Cumulus dropping Limbaugh, Hannity at the end of 2013


How did I know this was coming? Another Libtard trying to celebrate the death of Rush and Sean?

The article clearly states that this won't effect either of them one little bit. They'll just change to a different service and Cumulus will have to fill their spots with "current staff" which'll mean a massive drop in income.

If anything, it'll mean more listeners and probably more $$$ for both.


No such word as libtard. I've already gone over this on this message board. Using the fake word libtard makes you sound like an ignoramus.

You are a liar. It will mean less listeners and less money.

Silly twits always resort to childish name calling when they're losing. :)

Another link -

Forward Progressives ? Second Largest Radio Distributor in the Country to Drop Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity

And, limbaugh says -

Limbaugh: Don't worry about Cumulus -

To whomever said the left is wishing for limbaugh's "death", nonsense. I would fight for his (and Hannity's) right to spew their hate and lies all they want.

But, I also support the marketplace that is turning it's back on them.

There is still a lot of mindless hate in this country but, little by little, people are turning away from that and using their heads instead. Deal with it.

nice self pwn


How did I know this was coming? Another Libtard trying to celebrate the death of Rush and Sean?

The article clearly states that this won't effect either of them one little bit. They'll just change to a different service and Cumulus will have to fill their spots with "current staff" which'll mean a massive drop in income.

If anything, it'll mean more listeners and probably more $$$ for both.


No such word as libtard. I've already gone over this on this message board. Using the fake word libtard makes you sound like an ignoramus.

You are a liar. It will mean less listeners and less money.
Silly twits always resort to childish name calling when they're losing. :) snip
Oh the irony!
Hey, it's been a while since we had a "Rush is gone" thread.

So, here's the skinny for you low information folks. Premier, representing Rush and Sean, didn't like the deal proposed by Cumulus. Sounds like they didn't like the numbers - money - and when you've got the two top broadcasters in the country you can afford to tell Cumulus, and some/all of it's 40 markets referenced, to go fly a kite and cut a deal with someone else. Happens all the time in the radio industry.

Unfortunately for the lefty idiots it does not mean that their least favorite conservative voices are going away. But don't spread that around. It'll ruin all of their fun.

Right. They didn't like the deal because they were offered less money due to the fact that Limbaugh is losing money because he lost so much advertisement for them with his stupid bigoted comments that appeal to the Archie Bunker mentality.

Gee, here in my market Rush has been on the same station for years, Clear Channel owned for a long time and now a Cumulus station for the past few years. I listen almost daily and there has been no drop off in the number of ads, local or national, from before you clowns got your shorts in your cracks over his Fluke comments right through to today.

You idiots can dream all you want, circle jerk to your heart's content, or even hold your breath and stomp your feet until you, hopefully, collapse, but Rush and Hannity will be in their usual markets and continue to make millions and millions of dollars for themselves and stations that carry their shows.

So, hey, turn up the volume and enjoy the shows. They'll be around for as long as they want to entertain you.
Hey, it's been a while since we had a "Rush is gone" thread.

So, here's the skinny for you low information folks. Premier, representing Rush and Sean, didn't like the deal proposed by Cumulus. Sounds like they didn't like the numbers - money - and when you've got the two top broadcasters in the country you can afford to tell Cumulus, and some/all of it's 40 markets referenced, to go fly a kite and cut a deal with someone else. Happens all the time in the radio industry.

Unfortunately for the lefty idiots it does not mean that their least favorite conservative voices are going away. But don't spread that around. It'll ruin all of their fun.

Right. They didn't like the deal because they were offered less money due to the fact that Limbaugh is losing money because he lost so much advertisement for them with his stupid bigoted comments that appeal to the Archie Bunker mentality.

Gee, here in my market Rush has been on the same station for years, Clear Channel owned for a long time and now a Cumulus station for the past few years. I listen almost daily and there has been no drop off in the number of ads, local or national, from before you clowns got your shorts in your cracks over his Fluke comments right through to today.

