Cults And False Religions

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
The claim of the trinity peopl
the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?

Proofs of the Trinity
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
The claim of the trinity peopl
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?

Jesus said He and the Father are ONE.

John 10:30
Parallel Verses
New International Version
I and the Father are one."
That does not mean what you think it means. Read the rest of John. He states that he is NOT his father, He states he is NOT God, that his power comes from his father.
Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
The claim of the trinity peopl
I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?

Jesus said He and the Father are ONE.

John 10:30
Parallel Verses
New International Version
I and the Father are one."
That does not mean what you think it means. Read the rest of John. He states that he is NOT his father, He states he is NOT God, that his power comes from his father.

read the rest of the Bible. Jesus is God.
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
The claim of the trinity peopl
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?

Jesus said He and the Father are ONE.

John 10:30
Parallel Verses
New International Version
I and the Father are one."
That does not mean what you think it means. Read the rest of John. He states that he is NOT his father, He states he is NOT God, that his power comes from his father.

read the rest of the Bible. Jesus is God.
It does not say that anywhere in fact it says just the opposite Jesus states in John he IS NOT GOD, he states he is not his father, he states his power is not from him but from his father.
The claim of the trinity peopl
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?

Jesus said He and the Father are ONE.

John 10:30
Parallel Verses
New International Version
I and the Father are one."
That does not mean what you think it means. Read the rest of John. He states that he is NOT his father, He states he is NOT God, that his power comes from his father.

read the rest of the Bible. Jesus is God.
It does not say that anywhere in fact it says just the opposite Jesus states in John he IS NOT GOD, he states he is not his father, he states his power is not from him but from his father.
Did you miss the word ONE? Jesus said I and the Father are one. Jesus is God in man form. Jesus never states He is not God. Stop reaching.
1Jn.2:22-23 "Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ He is anti Christ who denies the Father and the Son, Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either, he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also."

And what do you do when you see and hear about Christian charity, compassion, aid workers risking Ebola, a nun who spent her life serving orphans, the man running the food bank, the girls handing out clothes at the Shepherd's Clothes Closet?

Do you say, "There must be something to that God they serve. I can tell by their actions." Or do you over look them in favor of a Christian who has sinned and say, "Why would we want to serve that guy's God? He doesn't meet my criteria of what a Christian should be or be doing, therefore his God is surely flawed."
ALL are false religions except for Christianity who put Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But let us go in depth on some of the world religions. Lets start on Mormonism.....

I agree with the Mormon premise. Original Christianity absolutely lost its way during the dark ages where the Catholic Church was corrupt and so were the evil popes. So as far as Jesus passing the baton on to his disciples and them passing it to the first Pope and on to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. Eventually that baton got passed on to some evil mother fuckers.

And this is what God told Joseph Smith in 1800. Joe asked God what church to join Presbytarian, Lutheran, Catholic, Protestants, Baptists and God said none of them. Start your own church.

I just don't believe god to talked to any of you.

How is your religion real when you say a man lived inside a fish for 3 days? I asked christians if that story was just an allegory too and they say no it is real:

“Christian liberals” have attempted to avoid this problem by saying that the story of Jonah was only an allegory and was never meant to be understood as actual history. However, whenever the Bible writers used allegories or parables or other symbolic stories, they always either said so or else made it evident in the context. The book of Jonah is certainly written as though it were actual history. Jonah was a real prophet who is mentioned also in II Kings 14:25. None of the ancient Jews or early Christians ever doubted the authenticity and historicity of the book of Jonah and its story.

Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the account as true. He said that the people of Nineveh repented of their sins as a consequence of his preaching (Matthew 12:41). He even said:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

To be a real christian you have to believe all of it.
We are living in a day when confidence is lacking; when skepticism and agnosticism are becoming more and more prevalent; and when doubt and uncertainty are made the badges of culture and wisdom. Everywhere men are demanding proof. Hypotheses and speculations fail to satisfy: the heart cannot rest content until it is able to say, “I know.” The demand of the human mind is for definite knowledge and positive assurance. And God has condescended to meet this need.
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And what do you do when you see and hear about Christian charity, compassion, aid workers risking Ebola, a nun who spent her life serving orphans, the man running the food bank, the girls handing out clothes at the Shepherd's Clothes Closet?

