D-Day, 75 Years Later


Dec 23, 2009
This is from a column written near the 50th anniversary of D-Day, recalling an episode on the 40th anniversary...

“Their Courage Is a Matter Of My Pride

May 2, 1994

Vierville-sur-Mer is a French village, but that overstates the case. It's perched on a scruffy bluff overlooking the English Channel, and it's so small -- or was a decade ago, when I was last there -- that your choices of a place to eat, drink and gab amount to one, if I remember right. My wife-to-be and I wandered into that one place about half past 10 on the night of June 5, 1984. We were its only American patrons, a fact that we didn't advertise but that was evident to all as soon as we spoke our version of French. We ate and headed to the bar, where sat the postman, the handyman, the barkeep, a couple of others.

Soon, the clock slipped past midnight, unveiling the sixth of June. It had been at about that hour, precisely 40 years earlier, when the sky over the Normandy countryside had begun filling with thousands of Americans and Brits, leaping out of an armada of aircraft, floating down to a land that was not their own. They had come to free it. So had the thousands of other Americans who, a few hours later at dawn, stumbled out of landing craft beneath the Vierville bluff and onto a beach being cross-stitched by German machine guns, mortars and artillery. That beach would be known forever more, even to the French, by its invasion code, the name of a place in the American heartland, Omaha. Many of the Yanks coming ashore were Virginians and Marylanders, because the 29th Division was among the attackers, and its main combat units consisted of two regiments of Maryland's National Guard and one of Virginia's. And now, just past midnight four decades later, someone in the bar raised a glass. "To the Americans," he said. We were confused. Which Americans? Had someone come in? The other patrons turned, arms raised. And drank to the two of us. I can't replay that moment without getting teary. The gratitude of a room of Frenchmen for the selfless act of a distant people was so genuine that I wanted to hug them, to say it was nothing, though of course it was everything in the world to them. “

From here...
“The road will be long and hard. For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again; and we know that by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph. They will be sore tried, by night and by day, without rest -- until the victory is won. The darkness will be rent by noise and flame. Men's souls will be shaken with the violences of war. For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace. They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise, and tolerance and goodwill among all Thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle, for their return to the haven of home. Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt
WWII was the last war where every American was involved in one way or another. It wasn't like the wars that followed where life continued at home as if nothing had happened. When the folks at home heard about D-Day, they were celebrating, crying, and most of all worried. Many a mother and wife were afraid to answer the door dreading the news. Withing hours of the D-Day landing 2500 Americans died on the beaches to be following by many thousands more.

We called them the greatest generation and for good reason.
Today is D-Day! Today is the day my uncle had his buddy's leg blown off right in front of him and he couldn't do a damn thing to help him. Except get down in a hole and drag him there too to bleed out and die.
And now, 75 years later, less than 40% of Germans have a "favorable" opinion of Americans. We might as well rewind to just a few years after this, really.

Beware, Americans. I mean that.

Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump | DW | 28.02.2018

They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.
And now, 75 years later, less than 40% of Germans have a "favorable" opinion of Americans. We might as well rewind to just a few years after this, really.

Beware, Americans. I mean that.

Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump | DW | 28.02.2018

They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.

Oh I understand that they didn't like us as we were helping them rebuild. But then we had a long period where we pretended to be allies. On their side, that's all over. America just needs to catch up.
And now, 75 years later, less than 40% of Germans have a "favorable" opinion of Americans. We might as well rewind to just a few years after this, really.

Beware, Americans. I mean that.

Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump | DW | 28.02.2018

They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.

Oh I understand that they didn't like us as we were helping them rebuild. But then we had a long period where we pretended to be allies. On their side, that's all over. America just needs to catch up.

Yeah..they were the ones with U-boats, amirite?

Germans, the reason depth charges were invented.

Now, there's great German-Americans..but most of the best in Germany were offed by the Nazis. Iowa is full of German immigrants. They came here in the 1800s, though.
Liberal peaceniks allowed the nazi war machine to grow.

Joe Kennedy, the father of those assholes, appointed Ambassador to England by FDR, convinced him that appeasing the nazis was the way to go.

Regardless of the shouts and plea of churchill.
Two of my most favorite movies are Saving Private Ryan and The Longest Day.
Man, they don't make movies like these anymore.
I hate Saving Private Ryan....After the opening scene, it has the shittiest technical direction and the saippiest plot line of any war movie I've ever seen....And don't even get me started on Fury.

But I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Timeline of the D-Day landings of 6th June 1944 hour by hour as events unfolded on the day

Canadian soldiers land on Courseulles beach in Normandy, on June 6, 1944 as Allied forces storm the Normandy beaches. Photo: STF/AFP/Getty Images

You can read the long and lengthy of what went on during D-Day here.
Today is D-Day! Today is the day my uncle had his buddy's leg blown off right in front of him and he couldn't do a damn thing to help him. Except get down in a hole and drag him there too to bleed out and die.

Quote by Colin Powell:
When in England at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by
the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of
empire building by George Bush.
He answered by saying that, “Over the years, the United States has sent
many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom
beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in
return is enough to bury those that did not return.”
It became very quiet in the room.
And now, 75 years later, less than 40% of Germans have a "favorable" opinion of Americans. We might as well rewind to just a few years after this, really.

Beware, Americans. I mean that.

Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump | DW | 28.02.2018

They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.
All because Hitler murdered his own people who were Jews. He paved the way for a much worse war many years later, and the Axis powers won nothing. Sad outcome for smart people. Not all of them loved Hitler. That's why one of the guys who spoke in one of Oddball's posts above was spared by another soldier who didn't shoot his rifle. Wars can be horrific. That man who spared an American troop had probably seen enough of Hitler's doings to hate him. Maybe his fiancé before she was murdered was Jewish, or his best friend, or his brother.
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And now, 75 years later, less than 40% of Germans have a "favorable" opinion of Americans. We might as well rewind to just a few years after this, really.

Beware, Americans. I mean that.

Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump | DW | 28.02.2018

They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.
All because Hitler murdered his own people who were Jews. He paved the way for a much worse war many years later, and the Axis powers won nothing. Sad outcome for smart people. Not all of them loved Hitler. That's why one of the guys who spoke in one of Oddball's posts above was spared by another soldier who didn't shoot his rifle. Wars can be horrific.

And I was just conversing with a poster who claims to know history, and states "Chamberlain was correct."

What an indictment of our university system.

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