You idiots can dream all you want, circle jerk to your heart's content, or even hold your breath and stomp your feet until you, hopefully, collapse, but Rush and Hannity will be in their usual markets and continue to make millions and millions of dollars for themselves and stations that carry their shows.

So, hey, turn up the volume and enjoy the shows. They'll be around for as long as they want to entertain you.

Rush keeps me laughing, Levin does my primordial screams for me and Sean's man on the street segments remind me how Obama got elected.

Now for some truth ....

Another Report of a Cumulus Split from Limbaugh and Hannity.

We’ve heard these rumors before about Cumulus Media dropping Premiere Networks’ Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the latest comes from Politico. The mag reports that inside sources say Cumulus is not satisfied with the results of negotiations to reduce the cost of airing the Limbaugh and Hannity programs on their 40-some news/talk stations that carry them.

Both contracts reportedly are limbaughrushup at the end of this year. As most industry insiders are aware, there are cash considerations as well as inventory that airs outside the actual programs associated with carrying Limbaugh and Hannity and that, presumably, is what the bone ofhannitysean contention is.

Politico does report that a Cumulus spokesperson said the company does not comment on negotiations with talent under contract. Cumulus holds its Q2 conference call tomorrow morning but don’t hold your breath waiting for Lew Dickey to comment on the Limbaugh/Hannity issue.

The tone of the Politico piece makes it sound as though this is about the politics of Limbaugh and Hannity and whether the “Sandra Fluke case” is still haunting the sales efforts.

If that were the case, negotiations over the cost of the programs would be irrelevant.

Ultimately, the Dickeys’ decision will likely be based upon whether they make enough money off of Limbaugh and Hannity to justify the cost while considering what the company could do with personalities such as Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Mike Huckabee to cover the time slots now held by Limbaugh and Hannity.

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TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"
Has anyone ever beaten Rush in his ratings? I can't remember any one topping him.

Nope. He took over the No. 1 spot in the late 80's and never looked back. He single handedly has taken more stations to #1 status in their respective markets than any other radio personality who has ever lived. And it did it in a time slot that was once considered 'throw away' time by most stations because the 'real money' was in the morning and afternoon drive time. That became moot after Rush's show was syndicated.

Rush's total audience has eroded a bit over the years because he created such a market that he also created competition for his own show and that competition has siphoned off about a third of the audience Rush commanded when he was about the only game in town. But nobody ever came close to topping his ratings and he is still the flagship program on more than 600 stations. Some credited him with saving AM radio period because he came on at a time more AM stations were losing serious market share to FM.

This coming August he will have been #1 for 25 years.

And the day he hangs it up, his critics will glad hand each other and chortle and say "See? We told you he was a failure."
Last edited:

How did I know this was coming? Another Libtard trying to celebrate the death of Rush and Sean?

The article clearly states that this won't effect either of them one little bit. They'll just change to a different service and Cumulus will have to fill their spots with "current staff" which'll mean a massive drop in income.

If anything, it'll mean more listeners and probably more $$$ for both.


No such word as libtard. I've already gone over this on this message board. Using the fake word libtard makes you sound like an ignoramus.

You are a liar. It will mean less listeners and less money.

Silly twits always resort to childish name calling when they're losing. :)

Another link -

Forward Progressives ? Second Largest Radio Distributor in the Country to Drop Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity

And, limbaugh says -

Limbaugh: Don't worry about Cumulus -

To whomever said the left is wishing for limbaugh's "death", nonsense. I would fight for his (and Hannity's) right to spew their hate and lies all they want.

But, I also support the marketplace that is turning it's back on them.

There is still a lot of mindless hate in this country but, little by little, people are turning away from that and using their heads instead. Deal with it.

Personally, I don't mind if they call us "libtards". it is almost exactly the kind of thing that a grade school kid would do to taunt another grade school kid at recess. It helps me to identify the adults vs. the children that are on this board.
Hey, it's been a while since we had a "Rush is gone" thread.

So, here's the skinny for you low information folks. Premier, representing Rush and Sean, didn't like the deal proposed by Cumulus. Sounds like they didn't like the numbers - money - and when you've got the two top broadcasters in the country you can afford to tell Cumulus, and some/all of it's 40 markets referenced, to go fly a kite and cut a deal with someone else. Happens all the time in the radio industry.

