Cuomo calls out McConnell on Kentucky's federal freeloading

Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.
some states have a lot more federal highways than they have people, like Wyoming, so their per capita is different
I did, dumbass, every fucking city that is run by a liberal mayor, has welfare so much that mostly minorities live in them. NYC, Chicago, St Louis, Cincinnati, and so on, people who have no reason to work, do drugs and kill each other. I know what the fuck i am talking about, you on the other hand see the inside of your rectum.

I'll bet eastern Kentucky is receiving a hell of a lot welfare and it's not all that Democratic
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

Kentucky has TWO huge Army bases. NY has ?

How much money are Kentucky's army bases putting in the federal coffers?

The noise you heard while reading my post, screaming over your head, was the point.
I did, dumbass, every fucking city that is run by a liberal mayor, has welfare so much that mostly minorities live in them. NYC, Chicago, St Louis, Cincinnati, and so on, people who have no reason to work, do drugs and kill each other. I know what the fuck i am talking about, you on the other hand see the inside of your rectum.

I'll bet eastern Kentucky is receiving a hell of a lot welfare and it's not all that Democratic
poverty demographics affect federal spending levels
CA has the highest poverty rate
Southern states have a high percentage of poor minority Democrat Voters
I did, dumbass, every fucking city that is run by a liberal mayor, has welfare so much that mostly minorities live in them. NYC, Chicago, St Louis, Cincinnati, and so on, people who have no reason to work, do drugs and kill each other. I know what the fuck i am talking about, you on the other hand see the inside of your rectum.

I'll bet eastern Kentucky is receiving a hell of a lot welfare and it's not all that Democratic

These people would not have been on welfare if the steel mill had not closed. Thank you President Obama!
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

Moscow Mitch Rides Again. I wonder how that Russian Aluminum plant is coming along in Kentucky? Got to admit, he did his best to quash the knowledge of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Bet he didn't know his own republican controlled Senate Intelligence Committee would side with the House and all the intelligence agencies. At least he tried and the Russians are holding up their end, last I heard.

Did the Russians fool you into voting for Trump with Facebook ad? You probably shouldn't walk and chew gum at the same time?

I don't do facebook. It is to prone to false information and easily spreading propaganda. I was specifically trained to resist propaganda. I voted 3rd party for the first time in my life, because neither party's candidate was fit to run the country. Thankfully the Hill did not get elected. Too bad it turns out I was right about trump. Oh yes, I'm not bad at walking and chewing gum. Skiing above 10,000 feet in a blinding snow storm, not so much, but I got over it. Be glad when we all get over the trump presidency.

Ah yes, the 3rd party wasted voter.....How did that vote work out for ya?

Got exactly what I wanted. A clear conscience, knowing I did not help put either of those two main party, despicable candidates in office, but exercised my vote for someone who had potential to do less harm than than the two low road candidates of the two main parties. Many people chose between the lesser of two evils. I can't do that. I will not do that.

Despicable huh? So you have a president working to put this country back to greatness again, the other wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world shithole, so you vote for some worthless candidate who has a snowballs chance in hell, and you have a clear conscience.....Bwaaahhhaaaaa....That is just too fucking funny.

What utter horse sh#t flowes from you fingertips. I take it you voted for the liar-n-chief. Character counts with me. Both were people of bad character. My experience is, people who willingly follow people of bad character usually are of bad character themselves. If you get in a jamb, you don't want someone to lie to you, someone just out for themselves. You don't want someone who sides with your enemies. I lean toward people in leadership positions that will under promise and over deliver. I owe nothing to your two parties. I certainly owe nothing to our current president. I will do my part to vote him out in November. It is the American way.
NY and other blue states are trying to pawn off their failing pension plans onto us...the tax payer...thank goodness Mitch ain't going to fall for it...

California tried to get Obama to bail them out, Obama refused. This is Dems old 'never let a crisis go to waste' BS to get something they could never get passed in congress normally.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

Moscow Mitch Rides Again. I wonder how that Russian Aluminum plant is coming along in Kentucky? Got to admit, he did his best to quash the knowledge of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Bet he didn't know his own republican controlled Senate Intelligence Committee would side with the House and all the intelligence agencies. At least he tried and the Russians are holding up their end, last I heard.

Did the Russians fool you into voting for Trump with Facebook ad? You probably shouldn't walk and chew gum at the same time?

I don't do facebook. It is to prone to false information and easily spreading propaganda. I was specifically trained to resist propaganda. I voted 3rd party for the first time in my life, because neither party's candidate was fit to run the country. Thankfully the Hill did not get elected. Too bad it turns out I was right about trump. Oh yes, I'm not bad at walking and chewing gum. Skiing above 10,000 feet in a blinding snow storm, not so much, but I got over it. Be glad when we all get over the trump presidency.

Ah yes, the 3rd party wasted voter.....How did that vote work out for ya?

Got exactly what I wanted. A clear conscience, knowing I did not help put either of those two main party, despicable candidates in office, but exercised my vote for someone who had potential to do less harm than than the two low road candidates of the two main parties. Many people chose between the lesser of two evils. I can't do that. I will not do that.

Despicable huh? So you have a president working to put this country back to greatness again, the other wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world shithole, so you vote for some worthless candidate who has a snowballs chance in hell, and you have a clear conscience.....Bwaaahhhaaaaa....That is just too fucking funny.

What utter horse sh#t flowes from you fingertips. I take it you voted for the liar-n-chief. Character counts with me. Both were people of bad character. My experience is, people who willingly follow people of bad character usually are of bad character themselves. If you get in a jamb, you don't want someone to lie to you, someone just out for themselves. You don't want someone who sides with your enemies. I lean toward people in leadership positions that will under promise and over deliver. I owe nothing to your two parties. I certainly owe nothing to our current president. I will do my part to vote him out in November. It is the American way.

