Cumulus dropping Limbaugh, Hannity at the end of 2013

I'm not a big fan of Rush and I might catch 5 minutes of his show a week on average (today's repeat of a joke about Rep. Duckworth was beyond stupid and not funny at all), but nobody can argue with his success. The naysayers have been claiming doom and gloom for him since the 1990s. Every controversial and tasteless thing he says is red meat to progressive idiots who think that this will finally be the one that takes him down. For 20 years, nothing has.

An entire network, Air America, was launched specifically to take him down and in 12 hours of broadcasting (the rest of the airtime was repeats) they never got anywhere close to his listener numbers from one show. Rush's ratings beat all progressive programs on radio and TV added up. Not only that, but he handpicked a "sidekick" of sorts. Hannity was the most popular guest host and Rush helped Hannity get his own show. That was brilliant and it turned AM talk radio from "appointment listening" to "this radio station is always on" for many listeners.

The only criticisms about the results of the Rush Limbaugh Show are on trends of listeners. Any decline is celebrated, but that's only because even at worst it's still the largest audience of all time. 40 stations dropping Rush won't change that one bit and there are plenty of other stations in those markets chomping at the bit to gain those listeners.

This might be why most liberals are just plain terrible at business. They can't count.

But you see, it's business that is doing your boy Limbaugh in.

Hate Radio isn't making money anymore.

I listened to Rush on WLS recently. You know what his commercials mostly consisted of? Gold Bugs, IRS payoff schemes and PSA's. Not consumer products you'd actually use.

Oh, yeah, and the heritage foundation has been propping up his show lately.

So other than the Koch Brothers paying to keep the Rubes stupid, what's his point?

You're a fool if you think the show isn't making money anymore.
Talk radio may indeed have run its course and will gradually phase out just as the pop music stations of years past lost favor and as did the radio comedies and dramas that were once highly popular. Huckabee who took over the late Paul Harvey's slot with the same type program is very good, but he will never enjoy the success that Paul Harvey did nor will he ever be a household name as Paul Harvey was.

Few things stay the same indefinitely. But conservative talk radio has had a hell of a run, and I am guessing Rush's record of being on top for 25 years is a record that will stand for a long, long time to come.

He certainly beats all progressives added up and that's what irks them so much.

Excuse me, but hate speech from a convicted felon druggie doesn't beat anyone.

Felon? :lol:

When you have to lie, you show that you have lost.

I don't have to "prove" jack squat. Those are the estimates. Entire city blocks reverberated with the broadcast, which received at peak upwards of 80,000 letters a week. And I might add, using far fewer stations that Lush Rimjob has at his disposal.

I know my radio history, son. That's why I know a statement like "biggest audience of all time" is bullshit.

Then you know the reach and penetration radio had back then compared to today. You say you don't have to prove "jack squat" but you made a distinct claim. So which is it, does your claim stand or does your lack of ability to back it up stand?

I bet you actually do know your radio history, and that's why Rush pisses you off so much. :lol:

No, YOU made a distinct claim, and I quote "largest audience of all time". You offered no "proof" of either the comparative nor the numbers themselves (nor does Lush). I simply opined that that distinct claim is distinctly bullshit.

And this level of defensiveness after claiming not to be a fan... :eusa_whistle:

You also appear to be laboring under the misconception that the objective of a radio program is simply to draw listeners. If true it would be like stating the objective here is to post something that draws readers, whatever the content, which means grabbing attention any way you can, in which case you might as well just paste porn images. In other words by measuring Limblob (or anyone else) by ratings numbers, you're saying the content therein is meaningless and amounts to, in this case, political porn.

OK, have it your way.

Hateful reactionary Left cannot compete on the battlefield of ideas: they embrace a failed economic ideology that can only be enforced at gunpoint and is so awful and evil they have to build walls to keep the sane and productive from fleeing. If they could have built a wall around Detroit they would have. That's what Limbaugh points out daily and since they can't answer it (liberals talk radio is a 100% fail) they have to silence the opposition. That's how the Marxist soul responds to ideas at odds with the collective

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Hey, it's been a while since we had a "Rush is gone" thread.

So, here's the skinny for you low information folks. Premier, representing Rush and Sean, didn't like the deal proposed by Cumulus. Sounds like they didn't like the numbers - money - and when you've got the two top broadcasters in the country you can afford to tell Cumulus, and some/all of it's 40 markets referenced, to go fly a kite and cut a deal with someone else. Happens all the time in the radio industry.

Unfortunately for the lefty idiots it does not mean that their least favorite conservative voices are going away. But don't spread that around. It'll ruin all of their fun.

