Dad Arrested After Posting Picture Of Himself Holding Baby And BB Gun

Here is the picture. Can't see if the gun was loaded, I can see it was not pointed at the child. His finger was not even on the trigger.


Man arrested for posing with baby and BB gun on Facebook photo -- Society's Child --

It's sooo stupid, I'll bet the liberals agree with the police.
You see nothing wrong with someone holding a gun in one hand and a young baby in the other? Good grief.


How about this: you hear nothing wrong with it? What do you think the effect is of a gun going off six inches away on a baby's eardrums? Hell I'm not even a parent and I can figure that out.

What if the baby starts to slip out of his hands? Natural reaction is to grab her and break her fall, right? Well, he's already holding a gun.

Come on people. Do the math here.

One would have to have a finger on a trigger and the gun would have to be loaded.

You need remedial math.
You see nothing wrong with someone holding a gun in one hand and a young baby in the other? Good grief.


How about this: you hear nothing wrong with it? What do you think the effect is of a gun going off six inches away on a baby's eardrums? Hell I'm not even a parent and I can figure that out.

What if the baby starts to slip out of his hands? Natural reaction is to grab her and break her fall, right? Well, he's already holding a gun.

Come on people. Do the math here.

There is no way to tell from the picture if the gun is loaded. He's not holding it in a way that could be considered dangerous to the child. His arrest was totally over the line.

How about this: you hear nothing wrong with it? What do you think the effect is of a gun going off six inches away on a baby's eardrums? Hell I'm not even a parent and I can figure that out.

What if the baby starts to slip out of his hands? Natural reaction is to grab her and break her fall, right? Well, he's already holding a gun.

Come on people. Do the math here.

One would have to have a finger on a trigger and the gun would have to be loaded.

-- neither of which can be determined from the picture (duh). But he is holding that gun in such a way that if the child starts to fall, involuntary reaction is going to contract the hands in a grabbing action -- which, if he's got his finger on the trigger, pulls it. And again, regardless where it's pointed, the report alone is a threat. As a person with hearing damage myself I can't help noticing that nobody wants to touch that one.

And again, from a still picture it's impossible to determine what was going on before or after this was taken, or what kind of gun it was. What the guy was pinched for was child endangerment. Perhaps we should just look the other way when a child is next to a gun, or locked in a car in the heat, or shows up with bruises and welts, and just assume everything's fine. Perhaps we flunked math.

Some here seem to feel having a healthy gun is more important than having a healthy baby. Bizarre set of values.
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How about this: you hear nothing wrong with it? What do you think the effect is of a gun going off six inches away on a baby's eardrums?

Did it?

I don't know, I wasn't there. But clearly the conditions for it to happen are all present.

Some of y'all need to figure out that life is not a still picture. If he doesn't have his finger on the trigger here (it's hard to tell), there's nothing in the still picture to tell us he didn't make the tiny movement a moment later or earlier, the way the gun is designed to be held. One still picture is not the whole story. Nobody gets shot or hearing-damaged in a still picture. What it tells is circumstances. It doesn't tell what happened next.

The fact that somebody would be stupid or reckless enough to be holding a gun and a baby at the same time at all, is why he got nailed.

What if he left the baby in the car in the cold, but made it back in time before the child froze to death? That's OK too?

Come on folks, I've never had a baby and even I can figure this shit out. Don't be obtuse.
Since when is holding a gun and a baby illegal? :confused:

Dad arrested after posting picture of himself holding baby and BB gun
Published January 29, 2013

An Ohio dad was arrested after police said he posted a photo on Facebook of himself holding his baby daughter and a BB gun, Fox 19 reported.
Domonic Gaines, 22, was charged with child endangerment. Police told the station that the close proximity of the child to the gun in the photo is cause for concern. It was initially believed that Gaines was holding an actual handgun in the photo, according to earlier reports.
Gaines was in court on Monday and called the incident a misunderstanding. He was playing with the gun while visiting relatives, reported. His attorney said Gaines' ex-wife saw the photo and alerted authorities, the report said.

Dad arrested after posting picture of himself holding baby and BB gun | Fox News

and this is a story because? Ohio is Boehner (R) country so thats where the blame goes. :)

So.. is it illegal in Ohio to hold a gun if you have a child present? Do you not see a problem with this?

I'm in trouble...this is a .22 semi:

How about this: you hear nothing wrong with it? What do you think the effect is of a gun going off six inches away on a baby's eardrums?