Strong words....why don't you tell us who you voted for in the last 8 presidential elections or however many you voted in.
California received nearly half a TRILLION dollars in Federal spending, almost twice what Texas received. California needs to stop spending like there's no tomorrow and pay THEIR bills.
All of this in and out of the federal money shit into and out of states has to do with:
1. Payroll and employee taxes paid
2. SSI
3. Medicare/Medicaid
4. Military.

That's 80% of the pie that your fucking map shows.

It has nothing to do with:
1. State politics
2. Better managed states

It has all to do with:

1. Weather - people retire where the weather is warmer
2. Income per capita - (that's where the high paying jobs are - has nothing to do with politics)
3. Military installations
4. Cost of living in selected state/area

15% has to do with actual help for those in need - such as EIC, SNAP, etc....
And you never see charts and graphs on that shit.

So how does that fit to your narrative? Yeah - that's right - it fucking doesn't.

Biggest lies told to lemmings ever.

Read the fucking "FULL ARTICLE" lemming
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

Maybe because Kentucky isn't using C19 aid to back-fill gaps in their budget from irresponsible spending prior to the crisis?

Just a guess.....

You sure about that?
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

Moscow Mitch Rides Again. I wonder how that Russian Aluminum plant is coming along in Kentucky? Got to admit, he did his best to quash the knowledge of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Bet he didn't know his own republican controlled Senate Intelligence Committee would side with the House and all the intelligence agencies. At least he tried and the Russians are holding up their end, last I heard.

Did the Russians fool you into voting for Trump with Facebook ad? You probably shouldn't walk and chew gum at the same time?

I don't do facebook. It is to prone to false information and easily spreading propaganda. I was specifically trained to resist propaganda. I voted 3rd party for the first time in my life, because neither party's candidate was fit to run the country. Thankfully the Hill did not get elected. Too bad it turns out I was right about trump. Oh yes, I'm not bad at walking and chewing gum. Skiing above 10,000 feet in a blinding snow storm, not so much, but I got over it. Be glad when we all get over the trump presidency.

Ah yes, the 3rd party wasted voter.....How did that vote work out for ya?

Got exactly what I wanted. A clear conscience, knowing I did not help put either of those two main party, despicable candidates in office, but exercised my vote for someone who had potential to do less harm than than the two low road candidates of the two main parties. Many people chose between the lesser of two evils. I can't do that. I will not do that.

Despicable huh? So you have a president working to put this country back to greatness again, the other wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world shithole, so you vote for some worthless candidate who has a snowballs chance in hell, and you have a clear conscience.....Bwaaahhhaaaaa....That is just too fucking funny.

What utter horse sh#t flowes from you fingertips. I take it you voted for the liar-n-chief. Character counts with me. Both were people of bad character. My experience is, people who willingly follow people of bad character usually are of bad character themselves. If you get in a jamb, you don't want someone to lie to you, someone just out for themselves. You don't want someone who sides with your enemies. I lean toward people in leadership positions that will under promise and over deliver. I owe nothing to your two parties. I certainly owe nothing to our current president. I will do my part to vote him out in November. It is the American way.

Strong words....why don't you tell us who you voted for in the last 8 presidential elections or however many you voted in.

I'll give it from the beginning. Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Obama, and Gary Johnson. Nixon because I lean conservative, he was for getting out of Vietnam and my lottery number was 42. Carter because of Nixon and Ford's pardon. Reagan because I didn't like how Carter worked out. Reagan because I lean conservative, liked his policy stance and he was an excellent communicator and debater. Reagan again because I liked him the first time. Bush, because I like Reagan and thought it would be a continuation, plus we agreed on supply side economics being the same as voodoo economic. Bill Clinton because I liked his policies, wanted a change for change sake, and he was a good communicator and debater. Clinton again, because because the country was working well with him there and Newt in Congress. Loved the balance budget forced by Newt. Gore for same reason I voted for Bush, figured 4 more good years for the country and he is from my home state. Kerry because I was opposed to war in Iraq the Bush got us into. Obama because I lost tens of thousands of dollars in the Bush crash and the plant I had been on management staff with for years had closed. Obama, because I was employed again as an expert in my field, though not at same level, but making money again and making good progress putting my financial house back in order in preparation for retirement. Gary Johnson because he had experience as a state governor, figure he knew how government worked, didn't seem to lie to me, he was for balanced budget, against the multiple wars we were in and against the failed war on drugs. I regret none of my votes (including Nixon), even the ones that did not win. During same time I supported and voted for a host of republican Representatives,Senators and Govenors (one still in the Senate since I first vote for him for his first term as governor to get rid of the crooked Democrat (pardon selling) Ray Blanton, the same year I voted for Nixon. I have voted for a Dem governor or two, but they worked out. Tennessee has a pretty good history of governance on governors after Blanton was gone by Lamar Alexander being sworn in early to stop more pardon sale during Blanton's final week in office.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

Maybe because Kentucky isn't using C19 aid to back-fill gaps in their budget from irresponsible spending prior to the crisis?

Just a guess.....

You sure about that?

I guess the date of of 2008 when it actually happened escaped your notice. We shitcanned the Democrats who engineered that horseshit.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

Maybe because Kentucky isn't using C19 aid to back-fill gaps in their budget from irresponsible spending prior to the crisis?

Just a guess.....

You sure about that?

I guess the date of of 2008 when it actually happened escaped your notice. We shitcanned the Democrats who engineered that horseshit.

Article is from 2018. Pensions are still in deep trouble. Ther3 have been Republicans in power during that time.

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