I couldn't imagine there's a station in Chicago that will pay what WLS was paying for Rush's show.

Rush can try to spin this all day, but the fact is, Hate Radio is dying because companies don't want their products associated with it.

Not a problem. They'll make it all up on PSAs and self-promos. Stay tuned!
I'm not a big fan of Rush and I might catch 5 minutes of his show a week on average (today's repeat of a joke about Rep. Duckworth was beyond stupid and not funny at all), but nobody can argue with his success. The naysayers have been claiming doom and gloom for him since the 1990s. Every controversial and tasteless thing he says is red meat to progressive idiots who think that this will finally be the one that takes him down. For 20 years, nothing has.

An entire network, Air America, was launched specifically to take him down and in 12 hours of broadcasting (the rest of the airtime was repeats) they never got anywhere close to his listener numbers from one show. Rush's ratings beat all progressive programs on radio and TV added up. Not only that, but he handpicked a "sidekick" of sorts. Hannity was the most popular guest host and Rush helped Hannity get his own show. That was brilliant and it turned AM talk radio from "appointment listening" to "this radio station is always on" for many listeners.

The only criticisms about the results of the Rush Limbaugh Show are on trends of listeners. Any decline is celebrated, but that's only because even at worst it's still the largest audience of all time. 40 stations dropping Rush won't change that one bit and there are plenty of other stations in those markets chomping at the bit to gain those listeners.

This might be why most liberals are just plain terrible at business. They can't count.

Yup. Several of us have said pretty much the same thing, but the poor pathetic Rush haters are soooooooo desperate to deny Rush's incredible success and declare him a failure that they just keep repeating the same mantra over and over and over about how he is losing audience, how talk radio is on its way out, how Rush has committed the fatal faux pas or crossed the line and will now be rejected, yadda yadda. They refuse to acknowledge that he has lost some market share only because he has so effectively pioneered the genre and created so much competition for himself.

Next month he will celebrate his 25th anniversary of 'Excellence in Broadcasting' and the #1 position that has carried hundreds of radio to the top of their markets. That is a run unprecedented in radio and a record that may never ever be broken.

But again, when he fianlly retires, they'll say "See? He is a failure!"

That's exactly what the libtards will say. Remember when the libtards said the Fox "fired" Sarah Palin? As soon as the contract issues were resolved she's back. This is a contract dispute. Rush and Hannity are going to go with the company that offers the most. What's really funny about libtards saying that the reason is these two are so bad that the stations lost listeners. Yet, the plans are to replace Limbaugh and Hannity with Michael Savage and Mark Levin who both are more venomous than Hannity and Limbaugh combined.
Rush is featured on more radio stations than probably existed back in the 1930's through 1960's. We got one local station and maybe two or three other long distant stations tops back then. And even though the population has grown substantially too, there are definitely many many more radio stations now and that dilutes the market for everybody. Just as Rush paving the way for a huge proliferation of other talk radio programs has cut into his own market share.

I don't think he minds. He obviously loves what he does and he continue to command top dollar for doing it. It's pretty hard to point to somebody as a failure who started out with nothing and will retire a millionare several hundred times over despite the liberals in power doing their damndest to discredit him and take him down.. Their hatred and jealousy of him is soooooo obvious, you gotta love it. :)

It's not jealousy, it's frustration.

Hate Radio drops the level of discussion.

As I pointed out on another thread, there actually was a valid political discussion around Fluke.

Which Limbaugh totally got off the track by calling her a slut for three days in attempts to jack up his own ratings until his sponsors told him to knock it off.

Sandra Fluke is all you've got? One misadvised analogy that was not even intended to insult her personally but was intended to use her as an example? A comment far less hateful than most of the stuff we heard on Air America, which all ya'll thought was just fine, and for which Rush publically apologized? THAT is what you consider justification to put an entire 25-year career down the tubes? When you don't hold accountable ANYBODY on your side of the aisle who says things out of line?

I don't EVER justify or try to excuse Rush or anybody else when they wander over the line into bad taste or political incorrectness. But I don't try to destroy people for an inadvertent slip or slip up amidst thousands of hours of programming either.

When somebody pisses me off on the radio or television, I tune to something else. I don't see it as justification to try to destroy them.

THAT is the difference between common sense and appreciation for unalienable rights vs blind jealous hatred of somebody you don't like.
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I'm not a big fan of Rush and I might catch 5 minutes of his show a week on average (today's repeat of a joke about Rep. Duckworth was beyond stupid and not funny at all), but nobody can argue with his success. The naysayers have been claiming doom and gloom for him since the 1990s. Every controversial and tasteless thing he says is red meat to progressive idiots who think that this will finally be the one that takes him down. For 20 years, nothing has.

