Cults And False Religions

If Christianity is 'true' but everybody else's is false, which version exactly of Christianity is the true one? Not all denominations agree on some key aspects. And what about Judaism Christianity relies upon for its own validity? True or false? If false then so much be Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. All being derivitives of Judaism.

the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.

The denomination that says Jesus Christ is God and Savior. He is both. When you say that to a false religion they will refuse to admit Jesus is God.

Referring to the Jews - The Jews who have recognized Jesus is the Messiah know He is God and will tell you He is God.. they know!
Jesus didn't teach Judaism... He wasn't about law and legalism. He was about grace.

The Bible says that Jesus taught the Law (Torah) which was orthodox Judaism. .... :cool:

No, Jesus fulfilled the Law. You don't get to God but through Jesus, who free gift (grace) allows us to go to Heaven. The purpose of the law was to show us our sin.
A great read on the subject of cults is a book written by the late Dr. Walter R. Martin The Kingdom Of The Cults. I have the latest edition.

Ultimately there's no appreciable difference between 'cults' and 'religions.' Dangerous, or mind-control cult is redundant as every religion does these things to greater or lesser degrees.
If a Jew is saved, they are called a Messianic Jew.

No then the are considered dead and are not accepted as Jews by the Jewish community the are then goyim, Jewish parent sits Shiva when on become a goy

Jews, particularly the more traditional ones continue the practice of sitting shiva for a family member who has left the religious community to become goyim.

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

they don't think Jesus was the Messiah and they think He will come back as King. They are right on the second part, but they miss their Messiah already came back- and He is coming again.
The only difference between a religion and a cult is how long they've been around.

Basically, they all say the same thing - My god can beat up your god.

You're welcome to your god but to say he/she/it is the only god is just ridiculous.
If a Jew is saved, they are called a Messianic Jew.

Messianic Jews are Christians, not any variety of Jew. MJ'ism and Jews for Jesus began as a Christian envangelical movement designed to lure non-practicing Jews awayf rom Judaism and into Christianity.

Messianic Jews are Jews both outwardly through the bloodline and inwardly. You are outwardly a Jew but inwardly you are still in need of redemption -you are still in need to be justified by Faith as Abraham was - so realize that inwardly you are not a Jew whereas the Messianic Jew is a Jew both inwardly and outwardly. This may seem like a mystery to you but it is in scripture nevertheless. Although a Jew - ye must be born again - even as Jesus told Nicodemus the high priest who came to him at night. Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus at night? He probably didn't want anyone seeing him. Read John 12:42 for the story of the Jewish rulers who denied Christ because they didn't want to be thrown out of the synagogues - then realize that these Messianic Jews by their faith have been justified and cared about the praise of God more than the praise of man therein making the right decision to accept Jesus as their Messiah - become born again and preach the Gospel which is good news for all men. Paul was a Jew but he preached to the Gentiles. I know the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart about it anyhow, Delta.
Exactly. What separates true Biblical Christianity from religion and cults is that it's not about what man can do to get to God, but what God has done in our stead.

Jesus Christ is God. That is what separates true Christianity from all the rest, He is the Living Word of God who is described in John 1:1. Obey the Scriptures. Be holy, live holy,repent quickly of your sins and keep a short account with God, when you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior your desires will change and you won't do the things you used to do unless you backslide. If you backslide? Repent. Samson backslid. He came back to God. It happens. Do not beat yourself up because God isn't beating you up over it. God loves you and is very merciful and He draws us by his kindness. It is his kindness that leads us to repentance.

The LORD is merciful. Show mercy to others when someone does something against you? Forgive them quickly. As quickly as possible. Pray God blesses them - pray for something wonderful to happen to them - let God know you mean business!

Then when Satan petitions God about you - ( he has to ask before he can attack a born again Christian ) God will speak to your heart about that sin - you repent and remind God that mercy triumphs over judgment and you plead mercy and ask that He remind Satan of that scripture! Mercy triumphs over judgment!

