D-Day, 75 Years Later

“With the Air Force overheard, the Navy shelling [enemy positions], the enemy firing at you and we're firing at them, it was just total chaos. Nobody landed where they were supposed to. It was that kind of chaos." - Pvt. Arnald Gabriel
“With the Air Force overheard, the Navy shelling [enemy positions], the enemy firing at you and we're firing at them, it was just total chaos. Nobody landed where they were supposed to. It was that kind of chaos." - Pvt. Arnald Gabriel
And much of the German force was diverted to a decoy location where a fake Patton-led invasion force was presumed to attack.
Imagine the disaster if the Germans didn’t fall for that and kept those forces at Normandy.
“With the Air Force overheard, the Navy shelling [enemy positions], the enemy firing at you and we're firing at them, it was just total chaos. Nobody landed where they were supposed to. It was that kind of chaos." - Pvt. Arnald Gabriel
And much of the German force was diverted to a decoy location where a fake Patton-led invasion force was presumed to attack.
Imagine the disaster if the Germans didn’t fall for that and kept those forces at Normandy.

They were shelling the beach.
They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.

Oh I understand that they didn't like us as we were helping them rebuild. But then we had a long period where we pretended to be allies. On their side, that's all over. America just needs to catch up.
They just don't like the orange con man liar scumbag clown, like all intelligent educated well-informed people...

What does Orange Man Bad have to do with D-Day, dumbass?

When I learned about D-Day, there was no Orange Man president. Gas was 78 cents a gallon.
You have the attention span of a pygmy shrew.... And their hearts beat 3600 times a minute LOL

"Franco" means French.

That's why we invaded their country to take it back for them.
Franco is short for Francophile. Next time we can go through Italy and Austria, allies of the swine Nazis. More French than Americans were killed in the Battle of France 1944... Anyway I blame the GOP for everything that happened LOL. Ruined the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then destroyed the world economy in 1929 to 31 and led to the rise of nationalism just like the last decade, were behind the isolationism that let the Nazis and Japanese militarists run wild until they finally attacked us.

At any rate, the French are forever grateful for D-Day and please remember it is you who brought up all this divisive talk about Germans and the French No doubt LOL.
I have toward the D-Day beaches three different times and I am crazy about the longest day which I saw when it came out in London at age 18... Recommend it to anyone.

My father from Buffalojoined the British army as a paratrooper doctor in May of 1941 to fight the Nazis. So of course they sent him to India... My complaint is that they should at least mention the taking of Rome at the same time as D-Day, and they should mention Imphal, an incredible battle which turn the tide against the Japanese. The British army was surrounded 4 weeks and the casualties were crazy. They had a battle of the tennis court where the dead bodies were like eight feet deep. Nobody has heard of it but Dad was there.
Stalin had been asking US and UK "allies" to open a second front in the west since 1939, yet D-Day didn't happen until after the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad.

Henry Ford was happy to accept a Nazi medal.
Hitler had a portrait of Ford hanging above his desk,
Ford, IBM, and GM helped rebuild Germany's military during the 1930s in ways they were unwilling to do in the US.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

"And then during the war their subsidiaries in Europe continued to produce, continued to make profits, which they were able to accrue after the war ended.

"In fact, GM and Ford were able to sue the U.S. government for millions of dollars for reparations for their plants that the U.S. bombed and destroyed in Europe during the war that were producing for the Nazis.

"So American business had a shameful record."

American capitalists like Ford and Prescott Bush were happy to help Hitler rearm and fatten their fortunes in the process, and they were also part of the "greatest generation."
The Battle of Stalingrad was the largest and bloodiest battle of the war involving over 2.2 million combatants and 1.1 million military and civilian causalities. It was about 2 years before D-Day and it was the turning point on the Eastern Front as well as WWII. There's a subtitled movie, Stalingrad on Youtube that looks pretty good.

Had the non-aggression pack between Russia and Germany held, there would have been no D-Day because England would have fallen with the rest of Europe. Had there been no eastern front, Hitler would have been unstoppable.
I don't think so- they'd always have the Navy and the channel. Anyway the USSR and America were going to be drawn in one way or another. As a Francophile I wish they had attacked Germany in1939 when the Germans were busy in Poland. And there is a new report that the Russians wanted to be an ally at last moments at the same time. If if if. The French were totally snake bit, the English lucky every time once they were all home....
I wish they had attacked Germany in1939 when the Germans were busy in Poland. An
The Spanish Civil War was another opportunity to strangle fascism in its cradle; however, the US population felt they had been lied into WWI, hence they were in no mood for another European fight in 1936.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

"One of the key episodes in the rise of fascism, the spread of fascism, was the Spanish Civil War. And the U.S. maintained a dumb neutrality in the Spanish Civil War.

