Cults And False Religions

One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.

Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
The claim of the trinity peopl
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?

Proofs of the Trinity

Genesis 1: 26
ALL are false religions except for Christianity who put Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But let us go in depth on some of the world religions. Lets start on Mormonism.....

Christianity is indeed a false religion, as all religions are equally false.
How miserable you must be believing that lie. I cannot imagine it. I pity you, Clayton. Truly you need Jesus.
Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
The claim of the trinity peopl
I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?

Jesus said He and the Father are ONE.

John 10:30
Parallel Verses
New International Version
I and the Father are one."
That does not mean what you think it means. Read the rest of John. He states that he is NOT his father, He states he is NOT God, that his power comes from his father.

You are mistaken. Thomas exlaimed, My Lord and my God to Jesus. Why didn't Jesus correct him and say no, I am not God? Because he knew Thomas has finally realized truth! What did he say in response to Thomas exclaiming who He was? What did he say?

John 20 28 Thomas said to him My Lord and my God

This is what he said to Thomas:

Jesus Appears to Thomas
27Then He said to Thomas, "Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing." 28Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" 29Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."
Cross References
John 20:27
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."John 20:29
Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
Watch this Sarge, Thomas exclaims, My Lord and My God! Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see me, and yet believed. What is Jesus talking about? Believed what, Sarge? That He is Lord and God. That's what. Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh to die on a cross , shed his blood and rise on the 3rd day so that you and me could believe on His paying the price for our sins and give us eternal life. If you will believe that? Heaven is yours. If you won't? You are denying Christ. It is not enough to say He was a prophet, a good Rabbi, teacher, no He is God.

That is who Jesus Christ is.who is.
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Jesus is God in man form. Jesus is not an angel. Where do you see that in the Bible?
So God did not create Jesus in heaven and allow him to help create the world? Jesus never existed until he was sent to earth? I suggest you reread your bible.

Jesus was always. Jesus was not created.

Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus
The claim of the trinity peopl
I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
One misconception..... Lucifer was an Angel, Jesus was an Angel, God made them. What would you call them? And if you honestly believe in the Bible it proclaims that before Jesus returns the Church and Prophets will be restored to Earth. As for cult. Not even close.
And there's your fallacy, Gunney. Jesus was never a mere angel. he IS G-d Almighty.
The trinity is not true. Explain again why John would write that Jesus insisted he was NOT God, he was NOT the Father, that his power did not come from himself but from his FATHER. Was he trying to confuse us?

Jesus said He and the Father are ONE.

John 10:30
Parallel Verses
New International Version
I and the Father are one."
That does not mean what you think it means. Read the rest of John. He states that he is NOT his father, He states he is NOT God, that his power comes from his father.

John? the very first verse of John establishes who Jesus Christ is.

It is written:

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.
- John 1: 1 - 3

When was Jesus with God? In the beginning. That says it all. God didn't create Jesus. God created Lucifer because Lucifer was an angel but God didn't create Himself. God has always been God. God is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. God changes not. Are you going to believe the infallible Word of God or some man named Joseph Smith who misinterpreted some scriptures and made his own religion out of it? I believe you are going to believe God and receive your salvation. Tonight. That is what I believe. I'd settle this matter tonight. Once and for all - the Word of God is true. What does the word say?

Romans 3: 4 Not at all Let God be true and every human being a liar. As it is written So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge.

What is it going to be, Sarge? Are we going to seek after the praises of men or the praise of God? Because if we are going with God we agree with him that every human is a liar and His Word is the truth. What is His Word? It's him. When I give you my Word? I give you me - who I am - my Word - that is what I give you, not Ninjas' only Ninja can give Ninja's word because he is him and I am me. My word is as good as my keeping it. Am I trust worthy to keep it? I better die trying if I am going by what God says about keeping my word - it is the very essence of who I am - what is God giving you when he Gave you His Word? Him. ......and the Word became flesh. Who's that? Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God. He is the Living Word of God that became flesh and dwelt among us. He is who Thomas said he was, My Lord and My God. He is my Lord and My God. Is he yours? You need to settle that in your heart tonight.
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ALL are false religions except for Christianity who put Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But let us go in depth on some of the world religions. Lets start on Mormonism.....