Did it?
What if he left the baby in the car in the cold, but made it back in time before the child froze to death? That's OK too?

What if he crossed a street with the kid? Should we call the police? A car might come down the road and hit them. What kind of idiot walks across a street with a baby??? What if he leaves the house with the baby and someone robs him at gun point and the child's eardrum's get hurt?? What kind of idiot leaves the house with a child in such a dangerous world???


Come on folks, I've never had a baby

No shit. Adults who still wet their bed tend to have a tough time finding someone to sleep with them.
What if he left the baby in the car in the cold, but made it back in time before the child froze to death? That's OK too?

What if he crossed a street with the kid? Should we call the police? A car might come down the road and hit them. What kind of idiot walks across a street with a baby??? What if he leaves the house with the baby and someone robs him at gun point and the child's eardrum's get hurt?? What kind of idiot leaves the house with a child in such a dangerous world???


Come on folks, I've never had a baby

No shit. Adults who still wet their bed tend to have a tough time finding someone to sleep with them.

Still more desperation rationalizations to protect the name of Almighty Gun the Most High. The more they stretch, the sillier they get.

Again... placing the health of guns over the health of babies is just a bizarre set of priorities. Period.

And say Bro... don't you ever edit one of my posts again.
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Seems like an isolated incident to me....I'm gonna chalk it up to stupidity!

How can we, as a society, keep these things isolated, IF the police don't have a relative certainty that they will be shot in the face for pursuing such actions?

And we wonder how the Stasi, KGB, and Gestapo got away with what they did....
How about this: you hear nothing wrong with it? What do you think the effect is of a gun going off six inches away on a baby's eardrums?

Did it?

I don't know, I wasn't there. But clearly the conditions for it to happen are all present.

Some of y'all need to figure out that life is not a still picture. If he doesn't have his finger on the trigger here (it's hard to tell), there's nothing in the still picture to tell us he didn't make the tiny movement a moment later or earlier, the way the gun is designed to be held. One still picture is not the whole story. Nobody gets shot or hearing-damaged in a still picture. What it tells is circumstances. It doesn't tell what happened next.

The fact that somebody would be stupid or reckless enough to be holding a gun and a baby at the same time at all, is why he got nailed.

What if he left the baby in the car in the cold, but made it back in time before the child froze to death? That's OK too?

Come on folks, I've never had a baby and even I can figure this shit out. Don't be obtuse.

Do you understand that "if" a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass when he hops?
How about this: you hear nothing wrong with it? What do you think the effect is of a gun going off six inches away on a baby's eardrums?

Did it?

I don't know, I wasn't there. But clearly the conditions for it to happen are all present.

Some of y'all need to figure out that life is not a still picture. If he doesn't have his finger on the trigger here (it's hard to tell), there's nothing in the still picture to tell us he didn't make the tiny movement a moment later or earlier, the way the gun is designed to be held. One still picture is not the whole story. Nobody gets shot or hearing-damaged in a still picture. What it tells is circumstances. It doesn't tell what happened next.

The fact that somebody would be stupid or reckless enough to be holding a gun and a baby at the same time at all, is why he got nailed.

What if he left the baby in the car in the cold, but made it back in time before the child froze to death? That's OK too?

Come on folks, I've never had a baby and even I can figure this shit out. Don't be obtuse.

So by your theory it should be illegal to have a child in a car. Good to know.

I don't know, I wasn't there. But clearly the conditions for it to happen are all present.

Some of y'all need to figure out that life is not a still picture. If he doesn't have his finger on the trigger here (it's hard to tell), there's nothing in the still picture to tell us he didn't make the tiny movement a moment later or earlier, the way the gun is designed to be held. One still picture is not the whole story. Nobody gets shot or hearing-damaged in a still picture. What it tells is circumstances. It doesn't tell what happened next.

The fact that somebody would be stupid or reckless enough to be holding a gun and a baby at the same time at all, is why he got nailed.

What if he left the baby in the car in the cold, but made it back in time before the child froze to death? That's OK too?

Come on folks, I've never had a baby and even I can figure this shit out. Don't be obtuse.

So by your theory it should be illegal to have a child in a car. Good to know.

No, shithead. You simply do not put a helpless child in harm's way. Duh.

You asswipes that will bend a point over backwards to suck the dick of Almighty Gun at the expense of innocent children make me want to puke my guts out.
I don't know, I wasn't there. But clearly the conditions for it to happen are all present.

