D.L. Hughley: White men don't get to decide what racism is

There are dozens of ways...

Or three magic words: "Daddy raped me."

As for your first paragraph - that’s why proper upbringing is important. Fear does a good job of keeping most children in line. The others you kill early, before they get those ideas.

I dlready talked about the legal angle. Without me the entire family ceases to exist and it’s off to the foster care system. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
You mean the ones who have historically been the offenders? Yeah, that makes sense. I don’t think you understand the arguement either. Try first understand before you react with your critiques

"historically been the offenders"?

So, you want to judge modern white men based on the actions of long dead people, because they shared a skin color and gender?


That is sexist and racist. Seriously.

This is why we can't have a discussion about race in this country.

Because liberals want us whites to just sit there and be lectured to, not even allowed to present our pov, nor bring up our interests or grievances.
I don’t want anybody to be judged. My point of view was very similar to yours until I decided to stop arguing and start listening... then I started to understand better where they are coming from.

If your great grandfather was robbed or cheated out of his business by another family in town and it resulted in a domino effect that lead to hardships, isolation, and poverty for your family then I’d imagine it would be very tough for members of your family to associate objectively with members of that family without judgement. Especially if that family was still prospering off the fruits of the business your great grandpa started. That is a smaller more personal example but I think it highlights the spirit of frustration that many black people feel.

An open ear and a little understanding and acknowledgement goes a long way. When people with grievances don’t feel heard and get attacked they simply dig in and yell louder.

We've been giving them that consideration for generations now. All my life in fact.

We've been doing more than that. We have been actively helping and working and sacrificing to make up for it, for generations.

But the more we do, the more hate and ire it seems to generate.

ANd now they are telling US to shut up while they made policy because of our skin color?


They crossed the line YEARS ago, and we are done.
I think you are focusing on the extremists... we have been doing a lot for decades and we need to keep doing what we are doing. It’s not time to give up and go back to our corners just because the loud voices from the extremists are yelling like crazy.

It is still taboo in our society for whites to even SPEAK of having interests as a group.

YOu cannot have a society where the largest single ethnic group is not allowed to even discuss it's interests, let along pursue them in the political field.

You are ignoring how bad it is.
Im not ignoring anything. I’m trying to look at it through a different lens. There is some irony in the powerful majority calling for equal treatment as oppressed minorities when it comes to social support. That’s like men forming a group to fight for higher wages for men. Or the millionaires forming a group to provide them with subsides, grants and financial aid. I know they already do this to a degree and many wealthy people find ways to pay nothing in taxes. These loopholes are seen as very unfair and corrupt to many.
How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

You are such a loon. One cannot categorically disqualify an entire race of people for consideration without engaging in racism itself.

Who taught you how to think?
Why do you think I’m promoting the idea of disqualifying an entire race for consideration? That’s not even close to my position
Because you are defending someone who espouses such a position.
How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

You are such a loon. One cannot categorically disqualify an entire race of people for consideration without engaging in racism itself.

Who taught you how to think?
Why do you think I’m promoting the idea of disqualifying an entire race for consideration? That’s not even close to my position
Because you are defending someone who espouses such a position.
I’m not defending his position. I disagree with his position and have had debates with him about it. But for it to be a good debate you need to understand BOTH sides of the argument and I’m taking some time to understand his side of the argument.
if you dont like MY society.....leave.....

I really wish I could Harry. Only 2 problems....

1. Your Siciety (or something similar) infests pretty much every part of the Western/Civilized world. In other areas it’s religion that keeps me away. All in all, there’s really no place for me to go.

2. My family bled for this country. To help found it and bring it into existence. So maybe it’s YOU who should be taking a walk.
if you dont like MY society.....leave.....

I really wish I could Harry. Only 2 problems....

1. Your Siciety (or something similar) infests pretty much every part of the Western/Civilized world. In other areas it’s religion that keeps me away. All in all, there’s really no place for me to go.

2. My family bled for this country. To help found it and bring it into existence. So maybe it’s YOU who should be taking a walk.
who cares about what your family or my family did....what have you done to help this country?.....
How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

You are such a loon. One cannot categorically disqualify an entire race of people for consideration without engaging in racism itself.

Who taught you how to think?
Why do you think I’m promoting the idea of disqualifying an entire race for consideration? That’s not even close to my position
Because you are defending someone who espouses such a position.
I’m not defending his position. I disagree with his position and have had debates with him about it. But for it to be a good debate you need to understand BOTH sides of the argument and I’m taking some time to understand his side of the argument.
His side of the argument is purely race driven. It pits people by races. As if all races aren't made up of all personality types.
How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

You are such a loon. One cannot categorically disqualify an entire race of people for consideration without engaging in racism itself.