Think about it. For us to believe your religion we have to believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and lived inside it for 3 days, just like Jesus would rise from the dead in 3 days.

No doubt a fool like you, had you been born in Saudi Arabia, would be on SAMB (instead of USMB) right now saying the exact same thing about Allah.

How could Jonah survive three days in the belly of a whale ChristianAnswers.Net

“Christian liberals” have attempted to avoid this problem by saying that the story of Jonah was only an allegory and was never meant to be understood as actual history. However, whenever the Bible writers used allegories or parables or other symbolic stories, they always either said so or else made it evident in the context. The book of Jonah is certainly written as though it were actual history. Jonah was a real prophet who is mentioned also in II Kings 14:25. None of the ancient Jews or early Christians ever doubted the authenticity and historicity of the book of Jonah and its story.

Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the account as true. He said that the people of Nineveh repented of their sins as a consequence of his preaching (Matthew 12:41). He even said:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

Thus Christ actually compared Jonah’s experience to His own coming death and resurrection, pointing out the miraculous nature of both. One cannot deny the factuality of Jonah’s experience, therefore, without charging the Lord Jesus Christ with either deception or ignorance, either of which is equivalent to denying His deity.

Or possibly he never said it, someone 80 years later said he said it. In other words made it all up.

Think about what? You do not believe God could keep his own prophet alive in the belly of a whale for 3 days and three nights? Why not? Do you believe that God parted the red sea for Moses? Do you believe in miracles or do you believe God is not capable. If God is not capable how do you suppose He created the Universe? This earth and all that is in it? Everything that is made was made by Him. Do you know who God is? God is Jesus Christ, Sealybobo. Yes! Jesus is LORD.

What was Jesus doing in the heart of the earth for three days. He took the keys to hell and death. What else? He preached to those in Paradise who had yet to receive the promise! And when he arose - he ministered again to his disciples and the people saw him - that he had risen - yet not ascended - then they saw him ascend into heaven and he was seated at the right hand of the father and heaven was opened. Then those who were in Paradise were moved from the belly of the earth which was in view of hell ( see the story of Abraham, Lazarus and the rich man and realize that was not a parable Jesus was speaking about ) into heaven where all the Prophets and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob now dwell - and Paradise was emptied and made part of hell - no longer needed- the catholics misinterpreted those scriptures because without the Spirit of God they had not understanding - so they claimed it was pergatory - yet when Avila was given a vision of hell she saw no place called pergatory only hell - there is no limbo either - babies go to heaven. Not some separate nursery room in the sky! The boy whose story was in movie heaven is for real saw his own sibling in heaven - there goes the story on limbo! Out the window - yes Jesus Christ is the Way , the truth, and the Life, what are you going to do? Believe upon him, repent and be saved? Or go to hell when you die? You need to quit playing games and believe on the LORD for your salvation and you know it.
John 1:14
Why would Jesus be called the only begotten of God if he WERE God.

John 1:18 No man has seen God, yet people saw Jesus.

John 1:34 John declares Jesus the SON of God.

John 1:49 Again called the SON of God.

John 2:16 Jesus calls himself the SON of God.

John 3:16 Jesus refers to himself as the begotten son of God.

John 3:17 Jesus states God sent his SON to earth.

John 3:18 again in this verse.

John 3:35 again the father and the son not one being.

John 4:34 Jesus once again refers to his FATHER.

I can do this all night. John is full of this.
Jeremiah, as you know- keep in mind the Spirit helps us, but unbelievers are spiritually blind and against God. God calls them fools.

While that is true they are blind the scriptures also say How then shall they call on him whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?

That is why we are here. We've been sent here. This is who it is for. This is what it's all about. We are here for them. Even while they hate us. These are the ones Jesus died for.