"And again, this was a product of this strong hatred of World War I and the deep anti-war sentiment, which normally would be a positive sentiment.

"We wish we had more of that in the United States today.

"But in the 1930s this was a chance to stop Hitler, and the U.S. maintained its neutrality throughout the Spanish Civil War.

"The only nation that was really supporting the Spanish Republic was the Soviet Union."
I have toward the D-Day beaches three different times and I am crazy about the longest day which I saw when it came out in London at age 18... Recommend it to anyone.

My father from Buffalojoined the British army as a paratrooper doctor in May of 1941 to fight the Nazis. So of course they sent him to India... My complaint is that they should at least mention the taking of Rome at the same time as D-Day, and they should mention Imphal, an incredible battle which turn the tide against the Japanese. The British army was surrounded 4 weeks and the casualties were crazy. They had a battle of the tennis court where the dead bodies were like eight feet deep. Nobody has heard of it but Dad was there.
You should see The Big Red One. It’s Sam Fuller’s autobiographical dramatization of his WWII experience.
Lee Marvin’s best role, IMO.
Liberal peaceniks allowed the nazi war machine to grow.

Joe Kennedy, the father of those assholes, appointed Ambassador to England by FDR, convinced him that appeasing the nazis was the way to go.

Regardless of the shouts and plea of churchill.
It was the appeasement reputation of the senior Kennedy that prompted to USSR to test the younger Kennedy’s by putting missiles into Cuba.
t was the appeasement reputation of the senior Kennedy that prompted to USSR to test the younger Kennedy’s by putting missiles into Cuba.
It was US missiles in Italy and Turkey that prompted a Soviet response in Cuba:

The Real Cuban Missile Crisis
And as the soviets expected, JFK appeased and removed missiles in Turkey to diffuse the situation.
JFK did just as his father did and just as the soviets expected.
And as the soviets expected, JFK appeased and removed missiles in Turkey to diffuse the situation.
JFK did just as his father did and just as the soviets expected.
JFK and his Russian counterpart Nikita Khrushcev saved thousands of lives on both sides by agreeing to a mutual withdrawal of offensive weapons from the US and Russian borders. What other option did each leader have?
Stalin had been asking US and UK "allies" to open a second front in the west since 1939, yet D-Day didn't happen until after the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad.

Henry Ford was happy to accept a Nazi medal.
Hitler had a portrait of Ford hanging above his desk,
Ford, IBM, and GM helped rebuild Germany's military during the 1930s in ways they were unwilling to do in the US.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

"And then during the war their subsidiaries in Europe continued to produce, continued to make profits, which they were able to accrue after the war ended.

"In fact, GM and Ford were able to sue the U.S. government for millions of dollars for reparations for their plants that the U.S. bombed and destroyed in Europe during the war that were producing for the Nazis.

"So American business had a shameful record."

American capitalists like Ford and Prescott Bush were happy to help Hitler rearm and fatten their fortunes in the process, and they were also part of the "greatest generation."
The Battle of Stalingrad was the largest and bloodiest battle of the war involving over 2.2 million combatants and 1.1 million military and civilian causalities. It was about 2 years before D-Day and it was the turning point on the Eastern Front as well as WWII. There's a subtitled movie, Stalingrad on Youtube that looks pretty good.

Had the non-aggression pack between Russia and Germany held, there would have been no D-Day because England would have fallen with the rest of Europe. Had there been no eastern front, Hitler would have been unstoppable.
I don't think so- they'd always have the Navy and the channel. Anyway the USSR and America were going to be drawn in one way or another. As a Francophile I wish they had attacked Germany in1939 when the Germans were busy in Poland. And there is a new report that the Russians wanted to be an ally at last moments at the same time. If if if. The French were totally snake bit, the English lucky every time once they were all home....
I wish they had attacked Germany in1939 when the Germans were busy in Poland. An
The Spanish Civil War was another opportunity to strangle fascism in its cradle; however, the US population felt they had been lied into WWI, hence they were in no mood for another European fight in 1936.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

"One of the key episodes in the rise of fascism, the spread of fascism, was the Spanish Civil War. And the U.S. maintained a dumb neutrality in the Spanish Civil War.

