DACA Schmocka: Let's discuss the REAL problem

What can we do to improve conditions south of the border?

  • Pursue some kind of military cooperative agreement

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pursue some kind of performance-based private investing strategy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Re-direction of Federal funds to _____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nothing can be done, it's hopeless, just build a wall

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Other, please describe

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Mango Tango

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.

A great big no shit right there brother!
Amazingly though, some Americans would dispute this.

Agreed, we have infrastructure that needs upgraded all over the country but knuckleheads want to build a damn wall and interfere in Latin American countries business. All while spending OUR tax dollars, PRICELESS!
So am I the only person here who thinks that the real problem is that these people are desperate to escape their countries?
Obviously that is merely a symptom of the problem. The question you need to examine is why do they want to escape.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
What resources? Be specific.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
What resources? Be specific.
I already stated that in the specific case of Mexico I am referring to labor.
You're full of shit. They never said any such thing about the Germans. They started immigrating here at least 200 years ago.

You need to educate yourself, dummy.

During World War I, U.S. Government Propaganda Erased German Culture

This week marks the centennial of U.S. entry into World War I, a conflict that shattered empires and cost millions of lives. On the American home front, it made this country less culturally German.

Today, when the question of loyalty of immigrants has again become contentious, what happened a century ago has special relevance. World War I inspired an outbreak of nativism and xenophobia that targeted German immigrants, Americans of German descent and even the German language.

It was a remarkable reversal of fortune. Germans were the largest non-English-speaking minority group in the U.S. at the time. The 1910 census counted more than 8 million first- and second-generation German-Americans in the population of 92 million.

"Hans Kuhnwald, the concertmeister of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, was interned; the German language was forbidden; the German-American press was heavily censored; libraries had to pull German books off the shelves; German-American organizations were targeted," Schade says, "and what happened, of course, is the German-Americans considered themselves to be good Americans of German extraction, several generations removed from the old country."

Yeah, that was WW I. All kinds of hysteria went on then. Same thing happened in WW II. They put Germans and Italians in concentration camps. In both cases Democrats were responsible.
All countries have immigration laws.
It is not intolerant to have immigration laws and borders.
No other country allows as much illegal immigration as we do.
We have a 100% right and duty to control our immigration.

Most other countries aren't countries of immigrants. We are.

and the racist hysteria over Hispanic Immigrants is just sad to watch.

So? You're saying we aren't entitled to control our own borders? According to what law? There is no "we are a nation of immigrants" section in the Constitution, moron.
Latin American Countries have been unable to determine their own course since the time of the the Dulles brothers. Gee, I wonder why they can't get their act together and act in the best interests of the US. Let's just force them to do it!

Americans never took notice until it started to affect them here at home. And now they can't figure out what in the world could be the problem. Let's build a wall. That will solve it. But only for us because who really cares about those people anyway. We can just continue to exploit them.

American exceptionalism.
So true.

I would add that the evil Dulles brothers certainly made matters much worse, but the problem started when the US government decided to build an empire. This started in the mid-19th century with the invasion of Mexico and the confiscation of it's northern lands. It just got progressively worse over time. The Spanish American War saw the US government take lands from Spain.

How many times has the US sent it's marines into these nations to impose it's well? The political leadership of these nations knows you better do as the US gov says, or you will be dead. US corporations have been allowed to run these nations for decades, with the help of the US military and CIA.

Americans like to believe their nation is honorable and just. I don't know how they can, if they bother to objectively read the history. The American people are a great people. Sadly their ruling class are nothing but a bunch of criminals.

So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
There is a distinction between investing and extracting that is probably lost on you.

Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Why would they do that? A business is not a humanitarian endeavor, nor is it an entity for the repair of third world economies. At least, not American companies.

What needs to happen south of our border and in all of Central/South America is their own form of 'industrial revolution'. They need a few modern-day Rockefellers, Carnegies, Vanderbilts, Morgans, and Edisons. They need to be motivated to improve their own place in history.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.

A great big no shit right there brother!
Amazingly though, some Americans would dispute this.

They would dispute it because it's horseshit.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.

A great big no shit right there brother!
Amazingly though, some Americans would dispute this.

Agreed, we have infrastructure that needs upgraded all over the country but knuckleheads want to build a damn wall and interfere in Latin American countries business. All while spending OUR tax dollars, PRICELESS!

It's not an "either/or" situation, numskull. Trump is only asking $18 billion for the wall, although I think he should ask for twice that much. Upgrading all the infrastructure Dims claim we need will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.
So true.

I would add that the evil Dulles brothers certainly made matters much worse, but the problem started when the US government decided to build an empire. This started in the mid-19th century with the invasion of Mexico and the confiscation of it's northern lands. It just got progressively worse over time. The Spanish American War saw the US government take lands from Spain.

How many times has the US sent it's marines into these nations to impose it's well? The political leadership of these nations knows you better do as the US gov says, or you will be dead. US corporations have been allowed to run these nations for decades, with the help of the US military and CIA.

Americans like to believe their nation is honorable and just. I don't know how they can, if they bother to objectively read the history. The American people are a great people. Sadly their ruling class are nothing but a bunch of criminals.

So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
There is a distinction between investing and extracting that is probably lost on you.

Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Why would they do that? A business is not a humanitarian endeavor, nor is it an entity for the repair of third world economies. At least, not American companies.

What needs to happen south of our border and in all of Central/South America is their own form of 'industrial revolution'. They need a few modern-day Rockefellers, Carnegies, Vanderbilts, Morgans, and Edisons. They need to be motivated to improve their own place in history.
Why would they do that?
Because doing what they did is morally reprehensible.
So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
There is a distinction between investing and extracting that is probably lost on you.

Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Why would they do that? A business is not a humanitarian endeavor, nor is it an entity for the repair of third world economies. At least, not American companies.

What needs to happen south of our border and in all of Central/South America is their own form of 'industrial revolution'. They need a few modern-day Rockefellers, Carnegies, Vanderbilts, Morgans, and Edisons. They need to be motivated to improve their own place in history.
Why would they do that?
Because doing what they did is morally reprehensible.
Building a factory in Mexico is morally reprehensible?
So am I the only person here who thinks that the real problem is that these people are desperate to escape their countries?

Their problem, not mine. Wall them off and pray they kill each other off. (Same for ME muslims). Enough with the Salvation Army of USA.
So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
There is a distinction between investing and extracting that is probably lost on you.

Actually American companies invest and employ. That is not stealing.
BTW the dumb left wing Venezuelan government has kicked out those eeeeeeevil corporations and now they are starving.
It is the way they went about it that makes the difference.

What should have happened is that American corporations should have invested their money into producing goods and services specifically for the Mexican people not for importing back into the US.
Why would they do that? A business is not a humanitarian endeavor, nor is it an entity for the repair of third world economies. At least, not American companies.

What needs to happen south of our border and in all of Central/South America is their own form of 'industrial revolution'. They need a few modern-day Rockefellers, Carnegies, Vanderbilts, Morgans, and Edisons. They need to be motivated to improve their own place in history.
Why would they do that?
Because doing what they did is morally reprehensible.

What is moral about being a poor third world country?
The industrial revolution gave us steel, railroads, electricity, indoor plumbing, telephones, cars, the internet......all of the things that you are benefiting from.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.

I agree....Its like some people want them to change our demographics for political reasons other then helping them build stable countries...

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