Who taught you how to think?
Why do you think I’m promoting the idea of disqualifying an entire race for consideration? That’s not even close to my position
Because you are defending someone who espouses such a position.
I’m not defending his position. I disagree with his position and have had debates with him about it. But for it to be a good debate you need to understand BOTH sides of the argument and I’m taking some time to understand his side of the argument.
His side of the argument is purely race driven. It pits people by races. As if all races aren't made up of all personality types.
There are dozens of ways...

Or three magic words: "Daddy raped me."

As for your first paragraph - that’s why proper upbringing is important. Fear does a good job of keeping most children in line. The others you kill early, before they get those ideas.

I dlready talked about the legal angle. Without me the entire family ceases to exist and it’s off to the foster care system. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
My father thought so...right up until the moment be found himself looking down the barrel of a shotgun. Then he tried to throw his weight around with my uncle, and found himself staring down the sewer-pipe sized barrel of a S&W Model 29, hammer cocked, finger on the trigger, held by a dude who shoots blocks out of the air with it.
Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” comedian D.L. Hughley said “white men” did not get to decide what racism was during a discussion of the state of race relations in the era of President Donald Trump.​

Yes we do. We get to do it by who we associate with privately. Who e choose to help. Who we choose to allow our kids to associate with.
Who we choose to allow our kids to associate with
when your kids are out there with you not around you dont know who they are associating with or what they might be doing.....
And the strictest parents have the wildest kids.
Chinese kids have super strict parents. I don't see them being wild.
What is their suicide rate, again?
I dont know, but its irrelevant to the discussion about strict parents always having the wildest kids.
who cares about what your family or my family did....what have you done to help this country?.....

I believe those whose families have been here since the beginning should be granted more say in our Society and Government. We better understand what this nation was intended to be.

I pay my taxes and follow the law. I vote regularly. That is really all that us legally required of a Citizen
My father thought so...right up until the moment be found himself looking down the barrel of a shotgun. Then he tried to throw his weight around with my uncle, and found himself staring down the sewer-pipe sized barrel of a S&W Model 29, hammer cocked, finger on the trigger, held by a dude who shoots blocks out of the air with it.

Sounds like your father wasn’t very good at threat assessment or preparedness.
who cares about what your family or my family did....what have you done to help this country?.....

I believe those whose families have been here since the beginning should be granted more say in our Society and Government. We better understand what this nation was intended to be.

I pay my taxes and follow the law. I vote regularly. That is really all that us legally required of a Citizen
many of those who have been here from the beginning were some of the worst people here....and no, seniority should not count,like i said, some people dont deserve that kind of respect...
I don’t think you are understanding. The argument is that whites have not and do not experience racism like blacks have and do therefore they are not qualified to engage at the same level. Does that make sense to you?
Thats like saying I can't discuss the inner working of a car engine because I'm not a mechanic. I wish young blacks today could live for a month during Jim Crow era and then come back to the present and tell us whites are racists.
DL is right.

Good leaders drive emotional beings to contain themselves in a glass house with a bucket of rocks.

In all of my years of political activism I think that the most profound thing I've learned is that people generally tend to want to be led. There's a lot to say about that.
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I don’t think you are understanding. The argument is that whites have not and do not experience racism like blacks have and do therefore they are not qualified to engage at the same level. Does that make sense to you?
Thats like saying I can't discuss the inner working of a car engine because I'm not a mechanic. I wish young blacks today could live for a month during Jim Crow era and then come back to the present and tell us whites are racists.
Well perhaps whites should try living a month in the shoes of modern day blacks and try to understand their plight. Perhaps there is more there than you think??
I don’t think you are understanding. The argument is that whites have not and do not experience racism like blacks have and do therefore they are not qualified to engage at the same level. Does that make sense to you?
Thats like saying I can't discuss the inner working of a car engine because I'm not a mechanic. I wish young blacks today could live for a month during Jim Crow era and then come back to the present and tell us whites are racists.
Well perhaps whites should try living a month in the shoes of modern day blacks and try to understand their plight. Perhaps there is more there than you think??
No, there's nothing mystical about it. American blacks have trapped themselves on modern day plantations. Same owners as ever were.
many of those who have been here from the beginning were some of the worst people here....and no, seniority should not count,like i said, some people dont deserve that kind of respect...

Have you ever considered that maybe it’s you folks who don’t understand what this nation was intended to be, if you think those founding families were so terrible?

Liberals and Progressives are the ones who deserve no respect.

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