D-Day, 75 Years Later

the simple act of remembrance is huge. we communicate from earth to heaven to our fallen: YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!
"Today is a great day to remember that if you’re lucky enough to call yourself free, you can never call yourself self-made. Your life and your freedom was made possible by generations of heroes" - Arnold Schwarzneger
"It’s insulting what Donald Trump said about Vietnam: that he didn’t serve because “he wasn’t a fan of that war.” No Veteran I know is a “fan of war," but unlike Trump, they responded when their nation called them to duty. Like true patriots. Whether or not they had a choice." - Senator Duckworth, who lost her legs in Iraq
And now, 75 years later, less than 40% of Germans have a "favorable" opinion of Americans. We might as well rewind to just a few years after this, really.

Beware, Americans. I mean that.

Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump | DW | 28.02.2018

They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.

Oh I understand that they didn't like us as we were helping them rebuild. But then we had a long period where we pretended to be allies. On their side, that's all over. America just needs to catch up.
They just don't like the orange con man liar scumbag clown, like all intelligent educated well-informed people... It's great the way you brainwashed fools only care about your stupid party and your Heroes the greedy idiot rich. Like the Japanese, they learned their lesson in World War II.

No snowflake, Germans gave Americans the lowest approval ratings in Europe even when Obama was in office.
They approved under Obama, they hate Trump because they are not brainwashed with BS..
And now, 75 years later, less than 40% of Germans have a "favorable" opinion of Americans. We might as well rewind to just a few years after this, really.

Beware, Americans. I mean that.

Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump | DW | 28.02.2018

They didn't like us too much in WW2, either. ;)
One thing I've noticed about Germans: They're too smart for their own good.

Oh yeah, and probably less than 50% of the people in Germany are actually German. They imported so many Muslims it's not funny, I was hearing about this 20 years ago.
All because Hitler murdered his own people who were Jews. He paved the way for a much worse war many years later, and the Axis powers won nothing. Sad outcome for smart people. Not all of them loved Hitler. That's why one of the guys who spoke in one of Oddball's posts above was spared by another soldier who didn't shoot his rifle. Wars can be horrific. That man who spared an American troop had probably seen enough of Hitler's doings to hate him. Maybe his fiancé before she was murdered was Jewish, or his best friend, or his brother.

The Germans learned their lessons from the Holocaust and are now in the process of unlearning them.
Just the right wing idiots like ours.

'Merica, fuck yeah! Comin' through to save the fuckin' day now! :rock:
Liberal peaceniks allowed the nazi war machine to grow.

Joe Kennedy, the father of those assholes, appointed Ambassador to England by FDR, convinced him that appeasing the nazis was the way to go.

Regardless of the shouts and plea of churchill.
It was the appeasement reputation of the senior Kennedy that prompted to USSR to test the younger Kennedy’s by putting missiles into Cuba.
t was the appeasement reputation of the senior Kennedy that prompted to USSR to test the younger Kennedy’s by putting missiles into Cuba.
It was US missiles in Italy and Turkey that prompted a Soviet response in Cuba:

The Real Cuban Missile Crisis
And as the soviets expected, JFK appeased and removed missiles in Turkey to diffuse the situation.
JFK did just as his father did and just as the soviets expected.
And as the soviets expected, JFK appeased and removed missiles in Turkey to diffuse the situation.
JFK did just as his father did and just as the soviets expected.
JFK and his Russian counterpart Nikita Khrushcev saved thousands of lives on both sides by agreeing to a mutual withdrawal of offensive weapons from the US and Russian borders. What other option did each leader have?
And the soviets ultimately responded by invading Czechoslovakia.
Liberal peaceniks allowed the nazi war machine to grow.

Joe Kennedy, the father of those assholes, appointed Ambassador to England by FDR, convinced him that appeasing the nazis was the way to go.

Regardless of the shouts and plea of churchill.
It was the appeasement reputation of the senior Kennedy that prompted to USSR to test the younger Kennedy’s by putting missiles into Cuba.
t was the appeasement reputation of the senior Kennedy that prompted to USSR to test the younger Kennedy’s by putting missiles into Cuba.
It was US missiles in Italy and Turkey that prompted a Soviet response in Cuba:

The Real Cuban Missile Crisis
And as the soviets expected, JFK appeased and removed missiles in Turkey to diffuse the situation.
JFK did just as his father did and just as the soviets expected.
And as the soviets expected, JFK appeased and removed missiles in Turkey to diffuse the situation.
JFK did just as his father did and just as the soviets expected.
JFK and his Russian counterpart Nikita Khrushcev saved thousands of lives on both sides by agreeing to a mutual withdrawal of offensive weapons from the US and Russian borders. What other option did each leader have?
And the soviets ultimately responded by invading Czechoslovakia.
And the soviets ultimately responded by invading Czechoslovakia
The Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968 because the US withdrew Jupiter missiles from Turkey in 1962?

Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia - Wikipedia

"The invasion successfully stopped Alexander Dubček's Prague Spring liberalisation reforms and strengthened the authority of the authoritarian wing within the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ). The foreign policy of the Soviet Union during this era was known as the Brezhnev Doctrine."
"It’s insulting what Donald Trump said about Vietnam: that he didn’t serve because “he wasn’t a fan of that war.” No Veteran I know is a “fan of war," but unlike Trump, they responded when their nation called them to duty. Like true patriots. Whether or not they had a choice." - Senator Duckworth, who lost her legs in Iraq
Basque is a piece of shit.
Stalin had been asking US and UK "allies" to open a second front in the west since 1939, yet D-Day didn't happen until after the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad.

Henry Ford was happy to accept a Nazi medal.
Hitler had a portrait of Ford hanging above his desk,
Ford, IBM, and GM helped rebuild Germany's military during the 1930s in ways they were unwilling to do in the US.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

"And then during the war their subsidiaries in Europe continued to produce, continued to make profits, which they were able to accrue after the war ended.

"In fact, GM and Ford were able to sue the U.S. government for millions of dollars for reparations for their plants that the U.S. bombed and destroyed in Europe during the war that were producing for the Nazis.

"So American business had a shameful record."

American capitalists like Ford and Prescott Bush were happy to help Hitler rearm and fatten their fortunes in the process, and they were also part of the "greatest generation."
The Battle of Stalingrad was the largest and bloodiest battle of the war involving over 2.2 million combatants and 1.1 million military and civilian causalities. It was about 2 years before D-Day and it was the turning point on the Eastern Front as well as WWII. There's a subtitled movie, Stalingrad on Youtube that looks pretty good.

Had the non-aggression pack between Russia and Germany held, there would have been no D-Day because England would have fallen with the rest of Europe. Had there been no eastern front, Hitler would have been unstoppable.
Had the non-aggression pack between Russia and Germany held, there would have been no D-Day because England would have fallen with the rest of Europe. Had there been no eastern front, Hitler would have been unstoppable.
Was an invasion of England the original destination of Nazi forces which turned eastward into Russia? From the little information I've acquired, Hitler would have found it difficult (if not impossible) to move his armies across the English Channel. Had England fallen, perhaps Edward VIII would have divorced Wallis Simpson?:rolleyes:
Upon the failure at Axis-German-Soviet summit in 1940 to convince Stalin to enter the war, Hitler commented, "Stalin demands more and more", he's a cold-blooded blackmailer" and that "a German victory has become unbearable for Russia" so that "she must be brought to her knees as soon as possible." In June 1941, German and her allies attacked Russia with a force 3 million troops. I have never heard that Hitler's original destination was England and that he change directions and went Russia. That doesn't seem likely.

Edward VIII was persona non grata in Britain. His abdication of the throne was seen by the government and the royal family as disgraceful and a dereliction of his duty. From what I have read, the Royal family felt so strongly about this, because Edward's younger brother George would have to become King.

George as a young child was a such slow learner, their was rumors of him being retarded. He had a speech impediment, was shy and was often hidden from the public He was a lovable kid who idealized his big brother but the one thing he was not was a future king.

To nearly everyone's surprise, George, the dull became George, the dutiful. He was a good king; more important than that, he was a good man. Britain was fortunate to have had him as king. He far surpassed what the government and even the royal family expected of him.
The monarchy survives thanks to George VI
German–Soviet Axis talks - Wikipedia
Stalin had been asking US and UK "allies" to open a second front in the west since 1939, yet D-Day didn't happen until after the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad.

Henry Ford was happy to accept a Nazi medal.
Hitler had a portrait of Ford hanging above his desk,
Ford, IBM, and GM helped rebuild Germany's military during the 1930s in ways they were unwilling to do in the US.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

"And then during the war their subsidiaries in Europe continued to produce, continued to make profits, which they were able to accrue after the war ended.