An entire network, Air America, was launched specifically to take him down and in 12 hours of broadcasting (the rest of the airtime was repeats) they never got anywhere close to his listener numbers from one show. Rush's ratings beat all progressive programs on radio and TV added up. Not only that, but he handpicked a "sidekick" of sorts. Hannity was the most popular guest host and Rush helped Hannity get his own show. That was brilliant and it turned AM talk radio from "appointment listening" to "this radio station is always on" for many listeners.

The only criticisms about the results of the Rush Limbaugh Show are on trends of listeners. Any decline is celebrated, but that's only because even at worst it's still the largest audience of all time. 40 stations dropping Rush won't change that one bit and there are plenty of other stations in those markets chomping at the bit to gain those listeners.

This might be why most liberals are just plain terrible at business. They can't count.

Yup. Several of us have said pretty much the same thing, but the poor pathetic Rush haters are soooooooo desperate to deny Rush's incredible success and declare him a failure that they just keep repeating the same mantra over and over and over about how he is losing audience, how talk radio is on its way out, how Rush has committed the fatal faux pas or crossed the line and will now be rejected, yadda yadda. They refuse to acknowledge that he has lost some market share only because he has so effectively pioneered the genre and created so much competition for himself.

Next month he will celebrate his 25th anniversary of 'Excellence in Broadcasting' and the #1 position that has carried hundreds of radio to the top of their markets. That is a run unprecedented in radio and a record that may never ever be broken.

But again, when he fianlly retires, they'll say "See? He is a failure!"

That's exactly what the libtards will say. Remember when the libtards said the Fox "fired" Sarah Palin? As soon as the contract issues were resolved she's back. This is a contract dispute. Rush and Hannity are going to go with the company that offers the most. What's really funny about libtards saying that the reason is these two are so bad that the stations lost listeners. Yet, the plans are to replace Limbaugh and Hannity with Michael Savage and Mark Levin who both are more venomous than Hannity and Limbaugh combined.

Savage wanders over the line into looney land now and then and, there for weeks and weeks anyway, he spent most of his time being personally maudlin which is why they pulled him from the evening program on our #1 station here. They replaced him with Mark Levin and the evening ratings have surged. Savage indeed calls it as it is, and I think excessively so. Levin isn't so venemous as much as he is sometimes curt and grating--his voice is nowhere near as pleasant as Rush's--Levin doesn't have the knack to entertain as much as Rush--but in my opinion, Levin is the sharpest and has the most to say of any of them. So he does get an audience in spite of not being lovable.

Hannity gets the second biggest audience but Rush commands #1 and so far nobody has even come close to unseating him from that position.
We should not be so rough on Rush. The way I see it, Rush, Palin, Fox, Hannity, Coulter, and others seperate right wing nuts from their money, one way or another, and I view that as a good thing. They do NOT seperate the left from their money. It also keeps many of the RW off the streets. All these folks are nodding their heads while tuned in at home and in their cars. I'd rather they did that than to go to the KKK and to the John Birch Society for their daily dose of hate and devisivness...which was what was going on all around me in the South when I was growing up. I find it fascinating that most of the Right's heros are totally in it for the money, but the RW simply ignores that. No, there has never been a successful left leaning talk radio show, and there never will be. Liberals become liberals through independent thought, not through spoon feeding by big money media. I don't even have cable TV, and have not wactched any "news" program in years. I do not hang out at the Democratic Party headquarters in order to get validation for my opinions. In fact, the people I associate with are mostly conservative, because I live in a retirment community of people who are so old that they have to keep Rush at 100 decibels, just so they they can stay on top of Obama's latest communist conspiracy.
We should not be so rough on Rush. The way I see it, Rush, Palin, Fox, Hannity, Coulter, and others seperate right wing nuts from their money, one way or another, and I view that as a good thing. They do NOT seperate the left from their money. It also keeps many of the RW off the streets. All these folks are nodding their heads while tuned in at home and in their cars. I'd rather they did that than to go to the KKK and to the John Birch Society for their daily dose of hate and devisivness...which was what was going on all around me in the South when I was growing up. I find it fascinating that most of the Right's heros are totally in it for the money, but the RW simply ignores that. No, there has never been a successful left leaning talk radio show, and there never will be. Liberals become liberals through independent thought, not through spoon feeding by big money media. I don't even have cable TV, and have not wactched any "news" program in years. I do not hang out at the Democratic Party headquarters in order to get validation for my opinions. In fact, the people I associate with are mostly conservative, because I live in a retirment community of people who are so old that they have to keep Rush at 100 decibels, just so they they can stay on top of Obama's latest communist conspiracy.