"And again, this was a product of this strong hatred of World War I and the deep anti-war sentiment, which normally would be a positive sentiment.

"We wish we had more of that in the United States today.

"But in the 1930s this was a chance to stop Hitler, and the U.S. maintained its neutrality throughout the Spanish Civil War.

"The only nation that was really supporting the Spanish Republic was the Soviet Union."
The isolationists were GOP mainly. America first ring a bell? Great time for some trade Wars and tariffs, right? Like 1930? Does Father coughlin remind you of Sean hannity? LOL aaarrrggghhh hhhh....
For me, men like Russell Pickett always have my unending admiration. From the President's speech:

Private First Class Russell Pickett, of the 29th Division’s famed 116th Infantry Regiment, had been wounded in the first wave that landed on Omaha Beach. At a hospital in England, Private Pickett vowed to return to battle. "I'm going to return," he said. "I'm going to return."

Six days after D-Day, he rejoined his company. Two thirds had been killed already; many had been wounded, within 15 minutes of the invasion. They’d lost 19 just from small town of Bedford, Virginia, alone. Before long, a grenade left Private Pickett again gravely wounded. So badly wounded. Again, he chose to return. He didn’t care; he had to be here.

He was then wounded a third time, and laid unconscious for 12 days. They thought he was gone. They thought he had no chance. Russell Pickett is the last known survivor of the legendary Company A. And, today, believe it or not, he has returned once more to these shores to be with his comrades. Private Pickett, you honor us all with your presence.
"Sweetie, when our country was attacked, you sat on your ass and did nothing. You were an able-bodied young person, and you did jack shit. Tens of thousands of LGBTQ people, myself included, joined up and served despite much of our country hating us. Where the hell were you, Ben?" - Charlotte Clymer, who was a US vet when he was a man, Charlie Clymer...he is now trans

he was responding to this statement by Dastardly Ben Shapiro: "
75 years ago: young Americans braved Nazi fire on beaches to liberate a continent and defend Constitutional rights.
Today: young Americans whine about people making mean jokes about them on YouTube and demand censorship."
"we must also honor the patriotism & courage of those who fought for freedom abroad, but were denied it at home. Like my late grandfather, Charles Butler, Sr. — A WWII Veteran in the segregated “Red Ball Express.” A fairer country honors their legacy." - Virginia Lt Gov Creepy Justin Fairfax

Stalin had been asking US and UK "allies" to open a second front in the west since 1939, yet D-Day didn't happen until after the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad.

Henry Ford was happy to accept a Nazi medal.
Hitler had a portrait of Ford hanging above his desk,
Ford, IBM, and GM helped rebuild Germany's military during the 1930s in ways they were unwilling to do in the US.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

"And then during the war their subsidiaries in Europe continued to produce, continued to make profits, which they were able to accrue after the war ended.

"In fact, GM and Ford were able to sue the U.S. government for millions of dollars for reparations for their plants that the U.S. bombed and destroyed in Europe during the war that were producing for the Nazis.

"So American business had a shameful record."

American capitalists like Ford and Prescott Bush were happy to help Hitler rearm and fatten their fortunes in the process, and they were also part of the "greatest generation."
The Battle of Stalingrad was the largest and bloodiest battle of the war involving over 2.2 million combatants and 1.1 million military and civilian causalities. It was about 2 years before D-Day and it was the turning point on the Eastern Front as well as WWII. There's a subtitled movie, Stalingrad on Youtube that looks pretty good.

Had the non-aggression pack between Russia and Germany held, there would have been no D-Day because England would have fallen with the rest of Europe. Had there been no eastern front, Hitler would have been unstoppable.
I don't think so- they'd always have the Navy and the channel. Anyway the USSR and America were going to be drawn in one way or another. As a Francophile I wish they had attacked Germany in1939 when the Germans were busy in Poland. And there is a new report that the Russians wanted to be an ally at last moments at the same time. If if if. The French were totally snake bit, the English lucky every time once they were all home....
I wish they had attacked Germany in1939 when the Germans were busy in Poland. An
The Spanish Civil War was another opportunity to strangle fascism in its cradle; however, the US population felt they had been lied into WWI, hence they were in no mood for another European fight in 1936.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

"One of the key episodes in the rise of fascism, the spread of fascism, was the Spanish Civil War. And the U.S. maintained a dumb neutrality in the Spanish Civil War.