Satan is the accuser of the brethren in revelations it is written but what he accuses you of is what has come out of your mouth and what you have done. He cannot read your thoughts but he can petition God to attack you, destroy you, whatever - on the grounds of your own sins by word or deed - so repent quickly of anything you are involved in and make sure to keep a short account with God.

Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Read Romans 10:9,10.
A great read on the subject of cults is a book written by the late Dr. Walter R. Martin The Kingdom Of The Cults. I have the latest edition.

Ultimately there's no appreciable difference between 'cults' and 'religions.' Dangerous, or mind-control cult is redundant as every religion does these things to greater or lesser degrees.

Mostly greater.

Without brainwashing, they would all cease to exist.

Which would result in a much better world.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
- Matthew 5:18 KJV
Guess what that means?
It means that the OT laws that Jesus taught are still in effect because heaven and earth have not passed away.

And that Christianity us a false cult and not of G-d. ..... :cool:
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
- Matthew 5:18 KJV
Guess what that means?
It means that the OT laws that Jesus taught are still in effect because heaven and earth have not passed away.

And that Christianity us a false cult and not of G-d. ..... :cool:

Along with, sorry to say, Islam.

Deuteronomy 13:1 warns about adding or taking away from the commandments in Torah. Because Islam is based so heavily upon Judaism, it requires what's said in Judaism to be true. Yet as do Christians, you both have added whole texts on top of what's already been said revealing yourselves both as false prophets and messengers.
false religions

You repeat yourself.

All religion is false. True enlightenment is attainable only through becoming an atheist.

No, true enlightenment is to realize that apart from Jesus we can do no good thing. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. All. Including Jesus mother. Mary was a sinner. She said my soul doth magnify the LORD speaking of her own need of salvation! She needed salvation too! All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus forgives us of our sins as we realize our need for a savior and desire to come to him and be free of the bondage of sin. Sin is sin. LM. There are no categories of sin. A man who hates his brother in his heart is a murderer. That is what the bible says. So even hate is categorized as being a murderer. No murderer can enter the kingdom of heaven. That is the warning in Revelation 21: 8 There are no little sins and big sins it is all just sin and sin is what separates us from God.

Satan hates us because we were made in the image of God and he despises God. He knows that while you and I can go to heaven he has lost his chance! He is done for and he knows it so he has deceived some of the worlds population into serving him, into even having them work for him to seduce others into sin or to deceive others with lies that make God look like the bad guy and him look like this misunderstood fallen angel. Gee. It sounds like part 2 of that garden conversation, Hast God really said?! Wow. Looks like God is holding out on you! Oh! yes! One tree out of the entire Garden and all that God gave Adam and Eve! God was holding out on them? I think not! Satan is a liar! Serving God is the highest privledge! Totally awesome! I can't get enough of this life! It's the best!

So..........Yes, Satan is a liar and he despises mankind and although he was defeated at the cross and has no authority over the believers there is a serious warfare going on and it is not a time to remain undecided. People on the sidelines do not stand a chance. The decision for Salvation is the only right decision. To receive Christ is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. It is true you will have opposition but so what? You seem to be comfortable with opposition anyhow! I think you'd make a fine Christian! Actually I think you would do great things for God! I believe His plan for you is great!
A great read on the subject of cults is a book written by the late Dr. Walter R. Martin The Kingdom Of The Cults. I have the latest edition.

Ultimately there's no appreciable difference between 'cults' and 'religions.' Dangerous, or mind-control cult is redundant as every religion does these things to greater or lesser degrees.

Mostly greater.

Without brainwashing, they would all cease to exist.

Which would result in a much better world.

Along with threat of excommunication as practised by Catholics, Mormons, Amish, and others, mind control is done numerous ways by every religion, from sheer repetition (mandatory prayer and expressions of religiousity,) to controlling who marries and gets to reproduce (FLDS Mormons, to a lesser extent Catholics forbidding remarriage et al.) methods of controlling religious members are varied and numerous. Sometimes subtle, sometimes not so subtle. But they're all variations on a theme every psychologist can instantly recognize as simple contioning and training.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
- Matthew 5:18 KJV
Guess what that means?
It means that the OT laws that Jesus taught are still in effect because heaven and earth have not passed away.