It's not jealousy, it's frustration.

Hate Radio drops the level of discussion.

As I pointed out on another thread, there actually was a valid political discussion around Fluke.

Which Limbaugh totally got off the track by calling her a slut for three days in attempts to jack up his own ratings until his sponsors told him to knock it off.

Sandra Fluke is all you've got? One misadvised analogy that was not even intended to insult her personally but was intended to use her as an example? A comment far less hateful than most of the stuff we heard on Air America, which all ya'll thought was just fine, and for which Rush publically apologized? THAT is what you consider justification to put an entire 25-year career down the tubes? When you don't hold accountable ANYBODY on your side of the aisle who says things out of line?

I don't EVER justify or try to excuse Rush or anybody else when they wander over the line into bad taste or political incorrectness. But I don't try to destroy people for an inadvertent slip or slip up amidst thousands of hours of programming either.

When somebody pisses me off on the radio or television, I tune to something else. I don't see it as justification to try to destroy them.

THAT is the difference between common sense and appreciation for unalienable rights vs blind jealous hatred of somebody you don't like.
You are pathetic! :eusa_liar:

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Hateful reactionary Left cannot compete on the battlefield of ideas: they embrace a failed economic ideology that can only be enforced at gunpoint and is so awful and evil they have to build walls to keep the sane and productive from fleeing. If they could have built a wall around Detroit they would have. That's what Limbaugh points out daily and since they can't answer it (liberals talk radio is a 100% fail) they have to silence the opposition. That's how the Marxist soul responds to ideas at odds with the collective

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Yes, Rush is very good at using the cutting edge technology of 1920 to reach old angry people.

Do you know how they describe Rush's demagraphic?


Sandra Fluke is all you've got? One misadvised analogy that was not even intended to insult her personally but was intended to use her as an example? A comment far less hateful than most of the stuff we heard on Air America, which all ya'll thought was just fine, and for which Rush publically apologized? THAT is what you consider justification to put an entire 25-year career down the tubes? When you don't hold accountable ANYBODY on your side of the aisle who says things out of line?

I don't EVER justify or try to excuse Rush or anybody else when they wander over the line into bad taste or political incorrectness. But I don't try to destroy people for an inadvertent slip or slip up amidst thousands of hours of programming either.

When somebody pisses me off on the radio or television, I tune to something else. I don't see it as justification to try to destroy them.

THAT is the difference between common sense and appreciation for unalienable rights vs blind jealous hatred of somebody you don't like.

Can you actually cite a "more hateful comment" than what Limbaugh said about Fluke that was uttered about any private citizen on Air America?

It wasn't an "inadvertant slip". He went on this tirade for THREE DAYS because it caused an uptick in his numbers. Until the Sponsors started bailing and the distributors told him to knock it off.

Limbaugh is a phony and a hypocrite. This is why I have no patience for him at this point.

He screams about family values, but he's on his fourth sham marriage that no doubt includes a Pre-Nup.

He screams about law and order, but used every legal trick in the book to avoid accountability for his drug abuse problem.

And I'm not the one destroying him. That would be the same big corporations that propped his sorry ass up to start with, but are now finding Mike Huckabee can spread the same message without the baggage.
Hateful reactionary Left cannot compete on the battlefield of ideas: they embrace a failed economic ideology that can only be enforced at gunpoint and is so awful and evil they have to build walls to keep the sane and productive from fleeing. If they could have built a wall around Detroit they would have. That's what Limbaugh points out daily and since they can't answer it (liberals talk radio is a 100% fail) they have to silence the opposition. That's how the Marxist soul responds to ideas at odds with the collective

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Yes, Rush is very good at using the cutting edge technology of 1920 to reach old angry people.

Do you know how they describe Rush's demagraphic?


Yeah that's why it brothers you so much

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Hateful reactionary Left cannot compete on the battlefield of ideas: they embrace a failed economic ideology that can only be enforced at gunpoint and is so awful and evil they have to build walls to keep the sane and productive from fleeing. If they could have built a wall around Detroit they would have. That's what Limbaugh points out daily and since they can't answer it (liberals talk radio is a 100% fail) they have to silence the opposition. That's how the Marxist soul responds to ideas at odds with the collective

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Yes, Rush is very good at using the cutting edge technology of 1920 to reach old angry people.

Do you know how they describe Rush's demagraphic?


