DACA Schmocka: Let's discuss the REAL problem

What can we do to improve conditions south of the border?

  • Pursue some kind of military cooperative agreement

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pursue some kind of performance-based private investing strategy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Re-direction of Federal funds to _____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nothing can be done, it's hopeless, just build a wall

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Other, please describe

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Mango Tango

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
It’s not our responsibility to fix other countries. Also, we cannot afford to do so. We can agree to some sort of conciderations with regard to DACA if and only if the wall is built.

Or the DACA's can just go back into hiding until Trump is impeached and we can start over.

But pissing away good money on a useless wall isn't worth it.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.

A great big no shit right there brother!
Amazingly though, some Americans would dispute this.

Agreed, we have infrastructure that needs upgraded all over the country but knuckleheads want to build a damn wall and interfere in Latin American countries business. All while spending OUR tax dollars, PRICELESS!

It's not an "either/or" situation, numskull. Trump is only asking $18 billion for the wall, although I think he should ask for twice that much. Upgrading all the infrastructure Dims claim we need will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

Exactly, so why waste any on a stupid wall. And 18,000,000,000 is only the first phase. Crypat, the lil brown people aren't going to harm you. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning multiple times as being harmed by the lil brown folk.
Well, the point is from the perspective that it is in our selfish interests to do so.

But definitely I think I'm on my own on this one...

Pretty much. We've been intervening in Latin America since the fucking Monroe Doctrine.

And when we aren't punishing countries like Cuba and Venezuela for daring to defy us, we are propping up awful governments down there.
I will put in pictures for you ^^^^ to understand. The Wall costs 1/10 of one year worth of expenditures on Illegals.


The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Maybe a picture is worth a 1000 words.
So am I the only person here who thinks that the real problem is that these people are desperate to escape their countries?

No, the problem is you think it's OUR problem.

It isn't. It's up to the people there to fix their own countries, not us. We've already given away the store with NAFTA, and things have gotten worse.

Our problem is a lot simpler.

We need to make sure that American jobs are available to Americans, first. Then and only then do we admit others to do them, but only on our terms.

A wall is stupid because until you dry up the demand, you are always going to have a supply.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.

A great big no shit right there brother!
Amazingly though, some Americans would dispute this.

Agreed, we have infrastructure that needs upgraded all over the country but knuckleheads want to build a damn wall and interfere in Latin American countries business. All while spending OUR tax dollars, PRICELESS!

If we build the wall, we have the money to do the infrastructure rather than support illegals.
We should do nothing why in the hell should the US be the world police and why in the hell should we Fix other people's problems.
We are NOT the world bank and we are not the fix all cure all Country. ...................

WHO THE FK helps the US in time of need.................... ?
Millions of Democrat Voters are hardcore racist assholes and that is why they have racist organizations like La Raza, Mecha and the Aztlan Nationalist who brag about invading our country.

Really? Isn't that like judging the whole conservative movement by the Westboro Baptist Church?

Let me know when you have a rational argument.

Yea, and when are the Democrats going to stop calling mainstream people "nazis"
A wall is stupid because until you dry up the demand, you are always going to have a supply.

yeah well, WE have been un-able to get RINO-DEM to dry up the "demand". Therefore WE elected Trump to stop the flow by using a big thick wall with Dogs, Guns and whatever.

Get the DEM-RINO to enact a reasonable guest worker program. Not simply a steady stream of DEM voters until collapse again into a giant Socialist hell-hole with misery for all.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.

A great big no shit right there brother!
Amazingly though, some Americans would dispute this.

Agreed, we have infrastructure that needs upgraded all over the country but knuckleheads want to build a damn wall and interfere in Latin American countries business. All while spending OUR tax dollars, PRICELESS!

It's not an "either/or" situation, numskull. Trump is only asking $18 billion for the wall, although I think he should ask for twice that much. Upgrading all the infrastructure Dims claim we need will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

Exactly, so why waste any on a stupid wall. And 18,000,000,000 is only the first phase. Crypat, the lil brown people aren't going to harm you. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning multiple times as being harmed by the lil brown folk.

What a fucking moron. Your "logic" for not building it is absurd. "We shouldn't build it because the cost is nothing compared to other infrastructure projects?" Only a brain damaged cockroach could come up with that kind of argument.

Every illegal alien who works takes a job from an American. They also vote themselves more welfare benefits. We currently spend $120 billion / year on illegal aliens. You have to be a certifiable imbecile to claim they don't harm Americans.
Well, the point is from the perspective that it is in our selfish interests to do so.

But definitely I think I'm on my own on this one...

Pretty much. We've been intervening in Latin America since the fucking Monroe Doctrine.