Unfortunately for the lefty idiots it does not mean that their least favorite conservative voices are going away. But don't spread that around. It'll ruin all of their fun.

I couldn't imagine there's a station in Chicago that will pay what WLS was paying for Rush's show.

Rush can try to spin this all day, but the fact is, Hate Radio is dying because companies don't want their products associated with it.
Let the lefties get their rocks off prematurely....
When the dust settles then we see who is laughing.
If these guys go to SiriusXM that will get me to subscribe...
Hey, it's been a while since we had a "Rush is gone" thread.

So, here's the skinny for you low information folks. Premier, representing Rush and Sean, didn't like the deal proposed by Cumulus. Sounds like they didn't like the numbers - money - and when you've got the two top broadcasters in the country you can afford to tell Cumulus, and some/all of it's 40 markets referenced, to go fly a kite and cut a deal with someone else. Happens all the time in the radio industry.

Unfortunately for the lefty idiots it does not mean that their least favorite conservative voices are going away. But don't spread that around. It'll ruin all of their fun.

I couldn't imagine there's a station in Chicago that will pay what WLS was paying for Rush's show.

Rush can try to spin this all day, but the fact is, Hate Radio is dying because companies don't want their products associated with it.
That's the long and short of it.
Let the lefties get their rocks off prematurely....
When the dust settles then we see who is laughing.
If these guys go to SiriusXM that will get me to subscribe...

Wow, so if they go to the dead-end technology no one uses, that'll show them? REally.

Hey, when was the last time you heard anything about Howard Stern? Oh, that's right. You haven't. SiriusXM is oblivion...
Their contracts with Cumulus ended, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity wanted to negotiate a new contract with a new salary. Cumulus said no, Clear Channel is ready to meet their demands. It is a simple matter of finances. It doesn't mean that Cumulus intends to become more liberal because they are looking to fill the empty spots with Michael Savage and Mark Levin, neither of whom are known to play nice with liberals.

Exactly. Conservative talk radio is big business, thanks to Rush and Sean and other big names like them. In fact Rush Limbaugh pretty much single handedly put conservative talk radio into business and as a result of more and more stations jumping on that bandwagon, and each conservative talk show requires much more staff--researchers, call screeners, fact checkers, information specialists, etc. than do most other syndicated programs--Rush has probably directly and indirectly created a bunch more jobs than Obama can claim.

So if Cumulus, who doesn't have anywhere near as many big market stations as Clear Channel and others, is unwilling to pay the price to get the big audience guys, somebody will be more than happy to take them on.

It's not that simple.

Limblob isn't syndicated by ClearChannel; he's syndicated by Premiere. Premiere is owned by ClearChannel but they're separate entities. The fact that his show may be carried by a Cumulus station in a market where there are ClearChannel stations demonstrates that.

How did I know this was coming? Another Libtard trying to celebrate the death of Rush and Sean?

The article clearly states that this won't effect either of them one little bit. They'll just change to a different service and Cumulus will have to fill their spots with "current staff" which'll mean a massive drop in income.

If anything, it'll mean more listeners and probably more $$$ for both.


Cumulus' "current staff" is already out there: the Huckabee show, which it owns and distributes. It went on the air about a month after Flukegate and has (currently) some 200 stations. This would simply be an opening for that show.
Hey, it's been a while since we had a "Rush is gone" thread.

So, here's the skinny for you low information folks. Premier, representing Rush and Sean, didn't like the deal proposed by Cumulus. Sounds like they didn't like the numbers - money - and when you've got the two top broadcasters in the country you can afford to tell Cumulus, and some/all of it's 40 markets referenced, to go fly a kite and cut a deal with someone else. Happens all the time in the radio industry.

Unfortunately for the lefty idiots it does not mean that their least favorite conservative voices are going away. But don't spread that around. It'll ruin all of their fun.