I try to think about hell alot. It motivates me to realize what is at stake. It helps me. testimonies on hell, Bunyans visions of hell, it helps me realize how desperate this matter of salvation is. To win the lost - to see the Spirit of God draw someone to Christ - is the greatest moment on earth - when the LORD saves a soul from hell. Millions are perishing and while it is still day we can still work and see the LORD save those whom He will.
John 1:14
Why would Jesus be called the only begotten of God if he WERE God.

John 1:18 No man has seen God, yet people saw Jesus.

John 1:34 John declares Jesus the SON of God.

John 1:49 Again called the SON of God.

John 2:16 Jesus calls himself the SON of God.

John 3:16 Jesus refers to himself as the begotten son of God.

John 3:17 Jesus states God sent his SON to earth.

John 3:18 again in this verse.

John 3:35 again the father and the son not one being.

John 4:34 Jesus once again refers to his FATHER.

I can do this all night. John is full of this.

its called the trinity.
John 1:14
Why would Jesus be called the only begotten of God if he WERE God.

John 1:18 No man has seen God, yet people saw Jesus.

John 1:34 John declares Jesus the SON of God.

John 1:49 Again called the SON of God.

John 2:16 Jesus calls himself the SON of God.

John 3:16 Jesus refers to himself as the begotten son of God.

John 3:17 Jesus states God sent his SON to earth.

John 3:18 again in this verse.

John 3:35 again the father and the son not one being.

John 4:34 Jesus once again refers to his FATHER.

I can do this all night. John is full of this.

So can I, Sarge. This isn't a contest though. Jesus is God. John 1: 1 - 3 declares who he is. John 1 : 14 confirms it yet again. You failed to quote any of those verses. Why is that? You're not striving against a man or a woman here - you are striving against the Word of God.
John 1:14
Why would Jesus be called the only begotten of God if he WERE God.

John 1:18 No man has seen God, yet people saw Jesus.

John 1:34 John declares Jesus the SON of God.

John 1:49 Again called the SON of God.

John 2:16 Jesus calls himself the SON of God.

John 3:16 Jesus refers to himself as the begotten son of God.

John 3:17 Jesus states God sent his SON to earth.

John 3:18 again in this verse.

John 3:35 again the father and the son not one being.

John 4:34 Jesus once again refers to his FATHER.

I can do this all night. John is full of this.

So can I, Sarge. This isn't a contest though. Jesus is God. John 1: 1 - 3 declares who he is. John 1 : 14 confirms it yet again. You failed to quote any of those verses. Why is that? You're not striving against a man or a woman here - you are striving against the Word of God.
When one says they are one it does not mean they are the same entity. It means they have the same beliefs and thoughts and personality. Again I repeat why would Jesus all through out John state he is the SON of God that he is not his father that his Father is God, why would he do that if he WERE God? Did he decide to confuse people cause he could?
John 1:14
Why would Jesus be called the only begotten of God if he WERE God.

John 1:18 No man has seen God, yet people saw Jesus.

John 1:34 John declares Jesus the SON of God.

John 1:49 Again called the SON of God.

John 2:16 Jesus calls himself the SON of God.

John 3:16 Jesus refers to himself as the begotten son of God.

John 3:17 Jesus states God sent his SON to earth.

John 3:18 again in this verse.

John 3:35 again the father and the son not one being.

John 4:34 Jesus once again refers to his FATHER.

I can do this all night. John is full of this.

So can I, Sarge. This isn't a contest though. Jesus is God. John 1: 1 - 3 declares who he is. John 1 : 14 confirms it yet again. You failed to quote any of those verses. Why is that? You're not striving against a man or a woman here - you are striving against the Word of God.
When one says they are one it does not mean they are the same entity. It means they have the same beliefs and thoughts and personality. Again I repeat why would Jesus all through out John state he is the SON of God that he is not his father that his Father is God, why would he do that if he WERE God? Did he decide to confuse people cause he could?

