Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

it is going up - even rassmussen has to admit it. Even THEIR latest has Obama's approval higher than disapproval.

Frothing at the mouth in denial ain't changing those numbers - appears I was right on target - they ARE pulling their hair out -
Looks like even Rasmussen thinks the President's approval rating is going up.


Rasmussen Daily Results: Approve: 50% / Dissapprove: 49% / Spread: +1

And here's the results from last week:

RCP Average: Approve: 52.8 / Dissapprove: 42.2 / Spread: +10.6

Gallup 52 / 41 / +11
Rasmussen Reports 49 / 50 / -1
Democracy Corps 51 / 42 / +9
CNN/Opinion Research 53 / 45 / +8
Ipsos-McClatchy 56 / 40 / +16
CBS News 56 / 35 / +21

Of course their results are still strangely different from all the other polling agencies, but what are you gonna do?

They typically have about a four point lean to the right. I believe it is the way they qualify folks as "likely" voters.
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Oh, and Skooks, everybody I'm sure by this point realizes that you have little to contribute but funny little pictures.

And they all realize that it's because you're literary skills are just past the level of Dr Seuss.

What's the last book you read that wasn't mainly made up of bright-colored pictures?
haters HAVE to be pulling their hair out as even rassmussen is forced to acknowledge Obama's spike in approval.

The economy continues to tank. Afghanistan is turning into a blood bath. Health care is shaping up to be a 1 trillion dollar boondoggle that will further sink the future.

Obama'a popularity drops another 2 points.

What are you reading?

Obama's popularity is on the RISE, thanks.

And the economy is doing quite well, according to every single indicator.

Afghanistan a "blood bath"? Wow, where do you even get this stuff?

You need to lay of either the "medication" or the FoxNews.

Seriously, put down the bong. Doing quite well?

hundreds of thousands losing their jobs every month. Sky rocketing deficits, now he wants to raise the debt ceiling.
Ya know - you can argue what's wrong or what's right until you are blue in the face. Doesn't alter the fact that Obama's approval ratings are rising.
The economy continues to tank. Afghanistan is turning into a blood bath. Health care is shaping up to be a 1 trillion dollar boondoggle that will further sink the future.

Obama'a popularity drops another 2 points.

What are you reading?

Obama's popularity is on the RISE, thanks.

And the economy is doing quite well, according to every single indicator.

Afghanistan a "blood bath"? Wow, where do you even get this stuff?

You need to lay of either the "medication" or the FoxNews.

Seriously, put down the bong. Doing quite well?

hundreds of thousands losing their jobs every month. Sky rocketing deficits, now he wants to raise the debt ceiling.

Job losses started well before Obama took office. In fact, most (2/3) of the current growth in unemployment occurred before Obama became president.

And unemployment as any economist can tell you, is the last thing to recover after a recession.

Reagan, for instance, took 3 years to bring unemployment under control after the Carter recession.

In addition, Reagan did both of the other two things you mentioned.

So I guess you think Reagan was a terrible president then?
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"Overall, 52% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. That represents a two-point gain following the speech and is the highest rating for the President since July 17. Forty-eight percent (48%) now disapprove."

WOW - even Rassmussen has to acknowledge the rising numbers ......
"Overall, 52% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. That represents a two-point gain following the speech and is the highest rating for the President since July 17. Forty-eight percent (48%) now disapprove."

WOW - even Rassmussen has to acknowledge the rising numbers ......
what do you mean "even"
Rasmussen posts their results
Oh, and Skooks, everybody I'm sure by this point realizes that you have little to contribute but funny little pictures.

And they all realize that it's because you're literary skills are just past the level of Dr Seuss.

What's the last book you read that wasn't mainly made up of bright-colored pictures?


my gay MS PAINT Photobucket classic's simply highlight the high level of absurdity in the thinking of the modern liberal!!!:lol:
Obama's popularity is on the RISE, thanks.

And the economy is doing quite well, according to every single indicator.

Afghanistan a "blood bath"? Wow, where do you even get this stuff?

You need to lay of either the "medication" or the FoxNews.

Seriously, put down the bong. Doing quite well?

hundreds of thousands losing their jobs every month. Sky rocketing deficits, now he wants to raise the debt ceiling.

Job losses started well before Obama took office. In fact, most (2/3) of the current growth in unemployment occurred before Obama became president.

And unemployment as any economist can tell you, is the last thing to recover after a recession.

Reagan, for instance, took 3 years to bring unemployment under control after the Carter recession.

In addition, Reagan did both of the other two things you mentioned.

So I guess you think Reagan was a terrible president then?


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