Current political situation stressing out Americans: study


Jan 4, 2017
More than half of Americans, including both Democrats and Republicans, feel the current political climate is a significant source of stress, according to a new survey.

Two-thirds of Americans said they are stressed about the future of US, according to the new report by American Psychological Association's (APA).

Over half of Americans (57 per cent) said the current political climate is a very or somewhat significant source of stress, and nearly half (49 per cent) said the same about the outcome of the election, according to a poll conducted in January.

While Democrats were more likely than Republicans (72 per cent vs 26 per cent) to report the outcome of the 2016 presidential election as a significant read more..
I can't remember when any president significantly affected my life

Our political system has devolved and all we get now are playground taunts and tantrums but it doesn't stress me out because I am of the mind that the less government does the better it is for all of us

So let them fight name call and act like idiots as long as it results in gridlock

... when Granny heard dem commie lib'rals...

... used illegal leaks to force Flynn out...

... she nearly fainted dead away.
Presidential elections have deep consequences for my deep pockets. I'm thrilled that American's across the nation turned their backs on socialism and brought in a capitalist. I am disgusted by the actions of the left wing since the election, absolutely /disgusted./

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