Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

By the way.........how hysterical is it that back just about 10 months ago, the k00ks flipped out every time RCP showed any number of polls showing McCain closer than Rasmussen did. The k00ks were falling all over themselves to post up the Rasmussen poll.............which turned out to be spot on!!!

Just as spot on as any other poll.

The final result was a margin of 7.2%, Rasmussen had 6%. There were plenty of other agencies that had numbers just as close, making Rasmussens numbers, that week, not an outlier at all.

But of course, that was right before the election. The numbers had radically changed over the preceding weeks.

Ahh, why do I even bother, you're just going to put up some stupid assed photograph of a clown and a firehydrant or something, captioned with something pithy like, "Fail!!!".

Good job Skooks! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Bet ya he doesn't.

ALL politicians care about what likely voters think...

Not 3 years before an election they don't.

Yes, they do...

There's elections every November... Some more interesting than others, but what likely voters are thinking matters a great deal to those who's only goal is to be re-elected...

You seroiusly don't think Barry cares if some of his fellow democratics get spanked at the ballot box?
and btw - Rassmussen did get their numbers closer in line by election day, but boy did you see their state polls - 4% Republican swing ACROSS THE BOARD.

They like to try to ignore that.
Yes, they do...

There's elections every November... Some more interesting than others, but what likely voters are thinking matters a great deal to those who's only goal is to be re-elected...

You seroiusly don't think Barry cares if some of his fellow democratics get spanked at the ballot box?

We were talking about his personal approval ratings, not approval ratings in congressional districts.
Yes, they do...

There's elections every November... Some more interesting than others, but what likely voters are thinking matters a great deal to those who's only goal is to be re-elected...

You seroiusly don't think Barry cares if some of his fellow democratics get spanked at the ballot box?

We were talking about his personal approval ratings, not approval ratings in congressional districts.

There is a correlation... When Barry does bad, his cronies do bad...

Why does this have to be explained??...

This is basic shit here....
There is a correlation... When Barry does bad, his cronies do bad...

Why does this have to be explained??...

This is basic shit here....

1) "Barry" isn't doing bad.

2) There is not necessarily a correlation. Clinton got re-elected after the Republicans took over congress. You can certainly have a popular president and an unpopular congress or the reverse.
And since Congressmen depend on their popularity in their individual district, not national popularity, there is even less of a correlation.
There is a correlation... When Barry does bad, his cronies do bad...

Why does this have to be explained??...

This is basic shit here....

1) "Barry" isn't doing bad.
According to likely voters he's sucking big time...

2) There is not necessarily a correlation. Clinton got re-elected after the Republicans took over congress. You can certainly have a popular president and an unpopular congress or the reverse.
And since Congressmen depend on their popularity in their individual district, not national popularity, there is even less of a correlation.
Scapegoats are blamed all the time in politics... Congress went stronger R because of Clintoon's actions.... Barry's minions are most definitely interested in what likely voters have to say about Barry...

You can continue to spin that as much as you want, but thems is the facts... A politician would be foolish not to...
According to likely voters he's sucking big time...

No, according to Scott Rasmussen's interpretation of what constitutes "likely" voters, he's slightly below 50%.

According to all the rest of the polls he's doing quite well, including FoxNews' own polling which has him at +15%.

Of course that's not "likely" voters, which is probably good considering what Fox would probably consider to be "likely".

Scapegoats are blamed all the time in politics... Congress went stronger R because of Clintoon's actions.... Barry's minions are most definitely interested in what likely voters have to say about Barry...

You can continue to spin that as much as you want, but thems is the facts... A politician would be foolish not to...

Also, it is certainly worth mentioning that Presidential Approval Ratings, as opposed to Election Prediction polls, are generally done without using the "likely voter" categorization.

Ronald Reagan, for instance, had a 52% approval rating average for his first term, that's all people, not just likely voters.

That would be lower than Obama's current approval rating of 53.2%.
Slipping in the polls get him on some morning talk shows, another speech to the school kid, call the unions gets the thugs and telepromter to the hall Obama will be there in the morning!! Call David Littleman get him on his show!!!!
David Littleman????
BTW - his poll numbers have been improving not slipping.

HOWEVER: Trying to corrolate approval numbers today with Obama's potential for re-election is foolish. It assumes a Republican candidate can achieve a higher rating.

Right now - there is no challenger to weigh Obama's numbers against (or the challengers who have been suggested lag far behind.)

A voter could approve of Obama and STILL vote for another candidate IF they approve of that other candidate more and someone who reports disapproving of Obama could still vote for him if they disapprove of his opponent even more.

Until you have someone to compare Obama's numbers with - they are of little value. They may indicate the level of popularity his opponent would need to achieve to have a fighting chance, but not much more.

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