Do you say, "There must be something to that God they serve. I can tell by their actions." Or do you over look them in favor of a Christian who has sinned and say, "Why would we want to serve that guy's God? He doesn't meet my criteria of what a Christian should be or be doing, therefore his God is surely flawed."

What I say is, those are good, decent human beings doing what good, decent humans do - they care about and care for others.

And what do people think about Islam?

ALL are false religions except for Christianity who put Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But let us go in depth on some of the world religions. Lets start on Mormonism.....

Think about it. For us to believe your religion we have to believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and lived inside it for 3 days, just like Jesus would rise from the dead in 3 days.

No doubt a fool like you, had you been born in Saudi Arabia, would be on SAMB (instead of USMB) right now saying the exact same thing about Allah.

How could Jonah survive three days in the belly of a whale ChristianAnswers.Net

“Christian liberals” have attempted to avoid this problem by saying that the story of Jonah was only an allegory and was never meant to be understood as actual history. However, whenever the Bible writers used allegories or parables or other symbolic stories, they always either said so or else made it evident in the context. The book of Jonah is certainly written as though it were actual history. Jonah was a real prophet who is mentioned also in II Kings 14:25. None of the ancient Jews or early Christians ever doubted the authenticity and historicity of the book of Jonah and its story.

Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the account as true. He said that the people of Nineveh repented of their sins as a consequence of his preaching (Matthew 12:41). He even said:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

Thus Christ actually compared Jonah’s experience to His own coming death and resurrection, pointing out the miraculous nature of both. One cannot deny the factuality of Jonah’s experience, therefore, without charging the Lord Jesus Christ with either deception or ignorance, either of which is equivalent to denying His deity.

Or possibly he never said it, someone 80 years later said he said it. In other words made it all up.
“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham
We are living in a day when confidence is lacking; when skepticism and agnosticism are becoming more and more prevalent; and when doubt and uncertainty are made the badges of culture and wisdom. Everywhere men are demanding proof. Hypotheses and speculations fail to satisfy: the heart cannot rest content until it is able to say, “I know.” The demand of the human mind is for definite knowledge and positive assurance. And God has condescended to meet this need.

One thing which distinguishes Christianity from all human systems is that it deals with absolute certainties. Christians are people who know. And well it is that they do. The issues concerning life and death are so stupendous, the stake involved in the salvation of the soul is so immense, that we cannot afford to be uncertain here. None but a fool would attempt to cross a frozen river until he was sure that the ice was strong enough to bear him. Dare we then face the river of death with nothing but a vague and uncertain hope to rest upon? Personal assurance is the crying need of the hour. There can be no peace and joy until this is attained. A parent who is in suspense concerning the safety of his child, is in agony of soul. A criminal who lies in the condemned cell hoping for a reprieve, is in mental torment until his pardon arrives. And a professed Christian who knows not whether he shall ultimately land in Heaven or Hell, is a pitiable object.

But we say again, real Christians are people who know. They know that their Redeemer liveth (John 19:25). They know that they have passed from death unto life (I John 3:14). They know that all things work together for good (Rom. 8:28). They know that if their earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, they have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens (II Cor. 5:1). They know that one day they shall see Christ face to face and be made like Him (I John 3:2). In the meantime they know whom they have believed, and are persuaded that He is able to keep that which they have committed unto Him against that day (II Tim. 1:12). If it be asked, How do they know, the answer is, they have proven for themselves the trustworthiness of God’s Word which affirms these things.