Listen, the very thing you are going through I went through, Sarge. I remember it well.. There is this one very precious Jewish man who is a mentor and father figure in my life. I have been praying for this man for over 10 years. Alright? One night I was feeling very desperate about this and began to think like how you're thinking now! This is so unfair! It is too difficult. They are not getting it! The Lord let me know this is how he decided to do it and as we are the clay and he is the potter who are we to question him on how he decided to do this? We can't, Sarge! I think you are a wonderful person, I have read your writings for a long time now and I like you. I find you are a very wise man and have a heart after God - but he has to have this matter clarified because it is critically important that we realize that our salvation comes from Jesus Christ who is God. If He were not God he could not give us His own blood to cleanse us of all sin. His blood - perfect blood redeems us. What about the Garden? What did God say? In Genesis 1: 26 He said, Let us make man in our image and in our likeness. Who was God speaking to? His Spirit and His WORD - Jesus Christ. King David spoke to his own soul. Do you realize that is what he was doing in Psalm 103:1 ? Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name.

You and I were created in Gods image. We are a trichotomy. Spirit, body and soul. Our spirit and soul go to meet the LORD and our body goes in the ground and returns to dust. We will be given a new glorified body when that time comes. I need to get a scripture from Isaiah for you. Hold on. I'll be back. God willing.

This is what the Lord gave me for you to read.

Verily thou art a God that hideth thyself, O God of Israel, the Savior. They shall be confounded, all of them, they shall go to confusion together that are makers of idols. But Israel shall be saved in the LORD that created the heavens, God himself formed the earth and made it, he established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited, I am the LORD, and there is none else. I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place in the earth. I said unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain; I the LORD speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.
- Isaiah 45: 15 - 19
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John 1:14
Why would Jesus be called the only begotten of God if he WERE God.

John 1:18 No man has seen God, yet people saw Jesus.

John 1:34 John declares Jesus the SON of God.

John 1:49 Again called the SON of God.

John 2:16 Jesus calls himself the SON of God.

John 3:16 Jesus refers to himself as the begotten son of God.

John 3:17 Jesus states God sent his SON to earth.

John 3:18 again in this verse.

John 3:35 again the father and the son not one being.

John 4:34 Jesus once again refers to his FATHER.

I can do this all night. John is full of this.

So can I, Sarge. This isn't a contest though. Jesus is God. John 1: 1 - 3 declares who he is. John 1 : 14 confirms it yet again. You failed to quote any of those verses. Why is that? You're not striving against a man or a woman here - you are striving against the Word of God.
When one says they are one it does not mean they are the same entity. It means they have the same beliefs and thoughts and personality. Again I repeat why would Jesus all through out John state he is the SON of God that he is not his father that his Father is God, why would he do that if he WERE God? Did he decide to confuse people cause he could?
God is one in essence and three in persons.
I believe the reason the LORD told me to go to Isaiah was to point that scripture out to me for you to see something, Sarge. You see, we both agree that Jesus created the earth all that was made was made by Him. We agree on that. But you were thinking God was separate from Jesus as they were one in agreement but not in their being One. Here God is pointing out to you that He Himself formed the earth and made it, he established it, he created it, and he formed it to be inhabited, and then he says I am the LORD, and there is none else.

This goes back to God when He says Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is one. What did Thomas say to Jesus, My Lord and My God. What did Jesus say? Blessed are those who have not seen Me and believed. ( I am paraphrasing that last part as I am not reading from scripture - to be clear - I did post the exact words on this thread however - )

I do not understand why God hides himself like this, I only know that He does. But tonight I believe by faith He has opened your eyes so that you may see Him. Why did He want to do this? Because He loves you and he knows you by name. He wants you to know Him by His name too.
Think about it. For us to believe your religion we have to believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and lived inside it for 3 days, just like Jesus would rise from the dead in 3 days.

No doubt a fool like you, had you been born in Saudi Arabia, would be on SAMB (instead of USMB) right now saying the exact same thing about Allah.

