DACA Schmocka: Let's discuss the REAL problem

What can we do to improve conditions south of the border?

  • Pursue some kind of military cooperative agreement

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pursue some kind of performance-based private investing strategy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Re-direction of Federal funds to _____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nothing can be done, it's hopeless, just build a wall

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Other, please describe

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Mango Tango

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
Well, so much for THAT idea.

Maybe you should talk to Ms. America Contestants... they seem to be more on your level of idealism.


'And I'm all for "World Peace".'
A factory worker in Mexico makes about 2 bucks an hour. He can come across the border illegally and mow lawns for 10 bucks an hour.

Can you fix that?
A factory worker in Mexico makes about 2 bucks an hour. He can come across the border illegally and mow lawns for 10 bucks an hour.

Can you fix that?

Most countries control illegal immigration by using a national ID that is required to be employed, receive government benefits and to vote.
It would be more effective than a fence.
There are 7 billion people in the world that want to mooch off of the American taxpayers.
We has a right and a duty to control our immigration.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.
Latin American Countries have been unable to determine their own course since the time of the the Dulles brothers. Gee, I wonder why they can't get their act together and act in the best interests of the US. Let's just force them to do it!

Americans never took notice until it started to affect them here at home. And now they can't figure out what in the world could be the problem. Let's build a wall. That will solve it. But only for us because who really cares about those people anyway. We can just continue to exploit them.

American exceptionalism.
So true.

I would add that the evil Dulles brothers certainly made matters much worse, but the problem started when the US government decided to build an empire. This started in the mid-19th century with the invasion of Mexico and the confiscation of it's northern lands. It just got progressively worse over time. The Spanish American War saw the US government take lands from Spain.

How many times has the US sent it's marines into these nations to impose it's well? The political leadership of these nations knows you better do as the US gov says, or you will be dead. US corporations have been allowed to run these nations for decades, with the help of the US military and CIA.

Americans like to believe their nation is honorable and just. I don't know how they can, if they bother to objectively read the history. The American people are a great people. Sadly their ruling class are nothing but a bunch of criminals.

So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
There is a distinction between investing and extracting that is probably lost on you.

Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Decriminalised drugs. End the writing on drugs.
Everybody wins.
Americas addiction destabilise the economies of these countries.
Treat drugs as a health issue. Grow drugs legally over there and let the people benefit rather than gangsters.

You would benefit as your prisons would empty and your communities would not be blighted.

As the tandard of living improves in Latin America people would not want to move.
We gain nothing from immigration, diversity is not a value and it's not beneficial and including more foreigners in our society only serves to destroy our society.

Okay, guy, unless you are a Native American, your ancestors probably immigrated here from somewhere.

The thing is, stuff you say about the Mexicans now is the same shit they said about the Poles 50 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago and the Irish 150 years ago.

The so-called "native Americans" also immigrated here from somewhere else, moron. We also didn't gain anything from the Poles, the Germans and the Irish - especially the Irish. They were a big problem for us for a long time.

In the old days there was plenty of empty land in this country, so we had room for immigrants. That's no longer the case. We don't need any more immigrants. We gain nothing from ignorant low wage labor from Mexico.
Latin American Countries have been unable to determine their own course since the time of the the Dulles brothers. Gee, I wonder why they can't get their act together and act in the best interests of the US. Let's just force them to do it!

Americans never took notice until it started to affect them here at home. And now they can't figure out what in the world could be the problem. Let's build a wall. That will solve it. But only for us because who really cares about those people anyway. We can just continue to exploit them.

American exceptionalism.
So true.

I would add that the evil Dulles brothers certainly made matters much worse, but the problem started when the US government decided to build an empire. This started in the mid-19th century with the invasion of Mexico and the confiscation of it's northern lands. It just got progressively worse over time. The Spanish American War saw the US government take lands from Spain.

How many times has the US sent it's marines into these nations to impose it's well? The political leadership of these nations knows you better do as the US gov says, or you will be dead. US corporations have been allowed to run these nations for decades, with the help of the US military and CIA.

Americans like to believe their nation is honorable and just. I don't know how they can, if they bother to objectively read the history. The American people are a great people. Sadly their ruling class are nothing but a bunch of criminals.

So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
There is a distinction between investing and extracting that is probably lost on you.

Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Unfortunately for your imbecile prescription, this is a free country. Corporations are allowed to produce for whatever purpose they like.
A factory worker in Mexico makes about 2 bucks an hour. He can come across the border illegally and mow lawns for 10 bucks an hour.

Can you fix that?

Most countries control illegal immigration by using a national ID that is required to be employed, receive government benefits and to vote.
It would be more effective than a fence.
There are 7 billion people in the world that want to mooch off of the American taxpayers.
We has a right and a duty to control our immigration.

I don't have any problem with that.

I do recall, from many many years ago, that the constituency most opposed to national ID cards was the Right, ironically.
So true.

I would add that the evil Dulles brothers certainly made matters much worse, but the problem started when the US government decided to build an empire. This started in the mid-19th century with the invasion of Mexico and the confiscation of it's northern lands. It just got progressively worse over time. The Spanish American War saw the US government take lands from Spain.

How many times has the US sent it's marines into these nations to impose it's well? The political leadership of these nations knows you better do as the US gov says, or you will be dead. US corporations have been allowed to run these nations for decades, with the help of the US military and CIA.

Americans like to believe their nation is honorable and just. I don't know how they can, if they bother to objectively read the history. The American people are a great people. Sadly their ruling class are nothing but a bunch of criminals.

So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
There is a distinction between investing and extracting that is probably lost on you.

Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Unfortunately for your imbecile prescription, this is a free country. Corporations are allowed to produce for whatever purpose they like.
The problem is that you freed the Mexican State for American corporations to do as they pleased.
Most countries control illegal immigration by using a national ID that is required to be employed, receive government benefits and to vote.
It would be more effective than a fence.
There are 7 billion people in the world that want to mooch off of the American taxpayers.
We has a right and a duty to control our immigration.

Okay, but here's the thing.

The guy who needs his lawn mowed isn't going to ask for that national ID, or even keep a record of how much he paid him.

Neither is the person who hires a Nanny, or picks up some day laborers outside the Home Depot.
So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
There is a distinction between investing and extracting that is probably lost on you.

Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Unfortunately for your imbecile prescription, this is a free country. Corporations are allowed to produce for whatever purpose they like.
The problem is that you freed the Mexican State for American corporations to do as they pleased.
I freed the Mexican state? When did I do that?
There is a distinction between investing and extracting that is probably lost on you.

Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Unfortunately for your imbecile prescription, this is a free country. Corporations are allowed to produce for whatever purpose they like.
The problem is that you freed the Mexican State for American corporations to do as they pleased.
I freed the Mexican state? When did I do that?
It is your ideology bud, not mine.
Let's be honest.
The greedy Democratic Party has devolved into using third worlders to build their voter base and it regards middle class white voters to their "uneducated and deplorable" enemy.
That is why they want open borders.
Most countries control illegal immigration by using a national ID that is required to be employed, receive government benefits and to vote.
It would be more effective than a fence.
There are 7 billion people in the world that want to mooch off of the American taxpayers.
We has a right and a duty to control our immigration.

Okay, but here's the thing.

The guy who needs his lawn mowed isn't going to ask for that national ID, or even keep a record of how much he paid him.

Neither is the person who hires a Nanny, or picks up some day laborers outside the Home Depot.
sooooo you are saying don't even try to control immigration
Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Unfortunately for your imbecile prescription, this is a free country. Corporations are allowed to produce for whatever purpose they like.
The problem is that you freed the Mexican State for American corporations to do as they pleased.
I freed the Mexican state? When did I do that?
It is your ideology bud, not mine.

That doesn't explain what you mean by saying I "freed the Mexican state." Capitalism isn't responsible for the problems of Mexico's corrupt government.
Most countries control illegal immigration by using a national ID that is required to be employed, receive government benefits and to vote.
It would be more effective than a fence.
There are 7 billion people in the world that want to mooch off of the American taxpayers.
We has a right and a duty to control our immigration.

Okay, but here's the thing.

The guy who needs his lawn mowed isn't going to ask for that national ID, or even keep a record of how much he paid him.

Neither is the person who hires a Nanny, or picks up some day laborers outside the Home Depot.
sooooo you are saying don't even try to control immigration

Yes, that's what he's saying. Although I'm sure he will deny it. Every open borders douchebag denies that he supports open borders.

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