The force of this present argument will appeal to none save those who have an experimental acquaintance with it. In addition to all the external proofs that we have for the Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures, the believer has a source of evidence to which no unbeliever has access. In his own experience the Christian finds a personal confirmation of the teachings of God’s Word. To the man whose life which, judged by the standards of the world, appears morally upright, the statement that “the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” seems to be the gloomy view of a pessimist, or a description which has no general application. But the believer has found that “the entrance of Thy words giveth light” (Ps. 119:30), and in the light of God’s Word and beneath the illuminating power of God’s Spirit who indwells him, he has discovered there is within him a sink of iniquity. To natural wisdom, which is fond of philosophizing about the freedom of the human will, the declaration of Christ that “No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me, draw him” (John 6:44) seems a hard saying; but, to the one who has been taught by the Holy Spirit something of the binding power of sin, such a declaration has been verified in his own experience. To the one who has done his best to live up to the light which he had, and has sought to develop an honest and amiable character, such a statement as, “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags,” seems unduly harsh and severe; but to the man who has received “an unction from the Holy One,” his very best works appear to him sordid and sinful; and such they are. The Apostle’s confession that “in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing” (Rom. 7:18) which once appeared absurd to him, the believer now acknowledges to be his own condition. The description of the Christian which is found in Romans ... is something which none but a regenerate person can understand. The things there mentioned as belonging to the same man at the same time, seem foolish to the wise of this world; but the believer realizes completely the truth of it in his own life.

The promises of God can be tested: their trustworthiness is capable of verification. In the Gospel Christ promises to give rest to all those who are weary and heavy laden that come unto Him. He declares that He came to seek and to save that which was lost. He affirms that “whosoever drinketh of the Water that I shall give him shall never thirst.” In short, the Gospel presents the Lord Jesus Christ as a Saviour. His claim to save can be put to the proof. Yea, it has been, and that by a multitude of individuals that no man can number. Many of these are living on earth today. Every individual who has read in the Scriptures the invitations that are addressed to sinners, and has personally appropriated them to himself, can say n the words of the well-known hymn: -

“I came to Jesus as I was.
Weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting place
And He has made me glad.”

Should these pages be read by a skeptic who, despite his present unbelief, has a sincere and earnest desire to know the truth, he, too may put God’s Word to the test and share the experience described above. It is written, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved,” - believe, my reader, and thou, too, shalt be saved.

“We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen” (John 3:11). The Bible testifies to the fact that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” and our own conscience confirms it. The Bible declares that it is “not by works of righteousness which we have down, but according to His mercy” God saves us; and the Christian has proven that he was unable to do anything to win God’s esteem: but, having cried the prayer of the Publican, he has gone down to his house justified. The Bible teaches that “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new;” and the believer has found that the things he once hated he now loves, and that the things he hitherto counted gain he now regards as dross. The Bible witnesses to the fact that we “are kept by the power of God thro’ faith,” and the believer has proven that though the world, the flesh, and the devil are arrayed against him, yet the grace of God is sufficient for all his need. Ask the Christian, then, why he believes that the Bible is the Word of God, and he will tell you, Because it has done for me what it professes to do (save); because I have tested its promises for myself; because I find its teachings verified in my own experiences.

To the unregenerate the Bible is practically a sealed Book. Even the cultured and educated are unable to understand its teachings: parts of it appear plain and simple, but much of it is dark and mysterious. This is exactly what the Bible declares - “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (I Cor. 2:14). But to the man of God it is otherwise: “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself” (I John 5:10). As the Lord Jesus declared, “If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine” (John 7:17). While the infidel stumbles in darkness, even in the midst of light, the believer discovers the evidence of its truth in himself with the clearness of a sunbeam. “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (II Cor. 4:6).

Chapter Thirteen: Verbal Inspiration
Not only does the Bible claim to be a Divine revelation but it also asserts that its original manuscripts were written “not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth” (I Cor. 2”13). The Bible nowhere claims to have been written by inspired men - as a matter of fact some of them were very defective characters - Balaam for example - but it insists that the words they uttered and recorded were God’s words. Inspiration has not to do with the minds of the writers (for many of them understood not what they wrote (I Peter 1:10-11), but with the writings themselves. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” and “Scripture” means “the writings.” Faith has to do with God’s Word and not with the men who wrote it - these are all dead long since, but their writings remain.