How could Jonah survive three days in the belly of a whale ChristianAnswers.Net

“Christian liberals” have attempted to avoid this problem by saying that the story of Jonah was only an allegory and was never meant to be understood as actual history. However, whenever the Bible writers used allegories or parables or other symbolic stories, they always either said so or else made it evident in the context. The book of Jonah is certainly written as though it were actual history. Jonah was a real prophet who is mentioned also in II Kings 14:25. None of the ancient Jews or early Christians ever doubted the authenticity and historicity of the book of Jonah and its story.

Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the account as true. He said that the people of Nineveh repented of their sins as a consequence of his preaching (Matthew 12:41). He even said:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

Thus Christ actually compared Jonah’s experience to His own coming death and resurrection, pointing out the miraculous nature of both. One cannot deny the factuality of Jonah’s experience, therefore, without charging the Lord Jesus Christ with either deception or ignorance, either of which is equivalent to denying His deity.

Or possibly he never said it, someone 80 years later said he said it. In other words made it all up.

It was not a "fish"...



Actually that's more probable. I think about how they found a battery in Iraq that was thousands of years old or the pyramids or the lost civilizations of the Incas and how they were very advanced and somehow sometime in history we took a huge step back. Maybe it was a submarine he lived in for 3 days. More likely than the original story.

And remember what that christian site said? This is not an allegory. Even Jesus said it happened. So is Jesus a liar or do you really believe a man lived in a whale for 3 days? And Noah lived 350 years? Mary was a virgin?

Then after you answer tell me how your faith is any more believable than the Muslim or Mormon or Jehova stories.
I believe the reason the LORD told me to go to Isaiah was to point that scripture out to me for you to see something, Sarge. You see, we both agree that Jesus created the earth all that was made was made by Him. We agree on that. But you were thinking God was separate from Jesus as they were one in agreement but not in their being One. Here God is pointing out to you that He Himself formed the earth and made it, he established it, he created it, and he formed it to be inhabited, and then he says I am the LORD, and there is none else.

This goes back to God when He says Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is one. What did Thomas say to Jesus, My Lord and My God. What did Jesus say? Blessed are those who have not seen Me and believed. ( I am paraphrasing that last part as I am not reading from scripture - to be clear - I did post the exact words on this thread however - )

I do not understand why God hides himself like this, I only know that He does. But tonight I believe by faith He has opened your eyes so that you may see Him. Why did He want to do this? Because He loves you and he knows you by name. He wants you to know Him by His name too.

Do you believe every story you read in every book? Men wrote the bible dummy. They made it all up.

So it's not "here god is pointing out to you", it's "here the author is pointing out to you....because god didn't write the bible. Look it up. That's what the internet is for. Google whynogod and hit that link. Has all the answers.
Think about it. For us to believe your religion we have to believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and lived inside it for 3 days, just like Jesus would rise from the dead in 3 days.

No doubt a fool like you, had you been born in Saudi Arabia, would be on SAMB (instead of USMB) right now saying the exact same thing about Allah.

How could Jonah survive three days in the belly of a whale ChristianAnswers.Net

“Christian liberals” have attempted to avoid this problem by saying that the story of Jonah was only an allegory and was never meant to be understood as actual history. However, whenever the Bible writers used allegories or parables or other symbolic stories, they always either said so or else made it evident in the context. The book of Jonah is certainly written as though it were actual history. Jonah was a real prophet who is mentioned also in II Kings 14:25. None of the ancient Jews or early Christians ever doubted the authenticity and historicity of the book of Jonah and its story.

Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the account as true. He said that the people of Nineveh repented of their sins as a consequence of his preaching (Matthew 12:41). He even said:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

Thus Christ actually compared Jonah’s experience to His own coming death and resurrection, pointing out the miraculous nature of both. One cannot deny the factuality of Jonah’s experience, therefore, without charging the Lord Jesus Christ with either deception or ignorance, either of which is equivalent to denying His deity.

Or possibly he never said it, someone 80 years later said he said it. In other words made it all up.

