Cults And False Religions

If a Jew is saved, they are called a Messianic Jew.

No then the are considered dead and are not accepted as Jews by the Jewish community the are then goyim, Jewish parent sits Shiva when on become a goy

Jews, particularly the more traditional ones continue the practice of sitting shiva for a family member who has left the religious community to become goyim.
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If a Jew is saved, they are called a Messianic Jew.

Messianic Jews are Christians, not any variety of Jew. MJ'ism and Jews for Jesus began as a Christian envangelical movement designed to lure non-practicing Jews awayf rom Judaism and into Christianity.

They are completed Jews - Jews both outwardly and inwardly while you are only outwardly a Jew and will become one inwardly when you receive Messiah. I am a Gentile outwardly but inwardly I am a Jew. You see?
If a Jew is saved, they are called a Messianic Jew.

Messianic Jews are Christians, not any variety of Jew. MJ'ism and Jews for Jesus began as a Christian envangelical movement designed to lure non-practicing Jews awayf rom Judaism and into Christianity.

They are completed Jews - Jews both outwardly and inwardly while you are only outwardly a Jew and will become one inwardly when you receive Messiah. I am a Gentile outwardly but inwardly I am a Jew. You see?

no. Please show me that in the Bible.
If a Jew is saved, they are called a Messianic Jew.

No then the are considered dead and are not accepted as Jew by the Jewish community the are then goyim

That is the opinion of men and means nothing. Are you going to be intimidated by others for your entire life or just part of it? Let's get over the idea of public opinion. I can tell you right now it is "highly overrated"... were King David here he'd tell you the same day they were with him....the next day.....not so much .....and then? You get the picture.

Worry about what God thinks about you, Guno. Seriously. It is God's opinion that counts! It is only His opinion, what HE thinks of us that matters. Nothing else matters NOTHING ELSE! It does not matter.
Trouble with claiming everybody else's religion but mine is a cult/false belief system is everyone'll laugh you off the stage you're trying to speak upon.

Judaism does not save,friend.

Well, then you have a serious problem. Jesus was Jewish and teaching Judaism. Christianity didn't exist during his lifetime.

Jesus didn't teach Judaism... He wasn't about law and legalism. He was about grace.
If Christianity is 'true' but everybody else's is false, which version exactly of Christianity is the true one? Not all denominations agree on some key aspects. And what about Judaism Christianity relies upon for its own validity? True or false? If false then so much be Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. All being derivitives of Judaism.

the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.
Trouble with claiming everybody else's religion but mine is a cult/false belief system is everyone'll laugh you off the stage you're trying to speak upon.

Judaism does not save,friend.

Well, then you have a serious problem. Jesus was Jewish and teaching Judaism. Christianity didn't exist during his lifetime.

Jesus didn't teach Judaism... He wasn't about law and legalism. He was about grace.

If Christianity is partly defined by the existence of the Bible and/or NT it didn't exist as a belief system until it was written, and the Gospels compiled into a unified NT then pasted onto Tanach (the OT.) Jesus' teaching could only have been what was already written, Judaism.

Can't wiggle out of this fact. You're screwed.
If Christianity is 'true' but everybody else's is false, which version exactly of Christianity is the true one? Not all denominations agree on some key aspects. And what about Judaism Christianity relies upon for its own validity? True or false? If false then so much be Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. All being derivitives of Judaism.

the denomination that says that Jesus is their Savior.
You are aware of course that Latter Day Saints say that Jesus is the Savior, right?

I'm aware they say that. Look at the other 90% of their false teachings. Jesus isn't Satans brother, Joseph Smith wasn't a Prophet and Mormonism is a man made cult.

Cult or religion is tricky. How do you define 'cult' as opposed to 'religion?' And why is whatever faith you belong to not a cult as well? Can you substantiate your's as opposed to what you call cults?
If a Jew is saved, they are called a Messianic Jew.

Messianic Jews are Christians, not any variety of Jew. MJ'ism and Jews for Jesus began as a Christian envangelical movement designed to lure non-practicing Jews awayf rom Judaism and into Christianity.

They are completed Jews - Jews both outwardly and inwardly while you are only outwardly a Jew and will become one inwardly when you receive Messiah. I am a Gentile outwardly but inwardly I am a Jew. You see?

no. Please show me that in the Bible.

Hold on. I have to go look it up.
If a Jew is saved, they are called a Messianic Jew.

Messianic Jews are Christians, not any variety of Jew. MJ'ism and Jews for Jesus began as a Christian envangelical movement designed to lure non-practicing Jews awayf rom Judaism and into Christianity.

They are completed Jews - Jews both outwardly and inwardly while you are only outwardly a Jew and will become one inwardly when you receive Messiah. I am a Gentile outwardly but inwardly I am a Jew. You see?

no. Please show me that in the Bible.

It is written:

For he is not a Jew which is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men, but of God.
- Romans 2: 28, 29

So while we can run a DNA test on Delta Embassy and see that he is a Jew outwardly - God looks upon the heart and if his heart is not circumcised - having received Christ - he is not inwardly a Jew. By the same account I am a Gentile by birth and not a Jew but my heart has been circumcised in my heart, in the spirit and not in the letter, and my praise is of God, not men. Therein, I am inwardly a Jew although outwardly I am a Gentile. Understand?

I am thinking you probably were recalling about the scripture that says neither Greek nor Gentile nor Jew........but you must rightly divide the word of God because Romans 2:28, 29 confirms that what I am speaking about is the truth and it is confirmed in scripture, Ninja.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
- Matthew 5:18 KJV
Jesus didn't teach Judaism... He wasn't about law and legalism. He was about grace.

The Bible says that Jesus taught the Law (Torah) which was orthodox Judaism. .... :cool:

And if I recall, in Matthew 5 Jesus says the 'I come not to change one jot or titter of the law...' Sounds legalistic to me.
what else did he say after that? You see? This is why I want you to buy a bible! When are you going to do that, Delta? I have my bible right next to me here - you should have yours next to you - then we can really study the scriptures!
If a Jew is saved, they are called a Messianic Jew.

Messianic Jews are Christians, not any variety of Jew. MJ'ism and Jews for Jesus began as a Christian envangelical movement designed to lure non-practicing Jews awayf rom Judaism and into Christianity.

Messianic Jews are Jews both outwardly through the bloodline and inwardly. You are outwardly a Jew but inwardly you are still in need of redemption -you are still in need to be justified by Faith as Abraham was - so realize that inwardly you are not a Jew whereas the Messianic Jew is a Jew both inwardly and outwardly. This may seem like a mystery to you but it is in scripture nevertheless. Although a Jew - ye must be born again - even as Jesus told Nicodemus the high priest who came to him at night. Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus at night? He probably didn't want anyone seeing him. Read John 12:42 for the story of the Jewish rulers who denied Christ because they didn't want to be thrown out of the synagogues - then realize that these Messianic Jews by their faith have been justified and cared about the praise of God more than the praise of man therein making the right decision to accept Jesus as their Messiah - become born again and preach the Gospel which is good news for all men. Paul was a Jew but he preached to the Gentiles. I know the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart about it anyhow, Delta.
Exactly. What separates true Biblical Christianity from religion and cults is that it's not about what man can do to get to God, but what God has done in our stead.

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