A writing that is inspired by God self-evidently implies, in the very expression, that the words are the words of God. To say that the inspiration of the Scriptures applies to their concepts and not to their words; to declare that one part of Scripture is written with one kind or degree of inspiration and another part with another kind or degree, is not only destitute of any foundation or support in the Scriptures themselves, but is repudiated by every statement in the Bible which bears upon the subject now under consideration. To say that the Bible is not the Word of God but merely contains the Word of God is the figment of an ill-employed ingenuity and an unholy attempt to depreciate and invalidate the supreme authority of the Oracles of God. All the attempts which have been made to explain the rationale of inspiration have done nothing toward simplifying the subject, rather have they tended to mystify. It is no easier to conceive how ideas without words could be imparted, than that Divinely revealed truths should be communicated by words. Instead of being diminished the difficulty is increased. It were as logical to talk of a sum without figures or a tune without notes, as of a Divine revelation and communication without words. Instead of speculation our duty is to receive and believe what the Scriptures say of themselves.

What the Bible teaches about its own inspiration is a matter purely of Divine testimony, and our business is simply to receive the testimony and not to speculate about or seek to pry into its modus operandi. Inspiration is as much a matter of Divine revelation as is justification by faith. Both stand equally on the authority of the Scriptures themselves, which must be the final court of appeal on this subject as on every question of revealed truth.

The teaching of the Bible concerning the inspiration of the Scriptures is clear and simple, and uniform throughout. Its writers were conscious that their utterances were a message from God in the highest meaning of the word. “And the Lord said unto him (Moses), Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Have not I the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say” (Exod. 4:11-12). “The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His word was in my tongue” (II Sam. 23:2). “Then the Lord put forth His hand, and touched my mouth. and the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put My words in thy mouth” (Jer. 1:9). The above are only a sample of scores of similar passages which might be sighted.

What is predicted of the Scriptures themselves, demonstrates that they are entirely and absolutely the Word of God. “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul” (Ps. 19:7) - this altogether excludes any place in the Bible for human infirmities and imperfections. “Thy Word is very pure” (Ps. 119:140), which cannot mean less than that the Holy Spirit so superintended the composition of the Bible and so “moved” its writers that all error has been excluded. “Thy Word is true from the beginning” (Ps. 119:160) - how this anticipated the assaults of the higher critics on the Book of Genesis, particularly on its opening chapters!

The teaching of the New Testament agrees with what we have quoted from the Old. “Take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: for the Holy Spirit shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say” (Luke 12:11-12), - the disciples were the ones who spake, but it was the Holy Spirit who “taught them what to say.” Could any language express more emphatically the most entire inspiration? and, if the Holy Spirit so controlled their utterances when in the presence of “magistrates,” is it conceivable that He would do less for them when they were communicating the mind of God to all future generations on things touching our eternal destiny? Assuredly not. “But those things, which God before had showed by the mouth of all His prophets, that Christ should suffer, He hath so fulfilled” (Acts 3:18). Here the Holy Spirit declares thro’ Peter that it was God who had revealed by the mouth of all His prophets that Israel’s Messiah must suffer before the glory should appear. “But that I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets” (Acts 24:14). These words clearly evidence the fact that the Apostle Paul had the utmost confidence in the authenticity of the entire contents of the Old Testament. “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (I Cor. 2:4). Could any man have used such language as this unless he had been fully conscious that he was speaking the very words of God? “The prophecy came not at any time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (II Peter 1:21). Nothing could possibly be more explicit.

Dr. Gray has strikingly and forcefully stated the necessity of a verbally inspired Bible in the following language: - “An illustration the writer has often used will help to make this clear. A stenographer in a mercantile house was asked by his employer to write as follows:

“Gentlemen: we misunderstood your letter and will not fill your order.”

Imagine the employer’s surprise, however, when a little later this was set before him for his signature -

“Gentlemen: we misunderstood your letter and will not fill your order.”

The mistake was only of a single letter, but it was entirely subversive of his meaning. And yet the thought was given clearly to the stenographer, and the words, too, for that matter, Moreover, the latter was capable and faithful, but he was human, and it is human to err. Had not his employer controlled his expression, down to the very letter, the thought intended to be conveyed would have failed of utterance.” So, too, the Holy Spirit had to superintend the writing of the very letter of Scripture in order to guarantee its accuracy and inerrancy.