It was not a "fish"...



Actually that's more probable. I think about how they found a battery in Iraq that was thousands of years old or the pyramids or the lost civilizations of the Incas and how they were very advanced and somehow sometime in history we took a huge step back. Maybe it was a submarine he lived in for 3 days. More likely than the original story.

And remember what that christian site said? This is not an allegory. Even Jesus said it happened. So is Jesus a liar or do you really believe a man lived in a whale for 3 days? And Noah lived 350 years? Mary was a virgin?

Then after you answer tell me how your faith is any more believable than the Muslim or Mormon or Jehova stories.

I am not a "Christian", I am a "Pagan", and it is technically more "believable" because I can study Nature, the Seasons, Science, Wildlife, the Earth, the Sun and Moon, the Planets, the Stars, and Human Nature without "Faith".

For a Pagan, the belief in a God or gods, and "supernatural" forces, is actually optional, but it is usually the case, for damn good reasons.

Even as a Pagan, I worship the being who is called God/ Allah/ YHWH/ Adonai, and I believe many stories of the Bible, Quran, etc. However, some stories I recognize as metaphorical lessons, some as actual history, and some I recognize as evidence of humans using a Holy Book to control/ manipulate/ enslave/ indoctrinate people. Other stories may be artistic representations of human Nature and morality. Other stories I view as the Ancients attempting to describe a situation they didn't completely understand, like Jonah "getting swallowed by a fish". Of course it wasn't a fish. It could have been a submarine of sorts, used by advanced humans, or it could have been an extraterrestrial craft of sorts that could navigate through the water.

YHWH and the Angels are "extraterrestrials" after all. If God created or even contributed to the Earth's formation... God is not of the Earth.

And there are numerous passages in the Old Testament where it can be interpreted that God may have been using a vehicle/ chariot of sorts-


So it is not unfathomable that Angels or other supernatural beings may use technology as well.
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Think about it. For us to believe your religion we have to believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and lived inside it for 3 days, just like Jesus would rise from the dead in 3 days.

No doubt a fool like you, had you been born in Saudi Arabia, would be on SAMB (instead of USMB) right now saying the exact same thing about Allah.

How could Jonah survive three days in the belly of a whale ChristianAnswers.Net

“Christian liberals” have attempted to avoid this problem by saying that the story of Jonah was only an allegory and was never meant to be understood as actual history. However, whenever the Bible writers used allegories or parables or other symbolic stories, they always either said so or else made it evident in the context. The book of Jonah is certainly written as though it were actual history. Jonah was a real prophet who is mentioned also in II Kings 14:25. None of the ancient Jews or early Christians ever doubted the authenticity and historicity of the book of Jonah and its story.

Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the account as true. He said that the people of Nineveh repented of their sins as a consequence of his preaching (Matthew 12:41). He even said:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

Thus Christ actually compared Jonah’s experience to His own coming death and resurrection, pointing out the miraculous nature of both. One cannot deny the factuality of Jonah’s experience, therefore, without charging the Lord Jesus Christ with either deception or ignorance, either of which is equivalent to denying His deity.

Or possibly he never said it, someone 80 years later said he said it. In other words made it all up.

It was not a "fish"...



Actually that's more probable. I think about how they found a battery in Iraq that was thousands of years old or the pyramids or the lost civilizations of the Incas and how they were very advanced and somehow sometime in history we took a huge step back. Maybe it was a submarine he lived in for 3 days. More likely than the original story.

And remember what that christian site said? This is not an allegory. Even Jesus said it happened. So is Jesus a liar or do you really believe a man lived in a whale for 3 days? And Noah lived 350 years? Mary was a virgin?

Then after you answer tell me how your faith is any more believable than the Muslim or Mormon or Jehova stories.

I do not believe you understand the meaning of the word faith, Sealybobo. Your limitations on God are astounding considering all the evidence He has provided for you to even see with your eyes! Even the heavens declare the glory of God! Gods creation is all about you. Open your eyes.

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