Cults And False Religions

One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
Mormon nonsense......... :cuckoo:
No what is nonsense is to believe a pedophile thief that tried to bribe his way into High Jewish office and when that failed created his own religion.
If Christianity is 'true' but everybody else's is false, which version exactly of Christianity is the true one? Not all denominations agree on some key aspects. And what about Judaism Christianity relies upon for its own validity? True or false? If false then so much be Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. All being derivitives of Judaism.

the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
muslims believe Jesus will be beheading Christians in the end times, lol

I do not find that funny. I find it truly disturbing because as you know Issa is not Jesus. Jesus that Mohammad taught about that was later recorded in the Koran is not the Jesus Christ of the bible! Issa was never crucified and didn't die. He swooned! They have a few versions but I believe that is the most popular one. Issa is a false Jesus and they claim it is Jesus! So be clear on that account, Ninja. The Muslim Jesus is NOT Jesus of the bible. Not even close! Issa is not Jesus.

The level of deception Muslims are living in is truly disturbing and nothing to laugh about. The LORD loves these people and does not desire to see them go to hell because no one shared the gospel with them. The Muslims have to be saved like everyone else.
If Christianity is 'true' but everybody else's is false, which version exactly of Christianity is the true one? Not all denominations agree on some key aspects. And what about Judaism Christianity relies upon for its own validity? True or false? If false then so much be Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. All being derivitives of Judaism.

the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.
the koran basically was just a rewrite of the ot with islamic teachings thrown in... both legalism, both unable to save.
No, they changed the scriptures. Ishmael was not the son of promise. Isaac was. Jesus is the subject in the Song of Solomon but they claim it is Mohammad. Mary the sister of Miriam is confused with Mary the mother of Jesus as they call her Moses sister and then have an angel appearing to her to tell her she shall have a son -Jesus - that is a 1600 yr gap error - the mistakes in the Koran are plentiful. It is not the truth. It was written after Mohammads death and they had recorded scraps of what he said on bone, parchment,whatever was available - it is impossible that the book could even be in a right order with that kind of documentation. Not that it matters. It is a religion that was birthed out of his encounter with a demon in the cave off Mt. Hira. He told his wife Kadija that he had encountered a demon that grabbed him by the throat and forced him to recite verses - but she said no she thought it was an angel. Yes. An angel of light sent from Satan. That is how it got started..........
the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus is God. Jesus was never an angel. I can see where some might come to think that because when Jacob was wrestling he was not wrestling with an angel but with the LORD. He said I will not let you go until you bless me! An angel cannot bless you. They are servants - the blessing comes from God - Jesus is God - he then called Jacob Israel. There came the blessing. There are times these men may have thought they were encountering an angel and they were actually encountering the LORD. I'm not up what Joseph Smith was teaching at all - but Jesus is God - the Word of God that was in the Garden with the Father and the Holy Spirit in Genesis 1:26. God didn't create Jesus in heaven. Jesus has always been from the beginning. From the beginning he has been with God and he is God. Look at John 1:1 again.
muslims believe Jesus will be beheading Christians in the end times, lol

I do not find that funny. I find it truly disturbing because as you know Issa is not Jesus. Jesus
Jesus, is just the english name for Yashua.

Just like Issa is the arabic name for Jesus.

And Hesus is the spanish name for Jesus.

Same person; different languages. ..... :cool:
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus

Exactly. Who said God created Jesus in heaven? I got lost here. Was that Sarge or someone else?
If Christianity is 'true' but everybody else's is false, which version exactly of Christianity is the true one? Not all denominations agree on some key aspects. And what about Judaism Christianity relies upon for its own validity? True or false? If false then so much be Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. All being derivitives of Judaism.

the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
muslims believe Jesus will be beheading Christians in the end times, lol

I do not find that funny. I find it truly disturbing because as you know Issa is not Jesus. Jesus that Mohammad taught about that was later recorded in the Koran is not the Jesus Christ of the bible! Issa was never crucified and didn't die. He swooned! They have a few versions but I believe that is the most popular one. Issa is a false Jesus and they claim it is Jesus! So be clear on that account, Ninja. The Muslim Jesus is NOT Jesus of the bible. Not even close! Issa is not Jesus.

The level of deception Muslims are living in is truly disturbing and nothing to laugh about. The LORD loves these people and does not desire to see them go to hell because no one shared the gospel with them. The Muslims have to be saved like everyone else.

Jack Van Impe has a great book out called telling about the dif. between the Jesus of Islam and Judiasm with Christianity...
I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus

Exactly. Who said God created Jesus in heaven? I got lost here. Was that Sarge or someone else?

muslims believe Jesus will be beheading Christians in the end times, lol

I do not find that funny. I find it truly disturbing because as you know Issa is not Jesus. Jesus
Jesus, is just the english name for Yashua.

Just like Issa is the arabic name for Jesus.

And Hesus is the spanish name for Jesus.

Same person; different languages. ..... :cool:

Wrong. Suppose your name is John. There are five other Johns in the room where we meet to have a talk. Your father walks into the room and says John! I need you to help your mother for a moment. Whose going to answer and go help your mother? You are. The other Johns are not going to go into that kitchen to help your mother because they know you are the one he is calling. You are their son. Not the others. Get it? Jesus Christ warned us in Matthew 24 that many would come in his name claiming to be him. Didn't he? Look it up. You go read it and tell me whether or not Jesus warned his followers FIVE TIMES in one chapter - Matthew 24 NOT TO BE DECEIVED. Why did Jesus warn FIVE TIMES in one chapter not to be deceived? Because he saw it coming! He knew it was coming! I need you to get on the same page with me here and snap out of it, Sunni man. Issa is not Jesus! Issa is a Muslim version of Jesus that does not exist in the bible any more than Allah the moon god does! You are really worshipping a pre-islamic baal god named baal allah and it is is none other than Satan. Do not be deceived! Mohammad is in hell! Screaming his guts out! Do not join him! He does not want you there! Recently another intercessor saw Gaddafi in hell and he too was crying out warn my people to call on Jesus and do not believe in what Mohammad taught - it was wrong - I am in hell I do not want my people coming here! Tell them to come to Jesus! Now you are coming to Jesus because you know in your heart I am telling you the truth! So lets get moving with this and you accept Jesus so you can help your people to receive Jesus! Do you love others? Then you will share Jesus with everyone. The Jesus of the bible. Not this ISSA nonsense.
You should all be grateful Vishnu has a sense of humor.

too bad "vishnu" doesn't exist.
No murderer can enter the kingdom of heaven.

Not even the ones who accept Jesus after committing murder? Because every Christian preacher to ever live would likely disagree with you completely on that.
I'm sorry, LM. Did you ever read my reply here or did it get lost out there in the shuffle? This thread is moving too fast!
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
The claim of the trinity peopl
If Christianity is 'true' but everybody else's is false, which version exactly of Christianity is the true one? Not all denominations agree on some key aspects. And what about Judaism Christianity relies upon for its own validity? True or false? If false then so much be Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. All being derivitives of Judaism.

the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?
I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
The claim of the trinity peopl
the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?

Jesus said He and the Father are ONE.

John 10:30
Parallel Verses
New International Version
I and the Father are one."

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