Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

I see the president's approval ratings are creeping up - I wonder why?
a few days ago the the approval/disapproval spread was +7.7 - now it's +11.7
How did he gain four points?
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That strongly approve number keeps trending lower and lower, he is in trouble. The Van Jones (Green job czar) controversy is only going to further erode at these numbers. You don't appoint a self avowed communist, a racist who is on video claiming that white people polluted black neighborhoods, ( those are not his exact words, but you can see it on U-tube) Then on 9-12 made accusations that the Bush administration knew beforehand and was instrumental in the terrorist attacks. Of course, as many of you might be stunned by this and still in denial about what your President is all about. Remember Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers connection and of course the recent Professor Gates controversy where he stated in a prime time a national news conference that the police acted " stupidly," after admitting that he knew nothing about the facts of the case.

Ask yourself- Have we elected a President who is a racist, who has an ideology that is more communist than capitalist? I think we have. 3 1/2 more years and plenty of time to find out, I just hope that we can keep him from doing extreme damage to this country in the meantime.

More vile hatred thrown at Obama.

The G-No-P has nothing left but hate.

Oh, and the president's approval rating has gone UP by at least 2 points, not down, in the last week.
the gap between those who disapprove and those who approve has gone up by 4 points in the last couple of days.
Backlash from the mean-spirited BS attacks? Quite possibly - people don't like petty
The poll averages are much more significant imho. I think you can find a poll that will tell you what you want to hear (that's why right-wingers ONLY quote rassmussen) but by averaging all the available polls - you sort of cancel out the partisan slant.

On 9/1/09 the averages gave Obama a 51.5 approval and 43.8 disapproval asw of 9/3/09 those numbers were 53.2 and and 41.5 respectively.

Take out rassmussen - which is noticably out of whack with every other polling organization - and his approval is 54.
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compare that to the 29 percent who said they approve of the job congressional republicans are doing and what you get is a classic example of what happens when you sling mud - your opponents numbers do drop - but so do yours.
Its amazing the outlandish results rassmussen puts out......and the right wing eats it up

Thats why they are doomed to fail again. They actually believe the American people support them
Its amazing the outlandish results rassmussen puts out......and the right wing eats it up

Thats why they are doomed to fail again. They actually believe the American people support them
have you seen the latest Zogby numbers?
Same criteria, "Likely Voters". Strange that they should use this methodology.

Be that as it may, this is a new thing. Perhaps they're doing it to get more readers/fans/attention.
Obama's poll numbers are reminding me of the tech crash of 2000/2001.

Down--Down--Down--not even a "blip" of up.

Now today--09/04/09 down --11 points.
Same criteria, "Likely Voters". Strange that they should use this methodology.

Be that as it may, this is a new thing. Perhaps they're doing it to get more readers/fans/attention.
so i guess Zogby is a "republican pollster" too, eh?
yet they were one of the two closest on last falls election

Well then APPARENTLY they were doing something right then that they're not doing now.

Because all the other polls were right there with them within the margin of error.

In their latest approval polls, they are way out of the bounds of the MoE.
more likely the OTHERS are doing something wrong

When you've got ten elements in a sample, nine of them show one result and the tenth shows another, the sole occurrence is normally the wrong one. Also, comparing election polling with issues polling is pretty meaningless. Rasmussen has a very good record on election polling. Their issue polling, on the other hand, has always been weak.
yet they were one of the two closest on last falls election

No they weren't. That is simply false. They missed the margin of victory by 1.3 points and at least 6 other polls were that good. PLUS, Rasmussen ADMITS they use a different sort of approval method that skews Obama's approval rating downward.

Please quote and link that exact admittance please - the one where Rasmussen states the method they use "skews Obama's approval rating downward".

Thank you.

I'm not sure about that statement, but Rasmussen's polling method (splitting approval and disapproval into two groups) will result in lower approval ratings for popular politicians and higher approval ratings for unpopular ones.

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