And that Christianity us a false cult and not of G-d. ..... :cool:

Along with, sorry to say, Islam.

Deuteronomy 13:1 warns about adding or taking away from the commandments in Torah. Because Islam is based so heavily upon Judaism, it requires what's said in Judaism to be true. Yet as do Christians, you both have added whole texts on top of what's already been said revealing yourselves both as false prophets and messengers.

This is very interesting. What commandments of the Torah do the Moonslims add to or take away from? I know that Christ-stains love the "well Simon didn't say, so we don't really have to wake up at 6:00 A.M. to go to church on Sundays" excuse, but I don't know as much about the Moonslims' interaction with Judaism.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
- Matthew 5:18 KJV
Guess what that means?
It means that the OT laws that Jesus taught are still in effect because heaven and earth have not passed away.

And that Christianity us a false cult and not of G-d. ..... :cool:

Along with, sorry to say, Islam.

Deuteronomy 13:1 warns about adding or taking away from the commandments in Torah. Because Islam is based so heavily upon Judaism, it requires what's said in Judaism to be true. Yet as do Christians, you both have added whole texts on top of what's already been said revealing yourselves both as false prophets and messengers.
The difference Delta is that Christianity invalidates and changes much of the OT; especially in the books written by Paul.

Whereas, the Quran confirms and agrees with the Torah and the Jewish prophets concerning G-d and the laws.
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For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
- Matthew 5:18 KJV
Guess what that means?
It means that the OT laws that Jesus taught are still in effect because heaven and earth have not passed away.

And that Christianity us a false cult and not of G-d. ..... :cool:

Along with, sorry to say, Islam.

Deuteronomy 13:1 warns about adding or taking away from the commandments in Torah. Because Islam is based so heavily upon Judaism, it requires what's said in Judaism to be true. Yet as do Christians, you both have added whole texts on top of what's already been said revealing yourselves both as false prophets and messengers.

What have the Christians added, Delta? I know about Mohammad plagiarizing the bible and twisting scriptures from the Torah but the Torah is not changed in my book - I have the same Old Testament - Torah - Tanach - you do - my New Testament is opening with John the Baptist announcing Jesus and John the Baptist was the messenger that Malachi spoke of in Malachi chapter 3: 1 Look it up. After God gave Malachi that message He did not speak again to the Jews for 400 years until John the Baptist came and then the LORD just as He said he would come - came to His people - read Malachi 3:1 it is all there!
No murderer can enter the kingdom of heaven.

Not even the ones who accept Jesus after committing murder? Because every Christian preacher to ever live would likely disagree with you completely on that.

What do you mean? If you repent you are forgiven - this is true after salvation as well but if we continue to do something over and over again have we really repented? Perhaps not. Still only God knows the heart of any man or woman, LM.

But here is something to consider about the LORD. The LORD is merciful. He is a very gentle, kind Savior. He is great in His mercy, Very great in his mercy and he delights in the mercy of others. So while you may fall short and be working in areas of your life by His help - you realize your own weak frame - you are going to be merciful to others - even if they tear into you, falsely accuse you, try to rip your heart out of you - you are going to seize that opportunity hard to say Lord? Have mercy on that person. Forgive them.

You'll say, I forgive them LORD and I pray you do something good for them, give them whatever they need and bless them. Amen? Listen, you may tell the LORD or someone you trust / respect - this is what happened and my hearts desire is to let it go but you are not going to try to vindicate yourself or call on God to punish them because it has to do with you own person and your desire is to show mercy at every opportunity. It is human to desire to be understood by even a single human. It is normal but God does not want us to be dependent on any flesh. We have to really rely on him. Mercy exemplifies that type of faith. That goes along way with God because as the scriptures say - Mercy triumphs over judgment.
If Christianity is 'true' but everybody else's is false, which version exactly of Christianity is the true one? Not all denominations agree on some key aspects. And what about Judaism Christianity relies upon for its own validity? True or false? If false then so much be Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. All being derivitives of Judaism.

the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

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