And when we aren't punishing countries like Cuba and Venezuela for daring to defy us, we are propping up awful governments down there.

Apparently you believe communism is preferable compared to some tinpot dictator. The later is merely corrupt. The former are mass murderers.
It’s not our responsibility to fix other countries. Also, we cannot afford to do so. We can agree to some sort of conciderations with regard to DACA if and only if the wall is built.

Or the DACA's can just go back into hiding until Trump is impeached and we can start over.

But pissing away good money on a useless wall isn't worth it.

They are going into hiding forever?
A great big no shit right there brother!
Amazingly though, some Americans would dispute this.

Agreed, we have infrastructure that needs upgraded all over the country but knuckleheads want to build a damn wall and interfere in Latin American countries business. All while spending OUR tax dollars, PRICELESS!

It's not an "either/or" situation, numskull. Trump is only asking $18 billion for the wall, although I think he should ask for twice that much. Upgrading all the infrastructure Dims claim we need will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

Exactly, so why waste any on a stupid wall. And 18,000,000,000 is only the first phase. Crypat, the lil brown people aren't going to harm you. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning multiple times as being harmed by the lil brown folk.

What a fucking moron. Your "logic" for not building it is absurd. "We shouldn't build it because the cost is nothing compared to other infrastructure projects?" Only a brain damaged cockroach could come up with that kind of argument.

Every illegal alien who works takes a job from an American. They also vote themselves more welfare benefits. We currently spend $120 billion / year on illegal aliens. You have to be a certifiable imbecile to claim they don't harm Americans.

Most of the illegals here aren't just strolling across the border honey. They are invited here on work visas and then stay after their visas run out. The corporations don't care and either keep them or hire them anyway. So tell me crypat how is your stupid wall going to stop that! You sir truely are an unhinged maroon!
Amazingly though, some Americans would dispute this.

Agreed, we have infrastructure that needs upgraded all over the country but knuckleheads want to build a damn wall and interfere in Latin American countries business. All while spending OUR tax dollars, PRICELESS!

It's not an "either/or" situation, numskull. Trump is only asking $18 billion for the wall, although I think he should ask for twice that much. Upgrading all the infrastructure Dims claim we need will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

Exactly, so why waste any on a stupid wall. And 18,000,000,000 is only the first phase. Crypat, the lil brown people aren't going to harm you. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning multiple times as being harmed by the lil brown folk.

What a fucking moron. Your "logic" for not building it is absurd. "We shouldn't build it because the cost is nothing compared to other infrastructure projects?" Only a brain damaged cockroach could come up with that kind of argument.

Every illegal alien who works takes a job from an American. They also vote themselves more welfare benefits. We currently spend $120 billion / year on illegal aliens. You have to be a certifiable imbecile to claim they don't harm Americans.

Most of the illegals here aren't just strolling across the border honey. They are invited here on work visas and then stay after their visas run out. The corporations don't care and either keep them or hire them anyway. So tell me crypat how is your stupid wall going to stop that! You sir truely are an unhinged maroon!

Bull shit. They are in fact strolling across the border.
Agreed, we have infrastructure that needs upgraded all over the country but knuckleheads want to build a damn wall and interfere in Latin American countries business. All while spending OUR tax dollars, PRICELESS!

It's not an "either/or" situation, numskull. Trump is only asking $18 billion for the wall, although I think he should ask for twice that much. Upgrading all the infrastructure Dims claim we need will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

Exactly, so why waste any on a stupid wall. And 18,000,000,000 is only the first phase. Crypat, the lil brown people aren't going to harm you. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning multiple times as being harmed by the lil brown folk.

What a fucking moron. Your "logic" for not building it is absurd. "We shouldn't build it because the cost is nothing compared to other infrastructure projects?" Only a brain damaged cockroach could come up with that kind of argument.

Every illegal alien who works takes a job from an American. They also vote themselves more welfare benefits. We currently spend $120 billion / year on illegal aliens. You have to be a certifiable imbecile to claim they don't harm Americans.

Most of the illegals here aren't just strolling across the border honey. They are invited here on work visas and then stay after their visas run out. The corporations don't care and either keep them or hire them anyway. So tell me crypat how is your stupid wall going to stop that! You sir truely are an unhinged maroon!

Bull shit. They are in fact strolling across the border.

Not most of them sunshine!
It's not an "either/or" situation, numskull. Trump is only asking $18 billion for the wall, although I think he should ask for twice that much. Upgrading all the infrastructure Dims claim we need will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

Exactly, so why waste any on a stupid wall. And 18,000,000,000 is only the first phase. Crypat, the lil brown people aren't going to harm you. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning multiple times as being harmed by the lil brown folk.

