DACA--elimination-& the devasting consequences to Social Security & Medicare

Its simple, illegals get the hell out of our country and take your damn kids with you.
Are you Native American? If not you should shut up. :laugh:
there is no such thing as a native american so you can just shut up now. And europeans set up the constitution. and that is what we base our laws off of.
Europeans stole the constitution from the Iroquois you idiot.

There is nothing more BONE-HEADED to me, than sending kids that grew up here, and were educated here to a foreign country so they can stimulate the economy there (not here) to pay taxes there (not here.) Keeping in mind that there are dreamers all over this country that are on college campus's and in Universities.

Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less kids. 10K babyboomers are entering social security on a daily basis, and this rate will continue for the next 9 to 10 years. Adding an additional 84 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. One working person is now supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. Social Security/Medicare is the reason we're continually having to raise the debt ceiling. Right now we don't have the younger generation population in this country to support the military.

So your options are:
1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2 Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the age of eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the wealthier to give to the poorer)
5. Keep kids that grew up in this country and that were educated in this country (right here) to support these funds, while also paying Federal and State taxes while stimulating the economy.


Reich wingers aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer when it comes to economics.

RONALD REAGAN started the biggest and longest lasting economic boom period in this country. What he do differently from other Presidents? With a swipe of a pen he legalized all illegals in this country.


They came out of their hiding places, got real jobs and started paying real taxes. They opened up their own business's and hired other Americans. They bought & built homes, American cars, T.V's and electronics, furniture, appliances. They went to school & paid for college educations. They had no fear. They set off the longest lasting economic boom period in this Nation's history.

If you don't remember what Ronald Reagan was like, you can watch this video from a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

The next serious consquence: Migrant workers are not crossing the border to help farmers bring in their harvests which is now skyrocketing prices on beef, chicken, eggs, milk and fruit and vegi's are rotting on the vine. All due to the hateful rhetoric coming from the Reich wing.
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The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, anger, hate, bigotry, & misogyny.

LMAO, like 800,000 are going to make a dent in 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. You shit don't add up dummy. Ponzi schemes can never sustain themselves.

Its simple, illegals get the hell out of our country and take your damn kids with you.
Are you Native American? If not you should shut up. :laugh:
Key word "illegals"
Yes whites were illegal you dumbfuck.
Yes give me a link that says whites were welcomed to land here in the Americas.
Obviously the term "illegal" escapes you.
Have fun in your ignorance, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck
What about your 401ks and your IRA's?

What about them? We are discussing how the federal government has raided Social Security stealing our money and how they have no way of paying us back. Now they are proposing to cheat us, by raising the retirement age hoping we die before we can collect a dime of our money.

First, it was Ronnie Reagan who turned SS into (basically) a pay as you go program. Second, its republic pols who want to make changes that would further erode SS.

Your post is a dishonest spun half truth, are you a liberal? Who controlled congress under Reagan? Which branch of government drafts and passes budgets?

Yes, I am a Liberal and funny you should assert who controlled Congress during the Reagan Administration when clearly you don't know.

I stand by my previous post.

Shocker, of course you stand by your spun intentionally dishonest half truth post, your liberal.

The Senate under Ron Reagan was in republic hands from 1982-1987. BTW your shrinking of saint Ron in the face of Democrat Tip O'Neil is noted.
Well I'm in my 50's and government has spent every last dime I have paid into Social Security and Medicare, they also spent every last dime my employer paid on my behalf. WTF seems an appropriate response.
What about your 401ks and your IRA's?

What about them? We are discussing how the federal government has raided Social Security stealing our money and how they have no way of paying us back. Now they are proposing to cheat us, by raising the retirement age hoping we die before we can collect a dime of our money.

First, it was Ronnie Reagan who turned SS into (basically) a pay as you go program. Second, its republic pols who want to make changes that would further erode SS.

Your post is a dishonest spun half truth, are you a liberal? Who controlled congress under Reagan? Which branch of government drafts and passes budgets?

Yes, I am a Liberal and funny you should assert who controlled Congress during the Reagan Administration when clearly you don't know.

I stand by my previous post.
Congress was firmly in the Dems hand for all 8 years of Reagan dumb ass.
Its simple, illegals get the hell out of our country and take your damn kids with you.
Are you Native American? If not you should shut up. :laugh:
Ya cause my family has been here since 1607 I should shut up? How about you go back to Africa?
Yes you should shut up. NAs were here long before 1607.

I have been back to Africa. However the point is that I am not calling people illegal while being a white person that is here illegally.
Wow, there were immigration laws in place when the evil white man showed up?

Who knew?

White people are typically clueless about things that existed before they showed up. There is a reason they were last to civilization and had to be reeducated on two occasions.
Yeah those Indians and their railroads, guns industry were really kicking ass.
Wow, there were immigration laws in place when the evil white man showed up?

Who knew?

White people are typically clueless about things that existed before they showed up. There is a reason they were last to civilization and had to be reeducated on two occasions.
Yeah those Indians and their railroads, guns industry were really kicking ass.
It was indeed a step back but only if you consider pollution and genocide a good thing.
started paying tax/ SS at 17, But Never did resent paying to keep your grandmother & my grandmother housed & fed if needed.
always have been grateful to have been born here & to be an American.
happy to pay my taxes, travel our roads, use are airports to go where I chose.
grateful I could practice my faith, schools free for my children & my self.
yes I am very disappointed now & many times in the past with how the government is run.
Never ever considered not helping others.
or that when it was my time to be the old person, who May at sometime need some help.
so many of you would chose to throw me under the bus, because? Why?
WHATS YOUR EXCUSE fellow American.
I have no problem with basing the DACA immigration policy on economics as long as the contributors are allowed to stay but we toss the bums out.
Wow, there were immigration laws in place when the evil white man showed up?

Who knew?

White people are typically clueless about things that existed before they showed up. There is a reason they were last to civilization and had to be reeducated on two occasions.
Yeah those Indians and their railroads, guns industry were really kicking ass.
It was indeed a step back but only if you consider pollution and genocide a good thing.
You could help them out a lot since you aren't native here either. Head back to Africa and get out of the way.

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