Yeah that's why it brothers you so much


No, what bothers me is that Rush distracts people from what the REAL problems are in this country because he works for the forces that profit from teh real problems.

And, shit, I fell for it for years. Until I got a wakeup call 6 years ago.
Then you know the reach and penetration radio had back then compared to today. You say you don't have to prove "jack squat" but you made a distinct claim. So which is it, does your claim stand or does your lack of ability to back it up stand?

I bet you actually do know your radio history, and that's why Rush pisses you off so much. :lol:

No, YOU made a distinct claim, and I quote "largest audience of all time". You offered no "proof" of either the comparative nor the numbers themselves (nor does Lush). I simply opined that that distinct claim is distinctly bullshit.

And this level of defensiveness after claiming not to be a fan... :eusa_whistle:

You also appear to be laboring under the misconception that the objective of a radio program is simply to draw listeners. If true it would be like stating the objective here is to post something that draws readers, whatever the content, which means grabbing attention any way you can, in which case you might as well just paste porn images. In other words by measuring Limblob (or anyone else) by ratings numbers, you're saying the content therein is meaningless and amounts to, in this case, political porn.

OK, have it your way.


HOW do you figure that's moving goalposts? I quoted your post, dood. I guess you're preparing to move your own goalposts, because your phrase "largest audience of all time" absolutely DOES imply that you think ratings numbers are some kind of measure of value. You're going to walk that back now?
Yes, Rush is very good at using the cutting edge technology of 1920 to reach old angry people.

Do you know how they describe Rush's demagraphic?


Yeah that's why it brothers you so much


No, what bothers me is that Rush distracts people from what the REAL problems are in this country because he works for the forces that profit from teh real problems.

And, shit, I fell for it for years. Until I got a wakeup call 6 years ago.

Joe has a new calendar. It's the year 6 AIWFBEC (After I Was Fired By Evil Capitalists)

Sandra Fluke is all you've got? One misadvised analogy that was not even intended to insult her personally but was intended to use her as an example? A comment far less hateful than most of the stuff we heard on Air America, which all ya'll thought was just fine, and for which Rush publically apologized? THAT is what you consider justification to put an entire 25-year career down the tubes? When you don't hold accountable ANYBODY on your side of the aisle who says things out of line?

I don't EVER justify or try to excuse Rush or anybody else when they wander over the line into bad taste or political incorrectness. But I don't try to destroy people for an inadvertent slip or slip up amidst thousands of hours of programming either.

When somebody pisses me off on the radio or television, I tune to something else. I don't see it as justification to try to destroy them.

THAT is the difference between common sense and appreciation for unalienable rights vs blind jealous hatred of somebody you don't like.

Can you actually cite a "more hateful comment" than what Limbaugh said about Fluke that was uttered about any private citizen on Air America?

It wasn't an "inadvertant slip". He went on this tirade for THREE DAYS because it caused an uptick in his numbers. Until the Sponsors started bailing and the distributors told him to knock it off.

Limbaugh is a phony and a hypocrite. This is why I have no patience for him at this point.

He screams about family values, but he's on his fourth sham marriage that no doubt includes a Pre-Nup.

He screams about law and order, but used every legal trick in the book to avoid accountability for his drug abuse problem.

And I'm not the one destroying him. That would be the same big corporations that propped his sorry ass up to start with, but are now finding Mike Huckabee can spread the same message without the baggage.

Well, just off the top of my head there was:

Keith Olbermann: “...the total mindless, morally bankrupt, knee-jerk, fascistic hatred — without which Michelle Malkin would just be a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it."

Al Franken referring to "God as having his head up his ass" and wierdo Catholics celebrating communion with chips and guacamole"

Or Randi Rhodes, during the era of trashing Hillary to get Obama elected and referring to Hillary as a prostitute.

And from Newsbusters: Rhodes "offered the novel claim that John McCain got treated like a “prince” by his captors in North Vietnam . . ." and went on at some length about Sarah Palin not being trustworthy around teenage boys with inference that she at best is a latent child molester.

Or when Air America's Montel Williams urged Michelle Bachmann to kill herself.

That's just a very tiny sampling of the content of Air America. So where is the righteous outrage and condemnation and demands that their advertisers dump them? Where were the days of media coverage blowing it all into huge proportions?

Oh right, nobody was listening anyway and there weren't any advertisers to threaten. But that didn't stop MSNBC from embracing all these noble, compassionate, wonderful people into their stable when Air America folded. And it wasn't a matter of conservatives not accepting their apologies either because there weren't any apologies.

The double standard is alive and well, yes?

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