Many proofs might be given to show the Scriptures are verbally inspired. One line of demonstration appears in the literal and verbal fulfillment of many of the Old Testament prophecies. For example, God made known thro’ Zechariah that the price which Judas should receive for his awful crime was “thirty pieces of silver” (Zech. 11:12). Here then is a clear case where God communicated to one of the prophets not merely an abstract concept but a specific communication. And the above case is only one of many.

Another evidence of verbal inspiration is to be seen in the fact that words are used in Scripture with the most exact precision and discrimination. This is particularly noticeable in connection with the Divine titles. The names Elohim and Jehovah are found on the pages of the Old Testament several thousand times, but they are never employed loosely or used alternately. Each of these names has a definite significance and scope, and were we to substitute the one for the other the beauty and perfection of a multitude of passages would be destroyed. To illustrate: the word “God” occurs all thro’ Genesis 1, but “Lord God” in Genesis 2. Were these two Divine titles reversed here, a flaw and blemish would be the consequence. “God” is the creatorial title, whereas “Lord” implies covenant relationship and shows God’s dealings with His own people. Hence, in Genesis 1, “God” is used, and in Genesis 2, “Lord God” is employed, and all thro’ the remainder of the Old Testament these two Divine titles are used discriminatively and in harmony with the meaning of their first mention. One or two other examples must suffice. “And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him” - “God” because it was the Creator commanding, with respect to His creatures, as such; but, in the remainder of the same verse, we read, “and the Lord shut him in” (Gen. 7:16), because God’s action here toward Noah was based upon covenant relationship. When going forth to meet Goliath David said, “This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand (because David was in covenant relationship with Him); and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth (which was not in covenant relation with Him) may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this assembly (which were in covenant relationship with Him) shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear” etc. (I Sam. 17:46-47). Once more: “And it came to pass, when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, that they said, It is the king of Israel. Therefore they compassed about him to fight: but Jehoshaphat cried out, and the Lord helped him; and God moved them (the Syrians) to depart from him” (II Chron. 18:31). And thus it is all thro’ the Old Testament.

The above line of argument might be extended indefinitely. There are upwards of fifty Divine titles in the Old Testament which are used more than once, each of which has a definite signification, each of which has its meaning hinted at in its first mention, and each of which is used subsequently in harmony with its original purport. They are never used loosely or interchangeably. In every place where they occur there is a reason for each variation. Such titles are the Most High, the Almighty, the God of Israel, the God of Jacob, the Lord our Righteousness, etc., etc., are not used haphazardly, but in every case in harmony with their original meaning and as the best suited to the context. The same is true in connection with the names of our Lord in the New Testament. In some passages He is referred to as Christ, in others as Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, Lord Jesus Christ. In every instance there is a reason for each variation, and in every case the Holy Spirit has seen to it that they are employed with uniform significance. The same is true of the various names given to the great adversary. In some places he is termed Satan, in others the devil etc., etc.; but the different terms are used with unerring precision throughout. A further illustration is furnished by the father of Joseph. In his earlier life he was always termed Jacob, later he received the name of Israel, but after this, sometimes we read of Jacob and sometimes of Israel. Whatever is predicted of Jacob refers to the acts of the “old man;” whatever is postulated of Israel were the fruits of the “new man.” When he doubted it was Jacob who doubted, when he believed God it was Israel who exercised faith. Accordingly, we read, “And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost” (Gen. 49:33). But in the next verse but one we are told, “And Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father: and the physicians embalmed Israel (Gen. 50:2)!! Here then we see the marvelous verbal precision and perfection of Holy Scripture.