"In fact, GM and Ford were able to sue the U.S. government for millions of dollars for reparations for their plants that the U.S. bombed and destroyed in Europe during the war that were producing for the Nazis.

"So American business had a shameful record."

American capitalists like Ford and Prescott Bush were happy to help Hitler rearm and fatten their fortunes in the process, and they were also part of the "greatest generation."
The Battle of Stalingrad was the largest and bloodiest battle of the war involving over 2.2 million combatants and 1.1 million military and civilian causalities. It was about 2 years before D-Day and it was the turning point on the Eastern Front as well as WWII. There's a subtitled movie, Stalingrad on Youtube that looks pretty good.

Had the non-aggression pack between Russia and Germany held, there would have been no D-Day because England would have fallen with the rest of Europe. Had there been no eastern front, Hitler would have been unstoppable.
I don't think so- they'd always have the Navy and the channel. Anyway the USSR and America were going to be drawn in one way or another. As a Francophile I wish they had attacked Germany in1939 when the Germans were busy in Poland. And there is a new report that the Russians wanted to be an ally at last moments at the same time. If if if. The French were totally snake bit, the English lucky every time once they were all home....
I wish they had attacked Germany in1939 when the Germans were busy in Poland. An
The Spanish Civil War was another opportunity to strangle fascism in its cradle; however, the US population felt they had been lied into WWI, hence they were in no mood for another European fight in 1936.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

"One of the key episodes in the rise of fascism, the spread of fascism, was the Spanish Civil War. And the U.S. maintained a dumb neutrality in the Spanish Civil War.

"And again, this was a product of this strong hatred of World War I and the deep anti-war sentiment, which normally would be a positive sentiment.

"We wish we had more of that in the United States today.

"But in the 1930s this was a chance to stop Hitler, and the U.S. maintained its neutrality throughout the Spanish Civil War.

"The only nation that was really supporting the Spanish Republic was the Soviet Union."
During the rise of fascism in Europe in the late 20's and 30's the combination of the Great Depression and the memory of World War I pushed American public opinion and policy toward isolationism. We had enough problems at home and certainly weren't going to get involved in more European wars. Besides, how dangerous could that funny little man with the Charlies Chaplin mustache be?
Why were are proud of America for her role in WWII let's not forget another part of history which is the mistreatment of black soldiers during and after the war.

10 Things About the Mistreatment of Black Soldiers During World War II You May Not Know
The question of blacks in the service was debated throughout the war. It was claimed that blacks would not fight. And when blacks proved that was false it was claim they weren't smart enough to fly planes. And when that was proved false it was claimed that whites would never serve under black officers which was also proved false.

The biggest mistakes made by white racists was allowing blacks to serve because when they came home they no longer were satisfied to sharecrop or just do jobs that no white man would do. If they could fight and die for their country, they certainly should not have to sit in the back the bus, eat in the restaurant kitchen, or sleep in the store room of a hotel. The GI Bill made it possible for them to go to college and trade schools and own their home. These vets played a big roll in the civil rights movement.
D-Day Logistics: Preparing for Landfall - History
Meanwhile, the buildup to D-Day was undertaken by Operation Bolero, a logistical effort of unprecedented magnitude. Sailing on now-secure sea routes, the U.S. Navy and merchant marine took 1,200,000 troops to Britain, where hundreds of camps and bases were established and supplied with everything from chewing gum to bombers. Britain’s existing infrastructure was inadequate to support the massive effort, so a thousand locomotives and twenty thousand freight cars were shipped from the United States, plus material for hundreds of miles of additional rail lines. Transatlantic shipments increased to the point that some 1,900,000 tons of supplies reached Britain in May 1944 alone, showing the scale of D-Day logistics.
Today is D-Day! Today is the day my uncle had his buddy's leg blown off right in front of him and he couldn't do a damn thing to help him. Except get down in a hole and drag him there too to bleed out and die.

Quote by Colin Powell:
When in England at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by
the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of
empire building by George Bush.
He answered by saying that, “Over the years, the United States has sent
many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom
beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in
return is enough to bury those that did not return.”
It became very quiet in the room.

when we honor our fallen the way they deserve to be honored, we show this generation of soldiers that they will not be forgotten should they make the ultimate sacrifice!
"If Trump had been Commander in Chief on June 6, 1944, yesterday we would have celebrated the anniversary of the president putting a tariff on German goods, then going golfing."
"Most of the Americans who died at D-Day would have been called Nazis by the far left in the U.S. today."

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