"And again, this was a product of this strong hatred of World War I and the deep anti-war sentiment, which normally would be a positive sentiment.

"We wish we had more of that in the United States today.

"But in the 1930s this was a chance to stop Hitler, and the U.S. maintained its neutrality throughout the Spanish Civil War.

"The only nation that was really supporting the Spanish Republic was the Soviet Union."
The isolationists were GOP mainly. America first ring a bell? Great time for some trade Wars and tariffs, right? Like 1930? Does Father coughlin remind you of Sean hannity? LOL aaarrrggghhh hhhh....
The isolationists were GOP mainly. America first ring a bell? Great time for some trade Wars and tariffs, right? Like 1930? Does Father coughlin remind you of Sean hannity? LOL aaarrrggghhh hhhh..
"America First" in those days had an economic component that made European reconstruction and solidarity virtually impossible:


"The desire of the United States to secure repayment for cash loans and goods extended to European Allies during and after World War I was a highly publicized issue during the 1920s.

"The stance did much to destroy the loyalties and goodwill that had developed during the conflict.

"Beginning in 1917, the U.S. began to extend cash and supplies to its European allies, expending more than $7 billion in government funds by the time of the armistice in November 1918.

"Following that, an additional $3 billion was directed to relief and reconstruction efforts of both the Allies and new European nations that grew out of the Paris peace negotiations.

"The sum of $10 billion (see table) was often described as a 'war debt,' but a portion of that total was incurred after the war was over.

"Even before peace had formally been concluded, various Allied nations began to press the United States to scale back or cancel entirely these obligations. Indeed, there was some justification for reconsidering the entire debt issue:

  • "Most of the borrowed money had been spent in the United States for supplies and war matériel, and had provided a tremendous stimulus for the American economy, which was then the envy of the world. Many Europeans believed that the U.S. had already been repaid."
I have toward the D-Day beaches three different times and I am crazy about the longest day which I saw when it came out in London at age 18... Recommend it to anyone.

My father from Buffalojoined the British army as a paratrooper doctor in May of 1941 to fight the Nazis. So of course they sent him to India... My complaint is that they should at least mention the taking of Rome at the same time as D-Day, and they should mention Imphal, an incredible battle which turn the tide against the Japanese. The British army was surrounded 4 weeks and the casualties were crazy. They had a battle of the tennis court where the dead bodies were like eight feet deep. Nobody has heard of it but Dad was there.
You should see The Big Red One. It’s Sam Fuller’s autobiographical dramatization of his WWII experience.
Lee Marvin’s best role, IMO.
I have seen them all multiple times lol. I'm just watching Dunkirk on TCM the old one with John Mills... So far don't think I've seen it before. GMainlyir itishetreating and the battle of France, my major. I also love playing war games and portraying the French. If they used modern tactics they can win. But they were World War 1 all the way. They had better tanks than Germans in 1940. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
And now, 75 years later, less than 40% of Germans have a "favorable" opinion of Americans. We might as well rewind to just a few years after this, really.

Beware, Americans. I mean that.

Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump | DW | 28.02.2018

They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.
All because Hitler murdered his own people who were Jews. He paved the way for a much worse war many years later, and the Axis powers won nothing. Sad outcome for smart people. Not all of them loved Hitler. That's why one of the guys who spoke in one of Oddball's posts above was spared by another soldier who didn't shoot his rifle. Wars can be horrific. That man who spared an American troop had probably seen enough of Hitler's doings to hate him. Maybe his fiancé before she was murdered was Jewish, or his best friend, or his brother.

The Germans learned their lessons from the Holocaust and are now in the process of unlearning them.
And now, 75 years later, less than 40% of Germans have a "favorable" opinion of Americans. We might as well rewind to just a few years after this, really.

Beware, Americans. I mean that.

Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump | DW | 28.02.2018

They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.

Oh I understand that they didn't like us as we were helping them rebuild. But then we had a long period where we pretended to be allies. On their side, that's all over. America just needs to catch up.
They just don't like the orange con man liar scumbag clown, like all intelligent educated well-informed people... It's great the way you brainwashed fools only care about your stupid party and your Heroes the greedy idiot rich. Like the Japanese, they learned their lesson in World War II.

No snowflake, Germans gave Americans the lowest approval ratings in Europe even when Obama was in office.
One of the best exchanges during World War II was 75 years ago between two German observers watching the English Channel: "The Allied ships are coming." "How many?" " All of them." All of them, indeed. Eternal thanks for their sacrifice.

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