Some of y'all need to figure out that life is not a still picture. If he doesn't have his finger on the trigger here (it's hard to tell), there's nothing in the still picture to tell us he didn't make the tiny movement a moment later or earlier, the way the gun is designed to be held. One still picture is not the whole story. Nobody gets shot or hearing-damaged in a still picture. What it tells is circumstances. It doesn't tell what happened next.

The fact that somebody would be stupid or reckless enough to be holding a gun and a baby at the same time at all, is why he got nailed.

What if he left the baby in the car in the cold, but made it back in time before the child froze to death? That's OK too?

Come on folks, I've never had a baby and even I can figure this shit out. Don't be obtuse.

So by your theory it should be illegal to have a child in a car. Good to know.

No, shithead. You simply do not put a helpless child in harm's way. Duh.

You asswipes that will bend a point over backwards to suck the dick of Almighty Gun at the expense of innocent children make me want to puke my guts out.

Knock yourself out.
So by your theory it should be illegal to have a child in a car. Good to know.

No, shithead. You simply do not put a helpless child in harm's way. Duh.

You asswipes that will bend a point over backwards to suck the dick of Almighty Gun at the expense of innocent children make me want to puke my guts out.

Knock yourself out.

Thangyew. Ahem...:puke3:

It boggles my mind that some drones are so enslaved to their NRA masters that they'd rather look like imbeciles who can't figure out what words mean, than admit they're trying to rationalize a point that can't be won. Boggles the mind.
I don't know, I wasn't there. But clearly the conditions for it to happen are all present.

Some of y'all need to figure out that life is not a still picture. If he doesn't have his finger on the trigger here (it's hard to tell), there's nothing in the still picture to tell us he didn't make the tiny movement a moment later or earlier, the way the gun is designed to be held. One still picture is not the whole story. Nobody gets shot or hearing-damaged in a still picture. What it tells is circumstances. It doesn't tell what happened next.

The fact that somebody would be stupid or reckless enough to be holding a gun and a baby at the same time at all, is why he got nailed.

What if he left the baby in the car in the cold, but made it back in time before the child froze to death? That's OK too?

Come on folks, I've never had a baby and even I can figure this shit out. Don't be obtuse.

So by your theory it should be illegal to have a child in a car. Good to know.

No, shithead. You simply do not put a helpless child in harm's way. Duh.

You asswipes that will bend a point over backwards to suck the dick of Almighty Gun at the expense of innocent children make me want to puke my guts out.

Well you seem to feel it's all about the what ifs. If you don't put a baby in a car, you can't forget that you put the baby in the car.

Look. Do you see that the gun and the car are both equally dangerous to a child and yet you think nothing of someone using a car with a baby. Because a gun is present in a photo does not mean that the gun poses any danger to anyone in and of itself. Just because guns scare YOU, doesn't make them inherently dangerous. You need to realize that personal liberty is too precious to give up without a battle. I feel sorry for you.
So by your theory it should be illegal to have a child in a car. Good to know.

No, shithead. You simply do not put a helpless child in harm's way. Duh.

You asswipes that will bend a point over backwards to suck the dick of Almighty Gun at the expense of innocent children make me want to puke my guts out.

Well you seem to feel it's all about the what ifs. If you don't put a baby in a car, you can't forget that you put the baby in the car.

Look. Do you see that the gun and the car are both equally dangerous to a child and yet you think nothing of someone using a car with a baby. Because a gun is present in a photo does not mean that the gun poses any danger to anyone in and of itself. Just because guns scare YOU, doesn't make them inherently dangerous. You need to realize that personal liberty is too precious to give up without a battle. I feel sorry for you.

And I feel pity for anyone who needs to stretch a point to the extent of painting himself as an idiot. You're not fooling anyone but yourself with this false equivalence. It's the height of delusion to think anyone swallows this load of steaming crap.

What the hell have we descended to when genuflecting before the holy sepulcher of NRA ideology is more important than the life of a child? Seriously dood, get a fucking grip.
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No, shithead. You simply do not put a helpless child in harm's way. Duh.

You asswipes that will bend a point over backwards to suck the dick of Almighty Gun at the expense of innocent children make me want to puke my guts out.

Knock yourself out.

Thangyew. Ahem...:puke3:

It boggles my mind that some drones are so enslaved to their NRA masters that they'd rather look like imbeciles who can't figure out what words mean, than admit they're trying to rationalize a point that can't be won. Boggles the mind.

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