but to save! That's what I call them.
Jeremiah, as you know- keep in mind the Spirit helps us, but unbelievers are spiritually blind and against God. God calls them fools.

Us? Ha! ha! You are not in my company of believers at all! Don't deceive yourself anymore than you already are, "Ninja 007"!

I call these people the ones Jesus died on a cross for and did not come to condemn but to save! That's what I call them.

so you are a universalist?

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