Right. They didn't like the deal because they were offered less money due to the fact that Limbaugh is losing money because he lost so much advertisement for them with his stupid bigoted comments that appeal to the Archie Bunker mentality.
And also because he has lost nearly half his audience post Fluke, by his OWN phony numbers.

Pre Fluke:

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

Post Fluke:

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program.* The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here

Proof he's a liar:

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are.* They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters.* I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone.* If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone.* I would take myself away.*

It's partly Flukegate, but it's deeper than that. Limblob had been losing audience for two years before Flukefest. That's said to be the reason he launched the "slut" show -- to rebuild the sagging numbers. That of course backfired with the advertiser toxicity.

Add to that the aging demographic. As one PD put it, "the age of the average Limbaugh listener? Deceased".
I'm not a big fan of Rush and I might catch 5 minutes of his show a week on average (today's repeat of a joke about Rep. Duckworth was beyond stupid and not funny at all), but nobody can argue with his success. The naysayers have been claiming doom and gloom for him since the 1990s. Every controversial and tasteless thing he says is red meat to progressive idiots who think that this will finally be the one that takes him down. For 20 years, nothing has.

An entire network, Air America, was launched specifically to take him down and in 12 hours of broadcasting (the rest of the airtime was repeats) they never got anywhere close to his listener numbers from one show. Rush's ratings beat all progressive programs on radio and TV added up. Not only that, but he handpicked a "sidekick" of sorts. Hannity was the most popular guest host and Rush helped Hannity get his own show. That was brilliant and it turned AM talk radio from "appointment listening" to "this radio station is always on" for many listeners.

The only criticisms about the results of the Rush Limbaugh Show are on trends of listeners. Any decline is celebrated, but that's only because even at worst it's still the largest audience of all time. 40 stations dropping Rush won't change that one bit and there are plenty of other stations in those markets chomping at the bit to gain those listeners.

This might be why most liberals are just plain terrible at business. They can't count.
Right. They didn't like the deal because they were offered less money due to the fact that Limbaugh is losing money because he lost so much advertisement for them with his stupid bigoted comments that appeal to the Archie Bunker mentality.
And also because he has lost nearly half his audience post Fluke, by his OWN phony numbers.

Pre Fluke:

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

Post Fluke:

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program.* The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here

Proof he's a liar:

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are.* They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters.* I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone.* If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone.* I would take myself away.*

It's partly Flukegate, but it's deeper than that. Limblob had been losing audience for two years before Flukefest. That's said to be the reason he launched the "slut" show -- to rebuild the sagging numbers. That of course backfired with the advertiser toxicity.

Add to that the aging demographic. As one PD put it, "the age of the average Limbaugh listener? Deceased".

What's the age of the average Air America listener?

I'm not a big fan of Rush and I might catch 5 minutes of his show a week on average (today's repeat of a joke about Rep. Duckworth was beyond stupid and not funny at all), but nobody can argue with his success. The naysayers have been claiming doom and gloom for him since the 1990s. Every controversial and tasteless thing he says is red meat to progressive idiots who think that this will finally be the one that takes him down. For 20 years, nothing has.

An entire network, Air America, was launched specifically to take him down and in 12 hours of broadcasting (the rest of the airtime was repeats) they never got anywhere close to his listener numbers from one show. Rush's ratings beat all progressive programs on radio and TV added up. Not only that, but he handpicked a "sidekick" of sorts. Hannity was the most popular guest host and Rush helped Hannity get his own show. That was brilliant and it turned AM talk radio from "appointment listening" to "this radio station is always on" for many listeners.

The only criticisms about the results of the Rush Limbaugh Show are on trends of listeners. Any decline is celebrated, but that's only because even at worst it's still the largest audience of all time. 40 stations dropping Rush won't change that one bit and there are plenty of other stations in those markets chomping at the bit to gain those listeners.

This might be why most liberals are just plain terrible at business. They can't count.

That depends entirely on how you define "success". Limblob's goal is to attract flies so he can charge "confiscatory ad rates" (his term). By that measure, he's a "success".

And no, I wouldn't call what he does the "largest audience of all time". :lol:

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