The most convincing of all the proofs and arguments for the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures is the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ regarded them and treated them as such. He Himself submitted to their authority. When assaulted by Satan, three times He replied, “It is written,” and it is particularly to be noted that the point of each of His quotations and the force of each reply lay in a single word - “Man shall not live by bread alone” etc.; “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God;” “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” When tempted by the Pharisees, who asked Him, “Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?” He answered, “Have ye not read?” etc. (Matt. 19:4-5). To the Sadducees He said, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures” (Matt. 22:29). On another occasion He accused the Pharisees of “Making the Word of God of none effect thro’ their tradition” (Mark 7:13). On another occasion, when speaking of the Word of God, He declared “The Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). Sufficient has been adduced to show that the Lord Jesus regarded the Scriptures as the Word of God in the most absolute sense. In view of this fact let Christians beware of detracting in the smallest degree from the perfect and full inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.

This is just like when I watch religious shows on TCT. It's a religous channel where I live. Anyways, they go on and on and on like this,never say anything really concrete, it all sounds nice, I see points I want to argue, but ultimately they aren't looking to have a conversation, they are looking for sheep/a flock to listen to them go on and on. Religion is for he weak/needy/sad/lonely/scared.

When I became convinced that the universe was natural, that all the ghosts and gods were myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul, into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell. The dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts and bars and manacles turned to dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf, or a slave. There was for me no master in all the wide world, not even in infinite space.

I was free to think. Free to express my thoughts, free to live in my own ideal. Free to live for myself and those I loved. Free to use all my faculties, all my senses. Free to spread imagination’s wings, free to investigate, to guess, and dream and hope. Free to judge and determine for myself. Free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the inspired books that savages have produced, and the barbarous legends of the past. Free from sanctified mistakes and “holy” lies. Free from the fear of eternal pain, free from the winged monsters of the night. Free from devils, ghosts and gods. For the first time I was free.

There were no prohibited places in all of the realm of thought. No error, no space where fancy could not spread her painted wings. No chains for my limbs. No lashes for my back. No flames for my flesh. No Master’s frown or threat, no following in another’s steps. No need to bow or cringe or crawl, or utter lying words. I was free; I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously faced all worlds.

My heart was filled with gratitude, with thankfulness, and went out in love to all the heros, the thinkers who gave their lives for liberty of hand and brain, for the freedom of labor and thought to those who fell on the fierce fields of war. To those who died in dungeons, bound in chains, to those by fire consumed, to all the wise, the good, the brave of every land whose thoughts and deeds have given freedom to the sons of men. And then, I vowed to grasp the torch that they held, and hold it high, That light might conquer darkness still.

-Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899)

Very good summary of the faith of the saints in Jesus Christ. The ideas contained within match with what the Holy Spirit taught me about the Bible.

The Bible is infallible in that it does what God wills. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. However, keep in mind that inspiration by the Holy Spirit comes in many different forms.

God doesn't always inspire by directly take control of the authors' writings. Many times he inspires by instilling knowledge of the truth into the author who then writes that concept as best as he can express it.
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Think about it. For us to believe your religion we have to believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and lived inside it for 3 days, just like Jesus would rise from the dead in 3 days.

No doubt a fool like you, had you been born in Saudi Arabia, would be on SAMB (instead of USMB) right now saying the exact same thing about Allah.

How could Jonah survive three days in the belly of a whale ChristianAnswers.Net

“Christian liberals” have attempted to avoid this problem by saying that the story of Jonah was only an allegory and was never meant to be understood as actual history. However, whenever the Bible writers used allegories or parables or other symbolic stories, they always either said so or else made it evident in the context. The book of Jonah is certainly written as though it were actual history. Jonah was a real prophet who is mentioned also in II Kings 14:25. None of the ancient Jews or early Christians ever doubted the authenticity and historicity of the book of Jonah and its story.

Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the account as true. He said that the people of Nineveh repented of their sins as a consequence of his preaching (Matthew 12:41). He even said:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

Thus Christ actually compared Jonah’s experience to His own coming death and resurrection, pointing out the miraculous nature of both. One cannot deny the factuality of Jonah’s experience, therefore, without charging the Lord Jesus Christ with either deception or ignorance, either of which is equivalent to denying His deity.

Or possibly he never said it, someone 80 years later said he said it. In other words made it all up.

It was not a "fish"...



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