What a fucking moron. Your "logic" for not building it is absurd. "We shouldn't build it because the cost is nothing compared to other infrastructure projects?" Only a brain damaged cockroach could come up with that kind of argument.

Every illegal alien who works takes a job from an American. They also vote themselves more welfare benefits. We currently spend $120 billion / year on illegal aliens. You have to be a certifiable imbecile to claim they don't harm Americans.

Most of the illegals here aren't just strolling across the border honey. They are invited here on work visas and then stay after their visas run out. The corporations don't care and either keep them or hire them anyway. So tell me crypat how is your stupid wall going to stop that! You sir truely are an unhinged maroon!

Bull shit. They are in fact strolling across the border.

Not most of them sunshine!

Quite a lot of them. The thing is that it’s a hell of a lot easier to send back the ones that the businesses bring over than the ones who cross the border. That’s why the wall needs to be built.

But I know exactly why you have to lie about it, illegals are the future of the democrat party.
Exactly, so why waste any on a stupid wall. And 18,000,000,000 is only the first phase. Crypat, the lil brown people aren't going to harm you. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning multiple times as being harmed by the lil brown folk.

What a fucking moron. Your "logic" for not building it is absurd. "We shouldn't build it because the cost is nothing compared to other infrastructure projects?" Only a brain damaged cockroach could come up with that kind of argument.

Every illegal alien who works takes a job from an American. They also vote themselves more welfare benefits. We currently spend $120 billion / year on illegal aliens. You have to be a certifiable imbecile to claim they don't harm Americans.

Most of the illegals here aren't just strolling across the border honey. They are invited here on work visas and then stay after their visas run out. The corporations don't care and either keep them or hire them anyway. So tell me crypat how is your stupid wall going to stop that! You sir truely are an unhinged maroon!

Bull shit. They are in fact strolling across the border.

Not most of them sunshine!

Quite a lot of them. The thing is that it’s a hell of a lot easier to send back the ones that the businesses bring over than the ones who cross the border. That’s why the wall needs to be built.

But I know exactly why you have to lie about it, illegals are the future of the democrat party.
LOL, could careless about the Dims or the rethuglicons. They are both as fucked up as the wall!

Nice try though hack!
What a fucking moron. Your "logic" for not building it is absurd. "We shouldn't build it because the cost is nothing compared to other infrastructure projects?" Only a brain damaged cockroach could come up with that kind of argument.

Every illegal alien who works takes a job from an American. They also vote themselves more welfare benefits. We currently spend $120 billion / year on illegal aliens. You have to be a certifiable imbecile to claim they don't harm Americans.

Most of the illegals here aren't just strolling across the border honey. They are invited here on work visas and then stay after their visas run out. The corporations don't care and either keep them or hire them anyway. So tell me crypat how is your stupid wall going to stop that! You sir truely are an unhinged maroon!

Bull shit. They are in fact strolling across the border.

Not most of them sunshine!

Quite a lot of them. The thing is that it’s a hell of a lot easier to send back the ones that the businesses bring over than the ones who cross the border. That’s why the wall needs to be built.

But I know exactly why you have to lie about it, illegals are the future of the democrat party.
LOL, could careless about the Dims or the rethuglicons. They are both as fucked up as the wall!

Nice try though hack!

Most of the illegals here aren't just strolling across the border honey. They are invited here on work visas and then stay after their visas run out. The corporations don't care and either keep them or hire them anyway. So tell me crypat how is your stupid wall going to stop that! You sir truely are an unhinged maroon!

Bull shit. They are in fact strolling across the border.

Not most of them sunshine!

Quite a lot of them. The thing is that it’s a hell of a lot easier to send back the ones that the businesses bring over than the ones who cross the border. That’s why the wall needs to be built.

But I know exactly why you have to lie about it, illegals are the future of the democrat party.
LOL, could careless about the Dims or the rethuglicons. They are both as fucked up as the wall!

Nice try though hack!


So are you and the wall!
Bull shit. They are in fact strolling across the border.

Not most of them sunshine!

Quite a lot of them. The thing is that it’s a hell of a lot easier to send back the ones that the businesses bring over than the ones who cross the border. That’s why the wall needs to be built.

But I know exactly why you have to lie about it, illegals are the future of the democrat party.
LOL, could careless about the Dims or the rethuglicons. They are both as fucked up as the wall!

Nice try though hack!


So are you and the wall!

Once again, a wall is needed in case another lawless Obama weasels his way into power and floods the country again from down south, telling border guard to back off federal lands. huh? Wth?

Surely you remember the trains running through Mexico stacked up with dreamers. They put them in housing centers across the southwest for transport up north. What was it ~50K/mo?

A lot of Americans are dreamers too....on hold for ~11 years.

I've seen aldo raines on yahoo.....btw//

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